35 research outputs found

    Differing evolutionary histories of the ACT3*R577X polymorphism among the major human geographic groups

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    It has been proposed that the functional ACTN3*R577X polymorphism might have evolved due to selection in Eurasian human populations. To test this possibility we surveyed all available population-based data for this polymorphism and performed a comprehensive evolutionary analysis of its genetic diversity, in order to assess the action of adaptive and random mechanisms on its variation across human geographical distribution. The derived 577X allele increases in frequency with distance from Africa, reaching the highest frequencies on the American continent. Positive selection, detected by an extended haplotype homozygosisty test, was consistent only with the Eurasian data, but simulations with neutral models could not fully explain the results found in the American continent. It is possible that particularities of Native American population structure could be responsible for the observed allele frequencies, which would have resulted from a complex interaction between selective and random factors

    A Bayesian Approach to Genome/Linguistic Relationships in Native South Americans

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    The relationship between the evolution of genes and languages has been studied for over three decades. These studies rely on the assumption that languages, as many other cultural traits, evolve in a gene-like manner, accumulating heritable diversity through time and being subjected to evolutionary mechanisms of change. In the present work we used genetic data to evaluate South American linguistic classifications. We compared discordant models of language classifications to the current Native American genome-wide variation using realistic demographic models analyzed under an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) framework. Data on 381 STRs spread along the autosomes were gathered from the literature for populations representing the five main South Amerindian linguistic groups: Andean, Arawakan, Chibchan-Paezan, Macro-Je? , and Tupı´. The results indicated a higher posterior probability for the classification proposed by J.H. Greenberg in 1987, although L. Campbell?s 1997 classification cannot be ruled out. Based on Greenberg?s classification, it was possible to date the time of Tupı´-Arawakan divergence (2.8 kya), and the time of emergence of the structure between present day major language groups in South America (3.1 kya).Fil: Guerra Amorim, Carlos Eduardo. Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biociencias. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil;Fil: Bisso-Machado, Rafael. Departamento de Genética, Instituto de Biociencias. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil;Fil: Ramallo, Virginia. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL; . Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Instituto Multidiscipl.de Biologia Celular (i); ArgentinaFil: Bortolini, María Cátira. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL;Fil: Bonatto, Sandro L.. PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL;Fil: Salzano, Francisco Mauro. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL;Fil: Hunemeier, Tábita. UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL

    A genome-wide association scan implicates DCHS2, RUNX2, GLI3, PAX1 and EDAR in human facial variation

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    We report a genome-wide association scan for facial features in B6,000 Latin Americans. We evaluated 14 traits on an ordinal scale and found significant association (P valueso5 10 8) at single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four genomic regions for three nose-related traits: columella inclination (4q31), nose bridge breadth (6p21) and nose wing breadth (7p13 and 20p11). In a subsample of B3,000 individuals we obtained quantitative traits related to 9 of the ordinal phenotypes and, also, a measure of nasion position. Quantitative analyses confirmed the ordinal-based associations, identified SNPs in 2q12 associated to chin protrusion, and replicated the reported association of nasion position with SNPs in PAX3. Strongest association in 2q12, 4q31, 6p21 and 7p13 was observed for SNPs in the EDAR, DCHS2, RUNX2 and GLI3 genes, respectively. Associated SNPs in 20p11 extend to PAX1. Consistent with the effect of EDAR on chin protrusion, we documented alterations of mandible length in mice with modified Edar funtion

    Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 Individuals

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    The current genetic makeup of Latin America has been shaped by a history of extensive admixture between Africans, Europeans and Native Americans, a process taking place within the context of extensive geographic and social stratification. We estimated individual ancestry proportions in a sample of 7,342 subjects ascertained in five countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México and Perú). These individuals were also characterized for a range of physical appearance traits and for self-perception of ancestry. The geographic distribution of admixture proportions in this sample reveals extensive population structure, illustrating the continuing impact of demographic history on the genetic diversity of Latin America. Significant ancestry effects were detected for most phenotypes studied. However, ancestry generally explains only a modest proportion of total phenotypic variation. Genetically estimated and self-perceived ancestry correlate significantly, but certain physical attributes have a strong impact on self-perception and bias self-perception of ancestry relative to genetically estimated ancestry

    Filogeografia dos cromossomos Y e das linhagens mitocondriais de origem africana em populações negras brasileiras

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    Há algum tempo dados genéticos vêm sendo utilizados para inferências quanto à natureza do tráfico de escravos ocorrido no período colonial no Atlântico Sul e sobre a origem dos africanos que chegaram ao Brasil. A utilização de marcadores de linhagem mais específicos, como é o caso do DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA) e da região não-recombinante do cromossomo Y (NRY) pode se constituir em poderoso instrumento para o esclarecimento dessas questões. Este trabalho utilizou esses enfoques através do seqüenciamento da HVS-I do mtDNA (highly variable segment I) e de testes em 30 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) localizados na região não-recombinante do cromossomo Y, em uma amostra de 133 indivíduos classificados como derivados de africanos (preto e pardo) do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre e região metropolitana), bem como 144 homens classificados do mesmo modo no estado do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro e região metropolitana). Os dados do mtDNA indicaram que 89,5% e 78% das matrilinhagens encontradas, respectivamente, no Rio de Janeiro e em Porto Alegre eram de origem africana. Destas, 69% e 82% eram de origem da África Centro-oeste (região típica de povos que falam línguas Bantus), enquanto que a fração complementar teria uma origem no Oeste africano (não-Bantu). Estes resultados estão de acordo com os registros históricos. Os marcadores do cromossomo Y revelaram que 56% (Rio de Janeiro) e 36% (Porto Alegre) destes cromossomos tinham uma origem africana. No entanto, diferentemente do que aconteceu com o mtDNA, as análises não permitiram discriminar os locais de origem dentro do continente africano. Parece, portanto, haver maior estruturação nos dados obtidos com o mtDNA do que com o cromossomo Y, sugerindo uma maior taxa de migração dos homens do que das mulheres dentro do grande tronco lingüístico Niger-Congo. Porto Alegre e Rio de Janeiro quando comparadas em relação ao mtDNA, não apresentam diferenciação significativa, embora pudessem ser observadas algumas diferenças, em destaque a maior presença de linhagens mitocondriais de origem ameríndia em Porto Alegre (16,4%) do que no Rio de Janeiro (8,5%). Já a diferença entre Porto Alegre e o Rio de Janeiro foi significativa quanto aos dados do cromossomo Y. Especialmente notável, é a presença de cromossomos de origem indígena em Porto Alegre: haplogrupos Q* e Q3*, nas freqüências de 3,5% e 1,7%, respectivamente. Analisando somente os indivíduos tipados tanto para o mtDNA quanto para os marcadores do Y, nota-se que ~ 50% deles nas duas amostras apresentam linhagens mitocondriais e do cromossomo Y de origem africana, enquanto de forma complementar, o número de indivíduos com matrilinhagens africanas e cromossomos Y europeus e/ou asiáticos ou ameríndios foi de ~ 41% e ~ 35% para o Rio de Janeiro e Porto Alegre, respectivamente. As amostras estudadas, portanto, caracterizam-se como sendo amplamente mescladas, apenas metade dos genomas considerados sendo de origem completamente africana.Genetic data have been used for some time now for inferences about the nature of the slave trade that occurred in South Atlantic in the Colonial Period, as well as about the origins of the Africans who arrived in Brazil. The use of lineage-specific markers, like mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and those of the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome (NRY), can constitute a powerful tool for elucidation of these questions. This work utilized this approach through sequencing of the mtDNA HVS-I (highly variable segment I), as well by testing 30 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) located in chromosome Y’s nonrecombining region in a sample of 133 individuals classified as African-derived (black or mulatto) from the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre and metropolitan region), as well as 144 men classified in the same manner in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro and metropolitan region). The mtDNA data indicated that 89.5% and 78% of the matrilineages found in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre were of African origin. Of these, respectively, 69% and 82% were of Central-West African origin (region typically of people who speak Bantu languages), while the complementary fraction would have the West African origin (non-Bantu). These results are in accordance with the historical records. The Y chromosome markers revealed that 56% (Rio de Janeiro) and 36% (Porto Alegre) of these chromosomes should have an African origin. But differently of what occurred with the mtDNA results, the analyses did not allow a discrimination of the places of their origin within the African continent. It seems, therefore, that a higher structuration occurs in the mtDNA data as compared to the Y chromosome results, suggesting a higher male in relation to female migration rates within the large Niger-Congo linguistic family. Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro do not present significant mtDNA frequency differences, although the Amerindian mtDNA presence is higher in Porto Alegre (16.4%) than Rio de Janeiro (8.5%). On the other hand, Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro do show significant differences in the Y chromosome data. Especially notable is the presence of Amerindian chromosomes in Porto Alegre: frequencies of, respectively, 3.5% and 1.7% for haplogroups Q* and Q3*. Considering just the individuals simultaneously typed for mtDNA and the Y chromosome, it is verified that ~50% of then show mtDNA and Y chromosome lineages of African origin, while the number of individuals with African mtDNA but European and/or Asiatic or Amerindian lineages was ~41% for Rio de Janeiro and ~35% for Porto Alegre. The samples studied, therefore, can be characterized as amply admixed, only half of the genomes considered being completely of African origin

    Processos e fatores evolutivos envolvidos na geração e manutenção da diversidade e seu significado na conexão genótipo-fenótipo

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    Um grande desafio para os geneticistas da atualidade é desvendar as relações que os genes ou regiões gênicas, bem como suas variáveis, têm com determinados fenótipos. Deste modo as abordagens apresentadas neste estudo buscaram ajudar a desvendar a conexão entre alguns destes genes/regiões gênicas com variações morfológicas e metabólicas em populações humanas e em outros mamíferos. Os resultados deste trabalho foram apresentados sob a forma de artigos científicos, sendo que os resultados podem ser resumidos como segue: 1) Hünemeier et al. 2009. TCOF1 T/Ser variant and brachycephaly in dogs. Animal Genetics; 40(3):357-358. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que o polimorfismo do éxon 4 (C396T, Pro117Ser) do gene TCOF1, está envolvido nos mecanismos de variação morfológica da face, sendo encontrado com mais freqüência em cães braquicéfalos do que meso e dolicocéfalos, porém esta associação não é direta como descrita anteriormente. Foram encontrados cães dolicocéfalos homozigotos para o alelo T/Ser, bem como cães braquicéfalos homozigotos para o alelo C/Pro. Considerando a intricada rede de regulação e expressão deste gene, a mutação por nós estudada pode ser codependente de outras variantes na mesma rede de interação gênica; 2) Hünemeier et al. FGFR1 gene haplotype tag-SNPs, linkage disequilibrium patterns, and their influence in normal craniofacial variation (em preparação para ser submetido para a revista Human Heredity). Neste trabalho dados de variação craniofacial foram obtidos e comparados através de análises uni e multivariadas com polimofismos do gene FGFR1 (N = 333). O alelo rs46470905 C parece estar envolvido na variação normal relativo ao índice cefálico encontrado em populações humanas. Entretanto, claramente outros fatores da rede de desenvolvimento também parem estar envolvidos Os blocos de LD variam em cada grupo populacional investigado, influenciando também a relação de cada background genético com os seus respectivos fenótipos. 3) Hünemeier et al 2010. Population Data Support the Adaptive Nature of HACNS1 Sapiens/Neandertal-Chimpanzee Differences in a Limb Expression Domain. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. No prelo. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.21378. Neste artigo envolvendo o sequenciamento do enhancer HACNS1 em 194 indivíduos de vários grupos geográficos foi possível demonstrar que a ação da seleção positiva na linhagem Homo foi responsável pela fixação das mutações específicas encontradas nesta região quando comparada com o gênero Pan. A ausência de variação intra-específica no Homo sapiens e no Neandertal reforça o papel funcional do enhancer, mantido inalterado posteriormente pela ação extrema de seleção purificadora. Como discutido no artigo, é possível que o mesmo esteja envolvido na regulação de genes que caracterizam morfologicamente nosso gênero, tais como postura ereta e destreza das mãos 4) Hünemeier et al. Gene-culture Dynamics: An Example Involving Native Americans (em preparação para ser submetido para a revista American Journal of Physical Anthropology). Foi possível com este estudo determinar que o alelo funcional autóctone nativo Americano 230Cys do gene ABCA1 teve uma origem a cerca de 8.268 ± 5.916 anos antes do presente, sendo que o aumento de sua freqüência na América Central/Mesoamérica, poderia estar relacionada com a transição de uma cultura caçadora-coletora para agriculturalista, baseada no cultivo do milho. Este caso seria o primeiro exemplo bem documentado de evolução gene-cultura envolvendo alelo autóctone nativo americano. Este cenário, no entanto, não poderia ser extrapolado para a América do Sul e América do Norte, visto que são duas regiões com distintos padrões culturais e ecológicos. Conjuntamente estes achados permitem sugerir que as relações fenótipogenótipo são influenciadas por diversos fatores biológicos/culturais/ambientais e que a variação existente dentro da espécie humana, é resultado de uma intricada rede de interações genéticas, que atuam em todos os níveis do desenvolvimento. Adicionalmente, as interações desta rede no Homo sapiens sapiens se distingue daquelas de outros mamíferos, em especial pela ação catalisadora de processos derivados justamente da característica que torna nossa espécie singular, a cultura.A major challenge for today geneticists is to unveil the relationships that genes or gene regions, and its variables, have over certain phenotypes. Thus the approaches presented in this study sought to help unravelling the connection between some of these genes / gene regions with metabolic and morphological variations in human populations and other mammals. The results of these works were presented in scientific papers, and the results can be summarized as follows: 1) Hünemeier et al. 2009. TCOF1 T / Ser variant and brachycephaly in dogs. Animal Genetics, 40 (3):357-358. This work demonstrated that the polymorphism of the TCOF1 exon 4 (C396T, Pro117Ser) is involved in the mechanisms of morphological variation of the face, being found most often in brachycephalic dogs than meso-and dolichocephalic dogs. However, this association is not straightforward as previously described. Dolichocephalic dogs were found homozygous for the allele T / Ser, and brachycephalic dogs homozygous for the allele C / Pro. Considering the intricate network of regulation and expression of this gene, the mutation that we studied can be co-dependent on other variants on the same gene network; 2) Hünemeier et al. FGFR1 gene haplotype-tag SNPs, linkage disequilibrium patterns, and their influence in normal craniofacial variation (in preparation for Human Heredity journal). In this paper craniofacial variation data were obtained and compared by univariate and multivariate analyses with polymorphic gene FGFR1 (N = 333). Rs46470905 C allele seems to be involved in the normal range relative to the cephalic index found in human populations However, other factors in the development network also enjoy being involved. LD blocks vary in each population group investigated, also influencing the relationship of each genetic background with their respective phenotypes. 3) Hünemeier et al 2010. Population Data Support the Adaptive Nature of HACNS1 sapiens / Neanderthal-Chimpanzee Differences in the Limb Expression Domain. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. In press. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.21378. This article involved the sequencing of the enhancer HACNS1 in 194 individuals from several continents. It was possible to demonstrate that the action of positive selection in the Homo lineage was responsible for setting the specific mutations found in this region when compared with the genus Pan. The absence of intra- specific variation in Homo sapiens and Neandertal reinforces the functional role of the enhancer, remaining unchanged after due to extreme action of purifying selection. As discussed in the article, it is possible that it is involved in regulating genes that characterize our genus morphologically, such as upright posture and hands dexterity 4) Hünemeier et al. Gene-culture Dynamics: An Example Involving Native Americans (in preparation for American Journal of Physical Anthropology Journal). It was possible to determine from this study that the functional allele indigenous Native American 230Cys ABCA1 gene had an origin about 8268 ± 5916 years before present, and the increase in its frequency in Central America / Mesoamerica could be related to the transition between the hunter-gatherer to agricultural cultures, the last based on the cultivation of maize. This case would be the first well documented example of geneculture co-evolution involving and indigenous Native American functional allele. This scenario, however, could not be extrapolated to South America and North America, since they are two regions with distinct cultural and ecological standards. Together these findings may suggest that the phenotype-genotype relationships are influenced by several biological / cultural / environmental factors and the variation within the species is the result of an intricate network of genetic interactions, which operate at all levels of development. Additionally, the interactions of this network in Homo sapiens sapiens is distinguished from those of others mammals, in particular by the action of catalytic process derived precisely from the characteristic that makes our species unique, the culture