619 research outputs found

    Codimension 3 Arithmetically Gorenstein Subschemes of projective NN-space

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    We study the lowest dimensional open case of the question whether every arithmetically Cohen--Macaulay subscheme of PN\mathbb{P}^N is glicci, that is, whether every zero-scheme in P3\mathbb{P}^3 is glicci. We show that a set of n≥56n \geq 56 points in general position in \PP^3 admits no strictly descending Gorenstein liaison or biliaison. In order to prove this theorem, we establish a number of important results about arithmetically Gorenstein zero-schemes in P3\mathbb{P}^3.Comment: to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Hurwitz spaces of quadruple coverings of elliptic curves and the moduli space of abelian threefolds A_3(1,1,4)

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    We prove that the moduli space A_3(1,1,4) of polarized abelian threefolds with polarization of type (1,1,4) is unirational. By a result of Birkenhake and Lange this implies the unirationality of the isomorphic moduli space A_3(1,4,4). The result is based on the study the Hurwitz space H_{4,n}(Y) of quadruple coverings of an elliptic curve Y simply branched in n points. We prove the unirationality of its codimension one subvariety H^{0}_{4,A}(Y) which parametrizes quadruple coverings \pi:X --> Y with Tschirnhausen modules isomorphic to A^{-1}, where A\in Pic^{n/2}Y, and for which \pi^*:J(Y)--> J(X) is injective. This is an analog of the result of Arbarello and Cornalba that the Hurwitz space H_{4,n}(P^1) is unirational.Comment: 28 pages, amslatex, to appear in Mathematische Nachrichte

    Coherent analogues of matrix factorizations and relative singularity categories

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    We define the triangulated category of relative singularities of a closed subscheme in a scheme. When the closed subscheme is a Cartier divisor, we consider matrix factorizations of the related section of a line bundle, and their analogues with locally free sheaves replaced by coherent ones. The appropriate exotic derived category of coherent matrix factorizations is then identified with the triangulated category of relative singularities, while the similar exotic derived category of locally free matrix factorizations is its full subcategory. The latter category is identified with the kernel of the direct image functor corresponding to the closed embedding of the zero locus and acting between the conventional (absolute) triangulated categories of singularities. Similar results are obtained for matrix factorizations of infinite rank; and two different "large" versions of the triangulated category of relative singularities, corresponding to the approaches of Orlov and Krause, are identified in the case of a Cartier divisor. A version of the Thomason-Trobaugh-Neeman localization theory is proven for coherent matrix factorizations and disproven for locally free matrix factorizations of finite rank. Contravariant (coherent) and covariant (quasi-coherent) versions of the Serre-Grothendieck duality theorems for matrix factorizations are established, and pull-backs and push-forwards of matrix factorizations are discussed at length. A number of general results about derived categories of the second kind for CDG-modules over quasi-coherent CDG-algebras are proven on the way. Hochschild (co)homology of matrix factorization categories are discussed in an appendix.Comment: LaTeX 2e with pb-diagram and xy-pic; 114 pages, 13 commutative diagrams. v.8: new sections 2.10, 3.1 and 3.7 inserted; v.9: appendix B added, remarks inserted in sections 2.10 and 2.7, section 1.8 expanded; v.10: new section 3.3 inserted, the whole paper has two authors now; v.11: small corrections, additions, and improvements -- this is intended as the final versio

    Log canonical thresholds of Del Pezzo Surfaces in characteristic p

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    The global log canonical threshold of each non-singular complex del Pezzo surface was computed by Cheltsov. The proof used Koll\'ar-Shokurov's connectedness principle and other results relying on vanishing theorems of Kodaira type, not known to be true in finite characteristic. We compute the global log canonical threshold of non-singular del Pezzo surfaces over an algebraically closed field. We give algebraic proofs of results previously known only in characteristic 00. Instead of using of the connectedness principle we introduce a new technique based on a classification of curves of low degree. As an application we conclude that non-singular del Pezzo surfaces in finite characteristic of degree lower or equal than 44 are K-semistable.Comment: 21 pages. Thorough rewrite following referee's suggestions. To be published in Manuscripta Mathematic

    A simple remark on a flat projective morphism with a Calabi-Yau fiber

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    If a K3 surface is a fiber of a flat projective morphisms over a connected noetherian scheme over the complex number field, then any smooth connected fiber is also a K3 surface. Observing this, Professor Nam-Hoon Lee asked if the same is true for higher dimensional Calabi-Yau fibers. We shall give an explicit negative answer to his question as well as a proof of his initial observation.Comment: 8 pages, main theorem is generalized, one more remark is added, mis-calculation and typos are corrected etc

    Deformation theory of objects in homotopy and derived categories III: abelian categories

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    This is the third paper in a series. In part I we developed a deformation theory of objects in homotopy and derived categories of DG categories. Here we show how this theory can be used to study deformations of objects in homotopy and derived categories of abelian categories. Then we consider examples from (noncommutative) algebraic geometry. In particular, we study noncommutative Grassmanians that are true noncommutative moduli spaces of structure sheaves of projective subspaces in projective spaces.Comment: Alexander Efimov is a new co-author of this paper. Besides some minor changes, a new part (part 3) about noncommutative Grassmanians was adde

    Varieties of vacua in classical supersymmetric gauge theories

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    We give a simple description of the classical moduli space of vacua for supersymmetric gauge theories with or without a superpotential. The key ingredient in our analysis is the observation that the lagrangian is invariant under the action of the complexified gauge group \Gc. From this point of view the usual DD-flatness conditions are an artifact of Wess--Zumino gauge. By using a gauge that preserves \Gc invariance we show that every constant matter field configuration that extremizes the superpotential is \Gc gauge-equivalent (in a sense that we make precise) to a unique classical vacuum. This result is used to prove that in the absence of a superpotential the classical moduli space is the algebraic variety described by the set of all holomorphic gauge-invariant polynomials. When a superpotential is present, we show that the classical moduli space is a variety defined by imposing additional relations on the holomorphic polynomials. Many of these points are already contained in the existing literature. The main contribution of the present work is that we give a careful and self-contained treatment of limit points and singularities.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX (uses revtex.sty

    A refined stable restriction theorem for vector bundles on quadric threefolds

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    Let E be a stable rank 2 vector bundle on a smooth quadric threefold Q in the projective 4-space P. We show that the hyperplanes H in P for which the restriction of E to the hyperplane section of Q by H is not stable form, in general, a closed subset of codimension at least 2 of the dual projective 4-space, and we explicitly describe the bundles E which do not enjoy this property. This refines a restriction theorem of Ein and Sols [Nagoya Math. J. 96, 11-22 (1984)] in the same way the main result of Coanda [J. reine angew. Math. 428, 97-110 (1992)] refines the restriction theorem of Barth [Math. Ann. 226, 125-150 (1977)].Comment: Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 201

    Shapes of free resolutions over a local ring

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    We classify the possible shapes of minimal free resolutions over a regular local ring. This illustrates the existence of free resolutions whose Betti numbers behave in surprisingly pathological ways. We also give an asymptotic characterization of the possible shapes of minimal free resolutions over hypersurface rings. Our key new technique uses asymptotic arguments to study formal Q-Betti sequences.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure; v2: sections have been reorganized substantially and exposition has been streamline

    Introduction to Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry

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    We describe how to find period integrals and Picard-Fuchs differential equations for certain one-parameter families of Calabi-Yau manifolds. These families can be seen as varieties over a finite field, in which case we show in an explicit example that the number of points of a generic element can be given in terms of p-adic period integrals. We also discuss several approaches to finding zeta functions of mirror manifolds and their factorizations. These notes are based on lectures given at the Fields Institute during the thematic program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Physics
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