8,093 research outputs found

    Definition, technology readiness, and development cost of the orbit transfer vehicle engine integrated control and health monitoring system elements

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    An Integrated Control and Health Monitoring (ICHM) system was conceived for use on a 20 Klb thrust baseline Orbit Transfer Vehicle (OTV) engine. Considered for space used, the ICHM was defined for reusability requirements for an OTV engine service free life of 20 missions, with 100 starts and a total engine operational time of 4 hours. Functions were derived by flowing down requirements from NASA guidelines, previous OTV engine or ICHM documents, and related contracts. The elements of an ICHM were identified and listed, and these elements were described in sufficient detail to allow estimation of their technology readiness levels. These elements were assessed in terms of technology readiness level, and supporting rationale for these assessments presented. The remaining cost for development of a minimal ICHM system to technology readiness level 6 was estimated. The estimates are within an accuracy range of minus/plus 20 percent. The cost estimates cover what is needed to prepare an ICHM system for use on a focussed testbed for an expander cycle engine, excluding support to the actual test firings

    The McDonald Observatory Planet Search: New Long-Period Giant Planets, and Two Interacting Jupiters in the HD 155358 System

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    We present high-precision radial velocity (RV) observations of four solar-type (F7-G5) stars - HD 79498, HD 155358, HD 197037, and HD 220773 - taken as part of the McDonald Observatory Planet Search Program. For each of these stars, we see evidence of Keplerian motion caused by the presence of one or more gas giant planets in long-period orbits. We derive orbital parameters for each system, and note the properties (composition, activity, etc.) of the host stars. While we have previously announced the two-gas-giant HD 155358 system, we now report a shorter period for planet c. This new period is consistent with the planets being trapped in mutual 2:1 mean-motion resonance. We therefore perform an in-depth stability analysis, placing additional constraints on the orbital parameters of the planets. These results demonstrate the excellent long-term RV stability of the spectrometers on both the Harlan J. Smith 2.7 m telescope and the Hobby-Eberly telescope.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Elemental Abundances of Solar Sibling Candidates

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    Dynamical information along with survey data on metallicity and in some cases age have been used recently by some authors to search for candidates of stars that were born in the cluster where the Sun formed. We have acquired high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra for 30 of these objects to determine, using detailed elemental abundance analysis, if they could be true solar siblings. Only two of the candidates are found to have solar chemical composition. Updated modeling of the stars' past orbits in a realistic Galactic potential reveals that one of them, HD162826, satisfies both chemical and dynamical conditions for being a sibling of the Sun. Measurements of rare-element abundances for this star further confirm its solar composition, with the only possible exception of Sm. Analysis of long-term high-precision radial velocity data rules out the presence of hot Jupiters and confirms that this star is not in a binary system. We find that chemical tagging does not necessarily benefit from studying as many elements as possible, but instead from identifying and carefully measuring the abundances of those elements which show large star-to-star scatter at a given metallicity. Future searches employing data products from ongoing massive astrometric and spectroscopic surveys can be optimized by acknowledging this fact.Comment: ApJ, in press. Tables 2 and 4 are available in full in the "Other formats: source" downloa

    The Dual Origin Of The Nitrogen Deficiency In Comets: Selective Volatile Trapping In The Nebula And Postaccretion Radiogenic Heating

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    We propose a scenario that explains the apparent nitrogen deficiency in comets in away that is consistent with the fact that the surfaces of Pluto and Triton are dominated by nitrogen-rich ice. We use a statistical thermodynamic model to investigate the composition of the successive multiple guest clathrates that may have formed during the cooling of the primordial nebula from the most abundant volatiles present in the gas phase. These clathrates agglomerated with the other ices (pure condensates or stoichiometric hydrates) and formed the building blocks of comets. We report that molecular nitrogen is a poor clathrate former, when we consider a plausible gas-phase composition of the primordial nebula. This implies that its trapping into cometesimals requires a low disk temperature (similar to 20 K) in order to allow the formation of its pure condensate. We find that it is possible to explain the lack of molecular nitrogen in comets as a consequence of their postformation internal heating engendered by the decay of short-lived radiogenic nuclides. This scenario is found to be consistent with the presence of nitrogen-rich ice covers on Pluto and Triton. Our model predicts that comets should present xenon-to-water and krypton-to-water ratios close to solar xenon-to-oxygen and krypton-to-oxygen ratios, respectively. In contrast, the argon-to-water ratio is predicted to be depleted by a factor of similar to 300 in comets compared to solar argon-to-oxygen, as a consequence of poor trapping efficiency and radiogenic heating.CNESJPLAstronom

    Temperature driven α\alpha to β\beta phase-transformation in Ti, Zr and Hf from first principles theory combined with lattice dynamics

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    Lattice dynamical methods used to predict phase transformations in crystals typically deal with harmonic phonon spectra and are therefore not applicable in important situations where one of the competing crystal structures is unstable in the harmonic approximation, such as the bcc structure involved in the hcp to bcc martensitic phase transformation in Ti, Zr and Hf. Here we present an expression for the free energy that does not suffer from such shortcomings, and we show by self consistent {\it ab initio} lattice dynamical calculations (SCAILD), that the critical temperature for the hcp to bcc phase transformation in Ti, Zr and Hf, can be effectively calculated from the free energy difference between the two phases. This opens up the possibility to study quantitatively, from first principles theory, temperature induced phase transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The CN Isotopic Ratios In Comets

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    Our aim is to determine the isotopic ratios (12)C/(13)C and (14)N/(15)N in a variety of comets and link these measurements to the formation and evolution of the solar system. The (12)C/(13)C and (14)N/(15)N isotopic ratios are measured for the CN radical by means of high-resolution optical spectra of the R branch of the B-X (0, 0) violet band. 23 comets from different dynamical classes have been observed, sometimes at various heliocentric and nucleocentric distances, in order to estimate possible variations of the isotopic ratios in parent molecules. The (12)C/(13)C and (14)N/(15)N isotopic ratios in CN are remarkably constant (average values of, respectively, 91.0 +/- 3.6 and 147.8 +/- 5.7) within our measurement errors, for all comets whatever their origin or heliocentric distance. While the carbon isotopic ratio does agree with the terrestrial value (89), the nitrogen ratio is a factor of two lower than the terrestrial value (272), indicating a fractionation in the early solar system, or in the protosolar nebula, common to all the comets of our sample. This points towards a common origin of the comets independently of their birthplaces, and a relationship between HCN and CN.NSFAstronom

    A Second Giant Planet in 3:2 Mean-Motion Resonance in the HD 204313 System

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    We present 8 years of high-precision radial velocity (RV) data for HD 204313 from the 2.7 m Harlan J. Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory. The star is known to have a giant planet (M sin i = 3.5 M_J) on a ~1900-day orbit, and a Neptune-mass planet at 0.2 AU. Using our own data in combination with the published CORALIE RVs of Segransan et al. (2010), we discover an outer Jovian (M sin i = 1.6 M_J) planet with P ~ 2800 days. Our orbital fit suggests the planets are in a 3:2 mean motion resonance, which would potentially affect their stability. We perform a detailed stability analysis, and verify the planets must be in resonance.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Large excess of heavy nitrogen in both hydrogen cyanide and cyanogen from comet 17P/Holmes

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    From millimeter and optical observations of the Jupiter-family comet 17P/Holmes performed soon after its huge outburst of October 24, 2007, we derive 14 N/15N = 139 +/- 26 in HCN, and 14N/15N = 165 +/- 40 in CN, establishing that HCN has the same non-terrestrial isotopic composition as CN. The same conclusion is obtained for the long-period comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) after a reanalysis of previously published measurements. These results are compatible with HCN being the prime parent of CN in cometary atmospheres. The 15N excess relative to the Earth atmospheric value indicates that N-bearing volatiles in the solar nebula underwent important N isotopic fractionation at some stage of Solar System formation. HCN molecules never isotopically equilibrated with the main nitrogen reservoir in the solar nebula before being incorporated in Oort-cloud and Kuiper-belt comets. The 12C/13C ratios in HCN and CN are measured to be consistent with the terrestrial value.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 4 page

    Revisiting rho 1 Cancri e: A New Mass Determination Of The Transiting super-Earth

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    We present a mass determination for the transiting super-Earth rho 1 Cancri e based on nearly 700 precise radial velocity (RV) measurements. This extensive RV data set consists of data collected by the McDonald Observatory planet search and published data from Lick and Keck observatories (Fischer et al. 2008). We obtained 212 RV measurements with the Tull Coude Spectrograph at the Harlan J. Smith 2.7 m Telescope and combined them with a new Doppler reduction of the 131 spectra that we have taken in 2003-2004 with the High-Resolution-Spectrograph (HRS) at the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) for the original discovery of rho 1 Cancri e. Using this large data set we obtain a 5-planet Keplerian orbital solution for the system and measure an RV semi-amplitude of K = 6.29 +/- 0.21 m/s for rho 1 Cnc e and determine a mass of 8.37 +/- 0.38 M_Earth. The uncertainty in mass is thus less than 5%. This planet was previously found to transit its parent star (Winn et al. 2011, Demory et al. 2011), which allowed them to estimate its radius. Combined with the latest radius estimate from Gillon et al. (2012), we obtain a mean density of rho = 4.50 +/- 0.20 g/cm^3. The location of rho 1 Cnc e in the mass-radius diagram suggests that the planet contains a significant amount of volitales, possibly a water-rich envelope surrounding a rocky core.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (the 300+ RV measurements will be published as online tables or can be obtained from the author

    Crystal growth and quantum oscillations in the topological chiral semimetal CoSi

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    We survey the electrical transport properties of the single-crystalline, topological chiral semimetal CoSi which was grown via different methods. High-quality CoSi single crystals were found in the growth from tellurium solution. The sample's high carrier mobility enables us to observe, for the first time, quantum oscillations (QOs) in its thermoelectrical signals. Our analysis of QOs reveals two spherical Fermi surfaces around the R point in the Brillouin zone corner. The extracted Berry phases of these electron orbits are consistent with the -2 chiral charge as reported in DFT calculations. Detailed analysis on the QOs reveals that the spin-orbit coupling induced band-splitting is less than 2 meV near the Fermi level, one order of magnitude smaller than our DFT calculation result. We also report the phonon-drag induced large Nernst effect in CoSi at intermediate temperatures