43 research outputs found

    Virginia Woolf and photography

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    From 2000, criticism on Woolf and the visual has quadrupled in volume. The research work about a photographic Woolf – which include other photographers’ interaction with Woolf such as Gisèle Freund or my own analysis of Woolf and Bell’s personal photo albums – shows how these newer issues of Woolf and photography are now absolutely central in any consideration of Virginia Woolf studies, gaining a noticeable importance when we consider the interdisciplinary issue of photography and gender

    Virginia Woolf e a fotografia

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    A partir do ano 2000, o volume da análise crítica sobre Woolf e a sua relação com o visual tem quadruplicado. O trabalho de pesquisa sobre uma Woolf fotográfica – que inclui a interação de outros fotógrafos com Woolf, como Gisèle Freund, ou a minha própria análise dos álbuns de fotos pessoais de Woolf e Bell – mostra como estas mais recentes questões de Woolf e da fotografia são agora um tema absolutamente central em qualquer análise dos estudos de Virginia Woolf, adquirindo uma importância notória se considerarmos o aspeto interdisciplinar da fotografia e do género

    Modernist Women and Cinema

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    Matching the ever-increasing numbers of female participants in the commercial venues of department stores and cinemas in the 1920s, modernist women writers enjoyed a new visibility in the intellectual world of cinema journalism. Yet cinema modernism, like literary modernism, was veined by masculinity in the 1920s. The paper argues that modernist women writers, including Colette, H.D., Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia Woolf, created a feminist standpoint. By replacing the prescriptive male gaze with a feminist aesthetics: identifying with stars and women viewers and by describing audiences as socially constituted and gendered

    Into the Millenium: Feminist Literary Criticism

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    Este ensayo examina la interesante crítica literaria feminista de las últimas décadas. Siguiendo el significativo cambio desde la ginocrítica hasta teorías de la diferencia más complejas, el artículo explora y contextualiza las estrategias críticas más recientes examinando una selección de ejemplos transculturales. 1985 vio la publicación de dos libros importantes: The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, y la traducción inglesa de This Sex which Is not One (Luce Irigaray), que subrayó el impacto del feminismo francés y de la écriture féminine en la crítica feminista. En las décadas siguientes, una re-evaluación más inclusiva de la diferencia fue la empresa que emprendieron críticas literarias asiáticas, negras e hispanas. Y la problematización de la diferencia genérica fue el tema principal que trataron teóricas “queer” y lesbianas. El ensayo termina reflexionando sobre el futuro de la crítica literaria feminista en el próximo milenio.This paper examines the exciting work of feminist literary criticism in the last decades. Tracing the significant shift from gynocriticism to more complex theories of difference, the paper surveys and contextualizes these newer critical strategies by examining a selection of cross- cultural examples. 1985 witnessed the publication of two important books: The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women, and the English translation of Luce Irigary’s This Sex which Is not One, which highlighted the impact of French feminism and ecriture feminine on feminist criticism. In the decades which followed a more inclusive reassessment of difference was the undertaking of Asian, Black and Hispanic literary critics. And the problematization of gender difference was the radical theme of lesbian and queer theorists. The paper ends with reflections on what the future will be for feminist literary criticism in the millennium by examining models of current practice


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