1,404 research outputs found

    Financial resources and organizational culture as determinants for competitive strategy of enterprises

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    Purpose: The aim of this article is to study the scientific approaches for the formation of a competitive strategy of an enterprise through financial resources and organizational culture. Design/Methodology/Approach: We have approached the research using the method of comparison, the method of abstraction, the induction method, the method of systematization, and the method of grouping. The empirical research is based on regression analysis. Findings: Scientific approaches to the essence of “competitive strategy” are arranged in three directions: the action plan, the production of competitive products, and the management solutions. Formation of a competitive strategy is based on the factors of the internal environment and they have been built on the provision of financial autonomy and the skill of building organizational culture. Practical Implications: An important indicator of the effectiveness of financial resources is the assessment of the company’s competitive potential. We propose the most promising methods for assessing the competitive environment at the tactical and strategic levels. Originality/Value: The advantages of building an effective organizational culture as part of the enterprise’s development strategy are represented by a set of factors, which can be adopted by an enterprise to improve effectiveness.peer-reviewe

    К вопросу об асимметрии теоретико-игровой семантике

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    This article offers an analysis of the key aspects of the game-theoretic semantics, and demonstrates its advantages regarding the presentation of incomplete information and imperfect recall in comparison with Frege — Russell fi rst-order logic. The article offers a review of some limitations of the game-theoretic semantics towards the problem of asymmetry in semantic games. Author provides an overview of the concurrent game-theoretic semantics.В статье обсуждаются ключевые аспекты теоретико-игровой семантики, и демонстрируются ее преимущества в деле анализа игр с несовершенной информацией и несовершенной памятью по сравнению с логикой первого порядка Фреге — Рассела. В статье обсуждаются ограничения теоретико-игровой семантики Я. Хинтикки относительно проблемы асимметрии в семантических играх. Представлен обзор характеристик параллельной теоретико-игровой семантики

    Clinical features and molecular genetic risk factors for the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers.

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    Chronic bronchitis (СB) remains one of the most pressing problems of pediatric pulmonology. This is due to the high prevalence of this disease and the possible transformation into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adults. Today, there is a large number of exogenous and endogenous risk factors for developing CB in children and adolescents. However, the effect of smoking on the development, clinical course of СB and the molecular genetic basis of its formation is insufficiently studied in adolescence. The purpose of the study is to investigate the clinical features of the course and genetic risk factors for the development of CB in adolescent smokers. A comprehensive survey of 107 adolescents was performed. All patients were divided into three groups. The group 1 included 40 adolescent smokers with СВ, the group 2 – 30 adolescents with СВ who never smoked, the control group included 37 conditionally healthy adolescent smokers. The study included the collection of anamnesis, an objective examination of adolescents, and a molecular genetic investigations. For statistical processing of the results obtained, the program “Statistica 6.1” was used. The results of the study showed that smoking leads to the development of СВ in adolescence and affects its course, increasing the frequency and duration of exacerbations. An association of the 2G/2G genotype of the MMP-1 (rs1799750) gene with the risk of developing СВ in adolescent smokers was detected. At the same time, it was found that the presence of the TT genotype of the CYP1A1 (T3801C) gene can be considered as a possible factor of resistance to the development of CB in adolescent smokers. The data obtained in the course of the research will help develop measures of primary prevention and individual approaches to the rehabilitation of adolescents with СВ, which will prevent the development of COPD in the future

    Strategic business model as a tool for business strategy development

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    Запропоновано використання стратегічної бізнес-моделі в якості інструменту розробки бізнес-стратегії підприємства. Визначено та описано типи стратегічних бізнес-моделей.The use of strategic business models as a conceptual tool for developing enterprise business strategy is proposed. Types of strategic business models were identified and described

    Effects of boundary roughness on a Q-factor of whispering-gallery-mode lasing microdisk cavities

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    We perform numerical studies of the effect of sidewall imperfections on the resonant state broadening of the optical microdisk cavities for lasing applications. We demonstrate that even small edge roughness causes a drastic degradation of high-Q whispering gallery (WG) mode resonances reducing their Q-values by many orders of magnitude. At the same time, low-Q WG resonances are rather insensitive to the surface roughness. The results of numerical simulation obtained using the scattering matrix technique, are analyzed and explained in terms of wave reflection at a curved dielectric interface combined with the examination of Poincare surface of sections in the classical ray picture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Admittance spectroscopy of charge traps of FET based on nanotubes

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    Investigation of electrical properties of FET based on polymer wrapped nanotubes, namely charge carrier transport and trap appear mechanisms. Model of carrier transport in the device was performed. Local traps states activation energies were obtained

    Сlinical features of chronic bronchitis and genetic risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adolescent smokers

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    The aim is to study the clinical features of the course of CB in adolescent smokers and to study the genetic risk factors for the development of COPD. Materials and methods: There were examined 40 adolescent smokers with CB, 30 never-smokers adolescents with CB and 37 healthy adolescents smokers (control group). The study included the collection of anamnesis, objective examination. calculation of the smoking index and the «pack/year», molecular genetic investigations. Results: It was proved that smoking leads to the development of chronic bronchitis as early as adolescence and affects its course, increasing the frequency and duration of exacerbations. We identified an association of the 2G/2G genotype of MMP1 gene with the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. The TT genotype of CYP1A1 gene may be considered as a possible sustainability factor for the development of chronic bronchitis in adolescent smokers. Conclusions: The study of candidate genes for COPD in childhood and adolescence will facilitate the early detection of high-risk groups in the formation of this pathology, which will allow doctors to take the necessary preventive measures


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    Interaction of intellectual capital and social-corporate technologies has been studied. It has been revealed that intellectual capital management allows you to create tools, methods and mechanisms of economic and social impact on participants in corporate relations. Intellectualization of a business entity by pursuing a socially oriented policy will enable it to intensify economic activity in a social manner, improve social relations both within the company and in society, as well as affect the quality of life of people and increase the productivity of public labor. This study is a theoretical springboard for further study of the relationship between intellectual capital and social and corporate technologies, which will allow us to model the dependence, taking into account industry factors


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    Research of prevalence of a tobacco smoking among pupils of 7-11 classes of high schools of Dnіpropetrovsk (n=700) is conducted. To estimate the spreading of tobacco smoking, nicotine dependence, motivation to start smoking and to give it up, the modified by us inquiry screening was used which was based on international questionnaires.According to the results of a survey, the prevalence of smoking among adolescents in aggregate amounted to 5.9 %. To confirm that active smoking was identified metabolite of nicotine cotinine in urine using rapid tests. The results obtained from this study significantly differed from the anonymous survey.When studying the prevalence of nicotine dependence among adolescent smokers using the test of Fagerstrom in 24.3 % was identified very high nicotine dependence. In the study of motivation for smoking cessation 41.5 % of smokers adolescents had poor motivation to quit Smoking, the percentage of adolescents ' motivation to quit Smoking was absent.Different degree of nicotine dependence and low motivation to give up smoking show the difficulty in solving the problem of lowering the level of tobacco smoking among the representatives of this age category, justify the actuality of mass implementation of antitobacco programmes which should be aimed, first of all, at the decrease of intensity of tobacco smoking, the increase of motivation to give up smoking, the popularization and education of health lifestyle.Проведено исследование распространенности табакокурения среди учащихся подростков 7-11 классов средних общеобразовательных школ г. Днепропетровска (п=700). Для оценки распространенности табакокурения, никотиновой зависимости, мотивации к началу курения и мотивации к отказу от курения использовали модифицированный анкетный скрининг на основе международных опросников. По результатам анкетирования, распространенность табакокурения среди подростков составила в целом 5,9 %. Для подтверждения факта активного табакокурения определяли метаболит никотина котинин в моче с помощью экспресс- тестов. Результаты, полученные с помощью данного исследования, достоверно отличались от анонимного опроса. При изучении распространенности никотиновой зависимости среди курящих подростков с использованием теста Фагерстрема у 24,3 % была выявлена очень высокая никотиновая зависимость. При изучении мотивации к отказу от курения 41,5 % курящих подростков имели слабую мотивацию к отказу от курения, у такого же процента подростков мотивация к отказу от курения отсутствовала вообще. Установленная у большинства курильщиков различная степень никотиновой зависимости при низкой мотивации бросить курить свидетельствует о сложности решения проблемы снижения табакокурения среди подростков 15-17 лет, обосновывает актуальность широкого внедрения антитабачных программ, которые должны быть направлены в первую очередь на снижение интенсивности табакокурения, усиление мотивации бросить курить, пропаганду и воспитание здорового образа жизни.Проведено дослідження поширеності тютюнокуріння серед учнів 7-11 класів середніх загальноосвітніх шкіл м Дніпропетровська (п=700). Для оцінки поширеності тютюнокуріння, нікотинової залежності, мотивації до початку куріння та його відмови застосували модифікований анкетний скринінг на основі міжнародних опитувальників. За результатами анкетування, поширеність тютюнокуріння серед підлітків склала в цілому 5,9 %. Для підтвердження факту активного тютюнокуріння визначали метаболіт нікотину котинін у сечі за допомогою експрес-тестів. Результати, отримані за допомогою даного дослідження, достовірно відрізнялися від анонімного опитування. При вивченні поширеності нікотинової залежності серед підлітків-курців з використанням тесту Фагерстрема у 24,3 % була виявлена дуже висока нікотинова залежність. При вивченні мотивації кинути курити 41,5 % підлітків-курців мали слабку мотивацію, у такого ж відсотка підлітків мотивація кинути курити була відсутня взагалі. Встановлений у більшості курців різний ступінь нікотинової залежності при низькій мотивації кинути курити свідчить про складність вирішення проблеми зниження тютюнокуріння серед підлітків 15-17 років, обґрунтовує актуальність широкого впровадження антитютюнових програм, які повинні бути спрямовані перш за все на зниження інтенсивності тютюнокуріння, посилення мотивації кинути курити, пропаганду і виховання здорового способу життя

    Electro-optically tunable microring resonators in lithium niobate

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    Optical microresonators have recently attracted a growing attention in the photonics community. Their applications range from quantum electro-dynamics to sensors and filtering devices for optical telecommunication systems, where they are likely to become an essential building block. The integration of nonlinear and electro-optical properties in the resonators represents a very stimulating challenge, as it would incorporate new and more advanced functionality. Lithium niobate is an excellent candidate material, being an established choice for electro-optic and nonlinear optical applications. Here we report on the first realization of optical microring resonators in submicrometric thin films of lithium niobate. The high index contrast films are produced by an improved crystal ion slicing and bonding technique using benzocyclobutene. The rings have radius R=100 um and their transmission spectrum has been tuned using the electro-optic effect. These results open new perspectives for the use of lithium niobate in chip-scale integrated optical devices and nonlinear optical microcavities.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure