192 research outputs found

    L'educació a Catalunya

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    Cercar antecedents historics de la situació política actual a Catalunya equival a aprofundir en els orígens de la nostra constitució com a poble. I en aquest sentit cal destacar que 1989 ha estat considerat -si bé amb certes polemiques- l'any de I'acompliment del primer milalenari. Deixarem ara de banda altres consideracions i les pinzellades historiques que segueixen es limitaran a l'ambit educatiu. Com és ben sabut, el Decret de Nova Planta, que va dictar Felip V el 1714, després de la presa de Barcelona, va abolir totes les institucions catalanes d'autogovern i va iniciar un llarg període de repressió lingüística i cultural que, tanmateix, no va ser obstacle perque en ple segle XVIII sorgissin obres pedagogiques com Instruccions per a l'ensenyanga de minyons de Baldiri Reixac

    Infrared microspectroscopy to elucidate the underlying biomolecular mechanisms of FLASH radiotherapy.

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    FLASH-radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) is an emerging modality that uses ultra-high dose rates of radiation to enable curative doses to the tumor while preserving normal tissue. The biological studies showed the potential of FLASH-RT to revolutionize radiotherapy cancer treatments. However, the complex biological basis of FLASH-RT is not fully known yet. Within this context, our aim is to get deeper insights into the biomolecular mechanisms underlying FLASH-RT through Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy (FTIRM). C57Bl/6J female mice were whole brain irradiated at 10 Gy with the eRT6-Oriatron system. 10 Gy FLASH-RT was delivered in 1 pulse of 1.8μs and conventional irradiations at 0.1 Gy/s. Brains were sampled and prepared for analysis 24 h post-RT. FTIRM was performed at the MIRAS beamline of ALBA Synchrotron. Infrared raster scanning maps of the whole mice brain sections were collected for each sample condition. Hyperspectral imaging and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were performed in several regions of the brain. PCA results evidenced a clear separation between conventional and FLASH irradiations in the 1800-950 cm <sup>-1</sup> region, with a significant overlap between FLASH and Control groups. An analysis of the loading plots revealed that most of the variance accounting for the separation between groups was associated to modifications in the protein backbone (Amide I). This protein degradation and/or conformational rearrangement was concomitant with nucleic acid fragmentation/condensation. Cluster separation between FLASH and conventional groups was also present in the 3000-2800 cm <sup>-1</sup> region, being correlated with changes in the methylene and methyl group concentrations and in the lipid chain length. Specific vibrational features were detected as a function of the brain region. This work provided new insights into the biomolecular effects involved in FLASH-RT through FTIRM. Our results showed that beyond nucleic acid investigations, one should take into account other dose-rate responsive molecules such as proteins, as they might be key to understand FLASH effect

    Synchrotron-based fourier-transform infrared micro-spectroscopy (SR-FTIRM) fingerprint of the small anionic molecule cobaltabis(dicarbollide) uptake in glioma stem cells

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    The anionic cobaltabis (dicarbollide) [3,3'-Co(1,2-C2B9H11)2]-, [o-COSAN]-, is the most studied icosahedral metallacarborane. The sodium salts of [o-COSAN]- could be an ideal candidate for the anti-cancer treatment Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) as it possesses the ability to readily cross biological membranes thereby producing cell cycle arrest in cancer cells. BNCT is a cancer therapy based on the potential of 10B atoms to produce α particles that cross tissues in which the 10B is accumulated without damaging the surrounding healthy tissues, after being irradiated with low energy thermal neutrons. Since Na[o-COSAN] displays a strong and characteristic ν(B-H) frequency in the infrared range 2.600-2.500 cm-1, we studied the uptake of Na[o-COSAN] followed by its interaction with biomolecules and its cellular biodistribution in two different glioma initiating cells (GICs), mesenchymal and proneural respectively, by using Synchrotron Radiation-Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) micro-spectroscopy (SR-FTIRM) facilities at the MIRAS Beamline of ALBA synchrotron light source. The spectroscopic data analysis from the bands in the regions of DNA, proteins, and lipids permitted to suggest that after its cellular uptake, Na[o-COSAN] strongly interacts with DNA strings, modifies proteins secondary structure and also leads to lipid saturation. The mapping suggests the nuclear localization of [o-COSAN]-, which according to reported Monte Carlo simulations may result in a more efficient cell-killing effect compared to that in a uniform distribution within the entire cell. In conclusion, we show pieces of evidence that at low doses, [o-COSAN]- translocates GIC cells' membranes and it alters the physiology of the cells, suggesting that Na[o-COSAN] is a promising agent to BNCT for glioblastoma cells

    Influence of the i/d polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene on the outcome of microalbuminuria in essential hypertension

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of the I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene on the outcome of microalbuminuria in essential hypertensive patients who were receiving antihypertensive treatment. One hundred thirty-six essential hypertensive patients who were <50 years old and had never previously received treatment with antihypertensive drugs were included in the study. During a 3-year period, patients received nonpharmacological treatment consisting of moderate salt restriction and a low-calorie diet they were obese, with or without a regimen of antihypertensive drugs based on ß-blockers or ACE inhibitors. Hydrochlorothiazide was added when necessary to maintain the blood pressure goal of <135/85 mm Hg. At the beginning of the study and at yearly intervals, systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP, respectively), 24-hour urinary albumin excretion (UAE), renal function, and biochemical profile measurements were made. The insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the ACE gene was determined through the use of polymerase chain reaction. The variables used in the statistical analysis were the measurements at the start of the study and the increase or decrease detected during the follow-up, estimated as individual specific regression line slope values. At baseline, no differences in blood pressure or UAE values were observed among genotypes. Likewise, the genotype or allele frequency was not significantly different between normoalbuminurics and microalbuminurics. After the 3 treatment years, significant reductions in SBP, DBP, and UAE were found (SBP 151.6±17.3 reduced to 137.2±14.3 mm Hg, P<0.001; DBP 96.6±8.9 reduced to 84.5±9.8 mm Hg, P<0.001; UAE 36.7±71.5 reduced to 28.3±78.6 mg/24 h, P<0.05). The slopes of these parameters over time did not differ significantly among genotypes. The slope of SBP was the main factor related to the slope of logUAE (P<0.003). A significant positive correlation coefficient between the SBP and logUAE slopes was observed for the DD patients (r=0.57, P<0.0001) but was absent in patients carrying the I allele (II r=-0.03, P=NS; I/D r=0.01, P=NS). Follow-up studies should be used to achieve a better understanding of the impact of candidate gene polymorphisms on the development of hypertension-induced organ damage. Assessment of the I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene may identify subjects who require a greatly lowered blood pressure to prevent organ damage and to reduce hypertension-associated complications and death.Redon Mas, Josep, [email protected] ; Chaves Martinez, Felipe Javier, [email protected] ; Pascual Izuel, Jose Maria, [email protected]

    Exploring structure–activity relationships in photodynamic therapy anticancer agents based on Ir(III)-COUPY conjugates

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    Photodynamic therapy holds great promise as a non-invasive anticancer tool against drug-resistant cancers. However, highly effective, non-toxic, and reliable photosensitizers with operability under hypoxic conditions remain to be developed. Herein, we took the advantageous properties of COUPY fluorophores and cyclometalated Ir(III) complexes to develop novel PDT agents based on Ir(III)-COUPY conjugates with the aim of exploring structure–activity relationships. The structural modifications carried out within the coumarin scaffold had a strong impact on the photophysical properties and cellular uptake of the conjugates. All Ir(III)-COUPY conjugates exhibited high phototoxicity under green light irradiation, which was attributed to the photogeneration of ROS, while remaining non-toxic in the dark. Among them, two hit conjugates showed excellent phototherapeutic indexes in cisplatin-resistant A2780cis cancer cells, both in normoxia and in hypoxia, suggesting that photoactive therapy approaches based on the conjugation of far-red/NIR-emitting COUPY dyes and transition metal complexes could effectively tackle in vitro acquired resistance to cisplatin