1,315 research outputs found

    Magnetic ordering in GaAlAs:Mn double well structure

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    The magnetic order in the diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier of double AlAs/GaAs: Mn quantum well structures is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. A confinement adapted RKKY mechanism is implemented for indirect exchange between Mn ions mediated by holes. It is shown that, depending on the barrier width and the hole concentration a ferromagnetic or a spin-glass order can be established.Comment: 3 figure

    Pengembangan Peta Interaktif Tiga Dimensi Gedung Rektorat Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Menggunakan Unity3d Engine

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    Penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pemetaan digital sudah lama digunakan. Dahulu orang cenderung melakukan pemetaan digital secara 2D untuk memetakan suatu area atau gedung, namun pemetaan secara 2D sendiri tidak memberikan informasi secara mendetail tentang keadaan dan topografi dari area atau gedung tersebut. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi penggunaan teknologi 3D pun mulai digunakan dalam pemetaan secara digital agar dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih mendetail tentang keadaan suatu area atau gedung. Untuk membangun sebuah peta 3D dapat dilakukan menggunakan engine 3D yang biasanya digunakan untuk membuat game. Dengan memanfaatkan Unity3D Engine penulis akan membangun sebuah pemetaan digital secara 3D agar dari pemetaan tersebut dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat dan tepat mengenai keadaan area yang dipetakan sesuai dengan Kenyataan. Dalam pembuatan akan dipetakan gedung Rektorat Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Pemetaan secara 3D ini dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat dan mendetail kepada pengguna peta 3D ini nantinya tentang keadaan dari gedung Rektorat

    A study of nanoparticles as a drug carrier on the wall of Stenosed Arteries

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    The influences of nanoparticles as drug carriers on the walls of stenosed arteries are presented. In this study, three nanoparticles namely Fe3O4 , TiO2 and Cu were used. It is observed that the addition of Fe3O4 nanoparticles tends to reduce the resistance impedance of blood temperature in bell shaped stenosed arteries. The blood temperature increases slightly in the streamwise direction before the throat region. Thereafter, the blood temperature increases at a higher rate and reaches its maximum value at the stenosis throat. It is found that the temperature distribution is heavily dependent on parameters such as periodic body acceleration and Prandtl number

    Effects of robot facial characteristics and gender in persuasive human-robot interaction

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    The growing interest in social robotics makes it relevant to examine the potential of robots as persuasive agents and, more specifically, to examine how robot characteristics influence the way people experience such interactions and comply with the persuasive attempts by robots. The purpose of this research is to identify how the (ostensible) gender and the facial characteristics of a robot influence the extent to which people trust it and the psychological reactance they experience from its persuasive attempts. This paper reports a laboratory study where SociBot™, a robot capable of displaying different faces and dynamic social cues, delivered persuasive messages to participants while playing a game. In-game choice behavior was logged, and trust and reactance toward the advisor were measured using questionnaires. Results show that a robotic advisor with upturned eyebrows and lips (features that people tend to trust more in humans) is more persuasive, evokes more trust, and less psychological reactance compared to one displaying eyebrows pointing down and lips curled downwards at the edges (facial characteristics typically not trusted in humans). Gender of the robot did not affect trust, but participants experienced higher psychological reactance when interacting with a robot of the opposite gender. Remarkably, mediation analysis showed that liking of the robot fully mediates the influence of facial characteristics on trusting beliefs and psychological reactance. Also, psychological reactance was a strong and reliable predictor of trusting beliefs but not of trusting behavior. These results suggest robots that are intended to influence human behavior should be designed to have facial characteristics we trust in humans and could be personalized to have the same gender as the user. Furthermore, personalization and adaptation techniques designed to make people like the robot more may help ensure they will also trust the robot.</p

    Nonlinear screening and stopping power in two-dimensional electron gases

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    We have used density functional theory to study the nonlinear screening properties of a two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. In particular, we consider the screening of an external static point charge of magnitude Z as a function of the distance of the charge from the plane of the gas. The self-consistent screening potentials are then used to determine the 2D stopping power in the low velocity limit based on the momentum transfer cross-section. Calculations as a function of Z establish the limits of validity of linear and quadratic response theory calculations, and show that nonlinear screening theory already provides significant corrections in the case of protons. In contrast to the 3D situation, we find that the nonlinearly screened potential supports a bound state even in the high density limit. This behaviour is elucidated with the derivation of a high density screening theorem which proves that the screening charge can be calculated perturbatively in the high density limit for arbitrary dimensions. However, the theorem has particularly interesting implications in 2D where, contrary to expectations, we find that perturbation theory remains valid even when the perturbing potential supports bound states.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures in RevTeX

    On the nature of the spin-polarized hole states in a quasi-two-dimensional GaMnAs ferromagnetic layer

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    A self-consistent calculation of the density of states and the spectral density function is performed in a two-dimensional spin-polarized hole system based on a multiple-scattering approximation. Using parameters corresponding to GaMnAs thin layers, a wide range of Mn concentrations and hole densities have been explored to understand the nature, localized or extended, of the spin-polarized holes at the Fermi level for several values of the average magnetization of the Mn ystem. We show that, for a certain interval of Mn and hole densities, an increase on the magnetic order of the Mn ions come together with a change of the nature of the states at the Fermi level. This fact provides a delocalization of spin-polarized extended states anti-aligned to the average Mn magnetization, and a higher spin-polarization of the hole gas. These results are consistent with the occurrence of ferromagnetism with relatively high transition temperatures observed in some thin film samples and multilayered structures of this material.Comment: 3 page

    Analisis Motif Cengkok Lagu Melayu pada Orkes Melayu Nada Serumpon di Kota Pontianak

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    The study aims to analyze the twisted motive of Melayu song in Nada Serumpun Malay Orchestra. The method used is descriptive method with a form of qualitative research. It used the musicology approach. Data in the form of research is interview results with the parties involved and know about the twisted motives Malay song in Pontianak. Technique of data collecting used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validity is tested by triangulation. Data was analyzed by Motive Analysis. Results of this study are 6 twisted motives applicable Malay song in Malay Orchestra Cognate Tone namely cengkok tiong lompat,sri manis, ngayang, tandan pisang, tudong tangkop and lipat pandan motive. Twisted used in the song creation and arrangement of cognate tone only 4 motives namely cengkok tiong lompat, tandan pisang, tudong tangkop dan lipat pandan. Apparently, not all motives change after twisted

    Tinjauan Musikologi Lagu Sekapor Sireh dalam Tradisi Penyambutan di Keraton Amantubillah

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    The study aims to determine explain specificly how lagu Sekapor Sireh actually. This research used descriptive with form of qualitative research. The research approach used musicology approarch. Data sources in this research are the interviewees that are Sukardiansyah and Mas Karunia Utami. The tehnique of data validity is triangulation. The result of this research is in vocal melody lagu Sekapor sireh included sometimes of literal repetition, augmentation of the value and down sekuens. The forms of lagu Sekapor Sireh formed of song one part and the meaning inside of lagu Sekapor Sireh are respectability symbol to the guest who regarded, that served with custom ceremony, sincerity, heart cleanliness Melayu people in serving of honor guest, although by the limitation that owned but regulary did the best for their guest and keep in touch good human each other