23 research outputs found

    Considerations and methods for placebo controls in surgical trials (ASPIRE guidelines)

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    Placebo comparisons are increasingly being considered for randomised trials assessing the efficacy of surgical interventions. The aim of this Review is to provide a summary of knowledge on placebo controls in surgical trials. A placebo control is a complex type of comparison group in the surgical setting and, although powerful, presents many challenges. This Review outlines what a placebo control entails and present understanding of this tool in the context of surgery. We consider when placebo controls in surgery are acceptable (and when they are desirable) in terms of ethical arguments and regulatory requirements, how a placebo control should be designed, how to identify and mitigate risk for participants in these trials, and how such trials should be done and interpreted. Use of placebo controls is justified in randomised controlled trials of surgical interventions provided there is a strong scientific and ethical rationale. Surgical placebos might be most appropriate when there is poor evidence for the efficacy of the procedure and a justified concern that results of a trial would be associated with high risk of bias, particularly because of the placebo effect. Feasibility work is recommended to optimise the design and implementation of randomised controlled trials. This Review forms an outline for best practice and provides guidance, in the form of the Applying Surgical Placebo in Randomised Evaluations (known as ASPIRE) checklist, for those considering the use of a placebo control in a surgical randomised controlled trial

    Analysis of extended HLA haplotypes in multiple sclerosis and narcolepsy families confirms a predisposing effect for the class I region in Tasmanian MS patients

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    Human leucocyte antigen (HL A)-DRB1*15 is associated with predisposition to multiple sclerosis (MS), although conjecture surrounds the possible involvement of an alternate risk locus in the class I region of the HLA complex. We have shown previously that an alternate MS risk allele(s) may be encompassed by the telomerically extended DRB1*15 haplotype, and here, we have attempted to map the putative variant. Thirteen microsatellite markers encompassing a 6.79-megabase (D6S2236-G51152) region, and the DRB1 and DQB1 genes, were genotyped in 166 MS simplex families and 104 control families from the Australian State of Tasmania and 153 narcolepsy simplex families (trios) from the USA. Complementary approaches were used to investigate residual predisposing effects of microsatellite alleles comprising the extended DRB1*15 haplotype taking into account the strong predisposing effect of DRB1*15: (1) Disease association of the extended DRB1*15 haplotype was compared for MS and narcolepsy families-predisposing effects were observed for extended class I microsatellite marker alleles in MS families, but not narcolepsy families; (2) disease association of the extended DRB1*15 haplotype was investigated after conditioning MS and control haplotypes on the absence of DRB1*15-a significant predisposing effect was observed for a 627-kb haplotype (D6S258 allele 8-MOGCA allele 4; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein) spanning the extended class I region. MOGCA allele 4 displayed the strongest predisposing effect in DRB1*15-conditioned haplotypes (p∈=∈0.0006; OR 2.83 [1.54-5.19]). Together, these data confirm that an alternate MS risk locus exists in the extended class I region in Tasmanian MS patients independent of DRB1*15.10 page(s

    Association of the INS VNTR with size at birth

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    Size at birth is an important determinant of perinatal survival and has also been associated with the risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in adult life. Common genetic variation that regulates fetal growth could therefore influence perinatal survival and predispose to the development of adult disease. We have tested the insulin gene (INS) variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) locus, which in Caucasians has two main allele sizes (class I and class III; ref. 3)r as a functional candidate polymorphism for association with size at birth, as it has been shown to influence transcription of INS (refs 3−5). In a cohort of 758 term singletons (Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood; ALSPAC) followed longitudinally from birth to 2 years, we detected significant genetic associations with size at birth: class III homozygotes had larger mean head circumference (P= 0.004) than class I homozygotes. These associations were amplified in babies who did not show postnatal realignment of growth (45%), and were also evident for length (P=0.015) and weight (P=0.009) at birth. The INS VNTR Ill/Ill genotype might have bestowed a perinatal survival during human history by conferring larger size at birth. Common genetic variation of this kind may contribute to reported associations between birth size and adult disease

    On the utility of data from the international HapMap project for Australian association studies

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    We compare patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) for 633 SNPs in two regions between samples collected in two Australian states and HapMap samples collected from Utah residents of Northern and Western (NW) European ancestry (CEU). Patterns of LD in the Australian and HapMap samples are similar, and tag SNPs chosen using HapMap genotypes perform almost as well on Australian samples as tags chosen using Australian genotypes.3 page(s

    Data from: Density trends and demographic signals uncover the long-term impact of transmissible cancer in Tasmanian Devils

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    Monitoring the response of wild mammal populations to threatening processes is fundamental to effective conservation management. This is especially true for infectious diseases, which may have dynamic and therefore unpredictable interactions with their host. We investigate the long-term impact of a transmissible cancer, devil facial tumour disease (DFTD), on the endemic Tasmanian devil. We analyse trends in devil spotlight counts and density across the area impacted by the disease. We investigate the demographic parameters which might be driving these trends, and use spatial capture-recapture models to examine whether DFTD has affected home range size. We found that devils have declined by an average of 77% in areas affected by DFTD, and that there is a congruent trend of ongoing small decline in spotlight counts and density estimates. Despite this, devils have persisted to date within each of nine monitoring sites. One site is showing as yet unexplained small increases in density 8–10 years after the emergence of DFTD. We also found the prevalence of DFTD has not abated despite large declines in density and that diseased sites continue to be dominated by young devils. The long-term impact of the disease has been partially offset by increased fecundity in the form of precocial breeding in 1-year-old females, and more pouch young per female in diseased sites. The lower densities resulting from DFTD did not affect home range size. Synthesis and applications. Transmission of devil facial tumour disease continues despite large declines in devil density over multiple generations. Plasticity in life history traits has ameliorated the impact of devil facial tumour disease, however broad-scale trends in density show ongoing decline. In light of this, devil facial tumour disease and the impact of stochastic events on the reduced densities wrought by the disease, continue to threaten devils. In the absence of methods to manage disease in wild populations, we advocate managing the low population densities resulting from disease rather than disease per se