80 research outputs found

    The spark-associated soliton model for pulsar radio emission

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    We propose a new, self-consistent theory of coherent pulsar radio emission based on the non-stationary sparking model of Ruderman & Sutherland (1975), modified by Gil & Sendyk (2000) in the accompanying Paper I. According to these authors, the polar cap is populated as densely as possible by a number of sparks with a characteristic perpendicular dimension D approximately equal to the polar gap height scale h, separated from each other also by about h. Each spark reappears in approximately the same place on the polar cap for a time scale much longer than its life-time and delivers to the open magnetosphere a sequence of electron-positron clouds which flow orderly along a flux tube of dipolar magnetic field lines. The overlapping of particles with different momenta from consecutive clouds leads to effective two-stream instability, which triggers electrostatic Langmuir waves at the altitudes of about 50 stellar radii. The electrostatic oscillations are modulationally unstable and their nonlinear evolution results in formation of ``bunch-like'' charged solitons. A characteristic soliton length along magnetic field lines is about 30 cm, so they are capable of emitting coherent curvature radiation at radio wavelengths. The net soliton charge is about 10^21 fundamental charges, contained within a volume of about 10^14 cm^3. For a typical pulsar, there are about 10^5 solitons associated with each of about 25 sparks operating on the polar cap at any instant. One soliton moving relativisticaly along dipolar field lines with a Lorentz factor of the order of 100 generates a power of about 10^21 erg/s by means of curvature radiation. Then the total power of a typical radio pulsar can be estimated as being about 10^(27-28) erg/s.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    Drifting subpulses and inner acceleration regions in radio pulsars

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    The classical vacuum gap model of Ruderman & Sutherland, in which spark-associated subbeams of subpulse emission circulate around the magnetic axis due to the EB drift, provides a natural and plausible physical mechanism of the subpulse drift phenomenon. Recent progress in the analysis of drifting subpulses in pulsars has provided a strong support to this model by revealing a number of subbeams circulating around the magnetic axis in a manner compatible with theoretical predictions. However, a more detailed analysis revealed that the circulation speed in a pure vacuum gap is too high when compared with observations. Moreover, some pulsars demonstrate significant time variations of the drift rate, including a change of the apparent drift direction, which is obviously inconsistent with the EB drift scenario in a pure vacuum gap. We resolved these discrepancies by considering a partial flow of iron ions from the positively charged polar cap, coexisting with the production of outflowing electron-positron plasmas. By fitting the observationally deduced drift-rates to the theoretical values, we managed to estimate polar cap surface temperatures in a number of pulsars. The estimated surface temperatures correspond to a small charge depletion of the order of a few percent of the corotational charge density. We also argue that if the thermionic electron outflow from the surface of a negatively charged polar cap is slightly below the Goldreich-Julian density, then the resulting small charge depletion will have similar consequences as in the case of the ions outflow. We thus believe that the sparking discharge of a partially shielded acceleration potential drop occurs in all pulsars, with both positively (``pulsars'') and negatively (``anti-pulsars'') charged polar caps

    On the formation of inner vacuum gaps in radio pulsars

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    The problem of formation of the Ruderman-Sutherland type inner vacuum gap in neutron stars with ΩB<0{\bf\Omega}\cdot{\bf B}<0 is considered. It is argued by means of the condition Ti/Ts>1T_i/T_s>1 (where TiT_i is the critical temperature above which 2656^{56}_{26}Fe ions will not be bound at the surface and TsT_s is the actual temperature of the polar cap surface heated by the back-flow of relativistic electrons) that the inner vacuum gap can form, provided that the actual surface magnetic field is extremaly strong (Bs1013B_s\gtrsim 10^{13} G) and curved (R<106{\cal R}<10^6 cm), irrespective of the value of dipolar component measured from the pulsar spin down rate. Calculations are carried out for pulsars with drifting subpulses and/or periodic intensity modulations, in which the existence of the quasi steady vacuum gap discharging via E×B{\bf E}\times{\bf B} drifting sparks is almost unavoidable. Using different pair-production mechanisms and different estimates of the cohesive energies of surface iron ions, we show that it is easier to form the vacuum gap controlled by the resonant inverse Compton scaterring seed photons than by the curvature radiation seed photons.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Modelling of surface magnetic field in neutron stars: application to radio pulsars

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    We propose a vacuum gap (VG) model which can be applied uniformly for normal and high magnetic field pulsars. The model requires strong and non-dipolar surface magnetic field near the pulsar polar cap. We assume that the actual surface magnetic field in pulsars results from a superposition of global dipole field and crust-anchored small scale magnetic anomaly. We provide a numerical formalism for modelling such structures of surface magnetic field and explore it within the framework of VG model, which requires strong surface fields more than 10^{13} G.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Vacuum Gap Model for PSR B0943+10

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    PSR B0943+10 is known to show remarkably stable drifting subpulses, which can be interpreted in terms of a circumferential motion of 20 sparks, each completing one circulation around the periphery of the polar cap in 37 pulsar periods. We use this observational constraint and argue that the vacuum gap model can adequately describe the observed drift patterns. Further we demonstrate that {\em only} the presence of strong non-dipolar surface magnetic field can favor such vacuum gap formation. Subsequently, for the first time we are able to constrain the parameters of the surface magnetic field, and model the expected magnetic structure on the polar cap of PSR B0943+10 considering the inverse Compton scattering photon dominated vacuum gap.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, acccepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Constraining gamma-ray pulsar gap models with a simulated pulsar population

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    With the large sample of young gamma-ray pulsars discovered by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), population synthesis has become a powerful tool for comparing their collective properties with model predictions. We synthesised a pulsar population based on a radio emission model and four gamma-ray gap models (Polar Cap, Slot Gap, Outer Gap, and One Pole Caustic) normalizing to the number of detected radio pulsars in select group of surveys. The luminosity and the wide beams from the outer gaps can easily account for the number of Fermi detections in 2 years of observations. The wide slot-gap beams requires an increase by a factor of ~10 of the predicted luminosity to produce a reasonable number of gamma-ray pulsars. Such large increases in the luminosity may be accommodated by implementing offset polar caps. The narrow polar-cap beams contribute at most only a handful of LAT pulsars. Standard distributions in birth location and pulsar spin-down power (Edot) fail to reproduce the LAT findings: all models under-predict the number of LAT pulsars with high Edot, and they cannot explain the high probability of detecting both the radio and gamma-ray beams at high Edot. The beaming factor remains close to 1 over 4 decades in Edot evolution for the slot gap whereas it significantly decreases with increasing age for the outer gaps. The evolution of the slot-gap luminosity with Edot is compatible with the large dispersion of gamma-ray luminosity seen in the LAT data. The stronger evolution predicted for the outer gap, which is linked to the polar cap heating by the return current, is apparently not supported by the LAT data. The LAT sample of gamma-ray pulsars therefore provides a fresh perspective on the early evolution of the luminosity and beam width of the gamma-ray emission from young pulsars, calling for thin and more luminous gaps.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The characteristics of millisecond pulsar emission: I. Spectra, pulse shapes and the beaming fraction

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    We have monitored a large sample of millisecond pulsars using the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope in order to compare their radio emission properties to the slowly rotating population. With some notable exceptions, our findings suggest that the two groups of objects share many common properties. A comparison of the spectral indices between samples of normal and millisecond pulsars demonstrates that millisecond pulsar spectra are not significantly different from those of normal pulsars. There is evidence, however, that millisecond pulsars are slightly less luminous and less efficient radio emitters compared to normal pulsars. We confirm recent suggestions that a diversity exists among the luminosities of millisecond pulsars with the isolated millisecond pulsars being less luminous than the binary millisecond pulsars. There are indications that old millisecond pulsars exhibit somewhat flatter spectra than the presumably younger ones. We present evidence that millisecond pulsar profiles are only marginally more complex than those found among the normal pulsar population. Moreover, the development of the profiles with frequency is rather slow, suggesting very compact magnetospheres. The profile development seems to anti-correlate with the companion mass and the spin period, again suggesting that the amount of mass transfer in a binary system might directly influence the emission properties. The angular radius of radio beams of millisecond pulsars does not follow the scaling predicted from a canonical pulsar model which is applicable for normal pulsars. Instead they are systematically smaller. The smaller inferred luminosity and narrower emission beams will need to be considered in future calculations of the birth-rate of the Galactic population.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Life satisfaction and risk of burnout among men and women working as physiotherapists

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    Objectives: Recently in Poland as a result of the high rate of aging population and high rates of morbidity, a growing demand for the physiotherapist profession is observed. The results of this study can be used to formulate principles for better organization of physiotherapist's workplace in order to prevent occurrence of burnout. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of gender on satisfaction with life and burnout among active physiotherapists. Material and Methods: The survey was anonymous and voluntary, and involved a group of 200 active physiotherapists working in health care units and educational centers in Poland. The study group was selected randomly and incidentally. Each respondent received a demographic data sheet and a set of self-rating questionnaires (Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Burnout Scale Inventory). Results: Burnout among men decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's work and occupation, friends, relatives and acquaintances, sexuality, and increased due to greater satisfaction with one's housing status. Burnout among women decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's health, free time and friends, relatives and acquaintances, and increased due to work at a setting other than a health care unit or educational center. Statistical analysis failed to reveal any significant differences with regard to the BSI domains and with regard to the overall burnout index as well as with regard to the assessment of satisfaction with life between female and male physiotherapists. Conclusions: Satisfaction with children, marriage and partnership, with one's work and occupation, interactions with friends, relatives and acquaintances and sexuality may contribute to reduction of burnout among men. Women who are satisfied with their children, family, health, free time and contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances are less prone to burnout. Weak financial situation among women and deficiency of free time among men can induce burnout. Improving staff happiness may contribute to decreasing burnout

    Differential Trends in the Codon Usage Patterns in HIV-1 Genes

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    Host-pathogen interactions underlie one of the most complex evolutionary phenomena resulting in continual adaptive genetic changes, where pathogens exploit the host's molecular resources for growth and survival, while hosts try to eliminate the pathogen. Deciphering the molecular basis of host–pathogen interactions is useful in understanding the factors governing pathogen evolution and disease propagation. In host-pathogen context, a balance between mutation, selection, and genetic drift is known to maintain codon bias in both organisms. Studies revealing determinants of the bias and its dynamics are central to the understanding of host-pathogen evolution. We considered the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) type 1 and its human host to search for evolutionary signatures in the viral genome. Positive selection is known to dominate intra-host evolution of HIV-1, whereas high genetic variability underlies the belief that neutral processes drive inter-host differences. In this study, we analyze the codon usage patterns of HIV-1 genomes across all subtypes and clades sequenced over a period of 23 years. We show presence of unique temporal correlations in the codon bias of three HIV-1 genes illustrating differential adaptation of the HIV-1 genes towards the host preferred codons. Our results point towards gene-specific translational selection to be an important force driving the evolution of HIV-1 at the population level