637 research outputs found

    Fascioliasis in confiscated livers of cattle in the Municipal Refrigerated Camal of Ambato and its relationship with Food Safety

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    Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease of herbivorous animals, especially the bovine and zoonotic species. It was proposed to analyze the number of cases through a retrospective study on the prevalence of seized livers due to the presence of the Fasciola hepatica parasite in the Municipal Cold Store of Ambato, province of Tungurahua belonging to the Sierra region with a temperate climate located in Ecuador, since the years 2016 to 2021 the first six months in this last year. The collection and analysis of the information was carried out between the months of January to August 2021. The methodology used was descriptive and through a bibliographic review of scientific and observational articles to help in the macroscopic determination of the parasite in cattle livers. that came to be slaughtered in the years already mentioned in this study. The total population of slaughtered bovines was taken; which were 110,867 in the six years of study, this number decreased due to restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2021. The prevalence of fascioliasis was analyzed for all study years, with an average of 7.27%, of this In this way, the presence of Fascioliasis in the Municipal Cold Store of Ambato-Ecuador is demonstrated; A plan is recommended on the management, prevention, control, treatment and eradication of said parasite and to make the population aware of the risk factors when consuming contaminated foods such as livers, watercress, vegetables and water contaminated with larvae. Keywords: Fasciola Hepatica, fascioliasis, safety, food, livers, confiscated. Resumen La Fascioliasis es una enfermedad parasitaria de los animales herbívoros, en especial de la especie bovina y zoonótica. Se planteó analizar el número de casos mediante un estudio retrospectivo sobre la prevalencia de hígados decomisados por la presencia del parásito Fasciola hepatica en el Camal Frigorífico Municipal de Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua perteneciente a la región Sierra con clima templado ubicado en Ecuador, desde los años 2016 al 2021 los primeros seis meses en este último año. La recopilación y análisis de la información se realizó entre los meses de enero a agosto del 2021. La metodología que se utilizó fue descriptiva y a través de revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos y de observación para la ayuda en la determinación macroscópica del parásito en hígados en reses que llegaron a ser faenadas en los años ya mencionados del presente estudio. Se tomó la población total de bovinos faenados; que fueron 110 867 en los seis años de estudio, este número disminuyó por restricciones de la pandemia COVID-19 entre los años 2020 y 2021. Se analizó la prevalencia de fascioliasis para todos los años estudio, con un promedio de 7.27%, de esta manera se demuestra la presencia Fascioliasis en el Camal Frigorífico Municipal de Ambato-Ecuador; se recomienda un plan sobre el manejo, prevención, control, tratamiento y erradicación de dicho parásito y dar a conocer a la población sobre los factores de riesgo al consumir alimentos contaminados como higados, berros, vegetales y agua contaminada con larvas. Palabras Clave: Fasciola Hepatica, fascioliasis, seguridad,alimentos,hígados,decomisado

    Do negative random shocks affect trust and trustworthiness?

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    We report data from a variation of the trust game aimed at determining whether (and how) inequality and random shocks that affect wealth influence the levels of trust and trustworthiness. To tease apart the effect of the shock and the inequality, we compare behavior in a trust game where the inequality is initially given and one where it is the result of a random shock that reduces the second mover’s endowment. We find that first-movers send less to second-movers but only when the inequality results from a random shock. As for the amount returned, second-movers return less when they are endowed less than first-movers, regardless of whether the difference in endowments was initially given or occurred after a random shock

    Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks

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    We experimentally investigate the effect of a negative endowment shock that can cause inequality in a trust game. Our goal is to assess whether different causes of inequality have different effects on trust and trustworthiness. In our trust game, we vary whether there is inequality (in favor of the second mover) or not and whether the inequality results from a random negative shock (i.e., the outcome of a die roll) or exists from the outset. Our findings suggest that inequality causes first-movers to send more of their endowment and second-movers to return more. However, we do not find support for the hypothesis that the cause of the inequality matters. Behavior after the occurrence of a random shock is not significantly different from the behavior in treatments where the inequality exists from the outset. Our results highlight the need to be cautious when interpreting the effects on trust and trustworthiness of negative random shocks in the field (such as natural disasters). Our results suggest that these effects are primarily driven by the inequality caused by the shock and not by any of the additional characteristics of the shock, like saliency or uncertainty

    Mining investment and a fiscal regime that promotes the investment: an inter-temporal model

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    This paper aims to show how both mining company and government will improve financially by promoting the reinvestment of profits. It will start with a theoretical framework about the mining investing sustainability. Then, an inter-temporal model will be proposed to formalize, theoretically, how the reinvestment will improve, in present value, profits and revenues for both firm and government, respectively. Also, empirical evidence will be shown, particularly, for Peru and Chile. Then, an approach to strong sustainability in Peru will be set by explaining the main variables of sustainability in the Peruvian mining sector as well as its main sustainability items. Finally, some conclusions will be presented.

    The perception of indole negatively modulates biocontrol activities in the plant beneficial Rhizobacterium Lysobacter capsici AZ78

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    The rhizosphere is a dynamic environment characterised by multiple and complex microbial interactions where diffusible communication signals (DCS) continuously influence the expression patterns of the microbiome, hence regulating fundamental traits for adaptation to the rhizosphere. In particular, plant-associated bacteria release indole, a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) that acts as an interkingdom signal able to influence antibiotic resistance, motility, biofilm formation and virulence. Lysobacter spp. are commonly found in the rhizosphere and have been frequently associated to disease suppression. For instance, the biocontrol activity of the plant beneficial bacterium Lysobacter capsici AZ78 (AZ78) has been reported against the phytopathogenic oomycetes Phytophthora infestans, Plasmopara viticola, Pythium ultimum and the Gram-positive bacterium Rhodococcus fascians. However, there is scarce information about Lysobacter spp. ecology and how DCS, and in particular indole, may affect their behaviour in the rhizosphere. To investigate the aspects determining rhizosphere competence and functioning of Lysobacter spp., this work presents a functional and transcriptomic analysis performed on AZ78, which was grown in the presence indole. The presence of indole significantly reduced the inhibition capacity of AZ78 against P. ultimum and R. fascians by 47 and 31%, respectively. Moreover, RNA-Seq analysis revealed that nearly 12% of all genes in AZ78 genome were modulated by indole. In particular, indole downregulated the expression of the heat-stable antifungal factor (HSAF) biosynthetic gene cluster, which may affect AZ78 antioomycete and antimicrobial activity. Moreover, in the presence of indole, AZ78 downregulated several signal transduction pathways responsible for nutrients uptake, resulting in reduced growth. Finally, indole downregulated several genes related to type IV pilus functionality, which might lead to impaired twitching motility. This study sheds light on the key role of DCS such as indole in shaping AZ78 behaviour in the rhizosphere and suggests that, manipulating DCS levels may alter the persistence and functioning of several plant-beneficial rhizobacteria, such as Lysobacter strains

    Local Victory: Assessing Interspecific Competition in Seagrass From a Trait-Based Perspective

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    Tropical seagrass meadows are formed by an array of seagrass species that share the same space. Species sharing the same plot are competing for resources, namely light and inorganic nutrients, which results in the capacity of some species to preempt space from others. However, the drivers behind seagrass species competition are not completely understood. In this work, we studied the competitive interactions among tropical seagrass species of Unguja Island (Zanzibar, Tanzania) using a trait-based approach. We quantified the abundance of eight seagrass species under different trophic states, and selected nine traits related to light and inorganic nutrient preemption to characterize the functional strategy of the species (leaf maximum length and width, leaves per shoot, leaf mass area, vertical rhizome length, shoots per meter of ramet, rhizome diameter, roots per meter of ramet, and root maximum length). From the seagrass abundance we calculated the probability of space preemption between pairs of seagrass species and for each individual seagrass species under the different trophic states. Species had different probabilities of space preemption, with the climax species Thalassodendron ciliatum, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, and the opportunistic Cymodocea serrulata having the highest probability of preemption, while the pioneer and opportunistic species Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis, and Cymodocea rotundata had the lowest. Traits determining the functional strategy showed that there was a size gradient across species. For two co-occurring seagrass species, probability of preemption was the highest for the larger species, it increased as the size difference between species increased and was unaffected by the trophic state. Competitive interactions among seagrass species were asymmetrical, i.e., negative effects were not reciprocal, and the driver behind space preemption was determined by plant size. Seagrass space preemption is a consequence of resource competition, and the probability of a species to exert preemption can be calculated using a trait-based approach

    ENSO dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    We present a numerical eigenmode analysis of an intermediate El Nin˜o–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) model which is driven by present-day observed background conditions as well as by simulated background conditions for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) about 21,000 years ago. The background conditions are obtained from two LGM simulations which were performed with the National Center for Atmospheric Research climate system model (CSM1.4) and an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (ECBilt-CLIO). Our analysis clearly shows that the leading present-day unstable recharge-discharge mode changes its stability as well as its frequency during LGM conditions. Simulated LGM background conditions were favorable to support large-amplitude self-sustained interannual ENSO variations in the tropical Pacific. Our analysis indicates that off-equatorial climate conditions as well as a shoaling of the thermocline play a crucial role in amplifying the LGM ENSO mode

    Diseño metodológico de un sistema de medición del desempeño para la cadena de suministros de astilleros en Colombia

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    The design of a performance measurement system for the Colombian shipyard supply chain is shown in this paper, using a model that integrates the principles of the Balanced Scorecard with the fuzzy sets theory to treat uncertainty associated with selected logistics indicators, enabling better supply chain management.El presente artículo muestra el diseño de un sistema de medición del desempeño para la cadena de suministros de los astilleros colombianos, usando un modelo que integra los principios del Balanced Scorecard con la teoría de conjuntos difusos para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre asociada a los indicadores logísticos seleccionados, posibilitando mejor gestión de dicha cadena