60 research outputs found

    LeClair-Mussardo series for two-point functions in Integrable QFT

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    We develop a well-defined spectral representation for two-point functions in relativistic Integrable QFT in finite density situations, valid for space-like separations. The resulting integral series is based on the infinite volume, zero density form factors of the theory, and certain statistical functions related to the distribution of Bethe roots in the finite density background. Our final formulas are checked by comparing them to previous partial results obtained in a low-temperature expansion. It is also show that in the limit of large separations the new integral series factorizes into the product of two LeClair-Mussardo series for one-point functions, thereby satisfying the clustering requirement for the two-point function.Comment: 27 pages, v2: minor modifications, a note and a reference adde

    Entanglement Content of Quantum Particle Excitations II. Disconnected Regions and Logarithmic Negativity

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    In this paper we study the increment of the entanglement entropy and of the (replica) logarithmic negativity in a zero-density excited state of a free massive bosonic theory, compared to the ground state. This extends the work of two previous publications by the same authors. We consider the case of two disconnected regions and find that the change in the entanglement entropy depends only on the combined size of the regions and is independent of their connectivity. We subsequently generalize this result to any number of disconnected regions. For the replica negativity we find that its increment is a polynomial with integer coefficients depending only on the sizes of the two regions. The logarithmic negativity turns out to have a more complicated functional structure than its replica version, typically involving roots of polynomials on the sizes of the regions. We obtain our results by two methods already employed in previous work: from a qubit picture and by computing four-point functions of branch point twist fields in finite volume. We test our results against numerical simulations on a harmonic chain and find excellent agreement

    Entanglement Oscillations near a Quantum Critical Point

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    We study the dynamics of entanglement in the scaling limit of the Ising spin chain in the presence of both a longitudinal and a transverse field. We present analytical results for the quench of the longitudinal field in the critical transverse field which go beyond current lattice integrability techniques. We test these results against a numerical simulation on the corresponding lattice model finding extremely good agreement. We show that the presence of bound states in the spectrum of the field theory leads to oscillations in the entanglement entropy and suppresses its linear growth on the time scales accessible to numerical simulations. For small quenches, we exactly determine these oscillatory contributions and demonstrate that their presence follows from symmetry arguments. For the quench of the transverse field at zero longitudinal field, we prove that the RĂ©nyi entropies are exactly proportional to the logarithm of the exponential of a time-dependent function, whose leading large-time behavior is linear, hence, entanglement grows linearly. We conclude that, in the scaling limit, linear growth and oscillations in the entanglement entropies can not be simply seen as consequences of integrability and its breaking, respectively

    Entanglement Content of Quantum Particle Excitations I. Free Field Theory

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    We evaluate the entanglement entropy of a single connected region in excited states of one-dimensional massive free theories with finite numbers of particles, in the limit of large volume and region length. For this purpose, we use finite-volume form factor expansions of branch-point twist field two-point functions. We find that the additive contribution to the entanglement due to the presence of particles has a simple "qubit" interpretation, and is largely independent of momenta: it only depends on the numbers of groups of particles with equal momenta. We conjecture that at large momenta, the same result holds for any volume and region lengths, including at small scales. We provide accurate numerical verifications

    Entanglement Content of Quasiparticle Excitations

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    We investigate the quantum entanglement content of quasiparticle excitations in extended many-body systems. We show that such excitations give an additive contribution to the bipartite von Neumann and RĂ©nyi entanglement entropies that takes a simple, universal form. It is largely independent of the momenta and masses of the excitations and of the geometry, dimension, and connectedness of the entanglement region. The result has a natural quantum information theoretic interpretation as the entanglement of a state where each quasiparticle is associated with two qubits representing their presence within and without the entanglement region, taking into account quantum (in)distinguishability. This applies to any excited state composed of finite numbers of quasiparticles with finite de Broglie wavelengths or finite intrinsic correlation length. This includes particle excitations in massive quantum field theory and gapped lattice systems, and certain highly excited states in conformal field theory and gapless models. We derive this result analytically in one-dimensional massive bosonic and fermionic free field theories and for simple setups in higher dimensions. We provide numerical evidence for the harmonic chain and the two-dimensional harmonic lattice in all regimes where the conditions above apply. Finally, we provide supporting calculations for integrable spin chain models and other interacting cases without particle production. Our results point to new possibilities for creating entangled states using many-body quantum systems

    Entanglement Content of Quantum Particle Excitations III. Graph Partition Functions

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    We consider two measures of entanglement, the logarithmic negativity and the entanglement entropy, between regions of space in excited states of many-body systems formed by a finite number of particle excitations. In parts I and II of the current series of papers, it has been shown in one-dimensional free-particle models that, in the limit of large system's and regions' sizes, the contribution from the particles is given by the entanglement of natural qubit states, representing the uniform distribution of particles in space. We show that the replica logarithmic negativity and R\'enyi entanglement entropy of such qubit states are equal to the partition functions of certain graphs, that encode the connectivity of the manifold induced by permutation twist fields. Using this new connection to graph theory, we provide a general proof, in the massive free boson model, that the qubit result holds in any dimensionality, and for any regions' shapes and connectivity. The proof is based on clustering and the permutation-twist exchange relations, and is potentially generalisable to other situations, such as lattice models, particle and hole excitations above generalised Gibbs ensembles, and interacting integrable models

    Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe

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    We generated genome-wide data from 69 Europeans who lived between 8,000-3,000 years ago by enriching ancient DNA libraries for a target set of almost four hundred thousand polymorphisms. Enrichment of these positions decreases the sequencing required for genome-wide ancient DNA analysis by a median of around 250-fold, allowing us to study an order of magnitude more individuals than previous studies and to obtain new insights about the past. We show that the populations of western and far eastern Europe followed opposite trajectories between 8,000-5,000 years ago. At the beginning of the Neolithic period in Europe, ~8,000-7,000 years ago, closely related groups of early farmers appeared in Germany, Hungary, and Spain, different from indigenous hunter-gatherers, whereas Russia was inhabited by a distinctive population of hunter-gatherers with high affinity to a ~24,000 year old Siberian6 . By ~6,000-5,000 years ago, a resurgence of hunter-gatherer ancestry had occurred throughout much of Europe, but in Russia, the Yamnaya steppe herders of this time were descended not only from the preceding eastern European hunter-gatherers, but from a population of Near Eastern ancestry. Western and Eastern Europe came into contact ~4,500 years ago, as the Late Neolithic Corded Ware people from Germany traced ~3/4 of their ancestry to the Yamnaya, documenting a massive migration into the heartland of Europe from its eastern periphery. This steppe ancestry persisted in all sampled central Europeans until at least ~3,000 years ago, and is ubiquitous in present-day Europeans. These results provide support for the theory of a steppe origin of at least some of the Indo-European languages of Europe
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