621 research outputs found

    Los Agustinos Recoletos en Andalucía y su proyección en América. Actas del I Congreso Histórico. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Juan ARANDA DONCEL - Ángel MARTÍNEZ CUESTA (coords.), Los Agustinos Recoletos en Andalucía y su proyección en América. Actas del I Congreso Histórico, Agustinos Recoletos Provincia de Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Granada 2001 , 620 pp

    Los jesuítas españoles expulsos. Su imagen y su contribución al saber sobre el mundo hispánico en la Europa del siglo XVIII. [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Manfred TIETZ (ed.), Los jesuítas españoles expulsos. Su imagen y su contribución al saber sobre el mundo hispánico en la Europa del siglo XVIII, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, Madrid-Frankfurt 2001, 710 pp

    A potential role for the cerebellar nuclei in absence seizures

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    © 2013 Alva et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Poster presented ar CNS 2013Non peer reviewe

    Mujeres abriendo camino en la universidad: el proyecto de Eugenie A. Leonard en Estados Unidos

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    Eugenie A. Leonard (1888-1980) es una destacada pero desconocida figura. Profesora de Educación en la Universidad de Syracusa y en The Catholic Universityof America (Washington), trabajó también en ambas instituciones como Decana de Mujeres. Desde ese cargo desarrolló un programa que facilitaba el alojamiento de las mujeres y su integración en la vida universitaria en igualdad de oportunidades con los hombres. Sin embargo, sus aportaciones han pasado muy desapercibidas y no existe ningún tipo de estudio biográfico sobre ella. Es interesante analizar su trayectoria académica y su aportación a los Women’s Studies.Eugenie A. Leonard (1888-1980) was a relevant but unknown figure. Professor of Education at Syracuse University and The Catholic University of America (Washington). Besides, she also works as Dean of Women. She developed a program in order to facilitate the women housing and their integration at the university looking equality of opportunities with the men. However, her works are unknown. It does not exist one biography about her. It is interesting to analyze her academic trajectory and her writings about Women’s Studies

    Modelling of a wave energy converter array with non-linear power take-off using a mixed time-domain/frequency-domain method

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    A mixed time-domain/frequency-domain method is proposed for modelling dense wave energy converter (WEC) arrays with non-linear power take-off (PTO). The model is based on a harmonic balance method which describes the system response in the frequency domain, while evaluating the non-linear PTO force and solving the system equations of motion in the time domain. The non-linear PTO force is computed with Lagrange multipliers. In order to apply the proposed method for WEC array responses in real sea states, the time series is split into time windows and the simulation is carried out individually per window. The method is demonstrated by investigating the dynamics of the Ocean Grazer WEC array (OG-WEC) with an adaptable piston pumping system. The key parameters thought to possibly influence model accuracy, including the number of harmonic components, the length of the time window and overlay, are discussed. It is shown that the proposed model can significantly reduce the computational cost with an acceptable accuracy penalty

    Analysing the influence of power take-off adaptability on the power extraction of dense wave energy converter arrays

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    The aim of this work is to assess the influence of different degrees of adaptability of the power take-off (PTO) system on the power absorption of dense wave energy converter (WEC) arrays. The adaptability is included in simulations through a transmission ratio that scales the force actuating the PTO relative to the force generated by the motion of a floater. A numerical model is used in which nonlinearities in the PTO and hydrodynamic forces acting on WEC array members are considered. The lower computational cost of this numerical model makes it possible to study the power extraction of a dense WEC array in irregular waves to easily create power matrices and other performance metrics. The methodology is applied to the case study of the Ocean Grazer WEC to showcase the potential performance improvements achieved through the inclusion of a transmission ratio. The analysis shows that including a high degree of adaptability and choosing WEC array configurations and PTO designs specific to potential deployment locations early in the design process can lead to significant increase in extracted power

    Redes comerciales y estrategias matrimoniales. Las mujeres en el comercio del Galeón de Manila (siglos XVII-XVIII)

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    Durante el período colonial, el comercio en Filipinas estuvo centrado en el monopolio del Galeón de Manila, una ruta comercial que, desde 1593, unía el Oriente con el Occidente. En medio de un mundo de soldados y ricos comerciantes, no faltaron mujeres que encontraron la forma de desarrollar una actividad productiva. Desde principios del siglo XVII, las viudas tenían concedido el privilegio de participar en la carga del galeón, para facilitar su sostenimiento económico. Algunas prefirieron vender su participación a otros comerciantes, pero también las hubo que invirtieron su capital personalmente en este comercio, utilizando las redes y contactos comerciales establecidos por sus difuntos maridos. La actividad mercantil que desarrollaron fue muy similar a la de los comerciantes establecidos en las islas. El presente trabajo trata de rescatar del olvido a una buena parte de esas mujeres, especialmente a aquellas que no se limitaron a vivir de su pensión, sino que lucharon por mantener y acrecentar los negocios de sus maridos. Permite comprender el papel de la mujer desde una nueva perspectiva, en el contexto de una sociedad que aparentemente les dificultaba el desenvolvimiento de este tipo de habilidades profesionales. A través de algunos ejemplos, se mostrará la forma como se implicaron en esas empresas mercantiles, las relaciones que entablaron y las estrategias matrimoniales que desarrollaron para asegurar su fortuna y patrimonio.During the colonial period, commerce in the Philippines was channeled through the monopoly of the Manila Galleon, a commercial route that linked the East and the West since 1593. In a world of soldiers and wealthy merchants, there was no lack of women who saw in this trade the means to develop a productive activity. From the beginning of the 17th century, widows were granted the privilege of participating in the provision of the galleon, as a way to facilitate their economic subsistence. Some chose to sell their participation to other merchants, but others invested their capital personally in this trade, using their networks and the commercial contacts established by their deceased spouses. The mercantile activity they developed was similar to that of the merchants established on the Islands

    Performance of D-galactose for Protecting The Corrosion Rate of Aluminium Alloy 5052 (AA5052) in Acidic Environment

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    The PEMFC systems are generally operated in acidic environment conditions. Consequently, the metal bipolar plate in the system can easily be corroded. Therefore, the PEMFC performance is decreased along with long-term operation. Based on this fact, a mitigation approach is needed to prevent the corrosion issue in the metal bipolar plate to maintain the PEMFC performance. This work tries to evaluate the corrosion rate of the aluminium bipolar plate before and after being deposited with D-galactose. The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique was used to deposit D-galactose on the aluminum surface. To evaluate the effect of D-galactose on preventing the corrosion rate, it was deposited on the surface of the aluminium (AA5052) bipolar plate. The EPD processes were performed by using a potensiodimic in 0.5 M H2SO4. The results show that the optimum EPD process condition was obtained at 0.5 g/l D-galactose for 20 minutes of electrophoretic deposition time. This work indicated that the D-galactose could reduce the corrosion rate of aluminium bipolar plate with an efficiency of 90.7%

    Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene Integrated in Plasmonic Silicon Platforms with Three-Dimensional Nanotopography

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    Integrating graphene with plasmonic nanostructures results in multifunctional hybrid systems with enhanced performance for numerous applications. In this work, we take advantage of the remarkable mechanical properties of graphene to combine it with scalable three-dimensional (3D) plasmonic nanostructured silicon substrates, which enhance the interaction of graphene with electromagnetic radiation. Large areas of femtosecond laser-structured arrays of silicon nanopillars, decorated with gold nanoparticles, are integrated with graphene, which conforms to the substrate nanotopography. We obtain Raman spectra at 488, 514, 633, and 785 nm excitation wavelengths, spanning the entire visible range. For all excitation wavelengths, the Raman signal of graphene is enhanced by 2–3 orders of magnitude, similarly to the highest enhancements measured to date, concerning surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of graphene on plasmonic substrates. Moreover, in contrast to traditional deposition and lithographic methods, the fabrication method employed here relies on single-step, maskless, cost-effective, rapid laser processing of silicon in water, amenable to large-scale fabrication. Finite-difference time-domain simulations elucidate the advantages of the 3D topography of the substrate. Conformation of graphene to Au-decorated silicon nanopillars enables graphene to sample near fields from an increased number of nanoparticles. Due to synergistic effects with the nanopillars, different nanoparticles become more active for different wavelengths and locations on the pillars, providing broad-band enhancement. Nanostructured plasmonic silicon is a promising platform for integration with graphene and other 2D materials, for next-generation applications of large-area hybrid nanomaterials in the fields of sensing, photonics, optoelectronics, and medical diagnostics