272 research outputs found

    A rigorous analysis using optimal transport theory for a two-reflector design problem with a point source

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    We consider the following geometric optics problem: Construct a system of two reflectors which transforms a spherical wavefront generated by a point source into a beam of parallel rays. This beam has a prescribed intensity distribution. We give a rigorous analysis of this problem. The reflectors we construct are (parts of) the boundaries of convex sets. We prove existence of solutions for a large class of input data and give a uniqueness result. To the author's knowledge, this is the first time that a rigorous mathematical analysis of this problem is given. The approach is based on optimal transportation theory. It yields a practical algorithm for finding the reflectors. Namely, the problem is equivalent to a constrained linear optimization problem.Comment: 5 Figures - pdf files attached to submission, but not shown in manuscrip

    Shocks and Universal Statistics in (1+1)-Dimensional Relativistic Turbulence

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    We propose that statistical averages in relativistic turbulence exhibit universal properties. We consider analytically the velocity and temperature differences structure functions in the (1+1)-dimensional relativistic turbulence in which shock waves provide the main contribution to the structure functions in the inertial range. We study shock scattering, demonstrate the stability of the shock waves, and calculate the anomalous exponents. We comment on the possibility of finite time blowup singularities.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figure

    Thermal Quantum Fields without Cut-offs in 1+1 Space-time Dimensions

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    We construct interacting quantum fields in 1+1 dimensional Minkowski space, representing neutral scalar bosons at positive temperature. Our work is based on prior work by Klein and Landau and Hoegh-KrohnComment: 48 page

    Quantum Sturm-Liouville Equation, Quantum Resolvent, Quantum Integrals, and Quantum KdV : the Fast Decrease Case

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    We construct quantum operators solving the quantum versions of the Sturm-Liouville equation and the resolvent equation, and show the existence of conserved currents. The construction depends on the following input data: the basic quantum field O(k)O(k) and the regularization .Comment: minor correction

    Fermionization, Convergent Perturbation Theory, and Correlations in the Yang-Mills Quantum Field Theory in Four Dimensions

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    We show that the Yang-Mills quantum field theory with momentum and spacetime cutoffs in four Euclidean dimensions is equivalent, term by term in an appropriately resummed perturbation theory, to a Fermionic theory with nonlocal interaction terms. When a further momentum cutoff is imposed, this Fermionic theory has a convergent perturbation expansion. To zeroth order in this perturbation expansion, the correlation function E(x,y)E(x,y) of generic components of pairs of connections is given by an explicit, finite-dimensional integral formula, which we conjecture will behave as E(x,y)xy22dG,E(x,y) \sim |x - y|^{-2 - 2 d_G}, \noindent for xy>>0,|x-y|>>0, where dGd_G is a positive integer depending on the gauge group G.G. In the case where G=SU(n),G=SU(n), we conjecture that dG=dimSU(n)dimS(U(n1)×U(1)),d_G = {\rm dim}SU(n) - {\rm dim}S(U(n-1) \times U(1)), \noindent so that the rate of decay of correlations increases as n.n \to \infty.Comment: Minor corrections of notation, style and arithmetic errors; correction of minor gap in the proof of Proposition 1.4 (the statement of the Proposition was correct); further remark and references adde

    On the mixing property for a class of states of relativistic quantum fields

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    Let ω\omega be a factor state on the quasi-local algebra A\cal{A} of observables generated by a relativistic quantum field, which in addition satisfies certain regularity conditions (satisfied by ground states and the recently constructed thermal states of the P(ϕ)2P(\phi)_2 theory). We prove that there exist space and time translation invariant states, some of which are arbitrarily close to ω\omega in the weak* topology, for which the time evolution is weakly asymptotically abelian

    Quantum Gowdy T3T^3 Model: Schrodinger Representation with Unitary Dynamics

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    The linearly polarized Gowdy T3T^3 model is paradigmatic for studying technical and conceptual issues in the quest for a quantum theory of gravity since, after a suitable and almost complete gauge fixing, it becomes an exactly soluble midisuperspace model. Recently, a new quantization of the model, possessing desired features such as a unitary implementation of the gauge group and of the time evolution, has been put forward and proven to be essentially unique. An appropriate setting for making contact with other approaches to canonical quantum gravity is provided by the Schr\"odinger representation, where states are functionals on the configuration space of the theory. Here we construct this functional description, analyze the time evolution in this context and show that it is also unitary when restricted to physical states, i.e. states which are solutions to the remaining constraint of the theory.Comment: 21 pages, version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Fock representations from U(1) holonomy algebras

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    We revisit the quantization of U(1) holonomy algebras using the abelian C* algebra based techniques which form the mathematical underpinnings of current efforts to construct loop quantum gravity. In particular, we clarify the role of ``smeared loops'' and of Poincare invariance in the construction of Fock representations of these algebras. This enables us to critically re-examine early pioneering efforts to construct Fock space representations of linearised gravity and free Maxwell theory from holonomy algebras through an application of the (then current) techniques of loop quantum gravity.Comment: Latex file, 30 pages, to appear in Phys Rev

    Quantum field theory on manifolds with a boundary

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    We discuss quantum theory of fields \phi defined on (d+1)-dimensional manifold {\cal M} with a boundary {\cal B}. The free action W_{0}(\phi) which is a bilinear form in \phi defines the Gaussian measure with a covariance (Green function) {\cal G}. We discuss a relation between the quantum field theory with a fixed boundary condition \Phi and the theory defined by the Green function {\cal G}. It is shown that the latter results by an average over \Phi of the first. The QFT in (anti)de Sitter space is treated as an example. It is shown that quantum fields on the boundary are more regular than the ones on (anti) de Sitter space.Comment: The version to appear in Journal of Physics A, a discussion on the relation to other works in the field is adde

    Path Integral Approach to the Non-Relativistic Electron Charge Transfer

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    A path integral approach has been generalized for the non-relativistic electron charge transfer processes. The charge transfer - the capture of an electron by an ion passing another atom or more generally the problem of rearrangement collisions is formulated in terms of influence functionals. It has been shown that the electron charge transfer process can be treated either as electron transition problem or as elastic scattering of ion and atom in the some effective potential field. The first-order Born approximation for the electron charge transfer cross section has been reproduced to prove the adequacy of the path integral approach for this problem.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical, vol.34, 200