191 research outputs found

    Reconstructing climate variability from Greenland ice sheet accumulation: An ERA40 study

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    Re-analysis data covering the period 1958–2001 are used to investigate the relationship between regional, inter-annual snow accumulation variability over the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and large scale circulation patterns, cyclone frequency, and strength. Four regions of the GrIS have been identified that are highly independent with respect to accumulation variability. Accumulation indices of three of these regions are associated with distinct large-scale circulation patterns: Central-western GrIS reveals an inverse relationship with a NAO-like pattern, the south-west a positive correlation with a high pressure bridge from central North Atlantic to Scandinavia, and the south-eastern GrIS a positive correlation with a high-pressure anomaly over the Greenland Sea. These large-scale patterns also impact European climate in different ways. Accumulation variability in north-eastern GrIS, however, is dominated by cyclones originating from the Greenland Sea. Thus, Greenland ice core accumulation records offer the potential to reconstruct various large-scale circulation patterns and regional storm activity

    The influence of regional circulation patterns on wet and dry mineral dust and sea salt deposition over Greenland

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    Annually resolved ice core records from different regions over the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) are used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of calcium (Ca2+, mainly from mineral dust) and sodium (Na+, mainly from sea salt) deposition. Cores of high common inter-annual variability are grouped with an EOF analysis, resulting in regionally representative Ca2+ and Na+ records for northeastern and central Greenland. Utilizing a regression and validation method with ERA-40 reanalysis data, these common records are associated with distinct regional atmospheric circulation patterns over the North American Arctic, Greenland, and Central to Northern Europe. These patterns are interpreted in terms of transport and deposition of the impurities. In the northeastern part of the GrIS sea salt records reflect the intrusion of marine air masses from southeasterly flow. A large fraction of the Ca2+ variability in this region is connected to a circulation pattern suggesting transport from the west and dry deposition. This pattern is consistent with the current understanding of a predominantly Asian source of the dust deposited over the GrIS. However, our results also indicate that a significant fraction of the inter-annual dust variability in NE and Central Greenland is determined by the frequency and intensity of wet deposition during the season of high atmospheric dust loading, rather than representing the variability of the Asian dust source and/or long-range transport to Greenland. The variances in the regional proxy records explained by the streamfunction patterns are high enough to permit reconstructions of the corresponding regional deposition regimes and the associated circulation pattern

    Factors controlling nitrate in ice cores: Evidence from the Dome C deep ice core

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    In order to estimate past changes in atmospheric NOx concentration, nitrate, an oxidation product of NOx, has often been measured in polar ice cores. In the frame of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA), a high-resolution nitrate record was obtained by continuous flow analysis (CFA) of a new deep ice core drilled at Dome C. This record allows a detailed comparison of nitrate with other chemical trace substances in polar snow under different climatic regimes. Previous studies showed that it would be difficult to make firm conclusions about atmospheric NOx concentrations based on ice core nitrate without a better understanding of the factors controlling NO3− deposition and preservation. At Dome C, initially high nitrate concentrations (over 500 ppb) decrease within the top meter to steady low values around 15 ppb that are maintained throughout the Holocene ice. Much higher concentrations (averaging 53 ppb) are found in ice from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Combining this information with data from previous sampling elsewhere in Antarctica, it seems that under climatic conditions of the Holocene, temperature and accumulation rate are the key factors determining the NO3− concentration in the ice. Furthermore, ice layers with high acidity show a depletion of NO3−, but higher concentrations are found before and after the acidity layer, indicating that NO3− has been redistributed after deposition. Under glacial conditions, where NO3− shows a higher concentration level and also a larger variability, non-sea-salt calcium seems to act as a stabilizer, preventing volatilization of NO3− from the surface snow layers

    Holocene volcanic history as recorded in the sulfate stratigraphy of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C (EDC96) ice core

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    A detailed history of Holocene volcanism was reconstructed using the sulfate record of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C (EDC96) ice core. This first complete Holocene volcanic record from an Antarctic core provides a reliable database to compare with long records from Antarctic and Greenland ice cores. A threshold method based on statistical treatment of the lognormal sulfate flux distribution was used to differentiate volcanic sulfate spikes from sulfate background concentrations. Ninety-six eruptions were identified in the EDC96 ice core during the Holocene, with a mean of 7.9 events per millennium. The frequency distribution (events per millennium) showed that the last 2000 years were a period of enhanced volcanic activity. EDC96 volcanic signatures for the last millennium are in good agreement with those recorded in other Antarctic ice cores. For older periods, comparison is in some cases less reliable, mainly because of dating uncertainties. Sulfate depositional fluxes of individual volcanic events vary greatly among the different cores. A volcanic flux normalization (volcanic flux/Tambora flux ratio) was used to evaluate the relative intensity of the same event recorded at different sites in the last millennium. Normalized flux variability for the same event showed the highest value in the 1100–1500 AD period. This pattern could mirror changes in regional transport linked to climatic variations such as slight warming stages in the Southern Hemisphere (Southern Hemisphere Medieval Warming–like period?)

    Measurement of neutral sulfuric acid-dimethylamine clusters using CI-APi-TOF-MS

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    Recent studies suggest that dimethylamine could be a key ternary species in the formation and early growth of atmospheric aerosol particles. We report on nucleation studies for the ternary system of sulfuric acid, water and dimethylamine which have been performed at the CERN CLOUD chamber. These studies were conducted at atmospherically relevant concentrations of sulfuric acid and dimethylamine at 278 K and 38% RH. Two newly developed Chemical Ionization-Atmospheric Pressure interface-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometers (CIAPi-TOF-MS) were used to measure the time-resolved concentration of neutral clusters containing sulfuric acid and dimethylamine. Results from other instrumental techniques are included in the analysis as well to obtain a deeper insight into the occurring mechanisms. It is the first time that the neutral nucleation pathway has been studied in such detail from the early generation of sulfuric acid monomers up to particle sizes reaching several nanometers

    Kinetics of isothermal and non-isothermal precipitation in an Al-6at%Si alloy

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    A novel theory which describes the progress of a thermally activated reaction under isothermal and linear heating conditions is presented. It incorporates nucleation, growth and impingement and takes account of temperaturedependent solubility. The model generally fits very well to isothermal calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry data on precipitation in an Al-6 at.% Si alloy. Analysis of the data shows that two processes occur in this precipitation reaction: growth of large Si particles and growth of pre-existing small nuclei. Determination of the sizes of Si precipitates by transmission electron microscopy indicates that interfacial energy contributions are small and have a negligible influence on solubilit

    Electrocautery smoke exposure and efficacy of smoke evacuation systems in minimally invasive and open surgery: a prospective randomized study.

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    Worldwide, health care professionals working in operating rooms (ORs) are exposed to electrocautery smoke on a daily basis. Aims of this study were to determine composition and concentrations of electrocautery smoke in the OR using mass spectrometry. Prospective observational study at a tertiary care academic center, involving 122 surgical procedures of which 84 were 1:1 computer randomized to smoke evacuation system (SES) versus no SES use. Irritating, toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic VOCs were observed in OR air, with some exceeding permissible exposure limits (OSHA/NIOSH). Mean total concentration of harmful compounds was 272.69 ppb (± 189 ppb) with a maximum total concentration of harmful substances of 8991 ppb (at surgeon level, no SES). Maximum total VOC concentrations were 1.6 ± 1.2 ppm (minimally-invasive surgery) and 2.1 ± 1.5 ppm (open surgery), and total maximum VOC concentrations were 1.8 ± 1.3 ppm at the OR table 'at surgeon level' and 1.4 ± 1.0 ppm 'in OR room air' away from the operating table. Neither difference was statistically significant. In open surgery, SES significantly reduced maximum concentrations of specific VOCs at surgeon level, including aromatics and aldehydes. Our data indicate relevant exposure of health care professionals to volatile organic compounds in the OR. Surgical technique and distance to cautery devices did not significantly reduce exposure. SES reduced exposure to specific harmful VOC's during open surgery.Trial Registration Number: NCT03924206 (clinicaltrials.gov)

    Biogenic particles formed in the Himalaya as an important source of free tropospheric aerosols

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    Aerosols of biogenic and anthropogenic origin affect the total radiative forcing of global climate. Poor knowledge of the pre-industrial aerosol concentration and composition, in particular of particles formed directly in the atmosphere from gaseous precursors, constitutes a large uncertainty in the anthropogenic radiative forcing. Investigations of new particle formation at pre-industrial-like conditions can contribute to the reduction of this uncertainty. Here we present observations taken at the remote Nepal Climate Observatory Pyramid station at 5,079 m above sea level, a few kilometres from the summit of Everest. We show that up-valley winds funnel gaseous aerosol precursors to higher altitudes. During this transport, these are oxidized into compounds of very low volatility, which rapidly form a large number of aerosol particles. These are then transported into the free troposphere, which suggests that the whole Himalayan region may act as an 'aerosol factory' and contribute substantially to the free tropospheric aerosol population. Aerosol production in this region occurs mainly via organic precursors of biogenic origin with little evidence of the involvement of anthropogenic pollutants. This process is therefore likely to be essentially unchanged since the pre-industrial period, and may have been one of the major sources that contributes to the upper tropospheric aerosol population during that time. Newly formed biogenic particles in the Himalaya increase free-tropospheric background aerosol concentration by a factor of up to two.Peer reviewe
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