26 research outputs found

    Parametric pattern selection in a reaction-diffusion model

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    We compare spot patterns generated by Turing mechanisms with those generated by replication cascades, in a model one-dimensional reaction-diffusion system. We determine the stability region of spot solutions in parameter space as a function of a natural control parameter (feed-rate) where degenerate patterns with different numbers of spots coexist for a fixed feed-rate. While it is possible to generate identical patterns via both mechanisms, we show that replication cascades lead to a wider choice of pattern profiles that can be selected through a tuning of the feed-rate, exploiting hysteresis and directionality effects of the different pattern pathways

    Nonlinearity and Topology

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    The interplay of nonlinearity and topology results in many novel and emergent properties across a number of physical systems such as chiral magnets, nematic liquid crystals, Bose-Einstein condensates, photonics, high energy physics, etc. It also results in a wide variety of topological defects such as solitons, vortices, skyrmions, merons, hopfions, monopoles to name just a few. Interaction among and collision of these nontrivial defects itself is a topic of great interest. Curvature and underlying geometry also affect the shape, interaction and behavior of these defects. Such properties can be studied using techniques such as, e.g. the Bogomolnyi decomposition. Some applications of this interplay, e.g. in nonreciprocal photonics as well as topological materials such as Dirac and Weyl semimetals, are also elucidated

    New approximations for network reliability

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    We introduce two new methods for approximating the all-terminal reliability of undirected graphs. First, we introduce an edge removal process: remove edges at random, one at a time, until the graph becomes disconnected. We show that the expected number of edges thus removed is equal to (Formula presented.), where (Formula presented.) is the number of edges in the graph, and (Formula presented.) is the average of the all-terminal reliability polynomial. Based on this process, we propose a Monte-Carlo algorithm to quickly estimate the graph reliability (whose exact computation is NP-hard). Moreover, we show that the distribution of the edge removal process can be used to quickly approximate the reliability polynomial. We then propose increasingly accurate asymptotics for graph reliability based solely on degree distributions of the graph. These asymptotics are tested against several real-world networks and are shown to be accurate for sufficiently dense graphs. While the approach starts to fail for “subway-like” networks that contain many paths of vertices of degree two, different asymptotics are derived for such networks.Quantum & Computer Engineerin

    Models of self-organizing bacterial communities and comparisons with experimental observations

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    Abstract. Bacillus subtilis swarms rapidly over the surface of a synthetic medium creating remarkable hyperbranched dendritic communities. Models to reproduce such effects have been proposed under the form of parabolic Partial Differential Equations representing the dynamics of the active cells (both motile and multiplying), the passive cells (non-motile and non-growing) and nutrient concentration. We test the numerical behavior of such models and compare them to relevant experimental data together with a critical analysis of the validity of the model based on recent observations of the swarming bacteria which show that nutrients are not limitating but distinct subpopulations growing at different rates are likely present