975 research outputs found

    Development of a Radar-Frequency Metamaterial Measurement and Characterization Apparatus

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    The overall purpose of this research was to design, build, and test an apparatus for the measurement and characterization of radar-frequency metamaterial performance in the S-band through Ku-band (2-18 GHz). Measurement and characterization is vital to metamaterial taxonomy and ultimately vital to metamaterial definitions. Thus, the current lack of clarity in metamaterial definitions has served as the primary motivation for pursuing a method for taxonomy and thus, this apparatus. The technical goal of this thesis was to aid in the understanding of a metamaterial\u27s radar-frequency response by developing an apparatus that would take simple, yet significant measurements of a metamaterial\u27s S-parameters and electric field distributions in near-field regions. The apparatus under design became a hybridized form of the designs of three existing measurement systems: a focused-beam system housed in a moveable-plate, parallel-plate transmission line. Some of the system components were borrowed directly from the existing designs, other components were designed from the examples of existing designs, and still others were designed altogether new. The final product of this thesis will be a patentable design for a near-field and S-parameter measurement device that can be applied to both metamaterials and traditional radar-frequency materials

    Cultural Content Analysis of an English Textbook for Senior High Schoo Grade Three in Cianjur, West Java

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    This article reports the result of the research investigating cultural content of an English textbook for senior high school grade three in Cianjur, West Java. The data of the research were collected from reading passages in the English textbook for senior high school entitled “Look Ahead”, book three published by Airlangga publisher. To reveal what cultures are represented in the textbook, the cultural contents are categorized into the source culture, the target culture, or the International culture (Cortazzi& Jin, 1999). To reveal how the cultures are represented in the textbook, the cultural contents are categorized into the aesthetic sense, the sociological sense, the semantic sense, or the pragmatic sense (Adaskou, Britten &Fahsi, 1990). The research finds that the target culture is predominant in the textbook. The investigation found that 77.05% cultural contents refer to the target culture, 13.11% cultural contents refer to the source culture, and 09.84% cultural contents refer to the International culture. Regarding how cultures are represented in the textbook, generally culture is represented by the aesthetic sense (37.70%), the sociological sense (31.15%), the pragmatic sense (19.67%) and the semantic sense (11.48%). Based on the findings it is recommended that more source culture and International culture be included in the textbook

    Investigating Cultural Contents of Reading Passages in the Tests Developed by English Teachers in a Senior High School

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    Cultural contents contained in reading passages need to be treated carefully due to their influence to shapethe readers' points of view. Since a test can include reading passages, careful selection of reading passages should also be conducted in a test development. This research is aimed at investigating what cultures are contained in the reading passages of the tests developed by the English teachers in a senior high school and the reasons why the reading passages were included. The methods employed in this research were textual analysis and case study. The data for textual analysis were collected from 24 reading passages from the tests developed by the English teachers of a senior high school in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. The information related to the problems of inclusion of cultural contents in the tests was collected from an interview. Among 24 reading passages in the tests, 10 reading passages were culture-neutral, while 14 reading passages contained cultural items.The findings show that in 14 reading passages, the culture contained are the target culture (40%) in the forms of naming, place, and season, the International culture (40%) in the forms of naming, place, and season,and the source culture (20%) in the forms of naming and place. Theunbalance proportion of the source culture can influence the readers' mindset and the result of the test due to familiarity issue of the materials. Regarding why this proportion is found in the tests, the teachers were not aware of the cultural content issue. Therefore, the proportion was not intentionally made. The unawareness of teacher can lead to the inclusion of inappropriate cultural contents in the tests. Hence, based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers be more aware of cultural contents in reading passages and develop a test with a more balance proportion of cultural contents in reading passages

    Saudi Arabia – 2005

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    This study aims to determine the factors that affect customer satisfaction on barbershop Urban Cut Erlangga. This is based on the problem on the barbershop Urban Cut Erlangga that there is a decline in the number of customers, decreased income and the existence of customer complaints. This research is done on barbershop Urban Cut Erlangga, the factors are physical environment quality, service quality, image, and perceived value. The population of this study is all consumers who have used the service of haircut at Urban Cut Erlangga. Sampling technique used in this research is incidental sampling. With a total sample of 140 respondents. This study has seven hypotheses. Analyzer used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this study indicate that, the physical environment quality has a positive influence on the image, the physical environment quality has a positive influence on the perceived value, the service quality has a positive influence on the image, the service quality has a positive influence on the perceived value, the image has a positive effect on perceived value, the image has a positive effect on satisfaction, and the perceived value has a positive effect on satisfaction

    Strategy Analysis to Improve Consultant Qualification in Surabaya

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    Electronic Procurement Agency indicated that in the 2015 up to 2017 project for infrastructure consulting services with qualifying middle to upper class in the Minister for Republic Works and Human Sattlements increased 5% per year. The Development Institution Construction Services shows that number of consulting firm in Surabaya city with qualifying middle to upper level less than 20 company, while the company consultant were at the middle to lower is very much. This research aimed to producing strategy in the qualification a consulting firm in Surabaya city. The variables used in a study are internal and external factors in increasing the consultant qualification. This variables analysis using Strength Weakness Opportunity Treats Matrix (SWOT), External Internal Matrix (I-E), and Quantities Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) used to determine the best strategy. The result of the study indicate several strategies that can be used to improve consultans qualification. The first strategy is joint venture with other consulting firm to enhance experiences and increase the income of company. The second strategy is improve the quality of human resources and adjust infrastructure facilities with international quality standard namely ISO 9001. The third strategy is work on projects that have high risk

    Characterization of α-Amylase Activity from Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Bora Hot spring, Central Sulawesi

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    α-Amilase (EC merupakan salah satu jenis enzim yang sangat penting dalam bioteknologi. Enzim ini sering diaplikasikan pada berbagai sektor industri, seperti industri deterjen, tekstil, kertas, roti, alkohol, dan pati. Termostabilitas dari α-Amilase merupakan sifat utama dari enzim yang dibutuhkan pada industri pemerosesan pati. α-Amilase dengan sifat termostabil dapat diperoleh dari bakteri termofilik yang secara alami dapat diisolasi dari mata air panas. Mata air panas Bora merupakan salah satu habitat yang paling berpotensi dalam mengisolasi bakteri termofilik karena memiliki suhu air yang sangat tinggi hingga mencapai 90,1°C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter aktivitas α-Amilase dari bakteri termofilik lokal isolat mata air Bora, Sulawesi Tengah. Terdapat 13 (dari 18 isolat) bakteri termofilik isolat mata air panas Bora yang mampu menghasilkan α-Amilase yang berhasil diisolasi dari sampel sedimen. Dari 13 isolat tersebut, 3 isolat terpilih dideskripsikan pada tulisan ini, yakni BR 001, BR 006, and BR 012. Ketiga isolat tersebut memiliki karakter: nilai indeks amilolitik berkisar 0,78 – 1,44; aktivitas α-Amilase berkisar berkisar 3,67 U/ml – 7,6 U/ml; konsentrasi protein berkisar 0,02 mg/ml – 0,14 mg/ml; aktivitas spesifik enzim kasar α-Amilase berkisar 54,83 U/mg – 308,45 U/mg; α-Amilase yang aktif pada kisaran suhu 32°C – 80°C; dan α-Amilase yang aktif pada kisaran pH 5 – 7 dan memiliki pH optimum pada kisaran 6,5 – 7. Adanya aktivitas enzim pada suhu yang tinggi dari α-Amilase yang diproduksi oleh isolat bakteri termofilik lokal dari mata air panas Bora menunjukkan adanya potensi dalam aplikasi enzim lokal pada sektor industri di masa depan, khususnya pada industri pemerosesan pati
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