17 research outputs found

    La inclusión de los estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad en las universidades presenciales: actitudes e intención de apoyo por parte de sus compañeros

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    La inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en educación superior favorece a las personas con discapacidad y al conjunto de la comunidad universitaria. Este trabajo analiza la intención de apoyo a la inclusión de estudiantes con discapacidad en la universidad presencial, en el marco teórico de Teoría del Comportamiento Planeado (TPB), mediante un estudio empírico realizado entre 629 estudiantes de CC. de la Educación en la Universidad de A Coruña. Los resultados indican que tanto las actitudes como la norma social y el control percibido son variables significativas para explicar la intención de apoyar a las personas con discapacidad

    Digital girl:Cyberfeminism and the emancipation potential of digital entrepreneurship in emerging economies

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    Digital entrepreneurship has been described as a “great leveler” in terms of equalizing the entrepreneurial playing field for women. However, little is known of the emancipatory possibilities offered by digital entrepreneurship for women constrained by social and cultural practices such as male guardianship of female relatives and legally enforced gender segregation. In order to address this research gap, this paper examines women’s engagement in digital entrepreneurship in emerging economies with restrictive social and cultural practices. In so doing, we draw upon the analytical frameworks provided by entrepreneurship as emancipation and cyberfeminism. Using empirical data from an exploratory investigation of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia, we examine how women use digital technologies in the pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities. Our findings reveal that women in Saudi Arabia use digital entrepreneurship to transform their embodied selves and lived realities rather than to escape gender embodiment as offered by the online environment

    Governance and sustainable development at higher education institutions

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    © 2020, Springer Nature B.V. Governance issues, here interpreted as the provisions of adequate policy frameworks characterized by reliability and accountability, coupled with resources to support their implementation, are known to be the basis for the implementation of sustainable development measures. This paper discusses the influence of governance in the ways sustainability is perceived and practiced in a higher education context. Apart from due considerations to the role of governance as the basis for regulation and institutional actions and management decisions, this paper reports on an empirical study undertaken in a sample of higher education institutions. This study entailed an analysis of sustainable development policies, certification, organizational structure, budget, reports, team for sustainability, staff training, and challenges for the integration of sustainability and governance. The results suggest that even though there are different opinions and attitudes on the role of governance, it is regarded as an important component in supporting efforts by higher education institutions to include considerations on sustainable development as part of their strategies

    Maritime Transport and Trade: The Impact of European Transport Policy: An Overview of Maritime Freight Transport Patterns

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    In order to unblock major transport routes and to ensure sustainable mobility, the changing of freight road to rail or maritime transport is an European Union objective. The increasing seaborne transport, the growing process of containerization and building an infrastructure for regular maritime lines and increasing Short Sea Shipping draws a scene with maritime sector of companies of major size, as a result, in many occasions, of mergers and acquisitions. These dynamics seems to draw a new stage, with more concentrated markets. In this paper we intend to make an approach to the levels of concentration of maritime transport in Europe, trying to find a possible connection between new market structure in the maritime transport sector and the new economic situation promoted by European Transport Policy rules.Maritime Transport, Concentration

    Smart cities to create opportunities for young people

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    [Abstract]: The urban environments in the Smart Cities create spaces of well-being and coexistence, in a healthy and environmental friendly framework. The technology and respect for the environment are located in the core of these urban areas as a response to the demands of citizens. In the context of the European 2030 Agenda, the main concerns of young Europeans are analysed, particularly those related to technology, balanced development, decent jobs, and the environment. In the basis of a structural equation modeling, the relationship between the concerns about the universal and wide access to technology and those related to the specific problems of young people. This shows the importance of municipal policies in Smart Cities to meet the needs of young people and, as a consequence, achieve more balanced and sustainable developme

    Sustainability practices at private universities: a state-of-the-art assessment

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    Private universities also play a key role in the sustainability debate. But despite their importance, there a shortage of research on how sustainability is being implemented at private universities. Based on the need to address this gap, this paper investigates the nature and diversity of sustainability-based practices undertaken at private universities. It outlines the ways private universities see and perceive sustainability, and examines by means of a survey involving 10 universities from across all geographical regions which educate over 150.000 students, how these universities incorporate sustainability-related practices, as part of their operations. The results suggest that, unlike their public counterparts, about half of the respondents stated that they do not have projects undertaken to promote sustainability in local communities or in their respective regions. Also, some private universities perceive themselves as leaders in sustainability in higher education, while some are still developing a more robust sustainability profile. The conclusions of the paper are that the special features related to sustainable development teaching and research at private universities need to be better identified, in order to involve them more on sustainability efforts. Also, whereas many of them are highly engaged on improving energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable water usage and promote sustainable landscaping, there is a need for them to also engage in other areas. Finally, private universities should engage on further efforts to increase their sustainability activities, which are beneficial to them in financial terms, as well as in respect of their image and their operations