936 research outputs found

    Strategic directions of transport and logistics to ensure the implementation of new industrialization processes

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    Ensuring the processes of industrialization of the modern economy requires the formation of an efficient transport and logistics infrastructure. The solution of this task is carried out using the tools of strategic management, in particular the formation of strategic goals. The article presents the strategic goals and the corresponding strategic measures in the field of ensuring the availability and quality of transport and logistics services in the field of freight traffic at the level of the needs of the development of the economy of the Sverdlovsk region. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

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    Long-term impact of fecal transplantation in healthy volunteers

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    Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been recently approved by FDA for the treatment of refractory recurrent clostridial colitis (rCDI). Success of FTM in treatment of rCDI led to a number of studies investigating the effectiveness of its application in the other gastrointestinal diseases. However, in the majority of studies the effects of FMT were evaluated on the patients with initially altered microbiota. The aim of our study was to estimate effects of FMT on the gut microbiota composition in healthy volunteers and to monitor its long-term outcomes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Beyond Moore's technologies: operation principles of a superconductor alternative

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    The predictions of Moore's law are considered by experts to be valid until 2020 giving rise to "post-Moore's" technologies afterwards. Energy efficiency is one of the major challenges in high-performance computing that should be answered. Superconductor digital technology is a promising post-Moore's alternative for the development of supercomputers. In this paper, we consider operation principles of an energy-efficient superconductor logic and memory circuits with a short retrospective review of their evolution. We analyze their shortcomings in respect to computer circuits design. Possible ways of further research are outlined.Comment: OPEN ACCES

    Influence of the spin-dependent quasiparticle distribution on the Josephson current through a ferromagnetic weak link

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    The Josephson current flowing through weak links containing ferromagnetic elements is studied theoretically under the condition that the quasiparticle distribution over energy states in the interlayer is spin-dependent. It is shown that the interplay between the spin-dependent quasiparticle distribution and the triplet superconducting correlations induced by the proximity effect between the superconducting leads and ferromagnetic elements of the interlayer, leads to the appearence of an additional contribution to the Josephson current. This additional contribution jtj_t can be extracted from the full Josephson current in experiment. The features of the additional supercurrent jtj_t, which are of main physical interest are the following: (i) We propose the experimental setup, where the contributions given by the short-range (SRTC) and long-range (LRTC) components of triplet superconducting correlations in the interlayer can be measured separately. It can be realized on the basis of S/N/F/N/S junction, where the interlayer is composed of two normal metal regions with a spiral ferromagnet layer sandwiched between them. For the case of tunnel junctions the measurement of jtj_t in such a system can provide direct information about the energy-resolved anomalous Green's function components describing SRTC and LRTC. (ii) In some cases the exchange field-suppressed supercurrent can be not only recovered but also enhanced with respect to its value for non-magnetic junction with the same interface resistances by the presence of spin-dependent quasiparticle distribution. This effect is demonstrated for S/N/S junction with magnetic S/N interfaces. In addition, it is also found that under the considered conditions the dependence of the Josephson current on temperature can be nontrivial: at first the current rises upon temperature increasing and only after that starts to decline.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, published version, presentation improve

    Mathematical modeling of oscillatory processes in equal frequency antivibrating devices

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    Наведено результати математичного моделювання коливальних процесів при гармонійному збурюванні в системах, які містять віброізолюючі пристрої з механічним зворотним зв'язком. Показано, що нелінійні пружні характеристики таких пристроїв можуть визначати як близькі до гармонійного, так і негармонійні коливання і є дуже чутливими до зсуву центра коливань щодо положення пружної рівноваги системи.The results of mathematical modeling of oscillatory processes are given at harmonically indignation in systems containing antivibrating devices with a mechanical feedback. Is shown, that the nonlinear elastic characteristics of such devices can define as close to harmonically, and non harmonically to fluctuations and are very sensitive to displacement of the centre of fluctuations concerning a rule of elastic balance of system