381 research outputs found

    Dialogic reconstruction of memories of violent sexual-affective relationships via dialogic gatherings of 'Radical Love'

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    When a violent intimate relationship occurs, this experience becomes part of the person's autobiographical memory. Given its prospective functions, the reconstruction of those memories of violent sexual-affective relationships could be an effective tool to prevent future revictimization. The study presented in this article examined the impact of a dialogic gathering of the Radical Love book on the reconstruction of memories of violent sexual- affective relationships. A sample of 48 young women, who had experienced at least one violent sexual affective-relationship were divided into an experimental (n = 24) and a control group (n = 24); they were asked to recall a violent sexual- affective relationship and write it down. The memory reports were collected in two stages. Between both reports, the experimental group read some chapters of the Radical Love book and engaged in a dialogic gathering. Memory quality was measured through the Memory Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ-SF). In the intervention group, the intensity of the emotion associated with the memory recall decreased, and participants became more critical towards the memory of what happened and more aware of the reactions and sensations experienced during the relationship. Dialogic gatherings with Radical Love can support the prevention of gender violence revictimization via transformative memory reconstruction

    The orientation of the romanesque churches: the methods of Gisemundus de Ripoll (f. 850)

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    [EN] There is little evidence of an understanding of scientific knowledge in the praxis of medieval geometry. Among these are the methods of tracing the orientation of sacred buildings. An example of this is a group of churches located in the Arán Valley (11c-13c) built from East to West with great precision (91.41º ± 1.91º). Given the mountainous profile that prevents observing the solar ortho, these churches have been traced observation or instrumental systems by inherited from Vitruvius, Higinio Gromático, Gisemundo, or Gerberto de Aurillac. It is concluded that the method of gromatic sources, the Ars geometria Gisemundus (c.800), copied in the monastery of Ripoll, is the one that, from the geometric point of view, allows the orientation of E-O to be traced with the least error.[ES] Existen pocas evidencias sobre el conocimiento científico en la praxis de la geometría medieval. Entre estas se encuentran los métodos del tazado de la orientación de los edificios sacros, y ejemplo de ello son un grupo de iglesias situadas en el valle de Arán (XI-XIII), construidas de Este a Oeste, con gran precisión (91,41º, ± 1,91º). Dado el perfil montañoso, que impide observar el orto solar, estas iglesias han sido trazadas mediante sistemas de observación o instrumentales, heredados de Vitruvio, Higinio Gromático, Gisemundo, o Gerberto de Aurillac. Se concluye que el método de fuentes gromáticas, el Ars geometria Gisemundus (c.800) copiado en el monasterio de Ripoll, es el que desde el punto de vista geométrico permite trazar la orientación de E-O con menos error.Lluis I Ginovart, J.; Lluis Teruel, C.; Ugalde Blázquez, I. (2022). La orientación de las iglesias románicas: los métodos de Gisemundus de Ripoll (f. 850). EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 27(44):62-73. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2022.14057OJS6273274

    Bóvedas tabicadas en la ingeniería militar española (s. XVIII)

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    The Duke of Belle-Isle and the Count of Espié had known in their crusades of the War of Succession (1701-1715) la voûte à la Roussillon. These tile vaults received good feedback throughout Europe as well as in Spain (where they were well-known since the 14th Century) thanks to the dissemination of the texts of the Count of Espié (1754) and Pierre Patte (1777). We determine which use the tile vaults had from the point of view of military construction, favoured by their supposed mechanical qualities, and what the repercussion was among Spanish military engineers in the 18th Century. The survey concludes that the location of the projects carried out through this technique by military engineers in Eastern Spain coincides with the places where a specialized workforce already existed, and that people in these places already knew such construction technique.El Duque de Belle-Isle y el Conde de Espié habían conocido en sus campañas de la Guerra de Sucesión (1701-1715) la voûte à la Roussillon. Estas bóvedas tabicadas obtuvieron una buena crítica en toda Europa y también en España (donde eran conocidas desde el siglo XIV) gracias a la difusión de los textos del Conde de Espié (1754) y de Pierre Patte (1777). Se determina qué uso tuvieron las bóvedas tabicadas desde el punto de vista de la construcción militar, favorecidas por sus supuestas cualidades mecánicas, y cuál fue la repercusión entre los ingenieros militares españoles del siglo XVIII. El estudio concluye que la localización de los proyectos realizados con esta técnica por ingenieros militares en el Levante español, coincide con los lugares donde ya existía una mano de obra especializada y que conocía esta técnica constructiva

    Characteristics of the students of the faculties of Veterinary of Campo Grande (Brazil) and Casilda (Argentina)

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    El Mercosur hará necesario que se establezcan mecanismos de acreditación de las Facultades y de certificación de los profesionales, ello implica realizar evaluaciones de las Instituciones. En relación a la evaluación interna, se remarca la importancia de reconocer las características cuanti y cualitativas de los alumnos. Realizamos el estudio comparativo de características educacionales, socio-económicas y culturales así como expectativas e intereses de los alumnos de las Facultades de Veterinaria de Campo Grande y de Casilda. El 46% de los alumnos de Campo Grande y el 68% de Casilda piensan por primera vez en estudiar veterinaria antes de los 15 años. En ambos paises el 90% piensa en veterinaria antes de los 17 años y el 70% consideró la posibilidad de estudiar otras carreras antes de definirse. Las razones para la elección 500: afición por los animales afición por el campo e interés por la biología; los alumnos son influenciados a estudiar veterinaria por veterinarios. La determinación de ingresar es una decisión personal en prácticamente todos los estudiantes; los alumnos piensan especializarse y el 60% tiene definida una especialidad. Las similitudes encontradas resultan interesantes y facilitadoras para la homologación de programas académicos y la calidad de los veterinarios que se formen en ambas instituciones con vista al libre ejercicio dentro del MERCOSUR.The MERCOSUR will lead to the necessity of stablishing accreditation mechanisms for the Veterinary Faculties and certifications for professionals which will imply the evaluation of Institutions. With regard to internal evaluation, knowledge of both the quantity and quality of the students comes relevant A comparative study of dedicational, socioeconomic and cultural, as well as expectation and interest of students of Veterinary Science at me Faculties of Campo Grande and Casilda was carried out. The found similarities are interesting and make homologation of course curricula easier and the quality of Veterinarians graduated from both institutions helps to the binational professional practice within MERCOSUR.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Updated stellar yields from Asymptotic Giant Branch models

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    An updated grid of stellar yields for low to intermediate-mass thermally-pulsing Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are presented. The models cover a range in metallicity Z = 0.02, 0.008, 0.004, and 0.0001, and masses between 1Msun to 6Msun. New intermediate-mass Z = 0.0001 AGB models are also presented, along with a finer mass grid than used in previous studies. The yields are computed using an updated reaction rate network that includes the latest NeNa and MgAl proton capture rates, with the main result that between ~6 to 30 times less Na is produced by intermediate-mass models with hot bottom burning. In low-mass AGB models we investigate the effect on the production of light elements of including some partial mixing of protons into the intershell region during the deepest extent of each third dredge-up episode. The protons are captured by the abundant 12C to form a 13C pocket. The 13C pocket increases the yields of 19F, 23Na, the neutron-rich Mg and Si isotopes, 60Fe, and 31P. The increase in 31P is by factors of ~4 to 20, depending on the metallicity. Any structural changes caused by the addition of the 13C pocket into the He-intershell are ignored. However, the models considered are of low mass and any such feedback is likely to be small. Further study is required to test the accuracy of the yields from the partial-mixing models. For each mass and metallicity, the yields are presented in a tabular form suitable for use in galactic chemical evolution studies or for comparison to the composition of planetary nebulae.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 15 page

    Open access simulation toolbox for the grid connection of offshore wind farms using multi-terminal HVDC networks

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    Decarbonisation of the European electricity system can become dauntingly costly due to transmission and distribution network issues arising from the integration of intermittent renewable generation sources. It is expected that wind energy will be the principal renewable source by 2050 and, as such, a number of initiatives in the academia and in the industry are being carried out to propose solutions to best accommodate the wind resource. This paper presents work carried out by DEMO 1 partners within the EU FP7 project BEST PATHS. A MATLAB/Simulink toolbox consisting of the necessary building blocks for the simulation and integration of offshore wind farms using enabling technologies such as multiterminal high-voltage direct-current grids is presented. To illustrate the toolbox capabilities, a number of system topologies is studied. System performance is assessed and measured against a set of key performance indicators. To ensure knowledge dissemination, the toolbox has been made available as open access in the BEST PATHS project website

    Estudio comparativo del perfil de ácidos grasos de quesos de oveja comerciales

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    The present study was carried out to characterize the FA profile of sheep cheese marketed in Chile. Fifty-eight cheeses were collected from supermarkets of 5 different Chilean cities including 34 sheep cheeses, 7 from goat’s milk, 11 from cow’s milk, 4 from a mixture of sheep, goat and cow’s milk and 2 from a mixture of sheep and cow’s milk. Compared to the cow and goat cheese (3.4 and 2.5 g·100g−1), the sheep cheese (3.8 g·100g−1) contained higher contents of C18:1t. The saturated and polyunsatured FA contents were greater in goat cheese than in sheep and cow cheese. The n6/n3 ratio was greater in goat (6.1) cheese than in sheep and cow cheese (3.8 and 5.2). The atherogenicity index was unaffected by cheese type, however, the thrombogenic index was lower in sheep cheese (2.8) than in goat and cow cheese (3.1 and 2.9). The n6/n3 ratio and thrombogenic index were lower in Chilean sheep cheese than in those imported from Europe. The fatty acid profile of cheese can be used to differentiate animal species from which the cheese is made and to some extent the geographical origin that may give some insight as to animal feed and production management.Este estudio fue llevado a cabo para caracterizar el perfil de AG de quesos de oveja que se comercializan en Chile. Cincuenta y ocho quesos fueron recogidos de supermercados de 5 ciudades de Chile de los cuales 34 fueron de oveja, 7 de cabra, 11 de vaca, 4 de mezcla de leche de oveja, cabra y vaca y 2 de mezcla de leche de oveja y vaca. Comparado con quesos de vaca y cabra (3.4 y 2.5 g·100g−1), los quesos de oveja (3.8 g·100g−1) presentaron mayor contenido de C18:1t. Los AG saturados y poliinsaturados tuvieron concentraciones más altas en los quesos de cabra que en los quesos de oveja y vaca. La relación n6/n3 fue más alta en quesos de cabra (6.1) que en quesos de oveja y vaca (3.8 y 5.2). El índice aterogénico no fue afectado por el tipo de queso, sin embargo, el índice trombogénico fue menor en quesos de oveja (2.8) que en quesos de cabra y vaca (3.8 y 5.2). La relación n6/n3 y el índice trombogénico fueron menores en quesos chilenos que en quesos importados de Europa. El perfil de AG de quesos puede ser usado para diferenciar entre especies animales de las cuales proviene el queso y hasta cierto grado, el origen geográfico, ofreciendo indicios sobre el tipo de alimento y sistema productivo animal del cual provienen los quesos

    Niveles de sustentabilidad en la reserva de la biosfera Ría Lagartos, Yucatán

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     In Mexico, one of the strategies for the management and conservation of natural ecosystems is the formation of biosphere reserves, which are managed by the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, CONANP), government agency in charge of protecting and regulating the management and sustainable exploitation of natural resources. This contribution has the objective of analyzing the levels of sustainability present in the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Yucatán, based on the evaluation of attributes (Productivity, Adaptability, Stability, Resilience, Equity and Self-management). These attributes are established by the Framework for the Evaluation of Natural Resource Management Systems Incorporating Sustainability Indicators (Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad, MESMIS). The formulation of indicators that integrate the ecologic, economic and social axes in four key populations settled within the area is the basis of the study. The results obtained determine that the reserve presents a Low Level of sustainability, where the lack of budget for its management, conservation and research constitutes the unavoidable component that favors the gradual development of factors that dislocate the efficiency of government actions. This shows the fragility and short-term vision in the formulation of operative instruments destined to the maintenance and conduction of this type of areas.  En México una de las estrategias para el manejo y conservación de los ecosistemas naturales es la formación de reservas de la biosfera, mismas que se encuentran administradas por la Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP), instancia gubernamental encargada de proteger y regular el manejo y aprovechamiento sustentable de los recursos naturales. Esta contribución tiene como objetivo analizar los niveles de sustentabilidad presentes en la reserva de la biosfera Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, a partir de la evaluación de los atributos (Productividad, Adaptabilidad, Estabilidad, Resiliencia, Equidad y Autogestión) establecidos por el Marco de Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo de Recursos Naturales Incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (MESMIS). Base del trabajo lo fue la formulación de indicadores que integran los ejes ecológico, económico y social en cuatro poblaciones clave asentadas dentro del área. Los resultados obtenidos determinan que la reserva presenta un Nivel Malo de sustentabilidad, donde la falta de presupuesto para su manejo, conservación e investigación constituye el componente ineludible, que favorece el desarrollo paulatino de factores que dislocan la eficiencia de las acciones gubernamentales. Lo anterior demuestra la fragilidad y visión de corto plazo en la formulación de instrumentos operativos destinados al sostenimiento y conducción de este tipo de áreas

    A pentanucleotide ATTTC repeat insertion in the non-coding region of DAB1, mapping to SCA37, causes spinocerebellar ataxia.

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    Advances in human genetics in recent years have largely been driven by next-generation sequencing (NGS); however, the discovery of disease-related gene mutations has been biased toward the exome because the large and very repetitive regions that characterize the non-coding genome remain difficult to reach by that technology. For autosomal-dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs), 28 genes have been identified, but only five SCAs originate from non-coding mutations. Over half of SCA-affected families, however, remain without a genetic diagnosis. We used genome-wide linkage analysis, NGS, and repeat analysis to identify an (ATTTC)n insertion in a polymorphic ATTTT repeat in DAB1 in chromosomal region 1p32.2 as the cause of autosomal-dominant SCA; this region has been previously linked to SCA37. The non-pathogenic and pathogenic alleles have the configurations [(ATTTT)7-400] and [(ATTTT)60-79(ATTTC)31-75(ATTTT)58-90], respectively. (ATTTC)n insertions are present on a distinct haplotype and show an inverse correlation between size and age of onset. In the DAB1-oriented strand, (ATTTC)n is located in 5' UTR introns of cerebellar-specific transcripts arising mostly during human fetal brain development from the usage of alternative promoters, but it is maintained in the adult cerebellum. Overexpression of the transfected (ATTTC)58 insertion, but not (ATTTT)n, leads to abnormal nuclear RNA accumulation. Zebrafish embryos injected with RNA of the (AUUUC)58 insertion, but not (AUUUU)n, showed lethal developmental malformations. Together, these results establish an unstable repeat insertion in DAB1 as a cause of cerebellar degeneration; on the basis of the genetic and phenotypic evidence, we propose this mutation as the molecular basis for SCA37.We thank the families who participated in this study. We are grateful to Goncalo Abecasis, Miguel Costa, Tito Vieira, and Andre Torres for help with MERLIN analysis; Beatriz Sobrino, Jorge Amigo, and Pilar Cacheiro for next-generation sequencing analysis, performed at the Santiago de Compostela node of the Spanish National Genotyping Center; Nuno Santarem and Anabela Cordeiro-da-Silva for assistance with cloning; Antonio Amorim, Laura Vilarinho, and Paula Jorge for samples from the Portuguese population; and Paula Magalhaes from the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology Cell Culture and Genotyping Core for DNA extraction. This work was financed by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) funds through the COMPETE 2020 Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) of Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese funds through the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia, e Inovacao in the framework of the project "Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences" (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274); and by FCT grant PTDC/SAU-GMG/098305/2008 to I.S. A. I.S. was the recipient of an FCT scholarship (SFRH/BD/30702/2006). J.R.L. was supported by scholarships from PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2013 and the European Molecular Biology Organization (ASTF494-2015). C.L.O. was supported by a scholarship from PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2013. This work was also financed by the Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at the Instituto de Investigacao e Inovacao em Saude (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000008), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement through FEDER, and by the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant PI12/00742)

    Reaction Rates Uncertainties and the Production of F19 in AGB Stars

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    We present nucleosynthesis calculations and the resulting 19F stellar yields for a large set of models with different masses and metallicity. We find that the production of fluorine depends on the temperature of the convective pulses, the amount of primary 12C mixed into the envelope by third dredge up and the extent of the partial mixing zone. Then we perform a detailed analysis of the reaction rates involved in the production of 19F and the effects of their uncertainties. We find that the major uncertainties are associated with the 14C(alpha,gamma)18O and the 19F(alpha,p)22Ne reaction rates. For these two reactions we present new estimates of the rates and their uncertainties. The importance of the partial mixing zone is reduced when using our estimate for the 14C(alpha,gamma)18O rate. Taking into account both the uncertainties related to the partial mixing zone and those related to nuclear reactions, the highest values of 19F enhancements observed in AGB stars are not matched by the models. This is a problem that will have to be revised by providing a better understanding of the formation and nucleosynthesis in the partial mixing zone, also in relation to reducing the uncertainties of the 14C(alpha,gamma)18O reaction rate. At the same time the possible effect of Cool Bottom Processing at the base of the convective envelope should be included in the computation of AGB nucleosynthesis. This process could in principle help matching the highest 19F abundances observed by decreasing the C/O ratio at the surface of the star, while leaving the 19F abundance unchanged.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journa