318 research outputs found

    Effect of Finnsheep crossbreeding on Lamon sheep performance: post-mortem traits

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    This experiment was conducted in order to study the effects of crossbreeding of the local breed Lamon (L) with Finnsheep (F),on the post-mortem performance of F, lambs (F x L). Nine L and 8 F x L ram-lambs were fattened with a diet (11.6 MJ M.E./kg d.m.) based on maize silage, dried sugar beet pulp and soybean meal, and slaughtered at 40.5 ± 5.9 kg live weight at the age of 22 weeks. Genotype did not affect dressing percentage on empty body weight (E.B.W.) but the crossbred lambs showed a lower incidence of the pelt (18,4 vs 20.2 % on E.B.W.;

    Effect of castration age on carcass traits and meat quality of Simmental bulls

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    RiassuntoEffetto dell'eta di castrazione su caratteristiche della carcassa e qualita della carne di tori Pezzati Rossi. Il posticipo dell'eta di castrazione sembra limitare la riduzione delle performance produttive, mantenendo gli effetti positivi sulla qualita della carne. In proposito, su 24 tori di razza Pezzata Rossa, lo studio ha valutato l'effetto della castrazione a 10 o 12 mesi (Anticipata vs. Tardiva; periodo di ingrasso: 191 vs. 151 giorni) sulle caratteristiche qualitative della carcassa e del Longissimus thoracis. Sulla carne sono state analizzate composizione chimica, colore, tenerezza e gusto, con tecniche strumentali e sensoriali. La castrazione anticipata comporta l'ottenimento di carne a piu elevato tenore lipidico che migliora la tenerezza, aumenta la luminosita e riduce le perdite di cottura. Nel caso degli animali castrati tardivamente, la minor marezzatura sembra invece favorire la produzione di carne con un piu elevato valore dell'indice del rosso e dal gusto piu apprezzato alla valu..

    Body condition score (BCS) and metabolic status of shelter dogs

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    A group of 147 shelter dogs were weighted and assigned a body condition score (BCS) using a 9 point scale system, in order to evaluate the prevalence of obesity in the kennel. More than 60% of the animals showed a BCSÂł6 (overweight and obese) and this condition was mainly attributed to an excess of carbohydrates and fat in the diet. In 67/147 dogs, a blood sample was drawn and the effects of BCS, age and time spent in the shelter were evaluated on biochemical parameters. Obese dogs showed significantly higher levels of triglycerides (P<0.01), while increasing BCS determined only an increasing non significant trend on cholesterol values. Age influenced creatinine (P<0.05) and the oldest dogs scoring BCSÂł6 registered significant higher NEFA (P<0.05) and CK (P=0.01) levels. Time spent in the shelter did not affect any parameter. The dogs' metabolic condition reflects the need of taking more care of the quality of feed administered in the shelters to avoid the negative health effects caused by chronic obesity

    Effect of decreasing dietary crude protein on growth performance, feed efficiency and meat quality of finishing Charolais bulls

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of decreasing dietary crude protein (CP) on the performance of finishing Charolais bulls in the Italian rearing system. Animals were fed two diets, differing only in the CP level (low protein (LP), 13.5% CP versus control (CON), 15.0% CP). Dry matter (DM) intake (DMI) and animals\u2019 weights were recorded to obtain average daily gain (ADG) and feed conversion rate (FCR). Feed and fecal samples were collected to evaluate digestibility of diet components. Daily cost of the ration (DRC), feed cost per kg of daily weight gain (CDG) and daily gross margin (DGM) were calculated to analyze the possible benefits of decreasing the protein level. Meat quality analyses were also conducted. Higher DMI (10.6 versus 10 kg/d; p < 0.05) and ADG (1.47 versus 1.36 kg/d; p < 0.05) were observed for CON. No differences in FCR or digestibility were found. Even if the DRC was lower (p < 0.05) for the LP diet (2.26 versus 1.97 \u20ac; CON versus LP), no difference was reported for CDG and DGM. Meat lightness and redness were significantly lower and higher in the LP, respectively. To conclude, the CP requirement in these rearing conditions appeared to be higher than 13.5%


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    Alpine dairy farming is shifted from an extensive activity based on pasture and low genetic merit cow to an intensive system with specialized breeds and increasing level of concentrate as a supplement in the diet. As a main consequence, a lower echo-compatibility could determine adverse externalities on environment and quality of dairy products. Considering 18 dairy farming located in the mountain area of Veneto Region (Italy), the Environmental Summarizing Indicator (ESI) was estimated by using agronomic and dairying variables. Results indicated that variability of ESI was manly due to productive performance of dairy cows probably because there was a lack of information in the assessment of pasture characteristics. However, higher level of ESI were closely related to the increase of N-phile species and/or less attractive vegetation for grazing cows, even if the indicator seems to explain only a limited part of the variability of the phenomenon. The increase of ESI values seemed to lead to a loss of nutritive value of milk because of the incidence of health favourable fatty acids was reduced

    Effect of period of milk production and ripening on quality traits of Asiago cheese

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    After 6 and 12 months of ripening, samples of Asiago d'Allevo were analyzed for quality traits. Cheeses were produced during 3 periods using milk from cows fed a total mixed ration (TMR, May) or grazing on alpine pasture (AG) in early (July) and late (Sept.) summer. Data were submitted to ANOVA considering ripening, milk production period and farm as main effects, and whole cheese weight as covariate. During ripening, pH of AGcheese was significantly lower than that of TMR-cheese; crude fat and protein significantly increased. According to period, July-samples showed the significantly lowest value of dry matter (DM), maybe due to a lower crude fat content; however, variability in skimming method could have altered proximate composition. No texture differences were found, although increasing weight of whole cheese significantly reduced max shear force as result of a lower DM content. Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) significantly decreased during ripening. AG feeding system caused a lower L* and higher b* than TMR one, probably as a consequence of a different amount of milk pigments. Cheese varied also within AG season: Sept.-samples showed the lowest L* value and the highest b*

    Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Ameliorates Murine Lupus

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    Current guidelines encourage administering pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar-13 to patients with lupus, but whether such vaccinations affect disease severity is unclear. To address this issue, we treated 3-month-old MRL-lpr mice, that spontaneously develop a lupus-like syndrome, with Prevnar-13 or vehicle control. After 3 months, we quantified circulating anti-Pneumococcal polysaccharide capsule (PPS) antibodies and signs of disease severity, including albuminuria, renal histology and skin severity score. We also compared immunophenotypes and function of T and B cells from treated and untreated animals. Prevnar-13 elicited the formation of anti-pneumococcal IgM and IgG. Prevnar-13 treated animals showed reduced albuminuria, renal histological lesions, and milder dermatitis compared to vehicle-treated controls. Mitigated disease severity was associated with reduced and increased T follicular helper cells (TFH) and T follicular regulatory cells (TFR), respectively, in Prevnar-treated animals. T cells from Prevnar-13 vaccinated mice showed differential cytokine production after aCD3/aCD28 stimulation, with significantly decreased IL-17 and IL-4, and increased IL-10 production compared to non-vaccinated mice. In conclusion, pneumococcal vaccination elicits anti-pneumococcal antibody response and ameliorates disease severity in MRL-lpr mice, which associates with fewer TFH and increased TFR. Together, the data support use of Prevnar vaccination in individuals with SLE

    Strangeness Enhancement in p+Ap+A and S+AS+A Interactions at SPS Energies

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    The systematics of strangeness enhancement is calculated using the HIJING and VENUS models and compared to recent data on  pp \,pp\,,  pA \,pA\, and  AA \,AA\, collisions at CERN/SPS energies (200A  GeV 200A\,\, GeV\,). The HIJING model is used to perform a {\em linear} extrapolation from pppp to AAAA. VENUS is used to estimate the effects of final state cascading and possible non-conventional production mechanisms. This comparison shows that the large enhancement of strangeness observed in S+AuS+Au collisions, interpreted previously as possible evidence for quark-gluon plasma formation, has its origins in non-equilibrium dynamics of few nucleon systems. % Strangeness enhancement %is therefore traced back to the change in the production dynamics %from pppp to minimum bias pSpS and central SSSS collisions. A factor of two enhancement of Λ0\Lambda^{0} at mid-rapidity is indicated by recent pSpS data, where on the average {\em one} projectile nucleon interacts with only {\em two} target nucleons. There appears to be another factor of two enhancement in the light ion reaction SSSS relative to pSpS, when on the average only two projectile nucleons interact with two target ones.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures in uuencoded postscript fil

    Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems

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    In the last few years, information system technologies have focused on solving challenges in order to develop distributed applications. Distributed systems can be viewed as collections of service-provider and ser vice-consumer components interlinked by dynamically defined workflows (Luck and McBurney 2008).Alberola Oltra, JM.; Botti Navarro, VJ.; Such Aparicio, JM. (2014). Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems. Information Systems Frontiers. 16:163-167. doi:10.1007/s10796-014-9493-6S16316716Alberola, J. M., Búrdalo, L., Julián, V., Terrasa, A., & García-Fornes, A. (2014). An adaptive framework for monitoring agent organizations. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9478-x .Alfonso, B., Botti, V., Garrido, A., & Giret, A. (2014). A MAS-based infrastructure for negotiation and its application to a water-right market. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9443-8 .Andrighetto, G., Castelfranchi, C., Mayor, E., McBreen, J., López-Sánchez, M., & Parsons, S. (2013). (Social) norm dynamics. In G. Andrighetto, G. Governatori, P. Noriega, & L. W. van der Torre (Eds.), Normative multi-agent systems (pp. 135–170). Dagstuhl: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.Baarslag, T., Fujita, K., Gerding, E. H., Hindriks, K., Ito, T., Jennings, N. R., et al. (2013). Evaluating practical negotiating agents: results and analysis of the 2011 international competition. Artificial Intelligence, 198, 73–103.Boissier, O., Bordini, R. H., Hübner, J. F., Ricci, A., & Santi, A. (2013). Multi-agent oriented programming with JaCaMo. Science of Computer Programming, 78(6), 747–761.Campos, J., Esteva, M., López-Sánchez, M., Morales, J., & Salamó, M. (2011). Organisational adaptation of multi-agent systems in a peer-to-peer scenario. Computing, 91(2), 169–215.Carrera, A., Iglesias, C. 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Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 18(4), 359–370.Ossowski, S., Sierra, C., & Botti. (2013). Agreement technologies: A computing perspective. In Agreement Technologies (pp. 3–16). Springer Netherlands.Pinyol, I., & Sabater-Mir, J. (2013). Computational trust and reputation models for open multi-agent systems: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 40(1), 1–25.Ricci, A., Piunti, M., & Viroli, M. (2011). Environment programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 23(2), 158–192.Sierra, C., & Debenham, J. (2006). Trust and honour in information-based agency. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on autonomous agents and multi agent systems, (p. 1225–1232). New York: ACM.Sierra, C., Botti, V., & Ossowski, S. (2011). Agreement computing. KI-Knstliche Intelligenz, 25(1), 57–61.Vasconcelos, W., García-Camino, A., Gaertner, D., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., & Noriega, P. (2012). 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    What explains the North–South divide in Italian tax compliance? An experimental analysis

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Palgrave Macmillan via the DOI in this recordI undertake a comparative study assessing the North–South divide in Italian tax compliance, employing the largest behavioral tax compliance experiment to date. Contrary to a large body of literature, I argue that willingness to pay taxes is constructed within a specific institutional environment and reflects the country’s quality of institutions. To test this hypothesis, I use controlled tax compliance experiments from four laboratories in Capua, Rome, Bologna, and Milan. By employing the experimental method, I am able to hold institutions constant allowing me to isolate cultural variation. Contrary to cultural explanations for tax compliance, when controlling the institutional environment, there is no difference in tax compliance. Furthermore, using social value orientation to compare prosociality, I also find no differences between the two regions. I therefore conclude that individuals’ relationship to their states shapes these behavioral differences in tax compliance.Funds for this research were provided by the European Research Council (Grant Agreement No. 295675 )
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