67 research outputs found

    Increasing Trust in Local Government Financial Management and Building Integrity: Efforts Reform in Indonesia

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    In most general terms this article addresses the issue of the trust in the local government area in terms of financial management and integrity. This is important because it relates to the implementation of the obligations and functions of local government to the people by adjusting its financial capacity. Financial capacity of local governments to determine the ability of local governments in carrying out its functions as a public service function, development function and protective function. The low fiscal capacity will lead to negative effects, i.e., low levels of public services and can lead to the decline on public trust in local government performance. In summary, unresponsive governance has been responsible for the continuing decline of trust in government. The challenge now is to make government more trustworthy through improvement of basic services and access, emphasizing equality and fairness in providing services, take the solution to reduce graft and corruption seriously, improve integrity in governance, innovative leadership, pressing a waste of public resources, improve institutional representation, and involve civil society. The final challenge is to increase the trust in the government to make a deal trust between government and citizen, i.e., the integrity pact, and citizen charters. Therefore, this article describes several areas include the following: (1) The political culture and democratization; (2) Reform efforts such as professionalism, commitment and innovation; (3) Trust and integrity in the public service, i.e., accountability, transparency and anti-corruption. We begin by reviewing various examples in the local government for the financial management of local government including continuing efforts to address graft and corruption, red tape, and inefficiencies. In order to achieve effective governance, processes and procedures become an important instrument through an institutional reform. The absence of credible government agency is likely as a result of the high incidence of it. Therefore, institutions, processes and procedures changed for the better and have a standard of performance that can be compared with the services of the private sector. Keywords: increasing trust, integrity, local government, public service, innovatio

    Memperkuat Peran Pemerintah Daerah: Mengelola Pariwisata Lokal Yang Berkelanjutan

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    Tourism governance will have an impact on the environment, which is controlled by local governments. The development of the tourism sector is essential to improve the welfare of the community and the regional economy. Strengthening the role of local government as a leading tourism sector in the region is considered to be able to encourage the creation of a collaboration between industries (actors) to manage sustainable local tourism. This paper was written to find out how far the role of local government is and how relations between sectors (actors) are in managing sustainable regional tourism. This study uses a literature study approach, with documentation data collection techniques derived from the study of several reputable journals, books, and other secondary sources that are relevant to this research. The data analysis technique is content analysis. In tourism management, the role is not only done by one party but all supporting aspects and involved in the framework of creating orchestration and ensuring the quality of activities, facilities, services, and to create experiences and value of tourism benefits to provide benefits to the community and the environment. These will be able to encourage the tourism system through the optimization of roles and collaboration between business, government, society, academics, and media

    Institutional Analysis of Drinking Water Supply System in East Nusa Tenggara Province

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    The regulatory mandate states that the implementation of SPAM in the regions is prioritized for BUMD as the SPAM manager. If SPAM services are not reached by BUMD, then the implementation of SPAM remains the responsibility of the Central Government or Regional Governments may form a Technical Implementation Unit or Service Technical Implementation Unit to serve areas or areas that have not been reached by these services but can also be implemented by Community Groups and Business Entities to meet their own needs. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the implementation of SPAM in NTT Province with the perspective of Good Corporate Governance. The research method used is literature review by utilizing relevant journals, books, media also laws and regulations. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of SPAM 2020 is mostly carried out by PDAM (15 districts/cities from 22 districts/cities in NTT), the remaining 7 districts are still in the form of UPTD BLUD and UPTD. Institutions are important to ensure that drinking water services to the community can be served properly, and ensure the functioning of SPAM, both funded by the APBN and APBD


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    East Java is one of the regions that have the highest population maladministration reports in Indonesia. In 2017-2018, the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative Office in East Java experienced an increase in maladministration reports. This case caused many complaints from the public regarding the slow progress of population administration and led to internal and external conflicts of employees. This study aims to describe the function and role of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of East Java, the report completion process, and the strategy to overcome maladministration reports. This study employs a qualitative case study approach and is supported by the analysis using Atlas.ti software. Data collection is conducted through interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings reveal the role and function of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative in East Java in terms of their effort to eradicate maladministration. Conflict management using progressive and participative methods (PROPARTIVE) is carried out for the completion of maladministration reports. PROPARTIVE methods explore the objectives of the reporter as a family to be open and mediate all parties to find solutions. The obstacles experienced by the Ombudsman in eradicating maladministration are the limited number of employees, the disobedience of the compliance with competencies, and the uncooperative reports between the reporter and the reported parties. Meanwhile, the supporting factors are the strategic location of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative Office in East Java, the cooperation between employees and institutions, and the support of the Ombudsman website to facilitate the management of report

    Stakeholder collaboration to support accountability in village fund management and rural development

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    The village government has an substantial responsibility in managing human resources to produce regional economic benefits. This research aims to identify the stakeholder collaboration to support accountability in village fund management and rural development.  This study used an interactive approach with data collection methods such as structured interviews, documentation, and observation. The object of the study is village officials in Pranggang Village, Plosoklaten District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province. The results of the study showed that the village government has not optimally carried out its role in involving more stakeholders.  Collaborative stakeholders in managing village funds involved village government officials, activity management team and community.   They play a positive role in bringing about village accountability in managing village funds. An increased community participation contribute to program evaluation activities and effectiveness in the village financial management. The accountability of the village funds utilization has met the Home Affairs Ministerial Regulation number 113 of 2014. In addition, social accountability has been applied in various forms of effective interactions between the community and village government. Much efforts are required to improve the quality of human resources through more stakeholder engagement, training activity and  community empowerment.   JEL Classification: H72; H83; O2

    Aplikasi Teknologi Underwater Lobster Apartment Untuk Pembesaran Lobster Pasir (P. homarus) pada Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan (POKDAKAN) Pesona Bahari, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur

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    Kelanjutan Doktor Mengabdi 2021 di POKDAKAN Pesona Bahari, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dilakukan desain wadah budidaya dengan pemberian sekat antar individu lobster yang dibudidayakan dengan Underwater Lobster Appartment. Teknologi terbaru pada budidaya pembesaran lobster. Lobster yang didapatkan dibesarkan dengan padat tebar 1 ekor lobster per blok apartemen. Satu blok apartemen memiliki dimensi (PxLxT: 30cm x 15cm x 15cm). Pembesaran dilaksanakan dalam kurun waktu 30 hari dengan pakan kerang hijau secara rutin oleh anggota POKDAKAN Pesona Bahari. Kontroling, pengawasan serta pendataan dilaksanakan secara bersama – sama dengan tim DM Universitas Brawijaya dan mahasiswa yang terlibat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan system underwater lobster apartemen pada budidaya lobster ukuran sangat berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan mencapai 100%. Kualitas air dengan system underwater lobster apartemen tetap terjaga dan tidak melebihi nilai kelayakan kualitas air  budidaya

    Partisipasi Politik Perempuan pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah 2018 dan Pemilihan Legislatif 2019 di Kabupaten Bojonegoro

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah adanya kesenjangan gender di kehidupan publik maupun politik merupakan sebuah tantangan global yang terus dihadapi oleh masyarakat pada abad ke-21. Di level internasional maupun nasional telah membuat berbagai konvensi kebijakan, misalnya: Convention on Political Rights for Women dan Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, serta di Indonesia sendiri dibuatlah Kebijakan Afirmatif (Affirmative Action). Affirmative Action bukanlah hal baru, sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemilihan Umum hingga berlakunya undang-undang yang baru yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum. Pasal 173 ayat (2) huruf e mengenai kuota 30% (tiga puluh perseratus) keterwakilan perempuan sebagai salah satu syarat wajib untuk menjadi peserta pada Pileg serentak tahun 2019. Melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 diharapkan keterwakilan perempuan tercapai hingga 30% dengan penguatan melalui kepengurusan partai politik baik di tingkkat pusat maupun daerah. Minimnya jumlah perempuan yang berkiprah dalam dunia politik menjadi kendala besar bagi terwujudnya Amanah Undang-Undang mengenai kuota 30%, selain itu, isu-isu dan permasalahan yang rentan terjadi pada perempuan sulit mendapatkan perlindungan maupun payung hukum karena terbatasnya suara perempuan dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan. Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) di Indonesia tahun 1955- 2004, rata-rata perempuan yang terpilih menjadi anggota Legislatif adalah 9,58%, dan pada tahun 2009-2019 rata-rata perempuan yang terpilih sebanyak 18,22%. Di Kabupaten Bojonegoro sendiri, pada periode 2014 sebanyak 14% perempuan yang terpilih menjadi anggota Legislatif, sedangkan pada periode 2019 turun menjadi 10% atau 5 perempuan Legislatif yang terpilih. Selain Pemilihan Legislatif, pada 2018, Bojonegoro juga mengikuti Pilkada serentak, dari 171 daerah di Indonesia yang menghasilkan 14 perempuan Kepala Daerah terpilih, salah satunya adalah Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Bupati Anna Mu’awanah menjadi bupati pertama sejak periode Hindia-Belanda, Penjajahan Jepang, sampai Republik Indonesia tahun 1945-2018. Hal ini yang sangat menarik untuk dikaji, mengapa baru pada periode 2018 Kabupaten Bojonegoro memiliki pemimpin perempuan, padahal terpilihnya Kepala Daerah perempuan sudah terjadi di darah-daerah sekitar Bojonegoro jauh sebelum periode 2018. Penulisan Tesis dengan judul ”Hambatan Partisipasi Politik Perempuan pada Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Tahun 2018 dan Pemilihan Legislatif Tahun 2019 di Kabupaten Bojonegoro” merupakan sebuah studi dengan kajian khusus terhadap partisipasi politik perempuan dalam proses Pilkada dan Pileg di Bojonegoro. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: Bagaimana partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 di Kabupaten Bojonegoro?; Apakah faktor yang menghambat partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 di Kabupaten Bojonegoro?. Tujuan penelitian ini: Untuk mengetahui gambaran partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 diKabupaten Bojonegoro; Untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis faktor penghambat partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 di Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen serta menggunakan analisa data kualitatif model interaktif (Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, 2014). Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 dianalisan berdasarkan teori partisipasi politik perempuan Naqiya, bahwa akses partisipasi perempuan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada partisipasi kehadiran masyarakat perempuan di TPS yaitu 83% yang mana periode sebelumnya adalah 69%. Pada partai politik sendiri, meskipun akses rekruitmen telah dipermudah dapat dibuka melalui online tetapi masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahuinya. Secara mandiri, masyarakat yang tergabung dalam aktivis perempuan kabupaten Bojonegoro membentuk Kelompok Kerja (Pokja) Pengarus Utamaan Gender (PUG) yang rutin menggelar acara rapat koordinasi (rakor) dalam upaya sebagai kontrol pemerintah dan dalam meningkatkan kapasitas penguatan kelembagaan untuk mengoptimalissi terwujudnya kesetaraan dan keadilan gender yang dilakukan Bersama OPD. Suara perempuan dalam proses pembuatan kebijakan selama ini difasilitasi oleh Pemerintah Daerah melalui Musrenbang. Selain Musrenbang, masyarakat perempuan juga berinisiatif meembentuk program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Perempuan Unggulan (PEREMPUAN) yang mana organisasi ini beberapa kali memberikan sumbangan untuk kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam hal keadilan dan kesetaraan gender. Faktor-faktor yang menghambat partisipasi politik perempuan pada Pilkada 2018 dan Pileg 2019 berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terdapat tiga faktor utama, yaitu: Pertama, perempuan Bojonegoro terjerat dalam kultur patriarki yang begitu kuat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kultur patriarki ini meliputi: kultur budaya yang masih sangat kental memposisikan perempuan menjadi second class, keluarga yang tidak memeberikan dukungan, pendidikan perempuan yang masih sangat rendah disbanding laki-laki, keterbatasan ekonomi perempuan karena mayoritas tidak berkerja dan yang bekerja di sektor riil 39,07% perempuan memiliki kesenjangan gaji yang signifikan dari laki-laki. Kedua, doktrin agama yang masih konservatif dinilai terlalu mengekang kebebasan perempuan di ranah publik apalagi politik. Penilaian konservatif ini berasal baik dari diri perempuan sendiri yang membelenggu dirinya harus berada dibawah kendali lakilaki maupun dari peran lokal atau tokoh lokal yang mengajarkan paham agama berdasarkan tafsiran mutlak yang mengatakan laki-laki adalah imam dari perempuan dalam segala aspek. Ketiga, hegemoni negara yang hingga kini masih dipandang sebagai negara kaum laki-laki. Pandangan patrilineal ini disebabkan oleh aturan partai politik yang selama ini pro terhadap kaum laki-laki, sosialisasi atau pengarahan yang selama ini dilakukan pada kalangan-kalangan tertentu padahal mayoritas masyarakat perempuan tinggal di desa-desa kecil, serta pandangan perempuan terhadap politik yang masih sangat apatis

    I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    The Roles of Balanced Scorecard in Improving Performance Accountability System in Indonesian Government Organizations

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    Based on the evaluation report from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, the quality of the Indonesian government organisation’s performance accountability is still deficient. Therefore, several Indonesian government institutions have practised the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), a perspective-based performance management tool, to improve their performance accountability. This paper analyses how the Indonesian central government employs BSC and strategy maps to improve its performance accountability systems. A descriptive qualitative study concluded that Indonesian government agencies use different approaches to implement perspectives in the BSC, which they think are best suited to the characteristics of each government organisation. Indonesian government institutions generally implement BSC as a strategy execution tool, a measurement tool, and a performance accountability report. Therefore, these roles of BSC lead to an improved performance accountability system. The essential factors in developing BSC implementation are explained as well. However, this paper only primarily uses data from the Ministry of Finance and focuses only on the central government due to data limitations and time constraints. Therefore, future research is suggested

    Collaborative governance model in COVID-19 pandemic mitigation: a temporary unconditional cash transfer program

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    The COVID-19 disaster has spread all over Indonesia, causing a sense of laziness for people in the economy by paying very large costs, limited activities, and even losing their jobs. The government through the direct cash assistance program as a mitigation measure in reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, but so far it has not been effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the ideal cooperative governance model for the cash transfer program during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the cash transfer program still has many obstacles in distributing it to many people who are not on target, which is the result of collaboration between stakeholders such as the Social Service, Population and Civil Registry Office, Village Government, Village Community, Coordinator Team Field, and the COVID-19 Task Force Team. To increase cooperation between these stakeholders by strengthening on several sides such as: First, the government conducts data collection and systematic data collection between the recommendations of the names of beneficiaries from the village with the approval by the Population and Civil Registry Office and the Social Service Office. Second, the Government and the Community carry out monitoring and supervision. The desired impact is that the temporary unconditional cash transfer program can run effectively and benefit people in need. This program is a social network during the COVID-19 period
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