320 research outputs found

    Aproximació al procés transformador de la ciutat de Tarraco. Del Baix Imperi a l'Edat Mitjana

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    El coneixement de l'urbanisme de la ciutat de Tarragona és un tema abordat els darrers anys per un nodrit grup d'investigadors i estudiosos. Malgrat aquest creixent interès, els problemes al respecte són encara importants i, fins i tot, difícils de resoldre. Un tema si bé abordat, però encara per estudiar de forma aprofondida, és el de l'evolució urbanística des d'epoca romana a l'actualitat. En l'article que ara segueix es pretén donar un estat de la qüestió de l'evolució urbana de la ciutat des del Baix Imperi a l'Edat Mitjana, i es fa especial incidència a la influència del Cristianisme en aquesta. Així l'anomenada "crisi del segle III", les transformacions durant el Baix Imperi i període visigot, la "desocupació" durant l'impas andalusí i la recuperació urbana a partir de l'Edat Mitjana són temes que s'aborden, tot proposant diferentes hipotesis de treball, que com a tals caldra ratificar o desestimar al compas de noves investigacions.Many scholars and scientists have been investigating Tarragona's town planning for the last years. Despite of this growing interest, in it, there have been found important problems and others even difficult to solve. The town developement from ther Roman age to our days is a subject wich has been studied but not in a very deep way. What is intended in this article is to give a concrete view of Tarragona's town developement, from the period of the Low Empire to the Middle Ages especially remaking the Christian influence in tbis evolution. The so called "ill Century AD crises" the transformation during the Low Empire and the Visigothic period, the "unoccupation" during the islamic time ara mentiared in this article, proposing different hipothesis wich will be accepted or refuses through future investigations

    Fear to Retaliation: The Most Frequent Reason for Not Helping Victims of Gender Violence

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    When faced with situations of gender-based violence, one becomes exposed to risk in giving support to the victim (van Reemst, Fischer, & WC Zwirs, 2015, Hamby, Weber, Grych, & Banyard, 2016; Liebst, Heinskou & Ejbye-Ernst, 2018). This form of violence, second order of sexual harassment (SOSH), occurs when people who support victims of gender-based violence experience violence themselves because of this positioning (Vidu et al., 2017; Flecha, 2021). There is little research on the subject. Through a quantitative study carried out with 1541 Spaniards over 18 years of age, we provide, for the first time, quantitative evidence of the incidence of SOSH in the responses of people who have been aware of a situation of gender-based violence. Our results show that SOSH is an important obstacle; 40% of people who did not offer help in the case of gender-based violence did not do so for reasons that correspond to SOSH. We concluded that the fear of suffering SOSH can condition people's reactions in the environment, thereby limiting the possibility of female victims of violence receiving help

    Adenosine Metabolism in the Cerebral Cortex from Several Mice Models during Aging

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    Adenosine is a neuromodulator that has been involved in aging and neurodegenerative diseases as Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present work, we analyzed the possible modulation of purine metabolites, 5'nucleotidase (5′NT) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities, and adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and its phosphorylated form during aging in the cerebral cortex. Three murine models were used: senescence-accelerated mouse-resistant 1 (SAMR1, normal senescence), senescence-accelerated mouse-prone 8 (SAMP8, a model of AD), and the wild-type C57BL/6J (model of aging) mice strains. Glutamate and excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2) levels were also measured in these animals. HPLC, Western blotting, and enzymatic activity evaluation were performed to this aim. 5′-Nucleotidase (5′NT) activity was decreased at six months and recovered at 12 months in SAMP8 while opposite effects were observed in SAMR1 at the same age, and no changes in C57BL/6J mice. ADA activity significantly decreased from 3 to 12 months in the SAMR1 mice strain, while a significant decrease from 6 to 12 months was observed in the SAMP8 mice strain. Regarding purine metabolites, xanthine and guanosine levels were increased at six months in SAMR1 without significant differences in SAMP8 mice. In C57BL/6J mice, inosine and xanthine were increased, while adenosine decreased, from 4 to 24 months. The AMPK level was decreased at six months in SAMP8 without significant changes nor in SAMR1 or C57BL/6J strains. Glutamate and EAAT2 levels were also modulated during aging. Our data show a different modulation of adenosine metabolism participants in the cerebral cortex of these animal models. Interestingly, the main differences between SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice were found at six months of age, SAMP8 being the most affected strain. As SAMP8 is an AD model, results suggest that adenosinergic metabolism is involved in the neurodegeneration of AD

    Noise Characteristics of Operational Real‐Time High‐Rate GNSS Positions in a Large Aperture Network

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    Large earthquakes are difficult to model in real‐time with traditional inertial seismic measurements. Several algorithms that leverage high‐rate real‐time Global Navigation Satellite Systems (HR‐GNSS) positions have been proposed, and it has been shown that they can supplement the earthquake monitoring effort. However, analyses of the long‐term noise behavior of high‐rate real‐time GNSS positions, which are important to understand how the data can be used operationally by monitoring agencies, have been limited to just a few sites and to short time spans. Here, we show results from an analysis of the noise characteristics of 1 year of positions at 213 GNSS sites spanning a large geographic region from Southern California to Alaska. We characterize the behavior of noise and propose several references noise models which can be used as baselines to compare against as technological improvements allow for higher precision solutions. We also show how to use the reference noise models to generate realistic synthetic noise that can be used in simulations of HR‐GNSS waveforms. We discuss spatiotemporal variations in the noise and their potential sources and significance. We also detail how noise analysis can be used in a dynamic quality control to determine which sites should or should not contribute positions to an earthquake modeling algorithm at a particular moment in time. We posit that while there remain important improvements yet to be made, such as reducing the number of outliers in the time series, the present quality of real‐time HR‐GNSS waveforms is more than sufficient for monitoring large earthquakes

    Adenosine and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Are Present in Blood Serum and Exosomes from SAMP8 Mice: Modulation by Aging and Resveratrol

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    Adenosine (ARs) and metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are modulated in the brain of SAMP8 mice, an animal model of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the present work, it is shown the presence of ARs and mGluRs in blood serum and derived exosomes from SAMP8 mice as well as its possible modulation by aging and resveratrol (RSV) consumption. In blood serum, adenosineA1 andA2A receptors remained unaltered from 5 to 7 months of age. However, an age-related decrease in adenosine level was observed, while 50-Nucleotidase activity was not modulated. Regarding the glutamatergic system, it was observed a decrease in mGluR5 density and glutamate levels in older mice. In addition, dietary RSV supplementation caused an age-dependent modulation in both adenosinergic and glutamatergic systems. These GPCRs were also found in blood serum-derived exosomes, which might suggest that these receptors could be released into circulation via exosomes. Interestingly, changes elicited by age and RSV supplementation on mGluR5 density, and adenosine and glutamate levels were similar to that detected in whole-brain. Therefore, we might suggest that the quantification of these receptors, and their corresponding endogenous ligands, in blood serum could have predictive value for early diagnosis in combination with other distinctive hallmarks of AD

    Influencia de la alimentación del cerdo ibérico en las características de los compuestos relacionados con la grasa del jamón curado

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    Alimentation influence (acorn, acorn-bait mixed, bait) over characteristics fat and their degradation products, that are in part, responsible of the aroma of ham, has been studied. Influence over the naturation degree has been observed. Relation oleic/linoleic+linolenic acids are different In the three types of hams. Also water activity, salinity index and redox potential show differences that affect to the relative percentage of satured and unsatured free fatty acids. Fat of bait hams suffer more oxidation. Acorn and mixed acornbait hams offer a higher level of pentanal and acetaldehyde. Whereas bait hams have higher level of hexanal, heptanal and octanal. The percentage of cetonic compounds are similar in all then.Se ha estudiado la influencia que pueda tener la alimentación del cerdo ibérico (bellota, recebo, pienso) sobre las características de la grasa y sus productos de degradación, responsables en parte del aroma que presenta el jamón curado. Se ha puesto de manifiesto una incidencia de la alimentación sobre la insaturación de la grasa intramuscular del jamón, que se refleja en la relación parcial, que en cada tipo de jamón aparece entre el ácido oleico y la suma de linoleico y linolénico. Diferencias en parámetros de curación como actividad de agua, índice de salinidad y potencial redox, tienen su reflejo en las diferencias encontradas para las proporciones relativas entre los ácidos grasos libres saturados e insaturados. Una mayor oxidación en la grasa de jamones de pienso marca también diferencias con los otros tipos de jamones en lo que respecta a sus componentes volátiles. Los jamones de bellota y recebo son más ricos en los aldehídos acetaldehído y pentanal, mientras que los jamones de pienso tienen mayor contenido en hexanal, heptanal y octanal. Los tres tipos de jamones coinciden en los porcentajes de los componentes cetónicos: propanona, 2-butanona y 2-pentanona