438 research outputs found

    Suikerbieten als tussenteelt voor vergisting : opbrengst, energierendement, broeikasgasemissiereductie en nutriëntenafvoer

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    In het kader van het project Energieboerderij is de mogelijkheid onderzocht om voor vergisting suikerbieten te telen na een vroegruimend gewas, waarbij de oogst na de winter plaatsvindt (tussenteelt). Alleen bij vroege uitzaai voor begin augustus werden voldoende hoge opbrengsten verkregen met een hoog energierendement en een broeikasgasemissiereductie die voldeed aan het duurzaamheidscriterium. Tussen de onderzochte rassen bestonden er significante verschillen in methaanopbrengst van zowel wortel als loof. Bij vroege zaai met voldoende hoge opbrengst worden aanzienlijke hoeveelheden nutriënten met het gewas afgevoerd. Vooral voor fosfaat kan dit problemen geven, indien er niet voldoende ruimte is om hiervoor te compenseren. Ook is het vorstrisico te groot om altijd na de winter te kunnen oogsten

    Speaker diarization using gesture and speech

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    We demonstrate how the problem of speaker diarization can be solved using both gesture and speaker parametric models. The novelty of our solution is that we approach the speaker diarization problem as a speaker recognition problem after learning speaker models from speech samples corresponding to gestures (the occurrence of gestures indicates the presence of speech and the location of gestures indicates the identity of the speaker). This new approach offers many advantages: comparable state-of-the-art performance, faster computation and more adaptability. In our implementation, parametric models are used to model speakers' voice and their gestures: more specifically, Gaussian mixture models are used to model the voice characteristics of each person and all persons, and gamma distributions are used to model gestural activity based on features extracted from Motion History Images. Tests on 4.24 hours of the AMI meeting data show that our solution makes DER score improvements of 19% on speech-only segments and 4% on all segments including silence (the comparison is with the AMI system)

    Indicators of affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention during emotional clips in relation to aggression in three-year-olds

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    Research indicates that impaired empathy is a risk factor of aggression and that social attention is important for empathy. The role of social attention in associations between empathy and aggression has not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, indicators of affective empathy, cognitive empathy, social attention, and aggression were simultaneously assessed in children aged 45 months. A total of 61 mother–child dyads participated in a lab visit, during which maternal reports of aggression were obtained. Children watched three clips showing a sad, scared, and happy child, respectively, and a neutral social clip while heart rate was recorded. Heart rate change from nonsocial baseline clips to emotional clips was calculated as an index of affective empathy. Questions about the emotions of the children in the clips were asked to assess cognitive empathy. Social attention was defined as time spent looking at faces during the clips. Correlation analyses revealed negative associations between affective empathy and aggression and between social attention and aggression. Furthermore, multivariate linear regression analyses indicated that the association between affective empathy and aggression was moderated by social attention; the negative association between affective empathy and aggression was stronger in children with relatively reduced social attention. No association was found between cognitive empathy and aggression. Therefore, both affective empathy and social attention are important targets for early interventions that aim to prevent or reduce aggression

    Infant parasympathetic and sympathetic activity during baseline, stress and recovery: interactions with prenatal adversity predict physical aggression in toddlerhood

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    Exposure to prenatal adversity is associated with aggression later in life. Individual differences in autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning, specifically nonreciprocal activation of the parasympathetic (PNS) and sympathetic (SNS) nervous systems, increase susceptibility to aggression, especially in the context of adversity. Previous work examining interactions between early adversity and ANS functioning in infancy is scarce and has not examined interaction between PNS and SNS. This study examined whether the PNS and SNS moderate the relation between cumulative prenatal risk and early physical aggression in 124 children (57% male). Cumulative risk (e.g., maternal psychiatric disorder, substance (ab)use, and social adversity) was assessed during pregnancy. Parasympathetic respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and sympathetic pre-ejection period (PEP) at baseline, in response to and during recovery from emotional challenge were measured at 6 months. Physical aggression and non-physical aggression/oppositional behavior were measured at 30 months. The results showed that cumulative prenatal risk predicted elevated physical aggression and non-physical aggression/oppositional behavior in toddlerhood; however, the effects on physical aggression were moderated by PNS and SNS functioning. Specifically, the effects of cumulative risk on physical aggression were particularly evident in children characterized by low baseline PNS activity and/or by nonreciprocal activity of the PNS and SNS, characterized by decreased activity (i.e., coinhibition) or increased activity (i.e., coactivation) of both systems at baseline and/or in response to emotional challenge. These findings extend our understanding of the interaction between perinatal risk and infant ANS functioning on developmental outcome

    Combined ecological risks of nitrogen and phosphorus in European freshwaters

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    Eutrophication is a key water quality issue triggered by increasing nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) levels and potentially posing risks to freshwater biota. We predicted the probability that an invertebrate species within a community assemblage becomes absent due to nutrient stress as the ecological risk (ER) for European lakes and streams subjected to N and P pollution from 1985 to 2011. The ER was calculated as a function of species-specific tolerances to NO3 - and total P concentrations and water quality monitoring data. Lake and stream ER averaged 50% in the last monitored year (i.e. 2011) and we observed a decrease by 22% and 38% in lake and stream ER (respectively) of river basins since 1985. Additionally, the ER from N stress surpassed that of P in both freshwater systems. The ER can be applied to identify river basins most subjected to eutrophication risks and the main drivers of impacts

    Mechanistic insights into the role of large carnivores for ecosystem structure and functioning

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    Large carnivores can exert top–down effects in ecosystems, but the size of these effects are largely unknown. Empirical investigation on the importance of large carnivores for ecosystem structure and functioning presents a number of challenges due to the large spatio-temporal scale and the complexity of such dynamics. Here, we applied a mechanistic global ecosystem model to investigate the influence of large-carnivore removal from undisturbed ecosystems. First, we simulated large-carnivore removal on the global scale to inspect the geographic pattern of top–down control and to disentangle the functional role of large carnivores in top–down control in different environmental contexts. Second, we conducted four small-scale ecosystem simulation experiments to understand direct and indirect changes in food-web structure under different environmental conditions. We found that the removal of top–down control exerted by large carnivores (> 21 kg) can trigger large trophic cascades, leading to an overall decrease in autotroph biomass globally. Furthermore, the loss of large carnivores resulted in an increase of mesopredators. The magnitude of these changes was positively related to primary productivity (NPP), in line with the ‘exploitation ecosystem hypothesis’. In addition, we found that seasonality in NPP dampened the magnitude of change following the removal of large carnivores. Our results reinforce the idea that large carnivores play a fundamental role in shaping ecosystems, and further declines and extinctions can trigger substantial ecosystem responses. Our findings also support previous studies suggesting that natural ecosystem dynamics have been severely modified and are still changing as a result of the widespread decline and extinction of large carnivores

    Informal Action—Adjudication—Rule Making: Some Recent Developments in Federal Administrative Law

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    Direct energy consumption of ICT hardware is only “half the story.” In order to get the “whole story,” energy consumption during the entire life cycle has to be taken into account. This chapter is a first step toward a more comprehensive picture, showing the “grey energy” (i.e., the overall energy requirements) as well as the releases (into air, water, and soil) during the entire life cycle of exemplary ICT hardware devices by applying the life cycle assessment method. The examples calculated show that a focus on direct energy consumption alone fails to take account of relevant parts of the total energy consumption of ICT hardware as well as the relevance of the production phase. As a general tendency, the production phase is more and more important the smaller (and the more energy-efficient) the devices are. When in use, a tablet computer is much more energy-efficient than a desktop computer system with its various components, so its production phase has a much greater relative importance. Accordingly, the impacts due to data transfer when using Internet services are also increasingly relevant the smaller the end-user device is, reaching up to more than 90 % of the overall impact when using a tablet computer.QC 20140825</p

    Associations between empathy, inhibitory control, and physical aggression in toddlerhood

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    Impaired empathy has been associated with aggression in children, adolescents and adults, but results have been contradictory for the preschool period. Impaired inhibitory control also increases the risk of aggression, and possibly moderates empathy‐aggression associations. The current study investigated whether empathy and inhibitory control are associated with aggression in toddlerhood. Furthermore, we aimed to clarify the role of inhibitory control in empathy and aggression, specifically, whether inhibitory control moderates the association between empathy and aggression. During a laboratory visit at age 30 months (N = 103), maternal reports of physical aggression were obtained and child inhibitory control was examined using a gift delay task. Empathy was examined by obtaining behavioral observations and recording physiological responses (heart rate response and respiratory sinus arrhythmia response) to an empathy‐eliciting event (i.e., simulated distress). Reduced inhibitory control was associated with more aggression. Behavioral and physiological indicators of empathy were not associated with aggression. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed an interaction effect of heart rate response to distress simulation with inhibitory control in the prediction of aggression. Post hoc analyses indicated a negative association between heart rate response and aggression when inhibitory control was high, but a positive association was found in toddlers who demonstrated low inhibitory control. These results suggest that children are less aggressive when they have both high levels of empathy and inhibitory control. Therefore, both empathy and inhibition are important targets for interventions aiming to reduce or prevent aggression at a young age

    Duurzaamheid teelt van suikerbieten voor covergisting; resultaten 2008-2010 van vijf telers in het project Energieboerderij

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    In deze IRS-publicatie staan de resultaten uit het project Energieboerderij met betrekking tot vijf telers, waar de suikerbietenteelt drie jaar lang is gevolgd. Alle teelthandelingen en inputs zijn meegenomen in de berekening van het energierendement en de broeikasgasemissiereductie. Aan de hand van deze twee duurzaamheidparameters is de keten suikerbieten en loof voor vergisting doorgerekend. Suikerbieten telen voor (co)vergisting tot groene stroom uit biogas voldoet aan de gestelde eisen voor duurzaamheid met een broeikasgasemissiereductie van gemiddeld 78%. De telers verschilden onderling niet op de twee duurzaamheidscriteria. De methaanopbrengst is sterk gecorreleerd aan de suikeropbrengst. Naast een efficiënte teelt is ook een efficiënte logistiek nodig. Afvoer van loof voor vergisting heeft een positieve bijdrage voor de duurzaamheid. Wel worden er dan aanzienlijke hoeveelheden nutriënten extra afgevoerd

    Metabolic control during the neonatal period in phenylketonuria:associations with childhood IQ

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    Background In phenylketonuria, treatment and subsequent lowering of phenylalanine levels usually occur within the first month of life. This study investigated whether different indicators of metabolic control during the neonatal period were associated with IQ during late childhood/early adolescence. Methods Overall phenylalanine concentration during the first month of life (total "area under the curve"), proportion of phenylalanine concentrations above upper target level (360 mu mol/L) and proportion below lower target level (120 mu mol/L) during this period, diagnostic phenylalanine levels, number of days until phenylalanine levels were 360 mu mol/L during the first month of life negatively correlated with IQ in late childhood/early adolescence. Separately, phenylalanine concentrations during different periods within the first month of life (0-10 days, 11-20 days, 21-30 days) were negatively correlated with later IQ as well, but correlation strengths did not differ significantly. No further significant associations were found. Conclusions In phenylketonuria, achievement of target-range phenylalanine levels during the neonatal period is important for cognition later in life, also when compared to other indicators of metabolic control. Impact In phenylketonuria, it remains unclear during which age periods or developmental stages metabolic control is most important for later cognitive outcomes. Phenylalanine levels during the neonatal period were clearly and negatively related to later IQ, whereas no significant associations were observed for other indices of metabolic control. This emphasizes the relative importance of this period for cognitive development in phenylketonuria. No further distinctions were observed in strength of associations with later IQ between different indicators of metabolic control during the neonatal period. Thus, achievement of good metabolic control within 1 month after birth appears "safe" with respect to later cognitive outcomes