26 research outputs found

    Low-Cost Based Eye Tracking and Eye Gaze Estimation

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    The costs of current gaze tracking systems remain too high for general public use. The main reason for this is the cost of parts, especially high-quality cameras and lenses and cost development. This research build the low cost based for gaze tracking system. The device is built by utilizing of modified web camera in infrared spectrum. A new technique is also proposed here in order to detect the center pupil coordinate based on connected component labeling. By combination the pupils coordinate detection method with third order polynomial regression in calibration process to determine the gaze point. The experiment results show our system has an acceptable accuracy rate with error pixel 0.39o in visual degree

    Pelatihan dan Pembuatan Video Pembelajaran pada TK AL-Islam Tambak Bayan Yogyakarta

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    Pengabdian ini di latar belakangi oleh kesulitan dalam mengajar di era pandemi yang membuat para guru harus mengadaptasi seluruh kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi daring. Adaptasi pembelajaran secara daring menjadi tantangan tersendiri khususnya bagi guru TK AL-Islam Tambak Bayan.  Siswa TK masih belum bisa memahami kompleksitas yang ada pada pembelajaran secara daring. Oleh karena itu, banyak metode yang kurang cocok dan ketidakmampuan guru dalam menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Hal ini menyebabkan kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi seadanya saja sehingga tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik. Tujuan pengabdian ini yakni untuk membantu serta melatih guru TK AL-Islam Tambak Bayan dalam menyajikan materi pembelajaran melalui video animasi yang menarik sehingga siswa TK memiliki kemauan untuk belajar. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pelatihan dan pembuatan video pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Animaker, untuk kemudian video tersebut dapat diakses secara daring. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengabdian ini adalah para guru TK AL-Islam Tambak Bayan mampu memahami fitur dan cara menggunakan Animaker serta dapat membuat video pembelajaran animasi yang menarik dan mudah dipahami bagi murid TK

    Surface-Initiated Polymer Brushes in the Biomedical Field: Applications in Membrane Science, Biosensing, Cell Culture, Regenerative Medicine and Antibacterial Coatings

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    A mercury displacement method to measure fish feed density

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    In order to advance a theoretical approach to settling velocity one must know density of the feed pellets. In this study a device to measure fish feed density was constructed. The device measures buoyancy force applied to the feed in the mercury and from the known density of mercury the volume of the feed pellet is calculated. The mass of the pellet is accurately measured with a precision scale and density is calculated from mass and volume data. The device is tested by measuring densities of some steel spheres with the device and Sartorious Density Measurement Kit. Both measurements agree within 0.1% which proves that the device is working well. The density of fish feed pellets is different for each pellet. As an example to the use of this device on fish pellets, we investigated density distribution of standard trout feed (6 mm) produced by Trouw company. © Medwell Journals, 2011

    Right Cerebellar Tuberculosis with Cranial Nerve Palsy in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patient

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health issue. The most devastating clinical manifestations of TB is Central nervous system (CNS) TB. CNS TB is found approximately in 1% of all patients with active TB, and cerebellar TB is rarely reported. CNS TB can present as meningitis, arachnoiditis, tuberculomas, or the uncommon forms of tuberculous subdural empyema and brain abscess. Case: A 23-year-old patient was reported in October 2018 with signs and symptoms of 2-month history of vertigo, headache, vomiting, weakness, fever, blurred vision, lingual palsy, dysmetria, and decrease of consciousness. The patient had a few months of history of cough, contact with a TB patient, his father, and loss of body weight. On admission, the patient had fever (38.50 C) and Glasgow coma score of 13. Discussion: CNS TB can occur in an immunocompromised patient with malnutrition, whether a child or young adult. The patient in this case had risk factors because he is a young adult and had contact with a patient of TB, his father. Based on epidemiology, clinical signs and symptoms, radiological findings, and the result of AFB-stained sputum, the patient was diagnosed with right cerebellar TB and PTB. Conclusion: The high morbidity and mortality characteristics of CNS TB are very important to note, thus the prompt diagnosis and therapy should be done. The specific therapy of ATD combined with surgery seems to provide a good result. The clinical and radiological findings were used as the evaluation of the medication

    Perencanaan dan Perancangan Sirkuit Drag Race Sebagai Sarana Untuk Memfasilitasi Hobi Balapan di Klungkung

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    The drag race event is held annually in Klungkung, on July 20 2014 the 2014 Drag Bike Cup Regent event was held, then on February 14 2016 the Klungkung Regent Drag Bike event was held, then on May 19 2019 the 2019 Drag Bike Championship event was held, the three of them took place at By Pass Ida Bagus Mantra, Kusamba, Klungkung due to the unavailability of circuit facilities that could accommodate the drag event in Klungkung. Until now, Klungkung Regency and even Bali Province does not yet have a circuit that accommodates drag activities, this results in outside official racing events, racing hobbyists still carry out illegal racing or illegal racing, the main factor as a cause of wild racing, namely the absence of racing circuit facilities, making automotive lovers choose highway instead (Lismaharia Febry, 2017). The Drag Race circuit is planned to accommodate the activities of people who have a hobby of drag racing, later the community can channel their hobby of drag racing such as holding official competition events, as well as testing vehicles and driving skills outside official events quietly at the Drag Race Circuit without having to fear disturbing order on public roads and unsettling the general public. In addition, the Drag Race Circuit can serve as a means of education and entertainment for the general public that the hobby of drag racing is not as bad as what the general public has imagined so far.Event drag race diadakan tiap tahunnya di Klungkung, pada tanggal 20 Juli 2014 diselenggarakan event Bupati Cup Drag Bike 2014, lalu pada tanggal 14 Februari 2016 diadakan event Drag Bike Bupati Klungkung 2016,  kemudian pada tanggal 19 mei 2019 diselenggarakan event Drag Bike Championship 2019, ketiganya mengambil lokasi di By Pass Ida Bagus Mantra, Kusamba, Klungkung karena tidak tersedianya fasilitas sirkuit yang bisa mewadahi event drag di Klungkung. Hingga saat ini Kabupaten Klungkung bahkan Provinsi Bali belum memiliki sirkuit yang mewadahi kegiatan drag, hal itu mengakibatkan diluar event resmi balapan penghobi balapan masih melakukan aksi balap secara illegal atau balap liar, faktor utama sebagai penyebab terjadinya kegiatan balap liar adalah ketiadaan fasilitas sirkuit balap memngakibatkan penghobi otomotif  memilih jalan raya sebagai pengganti sirkuit (Lismaharia Febry, 2017). Sirkuit Drag Race direncanakan untuk mewadahi kegiatan masyarakat yang memiliki hobi balapan drag, nantinya masyarakat dapat menyalurkan hobi balapan drag seperti mengadakan event kompetisi resmi, serta mengujicoba kendaraan dan keahlian mengendarai diluar event resmi secara tenang di Sirkuit Drag Race tanpa harus takut mengganggu ketertiban di jalan umum dan meresahkan masyarakat umum. Selain itu Sirkuit Drag Race dapat berfungsi sebagai sarana edukasi dan hiburan kepada masyarakat umum bahwa hobi balapan drag tidaklah seburuk apa yang selama ini masyarakat umum bayangkan

    Inter-specific hybridization between Black Sea trout (Salmo labrax Pallas, 1814) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)

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    Thermal shock-induced triploid and unshocked control hybrids between rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Black Sea trout (Salmo labrax) and their parental species were produced under hatchery condition by using heat shocks. Triploidization reduced eyed egg rate and alevin yield in all groups. Low survival rate was observed in both shock-induced triploid hybrid and non-shock-induced control hybrids. Although hybrids demonstrated low body weight during the first feeding stage, they reached higher body weight by day 200 when compared with Black Sea trout and rainbow trout. A higher specific growth rate was calculated as 3.60 in the triploid hybrid groups, 1.41 in the triploid Black Sea trout groups and 2.27 in the triploid rainbow trout groups between days 110 and 200. A lower condition factor was determined in the hybrid than in the diploid parental species. A negative value of mid-parent heterosis (MPH) performance was deected for condition factor, and a favourable MPH was detected for specific growth rate and weight in hybrids. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Farklı seviyelerdeki askorbik asidin kaynak alabalığı (Salvelinus fontinalis)'nın büyüme performansı ve et kompozisyonu üzerine etkileri

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    The effects of different levels of vitamin C added in the diet of brook trout (34.65±0.45 g) for 10 weeks on growth, Condition Factor (CF), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) and meat composition were investigated. Fish samples were fed on nutrition added with 0, 100, 500 and 1.000 mg/kg of L-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate (AMP). Experiment was performed using a 3×4 completely randomized factorial design. According to the results, weights at the end of experiment demonstrated differences between the treatments. The highest value was obtained as 98.34±0.10 g with the nutrition added with 500 mg/kg of vitamin C, while the lowest value was observed as 92.40±0.19 g in the control group. Differences between different levels of vitamin C were found statistically significant (P0.05), while hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic indices were statistically significant (P<0.05)

    Pengaruh Budaya Terhadap Dinamika Bisnis Internasional

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    With data exposure and analysis, the background will lead to case studies of international business marketing with an eye on that culture. The author will also explain how cultural elements can be so important in International Business. The method used in this study is to process data and collect data. In collecting study data, this was obtained from online journals depending on the topic of discussion. In simple terms, cultural influences are very crucial because this allows them to be great successes or total failures. Loss is not from business, loss is part of life. If other researchers only mostly do theoretical research, then it cannot fully assess the performance of a company. In this case, P&G has been very competent in showing its professional side. P&G is able to dominate the global market as an international business system. In terms of marketing capabilities, understanding and recognition of cultural aspects can be said to be very good because P&G is always responsible for the results. Keywords: Business, International, Cultural