30 research outputs found

    Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Instant Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Powder Drink in Bogor Regency and City

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    The peel of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) constitutes a larger proportion of the fruit in comparison to its flesh. The peel extract product manufactured by nutraceutical industries does not require using the fruit flesh. To increase the shelf life and value of the product, the development of a mangosteen powder drink can be carried out. Therefore, this research aims to determine the characterization of initial raw materials and factors influencing consumer preferences for instant mangosteen powder drink to improve the acceptance of the product. The data collected were analyzed through descriptive statistics and the chi-square test. Furthermore, the chi-square test showed that demographic regions affected mangosteen fruit price, the level of preferences for the powder drink, consumption time, as well as feelings and interests of potential customers. The results of the Total Plate Count (TPC), Total Yeast and Mold Count (TYMC), and coliform microbiological test conducted on mangosteen purée raw materials met the quality requirements established by National Standardization Body (NSB) for fruit purées

    Karakteristik Sensori dan Hedonik pada Pacid Kule Ikan Mas (Cyprinus Carpio) Fermentasi

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    This research aims to determine the best and most preferred sensory and hedonic characteristics of fermented Pacik kule goldfish (cyprinus carpio) typical of the Alas tribe, Southeast Aceh district. The research method was an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments for the storage time of Pacik kule fish typical of Aceh. With 2 repetitions. Statistical tests for sensory use the Kruskal Wallis test and for hedonic tests use the Fiedman test to see test ranking. The results showed that the sensory characteristics for aroma attributes were different for each sample (p = 0.03 < 0.05). For sensory taste, there are differences in each attribute (p = 0.01 < 0.05). The hedonic test of color, aroma, taste and texture that was most liked by the panelists was found in the F2 fermentation time (12 hour fermentation), with a very like classification and the lowest classification, namely F3 (36 hour fermentation) with a dislike classification. The research conclusion is that the aroma sensory characteristic with the highest intensity is the very aromatic attribute of Pacik kule spices typical of Southeast Aceh, for the taste sensory characteristic with the highest intensity is the characteristic fish taste attribute. The best hedonic test was found in the F2 treatment or fermentation for 12 hours.   Keywords: Hedonic, Pacik kule, Sensor

    Peningkatan Mutu Sensori Bakso di IKM X Melalui Reformulasi Bumbu

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    IKM X merupakan industri yang memproduksi tiga jenis bakso, yaitu Bakso Super Polos (BSP), Unyil, dan sari baso (SB) yang memiliki mutu di bawah kompetitor. Perbaikan mutu sensori dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing produknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui reformulasi bahan pada ketiga jenis bakso dengan acuan produk benchmark. Reformulasi terfokus pada komponen bumbu (garam, beef flavor, dan bawang putih) dan tidak mengubah proporsi daging, pati, dan bahan lainnya. Analisis yang dilakukan adalah uji organoleptik (uji ranking hedonik, dan uji beda dari kontrol) dan analisis proksimat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, formula terpilih bakso BSP adalah kadar garam, beef flavor, dan bawang putih berturut-turut 2.5%; 0.5%; 5% dari total bobot daging dan pati, Bakso Unyil 3.0%; 1.5%; 5% dan Bakso SB 2.5%; 0.5%; 3.5%. Bakso BSP dan SB belum dapat menyamai mutu sensori produk benchmark, sedangkan Bakso Unyil telah menyamai mutu sensori produk benchmark (rasa dan aroma). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Bakso Unyil dapat lebih bersaing dengan produk pesaing dan telah memenuhi persyaratan SN

    In vitro Antioxidant and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities of Lactobacillus spp. Isolated from Indonesian Kefir Grains

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    Background and Objective: In this study, nine Lactobacillus kefiri and one Lactobacillus rhamnosus isolates with kefir grain origin have been demonstrated to include potentials as probiotics. The aim of this study was to investigate ability of the isolates to produce compounds with α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities and identify peptides with MW of ≤ 3 kDa in cell-free supernatants. Material and Methods: All isolates were cultured in de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe broth media at 37 oC for 24 h. Assessment of α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities was carried out on cell-free supernatants. Assessment of optimum incubation time was carried out on two isolates with the highest α-glucosidase inhibitory and antioxidant activities. The two isolates were used to ferment reconstituted skim milk. Cell-free supernatant of the fermented skim milk was fractionated using filters of 10 and 3 kDa. Then, peptides in fractions of ≤ 3 kDa were identified. Results and Conclusion: The highest α-glucosidase inhibitory activity was seen in Lactobacillus rhamnosus BD2 and Lactobacillus kefiri YK4 as 73.58 and 64.31%, respectively. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in Lactobacillus kefiri JK5 and Lactobacillus kefiri JK17 as 44.31 and 41.57%, respectively. When Lactobacillus rhamnosus BD2 and Lactobacillus kefiri YK4 were cultured in reconstituted skim milk, their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities respectively decreased to 25.72 and 36.16% while the antioxidant activities respectively increased to 74.53 and 80.92%. Fractionation of the cell-free supernatants from fermented reconstituted skim milk of Lactobacillus kefiri YK4 showed that the highest antioxidant activity was included in fractions greater than 10 kDa. Although fractions of 3 kDa or less exhibited quite high antioxidant activities. Identification of peptides in fractions of 3 kDa or less showed that the peptides were mostly derived form β-casein. Of these peptides, two peptides with sequences of FPPQSV and YQEPVLGPVRGPFPIIV have been reported to include antioxidant activities. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Karakteristik Lipid Terstruktur Hasil Transesterifikasi Enzimatik antara Minyak Ikan dan Minyak Kelapa Murni

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    Minyak ikan dan virgin coconut oil (VCO) memiliki karakteristik fisika kimia yang berbeda danmemiliki manfaat fungsional besar.Transesterifikasi enzimatik antara minyak ikan dan VCO sangatberpotensi menghasilkan lipid terstruktur dengan karakteristik yang baru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmenetapkan lama proses reaksi transesterifikasi enzimatik terbaik untuk menghasilkan lipid terstrukturtipe MLM (medium-long-medium) dan menentukan karakteristik kimia dan fisik lipid terstruktur. Analisisyang dilakukan yaitu komposisi asam lemak dan triasilgliserol (TAG) serta analisis titik leleh. Enzim yangdigunakan adalah Lipozym Thermomyces lanuginosa (TL IM) yang spesifik terhadap sn-1 dan sn-3. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu terbaik reaksi transesterifikasi enzimatik pada perbandingan substrat1:1 (basis mol), suhu reaksi 50oC, kecepatan pengadukan 200 rpm, menggunakan konsentrasi enzim 10%(terhadap substrat) dan molecular sieve 2% (terhadap substrat) adalah 30 menit. Lipid terstruktur yangdihasilkan mempunyai sifat leleh yang mirip dengan campuran (blending,1:1 basis mol) antara minyakikan dan VCO; berturut-turut adalah 13,43oC (dengan titik awal 2,92oC, titik akhir 20,57oC dan energisebesar 392,01 mJ) dan 13,98oC (dengan titik awal -1,90oC, titik akhir 18,06oC dan energi sebesar 301,28mJ). Reaksi transesterifikasi juga menyebabkan perubahan komposisi TAG serta diidentifikasi terdapat satuTAG baru yang terbentuk. TAG dengan ECN 26 dan ECN 30, yang merupakan TAG potensial untuk MLM,mengalami peningkatan konsentrasi

    Aplikasi Seven Tools pada Perbaikan Mutu Roundness Bakso Unyil di PT X

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    The roundness quality of small meatballs, called Bakso Unyil, produced by PT X has been considered non-uniform and in-competitive. Hence, roundness quality improvement has been becoming one of the priorities for increasing consumer acceptance. This research aims to identify the causes of the poor quality of Unyil Meatballs roundness and find a solution. The improvement methods were: identification of the causes of low quality of roundness (Plan), improvement trials based on alternative solution (Do), and implementation of corrective actions (Action). A total of 60 meatballs samples were taken from three batches (for each batch of 20 samples). Ishikawa Diagram, and histogram were conducted and analysed. Implementation of alternative solutions to improve roundness quality that have been carried out as follows: 1). adjusting the amount of dough in mixing step, 2). the installation of temperature measuring equipment in the preheater, 3). Usage standardization of ice, 4). improvement of phosphate and salt mixing techniques, 5). removal of baking powder, and 6). turn of blades in mixing cake. Result showed that those improvements were not only improve the roundness quality of Unyil meatballs but also improve the smoothness and reducing wrinkle conditions on the surface of Unyil meatball

    Teknik Gelatinisasi Tepung Beras untuk Menurunkan Penyerapan Minyak Selama Penggorengan Minyak Terendam

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    Tepung beras pragelatinisasi merupakan salah satu ingredien yang dapat mengurangi penyerapan minyak. Proses gelatinisasi dapat dilakukan dengan metode pengeringan drum, ekstrusi, dan pengukusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik gelatinisasi tepung beras dengan pengeringan drum, ekstrusi, dan pemasakan nasi terhadap daya ikat air, derajat gelatinisasi dan penyerapan minyak. Penyerapan minyak dianalisis dengan menggunakan model pangan yang telah disubtitusi 50 % tepung pragelatinisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa derajat gelatinisasi dan daya ikat air pada tepung pragelatinisasi dari pengeringan drum lebih tinggi daripada proses ekstrusi dan pemasakan nasi. Penurunan penyerapan minyak tertinggi dihasilkan pada produk dengan penggunaan tepung pragelatinisasi pengeringan drum yaitu 33,70 %, sedangkan ekstruder sebesar 13,32 % dan pemasak nasi sebesar 10,09 %


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    Utilization of palm oil as downstream products is still remain limited. Palm oil contains high carotenoids ranging from 500 to 700 ppm. Carotenoids are very sensitive to heat and oxidation. Microencapsulation process conducted by two steps, i.e. homogenitation to produce emulsion and spray drying to produce microcapsule that protect its active compounds. Olein homogenization was the main process in the formation of an emulsion of palm oil prior to drying process. This process was influenced by speed, time and volume. Microcapsule formulation using maltodextrin, Arabic gum, and gelatin. The results showed that the process of homogenization affected the quality and characteristics of emulsion and microencapsulate of palm oil. An increase of volume and length of time did not significantly affect the characteristics of palm oil microcapsule, such as water content, solubility and water activity (p>0.05), but significantly affected the emulsion stability, surface oil, carotenoid contain and efficiency of microencapsulation (p<0.05) and also affecting the quality of microencapsulate (yield, water activity, solubility). Palm oil microencapsulation using spray dry could be applied at industrial scale. Keywords: carotene, homogenization, microencapsulation, palm oil, scale u


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    Utilization of palm oil as downstream products is still remain limited. Palm oil contains high carotenoids ranging from 500 to 700 ppm. Carotenoids are very sensitive to heat and oxidation. Microencapsulation process conducted by two steps, i.e. homogenitation to produce emulsion and spray drying to produce microcapsule that protect its active compounds. Olein homogenization was the main process in the formation of an emulsion of palm oil prior to drying process. This process was influenced by speed, time and volume. Microcapsule formulation using maltodextrin, Arabic gum, and gelatin. The results showed that the process of homogenization affected the quality and characteristics of emulsion and microencapsulate of palm oil. An increase of volume and length of time did not significantly affect the characteristics of palm oil microcapsule, such as water content, solubility and water activity (p>0.05), but significantly affected the emulsion stability, surface oil, carotenoid contain and efficiency of microencapsulation (p<0.05) and also affecting the quality of microencapsulate (yield, water activity, solubility). Palm oil microencapsulation using spray dry could be applied at industrial scale. Keywords: carotene, homogenization, microencapsulation, palm oil, scale u

    Evaluasi Profil Sensori Gula Merah Tebu dengan Metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA)

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    ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Gula merah tebu di Jawa Tengah dibuat dengan teknologi skala industri rumah tangga yang sederhana, sehingga memiliki kualitas yang inkonsisten. Banyaknya gula merah tebu lokal yang berkembang di masyarakat mempunyai jenis yang beragam. Hal ini tentu akan mempengaruhi karakteristik gula merah tebu yang dihasilkan termasuk sifat sensori seperti warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan aftertaste. Tujuan: Mengetahui karakteristik profil sensori (warna, rasa, tekstur, aroma, aftertaste) gula merah tebu dan mendapatkan atribut yang disukai konsumen di Jawa Tengah. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA). Lima tahap penelitian yaitu survei konsumen, seleksi panelis, focus group discussion, pengujian, dan analisis data. Sampel yang digunakan adalah gula merah tebu dari Kudus, Rembang, Blora masing-masing 10g. Total 120 panelis dari daerah Kudus, Rembang, Blora, dan Semarang. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney dan Principal Component Analysis. Hasil: 9 atribut yang signifikan (p<0,05) yaitu rasa manis, rasa pahit, flavor karamel, flavor burnt, warna cokelat, tekstur berpasir, tekstur lembek, tekstur keras, dan aftertaste pahit. Sampel Blora memiliki atribut yang dominan yaitu tekstur lembek (3,7), tekstur berpasir (3,5), warna coklat (4,1), flavor burnt (2,8), flavor karamel (3,0), rasa pahit (2,9), dan aftertaste pahit (2,8). Sampel Kudus rasa manis (3,5) dan sampel Rembang tekstur keras (3,5). Konsumen menyukai rasa manis dan tekstur keras, sedangkan tekstur lembek, tekstur berpasir, flavor burnt, flavor karamel, rasa pahit, dan aftertaste pahit kurang disukai. Simpulan: Gula merah tebu memiki karakteristik profil sensori yang berbeda-beda untuk masing-masing daerah di Jawa Tengah. Panelis dapat menentukan atribut yang disukai dan kurang disukai pada gula merah tebu. Kata Kunci: gula merah tebu, rate-all-that-apply, sensor