196 research outputs found

    Corinna Albert, Roger Friedlein & Imma Martí Esteve (eds.), «Els catalans i Llatinoamèrica (s. XIX i XX). Viatges, exilis i teories», Barcelona, Publicacions de l?Abadia de Montserrat, 2017, 352 p.

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    Ressenya sobre el llibre de Corinna Albert, Roger Friedlein & Imma Martí Esteve (eds.), Els catalans i Llatinoamèrica (s. XIX i XX). Viatges, exilis i teories, Barcelona, Publicacions de l?Abadia de Montserrat, 2017, 352 p., ISBN: 978-84-9883-925-8

    Walter Benjamin, turista y viajero: Italia (1912) e Ibiza/Eivissa (1932-1933)

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    The life, experience, and work of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) give us a vantage point to observe from a peculiar point of view, the evolution of tourism in Europe in the first third of 20th century. His experiences in Italy (1912) and Ibiza (1932-1933) let us detect the existing contrasts between a developed touristic destination, which was well known and  accessible by public transport and a primitive island, relatively isolated and virgin, which timidly tried to promote itself, to create hotel infrastructure and to integrate into international markets. Moreover, Walter Benjamin identified the stereotype of the disappointed tourist, analyzed different ways of relating to/perceiving foreign places -which would allow for the distinction among a resident, a traveler, and a tourist, and he also seemed to decry the effects of the massive tourism he foresaw in Ibiza.La vida, la experiencia y la obra de Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) proveen una ventana, desde un punto de vista peculiar, para observar la evolución del turismo en Europa durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. Sus experiencias en Italia (1912) e Ibiza (1932-1933) permiten observar los contrastes entonces existentes entre, por un lado, un destino turístico desarrollado, conocido de antemano y accesible mediante medios de transporte colectivo de fácil acceso y, por el otro, una isla primitiva, relativamente aislada y virgen que pretendía tímidamente promocionarse, crear infraestructura hotelera e incorporarse al mercado internacional. Asimismo, Walter Benjamin identificó el estereotipo del turista decepcionado, y analizó diferentes maneras de relacionarse y/o percibir el lugar ajeno -que además permitirían distinguir entre las categorías de residente, viajero y turista- y quizás criticó ya los efectos del turismo masivo que él intuía en Ibiza

    Contribution of the Five Factors of Personality and Peers on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Cross-National Study

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    Personality characteristics such as extraversion, low agreeableness and low conscientiousness are relevant for alcohol use during adolescence. In addition, having friends who use alcohol is one of the strongest predictors of adolescent alcohol consumption and its negative outcomes. The selection model posits that friends display similar alcohol consumption when their friendships are formed on the basis of common characteristics as, among others, personality. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the mediation role of peers in the association between the five-factor model of personality and adolescent alcohol use in two cultures. One hundred and twenty Scottish and 221 Spanish respondents, all aged 12-15 years, answered the Alcohol Intake Scale (AIS). Adolescents were asked about the alcohol used at the weekend and also about the alcohol consumed by their friends. Scottish adolescents' personality was measured by the NEO Personality Inventory-3 (NEO-PI-3). The Junior Spanish version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (JS NEO) was used to assess personality in the Spanish sample. Low agreeableness and low conscientiousness correlated with own alcohol quantity in both countries. We performed an independent structural equation modeling for each country. Extraversion (β = .205, p < .05) and low agreeableness (β = -.196, p < .01) for Scottish adolescents, and low conscientiousness (β = -.175, p < .05) for Spanish youths, predicted alcohol use through peer alcohol consumption at weekends. These findings support the relevance of personality traits and peer affiliation in relation to alcohol consumption in adolescence.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/FEDER, PSI2015–67766–R. Generalitat Valenciana, GV/2016/158

    A Longitudinal Examination of Different Etiological Pathways to Alcohol Use and Misuse

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    Background: Sher, Grekin, and Williams (2005) pointed out the existence of 4 main etiological, but not mutually exclusive, models that might explain the development of alcohol use and misuse. The aim of the present study was to explore 3 of these 4 pathways in which psychological (personality and drinking motives) and environmental (child maltreatment) variables may play a relevant role: positive affect regulation, negative affect regulation, and deviance proneness. Methods: Three hundred and fourteen young adults in the 18 to 29 year age range completed different personality, alcoholuse, andchildmaltreatment questionnaires at Time1.Five years later, they responded to drinkingmotives,antisocial behavior, alcohol use, andalcohol-related problemsquestionnaires. Results: The path analyses showed that emotional abuse predicted negative emotionality, which, in turn, prospectively predicted alcohol-related problems through coping-with-depression drinking motives (negative affect regulation). Emotional neglect predicted lesser positive emotionality, and physical abuse predicted unconscientious disinhibition personality characteristics. In turn, these 2 broad personality domains predicted drinking at weekends at Time 2 through enhancement drinking motives (positive affect regulation). Finally, physical neglect predicted disagreeable disinhibition, and both disinhibition domains directly predicted antisocial behavior 5 years later which, in turn, predicted drinking at weekends, drinking on weekdays, and alcohol-related problems (deviance proneness). Conclusions: The findings describe the specific role of distal (maltreatment and personality) and more proximal (antisocial behavior and drinking motives) variables in the different pathways involved in the development of alcohol use and misuse

    Monotonicity conditions for multirate and partitioned explicit Runge-Kutta schemes

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    Multirate schemes for conservation laws or convection-dominated problems seem to come in two ¿avors: schemes that are locally inconsistent, and schemes that lack mass-conservation. In this paper these two defects are discussed for one-dimensional conservation laws. Particular attention will be given to monotonicity properties of the multirate schemes, such as maximum principles and the total variation diminishing (TVD) property. The study of these properties will be done within the framework of partitioned Runge-Kutta methods. It will also be seen that the incompatibility of consistency and mass-conservation holds for ‘genuine’ multirate schemes, but not for general partitioned methods

    Personalidad y estilos educativos parentales como predictores del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes

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    Dotzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2006-2007)El consumo excesivo de alcohol, tanto en la adolescencia como en la edad adulta, es motivo de preocupación en nuestra sociedad. Por ello, es importante conocer cuales son las variables que pueden influir tanto en el inicio del consumo, como en el mantenimiento y abuso de éste. Así, el objetivo del presente estudio era investigar la relación existente entre estilos educativos parentales, personalidad y consumo de alcohol. La muestra estaba compuesta por 400 adolescentes de entre 11 y 13 años. Se evaluó el consumo de alcohol con el cuestionario AIS, los estilos educativos parentales con el s-EMBU y el APQ y la personalidad con el JS NEO-S. Los resultados mostraron que la dimensión de personalidad más importante a la hora de predecir el consumo de alcohol era la baja responsabilidad, junto con los estilos educativos de castigo físico y bajo control o permisividad

    Five-factor model and internalizing and externalizing syndromes: 4 A 5-year prospective study

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    The main aim of the present research was to study the prospective relationships of the five-factor model of personality and the internalizing and externalizing suprafactors of psychopathology. A sample of 323 young adults completed the NEO-FFI at Time 1 and different scales of symptoms 5 years later. Neuroticism prospectively predicted the internalizing factor, while extraversion, low agreeableness and low conscientiousness predicted the externalizing factor. We found additional paths between introversion and social phobia symptoms, and between low agreeableness and psychopathy symptoms. These relationships remained significant, even when controlling for previous symptoms, except for extraversion. Gender had no moderation effect on the interrelationship between personality and psychopathology factors. The present study extends previous research about personality and psychopathology, and suggests different ways in which they can be related.Funding for this study has been provided by research project P1·1B2011-47 from Bancaixa-Universitat Jaume I
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