1,035 research outputs found

    Detoxifying antitumoral drugs via nanoconjugation: the case of gold nanoparticles and cisplatin

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as a potential tool to improve cancer treatment. Among the proposed uses in imaging and therapy, their use as a drug delivery scaffold has been extensively highlighted. However, there are still some controversial points which need a deeper understanding before clinical application can occur. Here the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to detoxify the antitumoral agent cisplatin, linked to a nanoparticle via a pH-sensitive coordination bond for endosomal release, is presented. The NP conjugate design has important effects on pharmacokinetics, conjugate evolution and biodistribution and results in an absence of observed toxicity. Besides, AuNPs present unique opportunities as drug delivery scaffolds due to their size and surface tunability. Here we show that cisplatin-induced toxicity is clearly reduced without affecting the therapeutic benefits in mice models. The NPs not only act as carriers, but also protect the drug from deactivation by plasma proteins until conjugates are internalized in cells and cisplatin is released. Additionally, the possibility to track the drug (Pt) and vehicle (Au) separately as a function of organ and time enables a better understanding of how nanocarriers are processed by the organism.The authors acknowledge financial support from the grants “Plan Nacional” (MAT2009-14734-C02-01 and MAT2009-14734-C02-02) and NANOBIOMED-CONSOLIDER (CSD2006-00012) from the Spanish Government. Also grants VALTEC09-2-0085, VALTEC09-2-0089, and 2009-SGR-776 from the Catalan GovernmentS

    New Strategy for a Suitable Fast Stabilization of the Biomethanization Performance

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    The start-up strategies for thermophilic anaerobic reactors usually consist of an initial mesophilic stage (35 • C), with an approximate duration of 185 days, and a subsequent thermophilic stage (55 • C), which normally requires around 60 days to achieve the system stabilizatio. During the first 8-10 days of the mesophilic stage, the reactor is not fed so that the inoculum, which is generally a mesophilic anaerobic sludge, may be adapted to the organic solid waste. Between mesophilic and thermophilic conditions the reactor is still not fed in an effort to prevent possible imbalances in the proces. As a consequence, the start-up and stabilization of the biomethanization performance described in the literature require, at least, around 245 days. In this sense, a new strategy for the start-up and stabilization phases is presented in this study. This approach allows an important reduction in the overall time necessary for these stages in an anaerobic continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated at thermophilicdry conditions for treating the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste (OFMSW): 60 days versus 245 days of conventional strategies. The new strategy uses modified SEBAC technology to adapt an inoculum to the OFMSW and the operational conditions prior to seeding the CSTR

    The effect of seasoning with herbs on the nutritional, safety and sensory properties of reduced-sodium fermented Cobrançosa cv. table olives

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of seasoning Cobrancosa table olives in a brine with aromatic ingredients, in order to mask the bitter taste given by KCl when added to reduced-sodium fermentation brines. Olives were fermented in two different salt combinations: Brine A, containing 8% NaCl and, Brine B, a reduced-sodium brine, containing 4% NaCl + 4% KCl. After the fermentation the olives were immersed in seasoning brines with NaCl (2%) and the aromatic herbs (thyme, oregano and calamintha), garlic and lemon. At the end of the fermentation and two weeks after seasoning, the physicochemical, nutritional, organoleptic, and microbiological parameters, were determined. The olives fermented in the reduced-sodium brines had half the sodium concentration, higher potassium and calcium content, a lower caloric level, but were considered, by a sensorial panel, more bitter than olives fermented in NaCl brine. Seasoned table olives, previously fermented in Brine A and Brine B, had no significant differences in the amounts of protein (1.23% or 1.11%), carbohydrates (1.0% or 0.66%), fat (20.0% or 20.5%) and dietary fiber (3.4% or 3.6%). Regarding mineral contents, the sodium-reduced fermented olives, presented one third of sodium, seven times more potassium and three times more calcium than the traditional olives fermented in 8% NaCl. Additionally, according to the panelists' evaluation, seasoning the olives fermented in 4% NaCl + 4% KCl, resulted in a decrease in bitterness and an improvement in the overall evaluation and flavor. Escherichia coli and Salmonella were not found in the olives produced.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rentabilidad y competitividad de los cultivos de Mora y Lulo en Eje Cafetero.

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    Para la definición de las zonas óptimas para la producción de los cultivos de mora y lulo en el eje cafetero se realizó un estudio de mapificación en los departamentos de Caldas, Risaralda y Quindío. A fin de seleccionar la muestra se tomo como marco muestral o población objeto a los 778 productores de mora y a los 253 de lulo, de acuerdo con la información suministrada por la UMATA regional. Como herramienta para la toma de información se utilizó una encuesta personal con los productores sobre los aspectos productivos, sociales, económicos, de comercialización, servicios de apoyo y costos de producción. Con base en la zonificación, previamente realizada en los tres departamentos, se definieron siete zonas productoras de mora y seis de lulo en cuyo análisis y priorización se consideraron los criterios de política para el sector hortifrutícola con énfasis en la competitividad de la producción, teniendo en cuenta los problemas fitosanitarios, la rentabilidad, calidad del producto, beneficiarios, organización de la comunidad, facilidad de acceso a los mercados y potencialidad de desarrollo. Los resultados muestran que la vertiente occidental de Risaralda y la occidental de Caldas tienen el máximo potencial para la producción de mora y lulo en el eje cafeteroLulo-Solanum quitoense - Solanum hyporhodiumMora-Rubus ulmifoliu

    Genetic variation in the TLL1 gene is not associated with fibrosis in patients with metabolic associated fatty liver disease

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    Metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the most prevalent liver disease in Western nations, with high heritability. A recent study of Japanese patients with the disease suggested that TLL1 rs17047200 is associated with fibrosis; whether a similar association is observed in Caucasian patients with MAFLD is unknown. We investigated the association of the TLL1 rs17047200 polymorphism with liver fibrosis in a cohort of Caucasian patients with MAFLD (n = 728). We also investigated whether TLL1 expression is altered during liver injury in humans, in murine models of fibrosis, and in in-vitro. While TLL1 expression is upregulated in the liver of humans with MAFLD and in mice, the rs17047200 variant was not associated with fibrosis or any other histological features, or with hepatic TLL1 expression. In conclusion, the TLL1 rs17047200 variant is not a risk variant for fibrosis in Caucasian patients with MAFLD. However, TLL1 could be involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis

    Evaluation of rK39 rapid diagnostic tests for canine visceral leishmaniasis : longitudinal study and meta-analysis

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    Canine visceral leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by the intracellular parasite Leishmania infantum. It is an important veterinary disease, and dogs are also the main animal reservoir for human infection. The disease is widespread in the Mediterranean area, and parts of Asia and South and Central America, and is potentially fatal in both dogs and humans unless treated. Diagnosis of canine infections requires serological or molecular tests. Detection of infection in dogs is important prior to treatment, and in epidemiological studies and control programmes, and a sensitive and specific rapid diagnostic test would be very useful. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have been developed, but their diagnostic performance has been reported to be variable. We evaluated the sensitivity of a RDT based on serological detection of the rK39 antigen in a cohort of naturally infected Brazilian dogs. The sensitivity of the test to detect infection was relatively low, but increased with time since infection and the severity of infection. We then carried out a meta-analysis of published studies of rK39 RDTs, evaluating the sensitivity to detect disease and infection. The results suggest that rK39 RDTs may be useful in a veterinary clinical setting, but the sensitivity to detect infection is too low for operational control programmes

    Metaheuristics for Transmission Network Expansion Planning

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    This chapter presents the characteristics of the metaheuristic algorithms used to solve the transmission network expansion planning (TNEP) problem. The algorithms used to handle single or multiple objectives are discussed on the basis of selected literature contributions. Besides the main objective given by the costs of the transmission system infrastructure, various other objectives are taken into account, representing generation, demand, reliability and environmental aspects. In the single-objective case, many metaheuristics have been proposed, in general without making strong comparisons with other solution methods and without providing superior results with respect to classical mathematical programming. In the multi-objective case, there is a better convenience of using metaheuristics able to handle conflicting objectives, in particular with a Pareto front-based approach. In all cases, improvements are still expected in the definition of benchmark functions, benchmark networks and robust comparison criteria