9,059 research outputs found

    New gamma/hadron separation parameters for a neural network for HAWC

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    The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov experiment (HAWC) observatory is located 4100 meters above sea level. HAWC is able to detect secondary particles from extensive air showers (EAS) initiated in the interaction of a primary particle (either a gamma or a charged cosmic ray) with the upper atmosphere. Because an overwhelming majority of EAS events are triggered by cosmic rays, background noise suppression plays an important role in the data analysis process of the HAWC observatory. Currently, HAWC uses cuts on two parameters (whose values depend on the spatial distribution and luminosity of an event) to separate gamma-ray events from background hadronic showers. In this work, a search for additional gamma-hadron separation parameters was conducted to improve the efficiency of the HAWC background suppression technique. The best-performing parameters were integrated to a feed-foward Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP-NN), along with the traditional parameters. Various iterations of MLP-NN's were trained on Monte Carlo data, and tested on Crab data. Preliminary results show that the addition of new parameters can improve the significance of the point source at high-energies (~ TeV), at the expense of slightly worse performance in conventional low-energy bins (~ GeV). Further work is underway to improve the efficiency of the neural network at low energies.Comment: Presented at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea. See arXiv:1708.02572 for all HAWC contribution

    Hàbits alimentaris en nens de 8 a 12 anys de la comarca d'Osona

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    Introducció: La dieta mediterrània és considerada un dels patrons alimentaris més saludables ja que diversos estudis epidemiològics mostren que protegeix front diverses malalties cròniques com ara les malalties cardiovasculars, la diabetis i alguns càncers. Malauradament al nostre país els patrons alimentaris estan canviant a conseqüència de la modernització de la societat i estan portant a l’allunyament del patró de dieta mediterrània. Això és especialment crític entre la població infantil i juvenil, fet que predisposa a que en un futur augmenti la prevalença de malalties cròniques entre la població adulta. Objectiu: avaluar els hàbits alimentaris i l’estat nutricional d’escolars de 8 a 12 anys de la comarca d’Osona. Mètodes: estudi de disseny observacional i transversal. La mostra estava constituïda per 191 escolars de 4rt i 5è d’ensenyança primària d’escoles de la comarca d’Osona. La informació sobre la dieta es va recollir a través d’una enquesta alimentària, un recordatori de 24 hores, un qüestionari de freqüència de consum alimentari i el test KIDMED. Les determinacions antropomètriques que es van realitzar van ser talla, pes, IMC (Índex de Massa Corporal), plec tricipital, perímetre braquial i perímetre abdominal. L’anàlisi estadística de totes les dades es va portar a terme mitjançant el programa estadístic SPSS per Windows versió 12.0. Resultats: quan es valora la qualitat de l’esmorzar, s’observa que només en el 16.8% dels casos la qualitat era bona, en el 68.6% dels casos la qualitat havia de millorar i en el 12.6% era de qualitat insuficient i en el 2.1% era de mala qualitat. També s’observa que la dieta que segueixen és desequilibrada quantitativament, concretament és baixa en hidrats de carboni, rica en greixos i lleugerament elevada en proteïnes. L’anàlisi qualitativa mostra que hi ha un molt baix consum de verdures i hortalisses i de fruita, mentre que s’arriba a les racions recomanades de carnis i d’olis i greixos. El test KIDMED mostra una puntuació mitjana de 7.21±1.96 punts, el que indica que la dieta de la població és de qualitat millorable. Pel que fa a l’estat nutricional s’observa que un 24,6% presenta valors de baix pes i un 17,8% sobrepès o obesitat, el que indica que un 42,4% de la població estudiada presenta un estat nutricional incorrecte. Conclusions: La dieta del col·lectiu estudiat s’allunya de les recomanacions de la SENC (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria). Els resultats del test KIDMED indiquen que només un 44% de la població segueix un patró òptim de Dieta mediterrània i l’anàlisi de l’estat nutricional mostra que un 42,4% presenta un estat nutricional incorrecte, sigui per excés o per defecte de pes. Per tant, es fa necessari dissenyar estratègies d’educació alimentària adequades per millorar els hàbits alimentaris dels escolars i aconseguir en un futur un estat òptim de salut.Background: Mediterranean Diet is perhaps one of the healthiest dietary models currently existing, having been orroborated by numerous epidemiological studies that show a protection against certain chronic diseases such as ardiovascular disease, diabetes or certain tumours. Unfortunately dietary patterns are changing in Spain as a onsequence of modernisation of society and going far away from the healthy diet. Perhaps children and adolescent opulations are those with the most deteriorated Mediterranean diet profile. This could have negative effects in the uture on the health in the adulthood. bjective: To evaluate dietary habits, physical activity habits and nutritional status in 8-12 aged scholars from sona. ethods: Observational population-based cross-sectional study. Subjects were 191 children attending public and rivate schools in Osona. Dietetic data was gathered through a dietary questionnaire (24h records, food frequency uestionnaire and KIDMED test). A standardized method was used to measure anthropometric variables (weight, eight, BMI, abdominal and braquial perimeter). Statistical analysis was carried using SPSS 12.0 software. esults: Of the sample, only 16.8% eat a good quality breakfast, the rest of the sample had to improve the quality 68.8%), low quality (12.6%) or very low quality (2.1%). Quantitatively diet is unbalanced, is low in carbohydrates, igh in fat and slightly high in proteins. Qualitative analyses shows a low consume of vegetables and fruit, while dequate consume of meat and fats and oils are observed. The results of KIDMED test showed an average unctuation of 7.21±1.96, indicating that the diet should improve. 42.4% of children studied suffer from a wrong utritional state, 24.6% of population present low weight and 17.8% overweight or obesity. onclusions: The diet of collective studied moves away from the recommendations of the SENC (Spanish Society of ommunity Nutrition). The results of the test KIDMED indicate that only a 44% of the population follows a pattern ptimal Mediterranean Diet and analysis of the nutritional status shows that 42% presented a nutritional status ncorrect, either byexcess or by default of weight. Therefore, it is necessary to promote healthy habits in children nd thus obtain the best healthy state in adult age.Introducción: La dieta mediterránea es considerada uno de los patrones alimentarios más saludables ya que distintos estudios epidemiológicos muestran que protege frente determinadas enfermedades crónicas tales como, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la diabetes o algunos tipos de cáncer. Por desgracia en nuestro país los patrones alimentarios están cambiando a consecuencia de la modernización de la sociedad, alejándose del patrón tradicional de dieta mediterránea. Esto es especialmente crítico entre la población infantil lo que predispone a que en un futuro no muy lejano aumente la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas entre la población adulta. Objetivo: evaluar los hábitos alimentarios y el estado nutricional de escolares de 8-12 años de edad de la comarca de Osona. Métodos: estudio de diseño observacional y transversal. La muestra estaba constituida por 191 escolares de 4º y 5º de enseñanza primaria de escuelas públicas y privadas de la comarca de Osona. La información referente a la dieta se recogió mediante una encuesta alimentaria, un recordatorio de 24 horas, un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo alimentario y el test KIDMED. Las determinaciones antropométricas que se realizaron fueron talla, peso, IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal), pliegue tricipital, perímetro braquial y perímetro abdominal. El análisis estadísticao de todos los datos se realizó mediante el programa estadístico SPSS para Windows versión 12.0. Resultados: al valorar la calidad del desayuno se observa que sólo en el 16.8% de los casos la calidad era buena, en el 68.6% de los casos la calidad debía mejorar, en el 12.6% era de calidad insuficiente y en el 2.1% era de mala calidad. También se observa que la dieta que siguen es desequilibrada cuantitativamente, concretamente es baja en hidratos de carbono, rica en grasas y ligeramente elevada en proteínas. El análisis cualitativo de la dieta muestra que hay un muy bajo consumo de verduras y hortalizas y de frutas, mientras que se llega a las raciones recomendadas de cárnicos y de grasas y aceites. El test KIDMED mostró una puntuación media de 7.21±1.96 puntos, lo que indica que la dieta de la población era de calidad mejorable. En cuanto al estado nutricional se observa que un 24,6% presenta valores de bajo peso y un 17,8% sobrepeso u obesidad, indicando que un 42,4% de la población estudiada presenta un estado nutricional incorrecto. Conclusiones: La dieta del colectivo estudiado se aleja de las recomendaciones de la SENC (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria). Los resultados del test KIDMED indican que sólo un 44% de la población sigue un patrón óptimo de Dieta mediterránea y el análisis del estado nutricional muestra que un 42% presentan un estado nutricional incorrecto, sea por exceso o por defecto de peso. Por lo tanto, es necesario diseñar estrategias de educación alimentaria adecuadas para mejorar los hábitos alimentarios de los escolares y conseguir en un futuro un estado óptimo de salud

    Consum de productes de les màquines de vending i hàbits alimentaris entre els estudiants de la Universitat de Vic

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    Introducció: Entre els comportaments alimentaris que poden contribuir a una ingesta dietètica inadequada hi ha el consum d’aliments de conveniència, aliments que es caracteritzen per ser d’elevat contingut calòric, riquesa en greixos saturats i sucres. Les màquines de vending són un dels principals exemples de disponibilitat d’aliments de conveniència. Objectius: Avaluar entre els estudiants de la Universitat de Vic (UVic) els hàbits de consum de productes de les màquines de vending i estudiar les característiques generals dels seus hàbits alimentaris. Materials i mètodes: Enquesta realitzada a 253 estudiants de la UVic durant el curs 07/08. Resultats: Un 72.7% dels enquestats consumeixen productes de les Màquines Expenedores d’Aliments i Begudes (MEAB), fonamentalment com a complement dels àpats i un 63.8% dels enquestats refereix que els agradaria rebre informació nutricional sobre els productes ofertats. Els hàbits alimentaris dels estudiants són bastant adequats ja que un 81.4% realitza almenys 4 àpats diaris. La qualitat de l’esmorzar és bona en el 12.3% dels casos i entre aquells que prenen algun aliment a mig matí la qualitat total de l’esmorzar millora (55.7% bona qualitat). Segons el Kidmed un 39.9% realitzen una dieta mediterrània i s’observen diferències segons la qualitat total de l’esmorzar (p<0.001). Conclusions: El consum de productes de les MEAB en l’entorn universitari és molt important, per la qual cosa la millora del perfil nutricional i la implantació d’estratègies informatives sobre els productes, permetrà que els consumidors estiguin més informats i puguin fer una elecció alimentària més saludable. Els hàbits alimentaris de la població d’estudi reflexen que la qualitat de la dieta dels universitaris és bastant bona, tot i que diferents factors podrien millorar-se. Paraules clau: màquines expenedores d’aliments i begudes (MEAB), hàbits alimentaris, universitaris.Introduction: Among the potential dietary behaviours that could contribute to an inadequate dietary intake is the consumption of convenience foods, high in calories, largely high in saturated fats and sugar. Snack vending machines are a prime example of convenience foods. Objectives: To evaluate consumption of products from snack vending machines among students of Universitat de Vic (UVic), and to study the general characteristics of their eating habits. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was applied to 253 UVic students during the year 07/08. Results: 72.7% of students consume products from snack vending machines, basically to complement their intakes. 63.8% said that they would like to receive nutritional information about products. Students’ eating habits are quite appropriate because 81.4% have a minimum of 4 meals a day. Breakfast quality is good in 12.3% and, in those cases taking a mid-morning snack, overall breakfast quality is improved (55.7% good quality). Kidmed results show that 39.9% have a Mediterranean diet with differences depending on the breakfast overall quality (p<0.001).Conclusions: Consumption of products from snack vending machines is important in the university population. Thus, an improvement of the nutritional profile of products, together with the introduction of nutritional information about them, will allow consumers to be more informed and to make healthier dietary selections. Students’ eating habits show that the overall quality of their diet is good, although it could be improved in different ways. Key words: food and beverage vending machines, eating habits, students.Introducción: Entre los comportamientos alimentarios que pueden contribuir a una ingesta dietética inadecuada está el consumo de alimentos de conveniencia, alimentos que se caracterizan por ser de elevado contenido calórico, ricos en grasas saturadas y azúcares. Las máquinas de vending resultan ser uno de los principales ejemplos de disponibilidad de alimentos de conveniencia. Objetivos: Evaluar entre los estudiantes de la Universitat de Vic (UVic) los hábitos de consumo de productos de las máquinas de vending y estudiar las características generales de sus hábitos alimentarios. Materiales y métodos: Encuesta realizada a 253 estudiantes de la UVic durante el curso 07/08. Resultados: Un 72.7% de los encuestados consume productos de las Máquinas Expendedoras de Alimentos y Bebidas (MEAB), fundamentalmente como complemento a las comidas y un 63.8% de los encuestados refieren que les gustaría recibir información nutricional sobre los productos ofertados. Los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiantes resultan bastante adecuados ya que un 81.4% realiza al menos 4 comidas diarias. La calidad del desayuno es buena en el 12.3% de los casos y entre aquellos que toman algún alimento a media mañana la calidad total del desayuno mejora (55.7%% buena calidad). Según el Kidmed un 39.9% realizan una dieta mediterránea observándose diferencias según la calidad total del desayuno (p<0.001). Conclusiones: El consumo de productos de las MEAB en el entorno universitario resulta muy importante, por lo que la mejora del perfil nutricional y la implantación de estrategias informativas sobre los productos, permitirá que los consumidores estén más informados y puedan hacer una elección alimentaria más saludable. Los hábitos alimentarios de la población de estudio reflejan que la calidad de la dieta de los universitarios resulta bastante buena, aunque distintos factores podrían mejorarse. Palabras clave: máquinas expendedoras de alimentos y bebidas (MEAB), hábitos alimentarios y universitarios

    Influence of label information on dark chocolate acceptability

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    The aim of the present work was to study how the information on product labels influences consumer expectations and their acceptance and purchase intention of dark chocolate. Six samples of dark choco- late, varying in brand (premium and store brand) and in type of product (regular dark chocolate, single cocoa origin dark chocolate and high percentage of cocoa dark chocolate), were evaluated by 109 con- sumers who scored their liking and purchase intention under three conditions: blind (only tasting the products), expected (observing product label information) and informed (tasting the products together with provision of the label information). In the expected condition, consumer liking was mainly affected by the brand. In the blind condition, differences in liking were due to the type of product; the samples with a high percentage of cocoa were those less preferred by consumers. Under the informed condition, liking of dark chocolates varied depending on both brand and type of product. Premium brand chocolates generated high consumer expectations of chocolate acceptability, which were fulfilled by the sensory characteristics of the products. Store brand chocolates created lower expectations, but when they were tasted they were as acceptable as premium chocolates. Claims of a high percentage of cocoa and single cocoa origin on labels did not generate higher expectations than regular dark chocolates

    Chitosan application in maize (Zea mays) to counteract the effects of abiotic stress at seedling level

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    Worldwide, the conditions of biotic and abiotic stresses adversely affect the potential production of maize. Drought or heat facilitate the infection with fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium moniliforme, and consequently increase the production of mycotoxins. There are several strategies for managing the problem, but in the future, people will prefer the cleaner and cheaper technology. The use of elicitors for protection of corn can be considered a cheap and clean technology. Chitosan elicitor is a linear polysaccharide produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin. It has been reported that this elicitor induce phytoalexin accumulation in plant tissue. Application of chitosan to seeds in rice significantly increased rice yield. About this, there are no reports in corn. For this reason, the aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of chitosan in maize seedlings subjected to abiotic stresses. To this end, three treatments were tested (a negative control, a positive control, and a group coated with chitosan solution) under four abiotic stresses conditions since their germination stage: drought, moisture, acid pH and alkaline pH. During five weeks, the seedlings growth was evaluated by measuring their total length, the length of leaves, stems and the thickness of these and presence of fungi. Positive effect was observed in seeds treated with chitosan or stressed with acidic pH in dimensions of seedlings and there was no fungal growth.Key words: Abiotic stress, Zea mays, chitosan, pH, drought, humidit

    Nk3R blockade has sex-divergent effects on memory in mice

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    Altres ajuts: National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression: 22434 ; Fundación Alicia KoplowitzMemory consolidation is a process required for the formation of long-term memories. The G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) neurokinin-3-receptor (Nk3R) and its interactions with sex hormones seem important for the modulation of fear memory consolidation: Nk3R antagonism in male mice impairs fear memory, but enhances it in females. However, the involvement of the Nk3R as a modulator of other memories in both sexes remains unexplored. We use the novel object recognition paradigm to test the effect of a systemic blockade of Nk3R during memory consolidation. Further, we assess the expression of estrogen receptor α, estrogen receptor β, and androgen receptor and heterodimerization with Nk3R in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsal hippocampus (DH) of mice. Nk3R systemic antagonism elicited decreased memory consolidation in males while it enhanced it in females during proestrus. Nk3R analysis in the different subregions of the mPFC and the DH showed a higher expression in males than females. Moreover, females presented upregulation of the androgen receptor in the CA1 and the estrogen receptor beta in the cingulate cortex, CA1, and dentate gyrus. Overall, males presented an upregulation of the estrogen receptor alpha. We also explored the heterodimerization of GCPR membrane sex hormone receptors with the Nk3R. We found a higher percentage of Nk3R-membrane G-protein estrogen receptors heterodimers in the prelimbic cortex of the mPFC in females, suggesting an interaction of estradiol with Nk3R in memory consolidation. However, males presented a higher percentage of Nk3R-membrane G-protein androgen receptors heterodimers compared to females, pointing to an interaction of testosterone with Nk3R in memory consolidation. These data propose novel ideas on functional interactions between Nk3R, sex hormones, estrogen receptors, and androgen receptors in memory consolidation

    Inverse sampling and triangular sequential designs to compare a small proportion with a reference value

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    Inverse sampling and formal sequential designs may prove useful in reducing the sample size in studies where a small population proportion p is compared with a hypothesized reference proportion p0. These methods are applied to the design of a cytogenetic study about chromosomal abnormalities in men with a daughter affected by Turner's syndrome. First it is shown how the calculated sample size for a classical design depends on the parameterization used. Later this sample size is compared with the required sample size in an inverse sampling design and a triangular sequential design using four different parameterizations (absolute differences, log-odds ratio, angular transform and Sprott's transform). The expected savings in sample size, when the alternative hypothesis is true, are 20% of the fixed sample size for the inverse sampling design and 40% for the triangular sequential design

    Foot-and-Mouth Disease Infection Dynamics in Contact-Exposed Pigs Are Determined by the Estimated Exposure Dose

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    The quantitative relationship between the exposure dose of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and subsequent infection dynamics has been demonstrated through controlled inoculation studies in various species. However, similar quantitation of viral doses has not been achieved during contact exposure experiments due to the intrinsic difficulty of measuring the virus quantities exchanged between animals. In the current study, novel modeling techniques were utilized to investigate FMDV infection dynamics in groups of pigs that had been contact-exposed to FMDV-infected donors shedding varying levels of virus, as well as in pigs inoculated via the intra-oropharyngeal (IOP) route. Estimated virus exposure doses were modeled and were found to be statistically significantly associated with the dynamics of FMDV RNA detection in serum and oropharyngeal fluid (OPF), and with the time to onset of clinical disease. The minimum estimated shedding quantity in OPF that defined infectiousness of donor pigs was 6.55 log10 genome copy numbers (GCN)/ml (95% CI 6.11, 6.98), which delineated the transition from the latent to infectious phase of disease which occurred during the incubation phase. This quantity corresponded to a minimum estimated exposure dose of 5.07 log10 GCN/ml (95% CI 4.25, 5.89) in contact-exposed pigs. Thus, we demonstrated that a threshold quantity of FMDV detection in donor pigs was necessary in order to achieve transmission by direct contact. The outcomes from this investigation demonstrate that variability of infection dynamics which occurs during the progression of FMD in naturally exposed pigs can be partially attributed to variations in exposure dose. Moreover, these modeling approaches for dose-quantitation may be retrospectively applied to contact-exposure experiments or field scenarios. Hence, robust information could be incorporated into models used to evaluate FMD spread and control

    Efficacy of modern antipsychotics in placebo-controlled trials in bipolar depression: a meta-analysis.

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    Randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated efficacy for second-generation antipsychotics in the treatment of acute mania in bipolar disorder. Despite depression being considered the hallmark of bipolar disorder, there are no published systematic reviews or meta-analyses to evaluate the efficacy of modern atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression. We systematically reviewed published or registered randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) of modern antipsychotics in adult bipolar I and/or II depressive patients (DSM-IV criteria). Efficacy outcomes were assessed based on changes in the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) during an 8-wk period. Data were combined through meta-analysis using risk ratio as an effect size with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and with a level of statistical significance of 5% (p<0.05). We identified five RCTs; four involved antipsychotic monotherapy and one addressed both monotherapy and combination with an antidepressant. The two quetiapine trials analysed the safety and efficacy of two doses: 300 and 600 mg/d. The only olanzapine trial assessed olanzapine monotherapy within a range of 5-20 mg/d and olanzapine-fluoxetine combination within a range of 5-20 mg/d and 6-12 mg/d, respectively. The two aripiprazole placebo-controlled trials assessed doses of 5-30 mg/d. Quetiapine and olanzapine trials (3/5, 60%) demonstrated superiority over placebo (p<0.001). Only 2/5 (40%) (both aripiprazole trials) failed in the primary efficacy measure after the first 6 wk. Some modern antipsychotics (quetiapine and olanzapine) have demonstrated efficacy in bipolar depressive patients from week 1 onwards. Rapid onset of action seems to be a common feature of atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression. Comment in The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface controlEfficacy of modern antipsychotics in placebo-controlled trials in bipolar depression: a meta-analysis--results to be interpreted with caution