136 research outputs found

    Consequence of DTM Precision for Flood Hazard Mapping: A Case Study in SW Finland

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    Spatial information on floods, which includes inundation maps and estimations of flood damage are essential tools for the creation of effective plans for both flood protection and mitigation. In flood modelling, the accuracy of the model geometry used has a remarkable impact upon flood mapping. Therefore, in this study, flood hazard mapping was undertaken with two existing DTM (digital terrain model) products and a high-precision LiDAR-based DTM. Their characteristics were evaluated with respect to flood hazard mapping. An accuracy assessment of these digital terrain models and their applicability for one-dimensional flood inundation mapping clearly showed that LiDAR DTM topography was the most applicable. Although the 10×10 m DTM from the Finnish National Land Survey could be utilised to show where flooding might occur for very coarse flood mapping surveys, these were not suitable for more exact estimations of flood boundaries. Nevertheless, some inaccuracies in riverbank topography were also found using the LiDAR-DTM. Hence, to study detailed hydrological processes such as short-term channel dynamics, this particular DTM could be further improved by additional data

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics

    Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume with Airborne Scanning LiDAR

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    Airborne scanning LiDAR is a promising technique for efficient and accuratebiomass mapping due to its capacity for direct measurement of the three-dimensionalstructure of vegetation. A combination of individual tree detection (ITD) and an area-basedapproach (ABA) introduced in Vastaranta et al. [1] to map forest aboveground biomass(AGB) and stem volume (VOL) was investigated. The main objective of this study was totest the usability and accuracy of LiDAR in biomass mapping. The nearest neighbourmethod was used in the ABA imputations and the accuracy of the biomass estimation wasevaluated in the Finland, where single tree-level biomass models are available. The relativeroot-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) in plot-level AGB and VOL imputation were 24.9%and 26.4% when field measurements were used in training the ABA. When ITDmeasurements were used in training, the respective accuracies ranged between 28.5%–34.9%and 29.2%–34.0%. Overall, the results show that accurate plot-level AGB estimates can beachieved with the ABA. The reduction of bias in ABA estimates in AGB and VOL wasencouraging when visually corrected ITD (ITDvisual) was used in training. We conclude that itis not feasible to use ITDvisual in wall-to-wall forest biomass inventory, but it could provide acost-efficient application for acquiring training data for ABA in forest biomass mapping.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Evaluating the performance of university course units using data envelopment analysis

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    The technique of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for measuring the relative efficiency has been widely used in the higher education sector. However, measuring the performance of a set of course units or modules that are part of a university curriculum has received little attention. In this article, DEA was used in a visual way to measure the performance of 12 course units that are part of a Photogrammetry curriculum taught at Aalto University. The results pinpointed the weakest performing units, i.e. units where the provided teaching efforts might not be adequately reflected in the students’ marks in the unit. Based on the results, a single unit was considered to offer poor performance with respect to its teaching resources and was selected as a candidate for revision of its contents. Financial resources were not used as such; instead, the performance of students in previous pre-requisite units was used as the inputs. For clarity, a single output covering the overall student performance in the examined unit was used. The technique should be widely applicable assuming the grade point averages of the students who took the course unit are available along with the marks obtained in the evaluated units and their pre-requisites

    Vaikuttava tiede on osaamislaji

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    Globalisaatio, väestömuutokset ja teknologian edistysaskeleet muuttavat maailmaa. Kestävän kehityksen haasteet, työn muutokset ja aineettoman pääoman kasvava merkitys ovat tuoneet omat vaikutuksensa viimeaikaiseen kehitykseen. Ekologisuus ja ympäristövastuullisuus siirtävät kulutusrakenteita tavaroista palveluihin sekä nivovat kulttuurin ja talouden lähemmäksi toisiaan
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