349 research outputs found

    The effect of ratio between PTA teachers and Government employed teachers on Education outcomes in Kenya Primary Schools

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    The effect of locally hired teachers on school outcomes (the Dose response function estimation evidence from Kenya)

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    Pengaruh Budaya Perusahan, Motivasi, Dan Keselamatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of corporate culture, motivation, and safety of the employee's performance. research instrument used was a questionnaire form of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire used is enclosed questionnaire is a model that has been available answer questions, so respondents simply choose alternative answers according to the opinion or choice. The closed questions respondents to explain the variable corporate culture, motivation, workplace safety, and employee performance. results of studies using multiple regression analysis showed that partially proves corporate culture, motivation, and affect the safety performance of employees at PT. Antam Tbk. Buli. Suggested to the company to always give you a raise, develop employee skills and abilities in order to further enhance employee performance and profitable for the company. Keywords: transfer, promotion, career development employe

    The handaxe and the microscope: individual and social learning in a multidimensional model of adaptation

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    When individuals learn by trial-and-error, they perform randomly chosen actions and then reinforce those actions that led to a high payoff. However, individuals do not always have to physically perform an action in order to evaluate its consequences. Rather, they may be able to mentally simulate actions and their consequences without actually performing them. Such fictitious learners can select actions with high payoffs without making long chains of trial-and-error learning. Here, we analyze the evolution of an n-dimensional cultural trait (or artifact) by learning, in a payoff landscape with a single optimum. We derive the stochastic learning dynamics of the distance to the optimum in trait space when choice between alternative artifacts follows the standard logit choice rule. We show that for both trial-and-error and fictitious learners, the learning dynamics stabilize at an approximate distance of root n/(2 lambda(e)) away from the optimum, where lambda(e) is an effective learning performance parameter depending on the learning rule under scrutiny. Individual learners are thus unlikely to reach the optimum when traits are complex (n large), and so face a barrier to further improvement of the artifact. We show, however, that this barrier can be significantly reduced in a large population of learners performing payoff-biased social learning, in which case lambda(e) becomes proportional to population size. Overall, our results illustrate the effects of errors in learning, levels of cognition, and population size for the evolution of complex cultural traits. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The different effects of risk preferences on the adoption of agricultural technology : evidence from a rural area in Cambodia

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    Kulit buah pisang matang merupakan limbah dari olahan buah pisang matang seperti pembuatan berbagai jenis kue dari daging pisang, sedangkan kulit pisang mentah merupakan limbah dari buah pisang mentah yang daging buahnya dibuat keripik dan mengandung banyak getah jika dibandingkan dengan kulit pisang matang dan lewat matang. Hal tersebut mungkin mempengaruhi kandungan gizi yang ada pada kedua kulit buah pisang tersebut, dikarenakan tingkat kematangan kulit buah pisang mempengaruhi kandungan gizi yang ada dalam kulit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini perlu dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui Kandungan gizi pada kulit buah pisang Ambon lumut (Musa accuminata colla) Mentah, Matang dan lewat matang Di Kota Ambon, Provinsi Maluku. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif  yaitu untuk mengetahui analisis nilai gizi Karbohidrat,  Protein, Lemak, Dan Kalsium pada Kulit Buah Pisang Ambon Lumut (Musa accuminata colla) Mentah dan Matang di Kota Ambon, Provinsi Maluku. Hasil yang telah diperoleh adalah pada kulit buah pisang ambon mentah memiliki rata – rata kadar karbohidrat sebesar 4,02%, kadar lemak sebesar 0,85% dan kadar protein sebesar 0,31%. Pada kulit buah pisang ambon matang memiliki rata – rata kandungan karbohidrat sebesar 4,11%, kadar lemak sebesar 1,19% dan kadar protein sebesar 0,31%. Sedangkan pada kulit buah pisang ambon lewat matang, rata – rata kadar karbohidrat sebesar 3,96%, kadar lemak sebesar 1,68% dan kadar protein sebesar 0,64%

    Does the heterogeneity of project implementers affect the program participation of beneficiaries? : Evidence from rural Cambodia

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    Evolution of dispersal in a spatially heterogeneous population with finite patch sizes

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    Dispersal is one of the fundamental life-history strategies of organisms, so understanding the selective forces shaping the dispersal traits is important. In the Wright’s island model, dispersal evolves due to kin competition even when dispersal is costly, and it has traditionally been assumed that the living conditions are the same everywhere. To study the effect of spatial heterogeneity, we extend the model so that patches may receive different amounts of immigrants, foster different numbers of individuals, and give different reproduction efficiency to individuals therein. We obtain an analytical expression for the fitness gradient, which shows that directional selection consists of three components: As in the homogeneous case, the direct cost of dispersal selects against dispersal and kin competition promotes dispersal. The additional component, spatial heterogeneity, more precisely the variance of so-called relative reproductive potential, tends to select against dispersal. We also obtain an expression for the second derivative of fitness, which can be used to determine whether there is disruptive selection: Unlike the homogeneous case, we found that divergence of traits through evolutionary branching is possible in the heterogeneous case. Our numerical explorations suggest that evolutionary branching is promoted more by differences in patch size than by reproduction efficiency. Our results show the importance of the existing spatial heterogeneity in the real world as a key determinant in dispersal evolution