287 research outputs found

    Scattering states of a particle, with position-dependent mass, in a double heterojunction

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    In this work we obtain the exact analytical scattering solutions of a particle (electron or hole) in a semiconductor double heterojunction - potential well / barrier - where the effective mass of the particle varies with position inside the heterojunctions. It is observed that the spatial dependence of mass within the well / barrier introduces a nonlinear component in the plane wave solutions of the continuum states. Additionally, the transmission coefficient is found to increase with increasing energy, finally approaching unity, whereas the reflection coefficient follows the reverse trend and goes to zero.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Detection Efficiency of NaI(Tl) Detector in 511–1332 keV Energy Range

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    As it is important to obtain accurate analytical result in an experimental research, this required quality control of the experimental system. Gamma spectrometry system can be used in a variety of different fields such as radiation and medical physics. In this paper the absolute efficiency, peak to valley ratio, and energy resolution of a 3′′×3′′ NaI(Tl) detector were determined experimentally for 511, 662, 835, 1173, 1275, and 1332 keV photon energies obtained from 22Na, 54Mn, 60Co, and 137Cs radioactive sources

    Effective-mass Klein-Gordon Equation for non-PT/non-Hermitian Generalized Morse Potential

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    The one-dimensional effective-mass Klein-Gordon equation for the real, and non-\textrm{PT}-symmetric/non-Hermitian generalized Morse potential is solved by taking a series expansion for the wave function. The energy eigenvalues, and the corresponding eigenfunctions are obtained. They are also calculated for the constant mass case.Comment: 14 page


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    Halkçılığın ve köycülüğün belirgin bir gelişme gösterdiği II. Meşrutiyet döneminin ilk yıllarında Selanik'te İttihat ve Terakki Üçüncü Kulübü tarafından köylüler için Vatandaş isimli bir gazete çıkarılmıştır. Dönemin halkçı ve köycü söylemine, İttihat ve Terakki kulüplerine ışık tutmak üzere bu makalede, adı geçen gazete değişik boyutlarıyla incelenecektir. Vatandaş gazetesi ile yakından ilişkili olduğu için, yine Selanik'te yayımlanan Tenvir-i Efkar dergisi de bu incelemeye dahil edilmiştir. The newspaper called Vatandaş (Citizen) was issued in Salonica by the Third Club of The Committee of Union and Progress during the early years of the II. Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire), when ruralism and populism were making notable progress. With an aim to set light on the discourse of populism and ruralism about that period, and to Committee of Union and Progress clubs, the mentioned newspaper will be analysed in varied dimensions. The journal Tenvir-i Efkar published in Salonica is also incorporated into this article due to its close relation to the newspaper Vatandaş

    Efektifitas Pemberdayaan Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga Dalam Peningkatan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Praktek Pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kelurahan Adiarsa Barat Kabupaten Karawang Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    . Adiarsa Barat village is one of endemic area of the Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Karawang. That village had not touched by community empowerment yet. The purpose of this research was to knoweffectiveness of housewives empowerment for eradication of DHF with breeding site control. This research was an experimental quation, with intervention in one location and control in other. The final result was hoped that the respondents would increase of knowledge, attitude and practice. The data of housewife behaviour was collected by intervew. This research found that there was the increase of housewife's group behaviour, followed by the increase of housewifes behaviour at intervention area with P value < 0,05. Although housewifes behaviour at control area hasn't increase with P value> 0,05. This reaserch suggested that people participation needed to be identified first then monitored periodically, so that their behaviour to eradicate DHF disease would be a habit or permanent

    New exact solution of the one dimensional Dirac Equation for the Woods-Saxon potential within the effective mass case

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    We study the one-dimensional Dirac equation in the framework of a position dependent mass under the action of a Woods-Saxon external potential. We find that constraining appropriately the mass function it is possible to obtain a solution of the problem in terms of the hypergeometric function. The mass function for which this turns out to be possible is continuous. In particular we study the scattering problem and derive exact expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients which are compared to those of the constant mass case. For the very same mass function the bound state problem is also solved, providing a transcendental equation for the energy eigenvalues which is solved numerically.Comment: Version to match the one which has been accepted for publication by J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Added one figure, several comments and few references. (24 pages and 7 figures


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) untuk mengetahui prosedur penerbitan STNK-BD dan TNK-BD pada kendaraan dinas polri berdasarkan peraturan kapolri Nomor 9 tahun 2019, (2) untuk megetahui implementasi hukum penerbitan STNK-BD dan TNK-BD pada kendaraan dinas polri berdasarkan peraturan kapolri Nomor 9 tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian ini adalah hukum normatif dan hukum empiris. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penulisan penelitian ini adalah Pendekatan Perundang-Undangan (Statute Approach), Pendekatan Konseptual (Conceptual Approach), Pendekatan Sosiologis (Sociological Approach). Tekhnik dan alat pengumpulan bahan hukum dan data digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, kepustakaan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor Dinas Polri yang disingkat dengan STNK-BD Polri adalah sebuah dokumen yang berfungsi untuk bukti legitimasi pengoperasian kendaraan bermotor dinas Polri yang berbentuk lain yang diterbitkan Polri yang berisi identitas pemilik, identitas Ranmor dan masa berlaku. Merupakan syarat mutlak dalam menggunakan Kendaraan Dinas Polri selain Driver nya yang harus memiliki Surat Izin Mengendarai (SIM) yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Lalu-lintas Polda NTB ataupun Satuan Lantas tingkat Polres setempat, (2) kendaraan dinas Polri yang tidak memiliki STNK-BD dan TNK-BD maka kendaraan tersebut tidak akan kami gunakan dan segera kami proses penerbitan nya. Karena setiap triwulan kami biasanya menghadapi audit kinerja dari Itwasda Polda NTB dan Itwasum mabes Polri biasanya obyek pemeriksaannya terkait dengan kelengkapan kendaraan dinas termasuk STNK-BD dan TNK-BD. Apabila STNK-BD dan TNK-BD tidak ada ataupun tidak diperpanjang sanksi yang kami dapatkan yaitu terbitnya surat temuan dari Audit Kinerja dan wajib kami tindak lanjut

    Effective Mass Dirac-Morse Problem with any kappa-value

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    The Dirac-Morse problem are investigated within the framework of an approximation to the term proportional to 1/r21/r^2 in the view of the position-dependent mass formalism. The energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are obtained by using the parametric generalization of the Nikiforov-Uvarov method for any κ\kappa-value. It is also studied the approximate energy eigenvalues, and corresponding wave functions in the case of the constant-mass for pseudospin, and spin cases, respectively.Comment: 12 page

    A relational view of environmental performance: What role do environmental collaboration and cross-functional alignment play?

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    Despite extensive research into the role played by social capital and relational capability in attaining interorganizational advantage, the way in which these resources matter for environmental performance has received scant attention. We investigate how firms' social capital and relational capability influence their environmental performance, by analyzing the mediating role of environmental collaboration and the moderating role of crossfunctional alignment. Based on an analysis of dual responses from 270 Turkish firms, we find that environmental collaboration mediates the impact of social capital and relational capability on environmental performance. We also find that alignment between marketing and supply chain management functions strengthens the effects of relational capability and environmental collaboration on environmental performance. Our study suggests that both environmental collaboration and cross-functional alignment are necessary if the true value of social capital and relational capability for environmental performance is to be realized.Q2WOS:0004575123000042-s2.0-8505614829