26 research outputs found

    Tecnología mecánica

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    Índice: - La medición en el taller mecánico. Instrumentos de medida. - Trazado. - Herramientas empleadas en el taller mecánico. - Teoría de las herramientas de corte. - Fileteado. - Torno. - Control numérico. - Máquinas fresadoras. - La limadora. - Soldadura. - Abrasivos. - Forja. - Seguridad en el taller mecánico. - Bibliografía

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Informe Ejecutivo 2005

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    El estudio Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM CAPV 2005, realiza un diagnóstico de la actividad emprendedora de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco. Por un lado, este informe compara la capacidad de creación de empresas de dicha región con la de otros países y regiones nacionales, y por otro lado, se contrasta internamente la realidad de los emprendedores que residen en los tres territorios históricos de Araba, Bizkaia y Gipuzkoa.Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM EAE 2005, izenburuko azterlanak Euskal Auonomia Erkidegoko jarduera ekintzailearen diagnostikoa egiten du. Alde batetik, txosten horrek gure eskualdeak enpresak sortzeko duen ahalmena kontuan hartzen du eta beste hainbat herrialde eta nazio barneko eskualdek dutenekin konparatzen du, eta bestalde, hiru lurralde historikoetan, Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoan, bizi diren ekintzaileen errealitatea kontrastatzen du.L'étude Globale Entrepreneurship Monitor, GAM CAPV 2005, réalise un diagnostique de l'activité d'entreprise de la Communauté Autonome du Pays Basque. D'un côté, ce rapport compare la capacité de création d'entreprises de cette région avec celle d'autres pays et régions nationales, et d'un autre côté, contrôle intérieurement la réalité des entrepreneurs qui résident dans les trois territoires historiques d'Araba, de Bizkaia et de Gipuzkoa.The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor study, GEM CAPV 2005, carries out a diagnosis of entrepreneurship in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. On one hand, this report compares the capacity to set up companies in this region with that of other countries and with that of other regions within Spain, and, on the other hand, compares internally the situation of entrepreneurs residing in the three historical territories of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa

    Transcription Factor Binding Site Enrichment Analysis In Co-Expression Modules In Celiac Disease

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    The aim of this study was to construct celiac co-expression patterns at a whole genome level and to identify transcription factors (TFs) that could drive the gliadin-related changes in coordination of gene expression observed in celiac disease (CD). Differential co-expression modules were identified in the acute and chronic responses to gliadin using expression data from a previous microarray study in duodenal biopsies. Transcription factor binding site (TFBS) and Gene Ontology (GO) annotation enrichment analyses were performed in differentially co-expressed genes (DCGs) and selection of candidate regulators was performed. Expression of candidates was measured in clinical samples and the activation of the TFs was further characterized in C2BBe1 cells upon gliadin challenge. Enrichment analyses of the DCGs identified 10 TFs and five were selected for further investigation. Expression changes related to active CD were detected in four TFs, as well as in several of their in silico predicted targets. The activation of TFs was further characterized in C2BBe1 cells upon gliadin challenge, and an increase in nuclear translocation of CAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein 1 (CREB1) and IFN regulatory factor-1 (IRF1) in response to gliadin was observed. Using transcriptome-wide co-expression analyses we are able to propose novel genes involved in CD pathogenesis that respond upon gliadin stimulation, also in non-celiac models.The authors thank the technical and human support provided by SGIker of the UPV/EHU. The work was funded by ISCIII Research Project Grants PI13/01201 and PI16/00258, cofunded by the European Union ERDF/ESF "A way to make Europe" and by Basque Department of Health project 2011/111034 to JRB and Basque Department of Health project 2015/111068 to I.S., N.F.-J. was supported by an IARC Postodctoral Fellowship (FP7 Marie Curie Actions-People-COFUND) and a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Department of Education. I.R.-G. and A.J.-M. are supported by predoctoral fellowship grants from the UPV/EHU and the Basque Department of Education, respectively

    MAGI2 Gene Region and Celiac Disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) patients present a loss of intestinal barrier function due to structural alterations in the tight junction (TJ) network, the most apical unions between epithelial cells. The association of TJ-related gene variants points to an implication of this network in disease susceptibility. This work aims to characterize the functional implication of TJ-related, disease-associated loci in CD pathogenesis. We performed an association study of 8 TJ-related gene variants in a cohort of 270 CD and 91 non-CD controls. The expression level of transcripts located in the associated SNP region was analyzed by RT-PCR in several human tissues and in duodenal biopsies of celiac patients and non-CD controls. (si)RNA-driven silencing combined with gliadin in the Caco2 intestinal cell line was used to analyze the implication of transcripts from the associated region in the regulation of TJ genes. We replicated the association of rs6962966*A variant [p = 0.0029; OR = 1.88 (95%1.24-2.87)], located in an intron of TJ-related MAGI2 coding gene and upstream of RP4-587D13.2 transcript, bioinformatically classified as a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). The expression of both genes is correlated and constitutively downregulated in CD intestine. Silencing of lncRNA decreases the levels of MAGI2 protein. At the same time, silencing of MAGI2 affects the expression of several TJ-related genes. The associated region is functionally altered in disease, probably affecting CD-related TJ genes.This work was partially funded by the Basque Department of Education grant IT1281-19 and ISCIII Research Project PI16/00258, cofunded by the European Union ERDF, A way to make Europe to JB. AC-R is supported by an Ikerbasque Fellowship and funded by a research project grant 2017111082 from the Basque Goverment. IS was funded by a research project grant 2015111068 from the Basque Department of Health. AJ-M and AO-G are predoctoral fellows funded by FPI grants from the Basque Department of Education, Universities and Research and IR-G and MS are predoctoral fellows funded by the University of Basque Country

    Gluten-induced RNA methylation changes regulate intestinal inflammation via allele-specific XPO1 translation in epithelial cells

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    [EN] Objectives Coeliac disease (CD) is a complex autoimmune disorder that develops in genetically susceptible individuals. Dietary gluten triggers an immune response for which the only available treatment so far is a strict, lifelong gluten free diet. Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) genes and several non-HLA regions have been associated with the genetic susceptibility to CD, but their role in the pathogenesis of the disease is still essentially unknown, making it complicated to develop much needed non-dietary treatments. Here, we describe the functional involvement of a CD-associated single-nudeotide polymorphism (SNP) located in the 5'UTR of XPO1 in the inflammatory environment characteristic of the coeliac intestinal epithelium. Design The function of the CD-associated SNP was investigated using an intestinal cell line heterozygous for the SNP, N6-methyladenosine (m(6)A)-related knock-out and HLA-DQ2 mice, and human samples from patients with CD. Results Individuals harbouring the risk allele had higher m(6)A methylation in the 5'UTR of XPO1 RNA, rendering greater XPO1 protein amounts that led to downstream nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) activity and subsequent inflammation. Furthermore, gluten exposure increased overall m(6)A methylation in humans as well as in in vitro and in vivo models. Conclusion We identify a novel m(6)A-XPO1-NFkB pathway that is activated in CD patients. The findings will prompt the development of new therapeutic approaches directed at m(6)A proteins and XPO1, a target under evaluation for the treatment of intestinal disorders.This study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Universities and Innovation (PGC2018-097573-A-I00) to AC-R. JRB was funded by ISCIII Research project PI16/00258, cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the European Union ERDF/ESF 'A way to make Europe'. AO-G and MS-D were funded by predoctoral fellowships from the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country respectively. DS and LH were funded by the Spanish Ministry (MINECO) (SAF2017-83813-C3-1-R) and cofunded by the ERDF, the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y la Nutricion (CIBEROBN) (Grant CB06/03/0001 to DS), the Government of Catalonia (2017SGR278 to DS), and the Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (201627-30 to DS). CH is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and has been funded by the National Institute of Health HG008935. We would like to thank Xuechen Yu and Justin Vargas for processing the adult CD biopsy samples obtained from Columbia University. EFV is supported by a CIHR grant 168840 and holds a Canada Research Chair

    Accuracy in Copy Number Calling by qPCR and PRT: A Matter of DNA

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    The possible implication of copy number variation (CNV) in the genetic susceptibility to human disease needs to be assessed using robust methods that can be applied at a population scale. In this report, we analyze the performance of the two major techniques, quantitative PCR (qPCR) and paralog ratio test (PRT), and investigate the influence of input DNA amount and template integrity on the reliability of both methods. Analysis of three genes (PRELID1, SYNPO and DEFB4) in a large sample set showed that both methods are prone to false copy number assignments if sufficient attention is not paid to DNA concentration and quality. Accurate normalization of samples is essential for reproducible qPCR because it avoids the effect of differential amplification efficiencies between target and control assays, whereas PRT is generally more sensitive to template degradation due to the fact that longer amplicons are usually needed to optimize sensitivity and specificity of paralog sequence PCR. The use of normalized, high quality genomic DNA yields comparable results with both methods

    Challenges of neural interfaces for stroke motor rehabilitation

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    More than 85% of stroke survivors suffer from different degrees of disability for the rest of their lives. They will require support that can vary from occasional to full time assistance. These conditions are also associated to an enormous economic impact for their families and health care systems. Current rehabilitation treatments have limited efficacy and their long-term effect is controversial. Here we review different challenges related to the design and development of neural interfaces for rehabilitative purposes. We analyze current bibliographic evidence of the effect of neuro-feedback in functional motor rehabilitation of stroke patients. We highlight the potential of these systems to reconnect brain and muscles. We also describe all aspects that should be taken into account to restore motor control. Our aim with this work is to help researchers designing interfaces that demonstrate and validate neuromodulation strategies to enforce a contingent and functional neural linkage between the central and the peripheral nervous system. We thus give clues to design systems that can improve or/and re-activate neuroplastic mechanisms and open a new recovery window for stroke patients

    Guía de práctica clínica SENPE/SEGHNP/SEFH sobre nutrición parenteral pediátrica

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    Introduction: Parenteral nutrition (PN) in childhood is a treatment whose characteristics are highly variable depending on the age and pathology of the patient. Material and methods: The Standardization and Protocols Group of the Spanish Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) is an interdisciplinary group formed by members of the SENPE, the Spanish Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (SEGHNP) and the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) that intends to update this issue. For this, a detailed review of the literature has been carried out, looking for the evidences that allow us to elaborate a Clinical Practice Guide following the criteria of the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Results: This manuscript summarizes the recommendations regarding indications, access routes, requirements, modifications in special situations, components of the mixtures, prescription and standardization, preparation, administration, monitoring, complications and home NP. The complete document is published as a monographic number. Conclusions: This guide is intended to support the prescription of pediatric PN. It provides the basis for rational decisions in the context of the existing evidence. No guidelines can take into account all of the often compelling individual clinical circumstances.Introducción: la nutrición parenteral (NP) en la infancia es un tratamiento cuyas características son muy variables en función de la edad y la patología que presente el paciente. Material y métodos: el grupo de Estandarización y Protocolos de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral (SENPE) es un grupo interdisciplinar formado por miembros de la SENPE, Sociedad Española de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición Pediátrica (SEGHNP) y Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria (SEFH) que pretende poner al día este tema. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión pormenorizada de la literatura buscando las evidencias que nos permiten elaborar una Guía de Práctica Clínica siguiendo los criterios del Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Resultados: este manuscrito expone de forma resumida las recomendaciones en cuanto a indicaciones, vías de acceso, requerimientos, modificaciones en situaciones especiales, componentes de las mezclas, prescripción y estandarización, preparación, administración, monitorización, complicaciones y NP domiciliaria. El documento completo se publica como número monográfico. Conclusiones: esta guía pretende servir de apoyo para la prescripción de la NP pediátrica. Constituye la base para tomar decisiones en el contexto de la evidencia existente. Ninguna guía puede tener en cuenta todas las circunstancias clínicas individuale

    Earnings of Immigrants : Does Entrepreneurship Matter?

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    The economic integration of immigrants has become a challenging topic in the European political agenda. This is especially true for countries that are struggling to survive the economic recession which started in 2008. In this context, entrepreneurship emerges as an alternative to unemployment. While the self-employment propensity of immigrants is well documented, little is known about the performance of these ventures. This article contributes to the literature by comparing and explaining the differential earnings of self-employed versus salaried immigrants in Spain. A binary logistic regression is applied to explore data collected by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project for 2005 and 2006. Our findings show that self-employed immigrants’ income exceeds that of salaried workers. Human capital and location-related environmental variables were found to be the best predictors of both self-employed and salaried immigrants’ earnings

    Immigrant Entrepreneurship : Does the Liability of Foreignness Matter?

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    The liability of foreignness is a phenomenon scarcely studied in the entrepreneurship literature. While immigrants seem to be prone to create new firms, they face different sorts of barriers to launch new businesses. We apply a binomial logistic regression on Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data to compare immigrants’ and natives’ entrepreneurial intentions to the actual self-employment activity of each group, and the factors affecting potential differences. We found that immigrants are more likely to have self-employment plans than natives but less likely to end up becoming self-employed. We explain this gap by the liability of foreignness hypothesis, i.e. additional difficulties faced by immigrants when entering the job market or starting up a business in a new country such as poor language skills, the lack of labour experience, the lack of human and social capital endowments specific to that country, and institutional restrictions including discrimination