787 research outputs found

    El pas de la pesta bubònica per Canet de mar (1649-1654) i l'origen de l'advocació a la Mare de Déu de la Misericordia

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    La pesta bubònica, altrament anomenada morbo, va ser una greu malaltia que va sofrir gran part de la península ibèrica i l'Europa mediterrània durant el segle XVIII. L'autor explica, en base a la informació que proporcionen els llibres d'actes del Consell Municipal, el pas de l'epidèmia per la població de Canet, les mesures que es van portar a terme, les seves conseqüències i la mortaldad, i finalment la repercussió en el sentiment popular que la malaltia provocà, fent sorgir l'advocació a una petita imatge de la verge que, amb el temps, es convertí en la Mare de Déu de la Misericòrdi

    L'alliberament de Sant Pol per part de les tropes del coronel Ermengol Amil i les conseqüències per Sant Pol, Canet i pobles del rodal . Entre el 30 i 31 de gener del 1714 i el 16 de febrer de 1714

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    Aquest article analitza les dades documentals sobre el desembarcament de les tropes del Coronel Ermengol Amill per tal d'alliberar l'estratègica població de Sant Pol de Mar a finals de gener de 1714, i la recuperació contundent de la població per part de les tropes borbòniques a principis de febrer del mateix any. Això va tenir conseqüències greus degut a la repressió de Sant Pol com a les poblacions limítrofs de Canet, Arenys de Mar i Sant Cebrià de Vallalt

    Propostes per a l'estudi dels guions de televisió

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    Propostes per a l'estudi dels guions de televisió

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    Orbital and spin relaxation in single and coupled quantum dots

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    Phonon-induced orbital and spin relaxation rates of single electron states in lateral single and double quantum dots are obtained numerically for realistic materials parameters. The rates are calculated as a function of magnetic field and interdot coupling, at various field and quantum dot orientations. It is found that orbital relaxation is due to deformation potential phonons at low magnetic fields, while piezoelectric phonons dominate the relaxation at high fields. Spin relaxation, which is dominated by piezoelectric phonons, in single quantum dots is highly anisotropic due to the interplay of the Bychkov-Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings. Orbital relaxation in double dots varies strongly with the interdot coupling due to the cyclotron effects on the tunneling energy. Spin relaxation in double dots has an additional anisotropy due to anisotropic spin hot spots which otherwise cause giant enhancement of the rate at useful magnetic fields and interdot couplings. Conditions for the absence of the spin hot spots in in-plane magnetic fields (easy passages) and perpendicular magnetic fields (weak passages) are formulated analytically for different growth directions of the underlying heterostructure. It is shown that easy passages disappear (spin hot spots reappear) if the double dot system loses symmetry by an xy-like perturbation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    X-ray characterization of BUSARD chip: A HV-SOI monolithic particle detector with pixel sensors under the buried oxide

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    This work presents the design of BUSARD, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for the detection of ionizing particles. The ASIC is a monolithic active pixel sensor which has been fabricated in a High-Voltage Silicon-On-Insulator (HV-SOI) process that allows the fabrication of a buried N+ diffusion below the Buried OXide (BOX) as a standard processing step. The first version of the chip, BUSARD-A, takes advantage of this buried diffusion as an ionizing particle sensor. It includes a small array of 13×13 pixels, with a pitch of 80 μm, and each pixel has one buried diffusion with a charge amplifier, discriminator with offset tuning and digital processing. The detector has several operation modes including particle counting and Time-over-Threshold (ToT). An initial X-ray characterization of the detector was carried out, obtaining several pulse height and ToT spectra, which then were used to perform the energy calibration of the device. The Molybdenum α_{α} emission was measured with a standard deviation of 127 e^{-} of ENC by using the analog pulse output, and with 276 e^{-} of ENC by using the ToT digital output. The resolution in ToT mode is dominated by the pixel-to-pixel variation

    Exploring the antioxidant features of polyphenols by spectroscopic and electrochemical methods

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    This paper evaluates the antioxidant ability of polyphenols as a function of their chemical structures. Several common food indexes including Folin-Ciocalteau (FC), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assays were applied to selected polyphenols that di er in the number and position of hydroxyl groups. Voltammetric assays with screen-printed carbon electrodes were also recorded in the range of 0.2 to 0.9 V (vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode) to investigate the oxidation behavior of these substances. Poor correlations among assays were obtained, meaning that the behavior of each compound varies in response to the di erent methods. However, we undertook a comprehensive study based on principal component analysis that evidenced clear patterns relating the structures of several compounds and their antioxidant activities