50 research outputs found

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations in microfluidics: probing the boundary condition

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    In this contribution we summarize our investigations of the effect of boundary slip by utilizing lattice Boltzmann simulations. We investigate fluid flow in hydrophobic and rough microchannels and show that a slip due to hydrophobic interactions increases with increasing hydrophobicity and is independent on the shear rate. If surface roughness is not treated properly while analysing experimental results, a large apparent slip might be measured. We show that the no-slip boundary condition holds in this case if an effective surface position at an intermediate position between peaks and valleys of the surface is considered. Further, we study the effect of microbubbles present on a surface and show that gas bubbles can have a strong impact on the flow properties. They can cause negative slip and due to their deformability, a shear rate dependent slip might be detected in experiments

    Impalement transitions in droplets impacting microstructured superhydrophobic surfaces

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    Liquid droplets impacting a superhydrophobic surface decorated with micro-scale posts often bounce off the surface. However, by decreasing the impact velocity droplets may land on the surface in a fakir state, and by increasing it posts may impale droplets that are then stuck on the surface. We use a two-phase lattice-Boltzmann model to simulate droplet impact on superhydrophobic surfaces, and show that it may result in a fakir state also for reasonable high impact velocities. This happens more easily if the surface is made more hydrophobic or the post height is increased, thereby making the impaled state energetically less favourable.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Simulations of slip flow on nanobubble-laden surfaces

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    On microstructured hydrophobic surfaces, geometrical patterns may lead to the appearance of a superhydrophobic state, where gas bubbles at the surface can have a strong impact on the fluid flow along such surfaces. In particular, they can strongly influence a detected slip at the surface. We present two-phase lattice Boltzmann simulations of a flow over structured surfaces with attached gas bubbles and demonstrate how the detected slip depends on the pattern geometry, the bulk pressure, or the shear rate. Since a large slip leads to reduced friction, our results allow to assist in the optimization of microchannel flows for large throughput.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Drop impact upon micro- and nanostructured superhydrophobic surfaces

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    We experimentally investigate drop impact dynamics onto different superhydrophobic surfaces, consisting of regular polymeric micropatterns and rough carbon nanofibers, with similar static contact angles. The main control parameters are the Weber number \We and the roughness of the surface. At small \We, i.e. small impact velocity, the impact evolutions are similar for both types of substrates, exhibiting Fakir state, complete bouncing, partial rebouncing, trapping of an air bubble, jetting, and sticky vibrating water balls. At large \We, splashing impacts emerge forming several satellite droplets, which are more pronounced for the multiscale rough carbon nanofiber jungles. The results imply that the multiscale surface roughness at nanoscale plays a minor role in the impact events for small \We \apprle 120 but an important one for large \We \apprge 120. Finally, we find the effect of ambient air pressure to be negligible in the explored parameter regime \We \apprle 150Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Optimization of chaotic micromixers using finite time Lyapunov exponents

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    In microfluidics mixing of different fluids is a highly non-trivial task due to the absence of turbulence. The dominant process allowing mixing at low Reynolds number is therefore diffusion, thus rendering mixing in plain channels very inefficient. Recently, passive chaotic micromixers such as the staggered herringbone mixer were developed, allowing efficient mixing of fluids by repeated stretching and folding of the fluid interfaces. The optimization of the geometrical parameters of such mixer devices is often performed by time consuming and expensive trial and error experiments. We demonstrate that the application of the lattice Boltzmann method to fluid flow in highly complex mixer geometries together with standard techniques from statistical physics and dynamical systems theory can lead to a highly efficient way to optimize micromixer geometries. The strategy applies massively parallel fluid flow simulations inside a mixer, where massless and noninteracting tracer particles are introduced. By following their trajectories we can calculate finite time Lyapunov exponents in order to quantify the degree of chaotic advection inside the mixer. The current report provides a review of our results published in [1] together with additional details on the simulation methodology

    Numerical study of wetting transitions on biomimetic surfaces using a lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio

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    The hydrophobicity of natural surfaces have drawn much attention of scientific communities in recent years. By mimicking natural surfaces, the manufactured biomimetic hydrophobic surfaces have been widely applied to green technologies such as self-cleaning surfaces. Although the theories for wetting and hydrophobicity have been developed, the mechanism of wetting transitions between heterogeneous wetting state and homogeneous wetting state is still not fully clarified. As understanding of wetting transitions is crucial for manufacturing a biomimetic superhydrophobic surface, more fundamental discussions in this area should be carried out. In the present work the wetting transitions are numerically studied using a phase field lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio, which should be helpful in understanding the mechanism of wetting transitions. The dynamic wetting transition processes between Cassie-Baxter state and Wenzel state are presented, and the energy barrier and the gravity effect on transition are discussed. It is found that the two wetting transition processes are irreversible for specific inherent contact angles and have different transition routes, the energy barrier exists on an ideally patterned surface and the gravity can be crucial to overcome the energy barrier and trigger the transition

    Protein Diffusion in Mammalian Cell Cytoplasm

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    We introduce a new method for mesoscopic modeling of protein diffusion in an entire cell. This method is based on the construction of a three-dimensional digital model cell from confocal microscopy data. The model cell is segmented into the cytoplasm, nucleus, plasma membrane, and nuclear envelope, in which environment protein motion is modeled by fully numerical mesoscopic methods. Finer cellular structures that cannot be resolved with the imaging technique, which significantly affect protein motion, are accounted for in this method by assigning an effective, position-dependent porosity to the cell. This porosity can also be determined by confocal microscopy using the equilibrium distribution of a non-binding fluorescent protein. Distinction can now be made within this method between diffusion in the liquid phase of the cell (cytosol/nucleosol) and the cytoplasm/nucleoplasm. Here we applied the method to analyze fluorescence recovery after photobleach (FRAP) experiments in which the diffusion coefficient of a freely-diffusing model protein was determined for two different cell lines, and to explain the clear difference typically observed between conventional FRAP results and those of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). A large difference was found in the FRAP experiments between diffusion in the cytoplasm/nucleoplasm and in the cytosol/nucleosol, for all of which the diffusion coefficients were determined. The cytosol results were found to be in very good agreement with those by FCS

    Soil seal development under simulated rainfall: structural, physical and hydrological dynamics

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    This study delivers new insights into rainfall-induced seal formation through a novel approach in the use of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). Up to now seal and crust thickness have been directly quantified mainly through visual examination of sealed/crusted surfaces, and there has been no quantitative method to estimate this important property. X-ray CT images were quantitatively analysed to derive formal measures of seal and crust thickness. A factorial experiment was established in the laboratory using open-topped microcosms packed with soil. The factors investigated were soil type (three soils: silty clay loam - ZCL, sandy silt loam - SZL, sandy loam - SL) and rainfall duration (2-14 minutes). Surface seal formation was induced by applying artificial rainfall events, characterised by variable duration, but constant kinetic energy, intensity, and raindrop size distribution. Soil porosities derived from CT scans were used to quantify the thickness of the rainfall-induced surface seals and reveal temporal seal micro-morphological variations with increasing rainfall duration. In addition, the water repellency and infiltration dynamics of the developing seals were investigated by measuring water drop penetration time (WDPT) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (Kun). The range of seal thicknesses detected varied from 0.6 - 5.4 mm. Soil textural characteristics and OM content played a central role in the development of rainfall-induced seals, with coarser soil particles and lower OM content resulting in thicker seals. Two different trends in soil porosity vs. depth were identified: i) for SL soil porosity was lowest at the immediate soil surface, it then increased constantly with depth till the median porosity of undisturbed soil was equalled; ii) for ZCL and SL the highest reduction in porosity, as compared to the median porosity of undisturbed soil, was observed in a well-defined zone of maximum porosity reduction c. 0.24 - 0.48 mm below the soil surface. This contrasting behaviour was related to different dynamics and processes of seal formation which depended on the soil properties. The impact of rainfall-induced surface sealing on the hydrological behaviour of soil (as represented by WDTP and Kun) was rapid and substantial: an average 60% reduction in Kun occurred for all soils between 2 and 9 minutes rainfall, and water repellent surfaces were identified for SZL and ZCL. This highlights that the condition of the immediate surface of agricultural soils involving rainfall-induced structural seals has a strong impact in the overall ability of soil to function as water reservoir