716 research outputs found

    Parameter Sensitivity in LSMs: An Analysis Using Stochastic Soil Moisture Models and ELDAS Soil Parameters

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    Integration of simulated and observed states through data assimilation as well as model evaluation requires a realistic representation of soil moisture in land surface models (LSMs). However, soil moisture in LSMs is sensitive to a range of uncertain input parameters, and intermodel differences in parameter values are often large. Here, the effect of soil parameters on soil moisture and evapotranspiration are investigated by using parameters from three different LSMs participating in the European Land Data Assimilation System (ELDAS) project. To prevent compensating effects from other than soil parameters, the effects are evaluated within a common framework of parsimonious stochastic soil moisture models. First, soil parameters are shown to affect soil moisture more strongly than the average evapotranspiration. In arid climates, the effect of soil parameters is on the variance rather than the mean, and the intermodel flux differences are smallest. Soil parameters from the ELDAS LSMs differ strongly, most notably in the available moisture content between the wilting point and the critical moisture content, which differ by a factor of 3. The ELDAS parameters can lead to differences in mean volumetric soil moisture as high as 0.10 and an average evapotranspiration of 10%–20% for the investigated parameter range. The parsimonious framework presented here can be used to investigate first-order parameter sensitivities under a range of climate conditions without using full LSM simulations. The results are consistent with many other studies using different LSMs under a more limited range of possible forcing condition

    Toxicological effects of tire wear particles on mummichogs and fathead minnows

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    Recent studies on the distribution of microplastics in the Charleston Harbor, SC, revealed that a large part of the microplastic particles that are found in the intertidal sediments are tire wear particles. These particles originate from the wear of tire treads on roadways, and wash into the estuary during rain events. The abundance of these particles has raised questions about potential toxicity to aquatic organisms that may ingest these particles. The synthetic rubber in car tires consist of a large variety of chemicals, which can vary between brands, but usually contains styrene-butadiene rubber, carbon black and zinc. To investigate the potential toxicity of tire wear particles, both fathead minnow and Atlantic killifish were exposed to different concentrations of tire crumb particles (38 – 355 µm) in a 7-day exposure. Dissection of the fish revealed that particles were ingested and accumulated in the intestinal tract. At the highest concentration tested (6000 mg/l) we observed partial mortality in the fathead minnow, which is therefore close to the LC50. To investigate if polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons were leaching from the particles, bile fluorescence was measured, together with potential induction of cytochrome P450-1A through the EROD assay. Elevated levels of 2-, 4-, and 5-, ring structures resembling polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in the bile of exposed animals. Induction of CYP1A was also observed in exposed animals at environmentally relevant concentrations (\u3c1-2 g/l)

    Modeled contrast in the response of the surface energy balance to heat waves for forest and grassland

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    Observations have shown that differences in surface energy fluxes over grasslands and forests are amplified during heat waves. The role of land-atmosphere feedbacks in this process is still uncertain. In this study, a single-column model (SCM) is used to investigate the difference between forest and grassland in their energy response to heat waves. Three simulations for the period 2005-11 were carried out: a control run using vegetation characteristics for Cabauw (the Netherlands), a run where the vegetation is changed to 100% forest, and a run with 100% short grass as vegetation. A surface evaporation tendency equation is used to analyze the impact of the land-atmosphere feedbacks on evapotranspiration and sensible heat release under normal summer and heat wave conditions with excessive shortwave radiation. Land-atmosphere feedbacks modify the contrast in surface energy fluxes between forest and grass, particularly during heat wave conditions. The surface resistance feedback has the largest positive impact, while boundary layer feedbacks generally tend to reduce the contrast. Overall, forests give higher air temperatures and drier atmospheres during heat waves. In offline land surface model simulations, the difference between forest and grassland during heat waves cannot be diagnosed adequately owing to the absence of boundary layer feedbacks

    Экспериментальный анализ фонетических изменений в английской речи датско-английских билингвов

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    Одним из ключевых показателей, присущих двуязычному речевому поведению молодых датчан, является специфическая маркированность их английского произношения, что обращает на себя внимание уже с первых минут общения с ними. Эта маркированность произношения проявляется как следствие фонологической интерференции, которая возникает под влиянием артикуляции, интонации, ритмики, ударения первого (датского) языка на соответствующие параметры произношения второго (английского) языка.Одним з ключових показників, властивих двомовній мовній поведінці молодих данців, є специфічна маркированість їх англійської вимови, що звертає на себе увагу вже з перших хвилин спілкування з ними. Ця маркированість вимови виявляється як наслідок фонологічної інтерференції, яка виникає під впливом артикуляції, інтонації, ритміки, наголосу першої (данської) мови на відповідні параметри вимови другої (англійської) мови

    Релігійний чинник у процесі вдосконалення Конституції України

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    Multiple states of woody cover under similar climate conditions are found in both conceptual models and observations. Due to the limitation of the observed woody cover data set, it is unclear whether the observed bimodality is caused by the presence of multiple stable states or is due to dynamic growth processes of vegetation. In this study, we combine a woody cover data set with an above ground biomass data set to investigate the simultaneous occurrences of savanna and forest states under different precipitation forcing. To interpret the results we use a recently developed vegetation dynamics model (the Balanced Optimality Structure Vegetation Model), in which the effect of fires is included. Our results show that bimodality also exists in above ground biomass and retrieved vegetation structure. In addition, the observed savanna distribution can be understood as derived from a stable state and a slightly drifting (transient) state, the latter having the potential to shift to the forest state. Finally, the results indicate that vegetation structure (horizontal vs. vertical leaf extent) is a crucial component for the existence of bimodality

    Future extreme precipitation intensities based on a historic event

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    In a warmer climate, it is expected that precipitation intensities will increase, and form a considerable risk of high-impact precipitation extremes. This study applies three methods to transform a historic extreme precipitation event in the Netherlands to a similar event in a future warmer climate, thus compiling a future weather scenario. The first method uses an observation-based non-linear relation between the hourly-observed summer precipitation and the antecedent dew-point temperature (the Pi–Td relation). The second method simulates the same event by using the convective-permitting numerical weather model (NWP) model HARMONIE, for both present-day and future warmer conditions. The third method is similar to the first method, but applies a simple linear delta transformation to the historic data by using indicators from The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)'14 climate scenarios. A comparison of the three methods shows comparable intensity changes, ranging from below the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) scaling to a 3 times CC increase per degree of warming. In the NWP model, the position of the events is somewhat different; due to small wind and convection changes, the intensity changes somewhat differ with time, but the total spatial area covered by heavy precipitation does not change with the temperature increase. The Pi–Td method is simple and time efficient compared to numerical models. The outcome can be used directly for hydrological and climatological studies and for impact analysis, such as flood-risk assessments.</p

    HESS opinions: a perspective on isotope versus non-isotope approaches to determine the contribution of transpiration to total evaporation

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    Current techniques to disentangle the evaporative fluxes from the continental surface into a contribution evaporated from soils and canopy, or transpired by plants, are under debate. Many isotope-based studies show that transpiration contributes generally more than 70% to the total evaporation, while other isotope-independent techniques lead to considerably smaller transpiration fractions. This paper provides a perspective on isotope-based versus non-isotope-based partitioning studies. Some partitioning results from isotope-based methods, hydrometric measurements, and modeling are presented for comparison. Moreover, the methodological aspects of the partitioning analysis are considered, including their limitations, and explanations of possible discrepancies between the methods are discussed. We suggest sources of systematic error that may lead to biases in the results, e.g., instruments inaccuracy, assumptions used in analyses, and calibration parameters. A number of comparison studies using isotope-based methods and hydrometric measurements in the same plants and climatic conditions are consistent within the errors; however, models tend to produce lower transpiration fractions. The relatively low transpiration fraction in current state-of-the-art land-surface models calls for a reassessment of the skill of the underlying model parameterizations. The scarcity of global evaporation data makes calibration and validation of global isotope-independent and isotope-based results difficult. However, isotope-enabled land-surface and global climate modeling studies allow for the evaluation of the parameterization of land-surface models by comparing the computed water isotopologue signals in the atmosphere with the available remote sensing and flux-based data sets. Future studies that allow for this evaluation could provide a better understanding of the hydrological cycle in vegetated regions

    Correcting citizen‐science air temperature measurements across the Netherlands for short wave radiation bias

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    Citizen‐science thermometer measurements have the potential to provide information about surface air temperature fields on scales smaller than is typically quantified by the official monitoring network. As such, national meteorological services are becoming increasingly interested in these measurements as a possible source of data for use in weather monitoring or forecasting. However, in order for the information to be used, biases in the data need to be assessed. The most important source of bias is the potential overheating of the thermometer due to inadequate shielding or exposure. Previous research has indicated that information about the nature of the instrument and its exposure is important for correcting this bias. However, in the majority of cases this information is unavailable for amateur stations. In this paper a statistical correction for short wave radiation bias is developed for the air temperature data recorded at 159 Weather Observations Website (WOW) stations across the Netherlands during the period 2015–2016. Generalized additive mixed modelling (GAMM) is used to quantify and correct for short wave radiation bias in the hourly measurements using a background temperature field generated from the official 34 automatic weather stations along with satellite‐derived short wave radiation estimates. It is demonstrated that the corrected WOW data add local detail to the hourly temperature field, which may provide a useful source of data to supplement official measurements

    Dominant patterns of boreal summer interactions between tropics and mid-latitude: causal relationships and the role of timescales

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    Tropical convective activity represents a source of predictability for mid-latitude weather in the Northern Hemisphere. In winter, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the dominant source of predictability in the tropics and extra-tropics, but its role in summer is much less pronounced and the exact teleconnection pathways are not well understood. Here, we assess how tropical convection interacts with mid-latitude summer circulation at different intraseasonal time-scales and how ENSO affects these interactions. First, we apply maximum covariance analysis (MCA) between tropical convective activity and mid-latitude geopotential height fields to identify the dominant modes of interaction. The first MCA mode connects the South Asian monsoon with the mid-latitude circumglobal teleconnection pattern. The second MCA mode connects the western North Pacific summer monsoon in the tropics with a wave-5 pattern centred over the North Pacific High in the mid-latitudes. We show that the MCA patterns are fairly insensitive to the selected intraseasonal time-scale from weekly to 4-weekly data. To study the potential causal interdependencies between these modes and with other atmospheric fields, we apply causal effect networks (CEN) at different time-scales. CENs extend standard correlation analysis by removing the confounding effects of autocorrelation, indirect links and common drivers. In general, there is a two-way causal interaction between the tropics and mid-latitudes but the strength and sometimes sign of the causal link are time-scale dependent. We introduce causal maps that plot the regionally specific causal effect from each MCA mode. Those maps confirm the dominant patterns of interaction and in addition, highlight specific mid-latitude regions that are most strongly connected to tropical convection. In general, the identified causal teleconnection patterns are only mildly affected by ENSO and the tropical-mid-latitude linkages remain similar. Still, La Niña strengthens the South Asian monsoon generating a stronger response in the mid-latitudes, while during El Niño years, the Pacific pattern is reinforced. This study paves the way for process-based validation of boreal summer teleconnections in (sub)seasonal forecast models and climate models and therefore helps to improve sub-seasonal and climate projections