618 research outputs found

    Modelling human factors in perceptual multimedia quality: On the role of personality and culture

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    Perception of multimedia quality is shaped by a rich interplay between system, context, and human factors. While system and context factors are widely researched, few studies in this area consider human factors as sources of systematic variance. This paper presents an analysis on the influence of personality (Five-Factor Model) and cultural traits (Hofstede Model) on the perception of multimedia quality. A set of 144 video sequences (from 12 short movie excerpts) were rated by 114 participants from a cross-cultural population, producing 1232 ratings. On this data, three models are compared: a baseline model that only considers system factors; an extended model that includes personality and culture as human factors; and an optimistic model in which each participant is modeled as a random effect. An analysis shows that personality and cultural traits represent 9.3% of the variance attributable to human factors while human factors overall predict an equal or higher proportion of variance compared to system factors. In addition, the quality-enjoyment correlation varied across the movie excerpts. This suggests that human factors play an important role in perceptual multimedia quality, but further research to explore moderation effects and a broader range of human factors is warranted

    Exploration of 2-deoxy-D-ribose and 17β-Estradiol as alternatives to exogenous VEGF to promote angiogenesis in tissue-engineered constructs

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    Aim: In this study, we explored the angiogenic potential and proangiogenic concentration ranges of 2-deoxy-D-ribose (2dDR) and 17β-Estradiol (E2) in comparison with VEGF. The 2dDR and E2 were then loaded into tissue engineering (TE) scaffolds to investigate their proangiogenic potential when released from fibers. Materials & methods:Ex ovo chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay was used to evaluate angiogenic activity of 2dDR and E2. Both factors were then introduced into scaffolds via electrospinning to assess their angiogenic potential when released from fibers. Results: Both factors were approximately 80% as potent as VEGF and showed a dose-dependent angiogenic response. The sustained release of both agents from the scaffolds stimulated neovascularization over 7 days in the chorioallantoic membrane assay. Conclusion: We conclude that both 2dDR and E2 provide attractive alternatives to VEGF for the functionalization of tissue engineering scaffolds to promote angiogenesis in vivo

    Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa:experiences of the African SNOWS consortium

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    Despite its contribution to global disease burden, diarrhoeal disease is still a relatively neglected area for research funding, especially in low-income country settings. The SNOWS consortium (Scientists Networked for Outcomes from Water and Sanitation) is funded by the Wellcome Trust under an initiative to build the necessary research skills in Africa. This paper focuses on the research training needs of the consortium as identified during the first three years of the project

    Sheep Updates 2006 - part 3

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    This session covers six papers from different authors: GRAZING 1. Making better use of clover, Karen Venning and Andrew Thompson, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 2. Grazing systems demonstration to optimise pasture utilisation and stocking rate, Mike Hyder, Sue-Ellen Shaw, Kelly Hill and Ron McTaggart, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia. 3. Know your audience to increase their rate of practice change - Lifetime Wool as an example, Gus Rose, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Carolyn Kabore, Kazresearch REPRODUCTION 4. Lifetime Wool - Ewe Management Guidlines, Mandy Curnow, Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia 5. Achieving the best reproductive performance from your hoggets, Kenyon PR, Morris ST, West DM, Perkins NR, Pinchbeck GL., Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, New Zealand. 6. Lifetime Wool: Twin futures, Dr Ralph Behrendt, Department of Primary Industries, Victori

    Clinical-pathological study on β-APP, IL-1β, GFAP, NFL, Spectrin II, 8OHdG, TUNEL, miR-21, miR-16, miR-92 expressions to verify DAI-diagnosis, grade and prognosis

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most important death and disability cause, involving substantial costs, also in economic terms, when considering the young age of the involved subject. Aim of this paper is to report a series of patients treated at our institutions, to verify neurological results at six months or survival; in fatal cases we searched for βAPP, GFAP, IL-1β, NFL, Spectrin II, TUNEL and miR-21, miR-16, and miR-92 expressions in brain samples, to verify DAI diagnosis and grade as strong predictor of survival and inflammatory response. Concentrations of 8OHdG as measurement of oxidative stress was performed. Immunoreaction of β-APP, IL-1β, GFAP, NFL, Spectrin II and 8OHdG were significantly increased in the TBI group with respect to control group subjects. Cell apoptosis, measured by TUNEL assay, were significantly higher in the study group than control cases. Results indicated that miR-21, miR-92 and miR-16 have a high predictive power in discriminating trauma brain cases from controls and could represent promising biomarkers as strong predictor of survival, and for the diagnosis of postmortem traumatic brain injury

    Managing Chronic Diseases in Family Medicine: Best practices and Evidence-Based Approaches

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    The management of chronic diseases within the realm of family medicine presents a multifaceted challenge with profound implications for healthcare systems and patients alike. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions, are prevalent and impose a significant burden on individuals, families, and society as a whole. This article explores best practices and evidence-based approaches for managing chronic diseases in family medicine. It delves into the epidemiological landscape of chronic illnesses, emphasizing the need for effective prevention and management strategies. Evidence-based Models, such as The Chronic Care Model (CCM), Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), and Self-assessment models are discussed in the context of family medicine. The importance of comprehensive, coordinated, and patient-centric approaches is underscored, highlighting the pivotal role of primary care physicians in the ongoing battle against chronic diseases. It is clear, that development in the field of family medicine underscores the importance of patient involvement in diseases management process through shared-decision making model. Although such model require physicans to spend more time educating patients so they can make informed decisions and implement self-management strategies, it has overall better health outcomes and eventually needs to requiring less intervention by physicians