1,484 research outputs found

    High-density mapping reveals short-term reversibility of atrial ablation lesions

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    Cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation occur frequently in industrialized countries. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a standard treatment if drug therapy fails. This minimally invasive surgery aims at stabilizing the heart rhythm on a permanent basis. However, the procedure commonly needs to be repeated because of the high recurrence rate of arrhythmias. Non-transmural lesions as well as gaps within linear lesions are among the main problems during the RFA. The assessment of lesion formation is not adequate in state of the art procedures. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the short-term reversibility of lesions using human electrograms recorded by a high-density mapping system during an electrophysiological study (EPS). A predefined measurement protocol was executed during the EPS in order to create three ablation points in the left atrium. Subsequently, after preprocessing the recorded signals, electrogram (EGM) paths were formed along the endocardial surface of the atrium. By analyzing changes of peak to peak amplitudes of unipolar EGMs before and after ablation, it was possible to distinguish lesion area and healthy myocardium. The peak to peak amplitudes of the EGMs decreased by 40-61% after 30 seconds of ablation. Furthermore, we analyzed the morphological changes of EGMs surrounding the lesion. High-density mapping data showed that not only the tissue, which had direct contact with the catheter tip during the RFA, but also the surrounding tissue was affected. This was demonstrated by low peak to peak amplitudes in large areas with a width of 14 mm around the center of the ablation lesion. After right pulmonary vein isolation, high-density mapping was repeated on the previous lesions. The outer region of RFA-treated tissue appears to recover as opposed to the central core of the ablation point. This observation suggests that the meaningfulness of an immediate remap after ablation during an EPS may lead the physician to false conclusions

    CaracterĂ­sticas, peculiaridades e tecnologia do leite de bĂşfala.

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    Características e peculiaridades do leite de búfala. Industrialização do leite. Características dos produtos derivados do leite de búfala. Tecnologia do leite de búfala e rendimento dos produtos.bitstream/item/58474/1/CPATU-DOC-57-.pd

    The three-nucleon bound state using realistic potential models

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    The bound states of 3^3H and 3^3He have been calculated using the Argonne v18v_{18} plus the Urbana three-nucleon potential. The isospin T=3/2T=3/2 state have been included in the calculations as well as the nn-pp mass difference. The 3^3H-3^3He mass difference has been evaluated through the charge dependent terms explicitly included in the two-body potential. The calculations have been performed using two different methods: the solution of the Faddeev equations in momentum space and the expansion on the correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis. The results are in agreement within 0.1% and can be used as benchmark tests. Results for the CD-Bonn interaction are also presented. It is shown that the 3^3H and 3^3He binding energy difference can be predicted model independently.Comment: 5 pages REVTeX 4, 1 figures, 6 table

    The detection of neutron clusters

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    A new approach to the production and detection of bound neutron clusters is presented. The technique is based on the breakup of beams of very neutron-rich nuclei and the subsequent detection of the recoiling proton in a liquid scintillator. The method has been tested in the breakup of 11Li, 14Be and 15B beams by a C target. Some 6 events were observed that exhibit the characteristics of a multineutron cluster liberated in the breakup of 14Be, most probably in the channel 10Be+4n. The various backgrounds that may mimic such a signal are discussed in detail.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, LPCC 01-1

    The nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    We review the major progress of the past decade concerning our understanding of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The focus is on the low-energy region (below pion production threshold), but a brief outlook towards higher energies is also given. The items discussed include charge-dependence, the precise value of the πNN\pi NN coupling constant, phase shift analysis and high-precision NN data and potentials. We also address the issue of a proper theory of nuclear forces. Finally, we summarize the essential open questions that future research should be devoted to.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, iopart.cls style; Topical Review prepared for J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    The effect of a high-polyphenol Mediterranean diet (Green-MED) combined with physical activity on age-related brain atrophy: The Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial Polyphenols Unprocessed Study (DIRECT PLUS)

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    Background: The effect of diet on age-related brain atrophy is largely unproven. Objectives: We aimed to explore the effect of a Mediterranean diet (MED) higher in polyphenols and lower in red/processed meat (Green-MED diet) on age-related brain atrophy. Methods: This 18-mo clinical trial longitudinally measured brain structure volumes by MRI using hippocampal occupancy score (HOC) and lateral ventricle volume (LVV) expansion score as neurodegeneration markers. Abdominally obese/dyslipidemic participants were randomly assigned to follow 1) healthy dietary guidelines (HDG), 2) MED, or 3) Green-MED diet. All subjects received free gym memberships and physical activity guidance. Both MED groups consumed 28 g walnuts/d (+440 mg/d polyphenols). The Green-MED group consumed green tea (3-4 cups/d) and Mankai (Wolffia-globosa strain, 100 g frozen cubes/d) green shake (+800 mg/d polyphenols). Results: Among 284 participants (88% men; mean age: 51 y; BMI: 31.2 kg/m2; APOE-ε4 genotype = 15.7%), 224 (79%) completed the trial with eligible whole-brain MRIs. The pallidum (-4.2%), third ventricle (+3.9%), and LVV (+2.2%) disclosed the largest volume changes. Compared with younger participants, atrophy was accelerated among those ≥50 y old (HOC change: -1.0% ± 1.4% compared with -0.06% ± 1.1%; 95% CI: 0.6%, 1.3%; P Conclusions: A Green-MED (high-polyphenol) diet, rich in Mankai, green tea, and walnuts and low in red/processed meat, is potentially neuroprotective for age-related brain atrophy.This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT03020186

    A seasonal cycle in the export of bottom water from the Weddell Sea

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    Dense water formed over the Antarctic continental shelf rapidly descends into the deep ocean where it spreads throughout the global ocean as Antarctic Bottom Water1, 2. The coldest and most voluminous component of this water mass is Weddell Sea bottom water1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Here we present observations over eight years of the temperature and salinity stratification in the lowermost ocean southeast of the South Orkney Islands, marking the export of Weddell Sea bottom water. We observe a pronounced seasonal cycle in bottom temperatures, with a cold pulse in May/June and a warm one in October/November, but the timing of these phases varies each year. We detect the coldest bottom water in 1999 and 2002, whereas there was no cold phase in 2000. On the basis of current velocities and water mass characteristics, we infer that the pulses originate from the southwest Weddell Sea. We propose that the seasonal fluctuations of Weddell Sea bottom-water properties are governed by the seasonal cycle of the winds over the western margin of the Weddell Sea. Interannual fluctuations are linked to the variability of the wind-driven Weddell Sea gyre and hence to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Southern Annular Mode and El Niño/Southern Oscillation
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