115 research outputs found

    Particle Identification Using The Threshold Cerenkov Detector with Radial Segmentation (TCDRS)

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    Presenta un nuevo método para detectar partículas subatómicas como electrón, protón, muón, kaón, protones, con energía máxima de 5 GeV/c. "The Threshold Cerenkov with Radial Segmentation (TCDRS) tiene tres cilindros concéntricos con diferente ambiente dieléctrico, cuatro sintillators que sirven para trigger los eventos de partículas en un tiempo de 5 ns. La correlación de número de fotones producido en el TCDRS y la masa de partículas con la ionización de energía perdida de la partícula son registrados

    Robust multiple-people tracking using color-based particle filters

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    Presentado al 3rd Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA-2007) celebrado en Girona (Spain) del 6 al 8 de junio.Robust and accurate people tracking is a key task in many promising computer-vision applications. One must deal with non-rigid targets in open-world scenarios, whose shape and appearance evolve over time. Targets may interact, causing partial or complete occlusions. This paper improves tracking by means of particle filtering, where occlusions are handled considering the target's predicted trajectories. Model drift is tackled by careful updating, based on the history of likelihood measures. A colour-based likelihood, computed from histogram similarity, is used. Experiments are carried out using sequences from the CAVIAR database.This work has been supported by the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR), by the Spanish Ministry of Education (MEC) under projects TIC2003-08865 and DPI-2004-5414, and by the EC grant IST-027110 under the HERMES project.Peer Reviewe

    Multimodal feedback fusion of laser, image and temporal information

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    Trabajo presentado a la 8th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC) celebrada en Venecia (Italia) del 4 al 7 de noviembre de 2014.In the present paper, we propose a highly accurate and robust people detector, which works well under highly variant and uncertain conditions, such as occlusions, false positives and false detections. These adverse conditions, which initially motivated this research, occur when a robotic platform navigates in an urban environment, and although the scope is originally within the robotics field, the authors believe that our contributions can be extended to other fields. To this end, we propose a multimodal information fusion consisting of laser and monocular camera information. Laser information is modelled using a set of weak classifiers (Adaboost) to detect people. Camera information is processed by using HOG descriptors to classify person/non person based on a linear SVM. A multi-hypothesis tracker trails the position and velocity of each of the targets, providing temporal information to the fusion, allowing recovery of detections even when the laser segmentation fails. Experimental results show that our feedback-based system outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods in performance and accuracy, and that near real-time detection performance can be achieved.This work has been partially funded by the European project CargoANTs (FP7-SST-2013- 605598) and by the Spanish CICYT project DPI2013-42458-P.Peer Reviewe

    Robust multiple-people tracking using color-based particle filters

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    Robust and accurate people tracking is a key task in many promising computer-vision applications. One must deal with non-rigid targets in open-world scenarios, whose shape and appearance evolve over time. Targets may interact, causing partial or complete occlusions. This paper improves tracking by means of particle filtering, where occlusions are handled considering the target's predicted trajectories. Model drift is tackled by careful updating, based on the history of likelihood measures. A colour-based likelihood, computed from histogram similarity, is used. Experiments are carried out using sequences from the CAVIAR database.Peer Reviewe

    Moving cast shadows detection methods for video surveillance applications

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    Moving cast shadows are a major concern in today’s performance from broad range of many vision-based surveillance applications because they highly difficult the object classification task. Several shadow detection methods have been reported in the literature during the last years. They are mainly divided into two domains. One usually works with static images, whereas the second one uses image sequences, namely video content. In spite of the fact that both cases can be analogously analyzed, there is a difference in the application field. The first case, shadow detection methods can be exploited in order to obtain additional geometric and semantic cues about shape and position of its casting object (’shape from shadows’) as well as the localization of the light source. While in the second one, the main purpose is usually change detection, scene matching or surveillance (usually in a background subtraction context). Shadows can in fact modify in a negative way the shape and color of the target object and therefore affect the performance of scene analysis and interpretation in many applications. This chapter wills mainly reviews shadow detection methods as well as their taxonomies related with the second case, thus aiming at those shadows which are associated with moving objects (moving shadows).Peer Reviewe

    La formación del profesorado en instituciones educativas multiculturales y en situación de vulnerabilidad; base para construir ciudadanía inclusiva e intercultural

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    Education for an inclusive and intercultural citizenship has recreate in all educational institutions, since the nature of the sociocultural reality in their daily requests for urgent manner the formation of competent citizens to interact with diverse individuals and groups that make and build local, political and cultural communities. It is within reach mutual exchange of goods and cultural values, based on the active promotion of respect and interdependence, allowing the development of projects that benefit the common good, which together different people involved. It is necessary, point and carry out processes of teacher training in their own institutions which are dimensional development of critical judgment to problems hindering social welfare, allowing sensitize people towards assume e introspecten suspicion and evidence of marginalization and exclusion. In this altruistic line is required to learn or awaken the ability to identify the voices of people and groups involved in the processes of social injustice and sociocultural, economic and educational backwardness, be flexible and put us alongside them in their emancipation justified in the research standing reach their dignity and freedom.La educación para una ciudadanía inclusiva e intercultural ha de recrearse en todas las instituciones educativas, dado que la naturaleza de la realidad sociocultural en su cotidianidad solicita de manera inaplazable la formación de ciudadanos competentes para relacionarse con la diversidad de individuos y colectivos que conforman y construyen las comunidades locales, políticas y culturales. Está a nuestro alcance el intercambio recíproco de bienes y valores culturales, basándonos en el respeto activo y la promoción de la interdependencia que permita el desarrollo de proyectos que benefician el bien común, donde participen juntas personas distintas. Es menester, apuntar y llevar cabo procesos de formación del profesorado en sus propias instituciones que tengan como dimensiones el desarrollo del juicio crítico ante problemas que obstaculizan el bienestar social, que permita sensibilizar a las personas en pro que asuman e introspecten toda sospecha y evidencia de marginación y exclusión. En esta línea altruista, se requiere aprender o despertar la capacidad de identificar las voces de las personas y grupos implicados en los procesos de injusticia social y rezago sociocultural, económico y educativo, ser flexibles y situarnos junto a ellos en su emancipación justificada en la pesquisa permanente de alcanzar su dignidad y libertad


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    La escuela a través del tiempo ha sido un escenario de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el cual llegan estudiantes y docentes de diferentes lugares del país; pero también desde diferentes lugares del mundo, esto ha generado que dicho espacio académico se convierta en el epicentro de la multiculturalidad y la interculturalidad. Desafortunadamente, la escuela tradicionalmente ha desarrollado sus prácticas pedagógicas en el marco de la monoculturalidad, enfocada en aspectos eurocéntricos, propios de la cultura local, quienes excluyen e inferiorizan a aquellos estudiantes que pertenecen a una cultura diferente, como es el caso de los afrocolombianos. El presente artículo se estructura en cuatro apartados que son el resultado de la investigación fenomenológica que se desarrolló en el programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad del Magdalena, bajo la línea de investigación, “Pedagogía e intercultura lidad”. En el primer apartado, se presenta un acercamiento epistemológico al concepto de interculturalidad en la escuela desde la perspectiva de diferentes referentes teóricos. Poste riormente, se aborda la normativa vigente en el marco de la educación intercultural. El tercer apartado, hace énfasis en la historia de África, destacando los reinos antiguos más representa tivos. Lo anterior se desarrolla desde las aproximaciones teóricas de la pedagogía del diálogo en clave intercultural. Finalmente, se presentan algunas conclusiones a partir de los desafíos y retos que tiene la escuela para visibilizar la cultura afrocolombiana desde la perspectiva histó rica en el contexto de la educación intercultural

    Ultrasound Application to Improve Meat Quality

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    High-intensity ultrasound offers an alternative to traditional methods of food preservation and is regarded as a green, versatile, popular, and promising emerging technology. Ultrasound generates acoustic cavitation in a liquid medium, developing physical forces that are considered the main mechanism responsible for the observed changes in exposed materials. In meat, ultrasound has been successfully used to improve processes such as mass transfer and marination, tenderization of meat ,and inactivation of microorganisms. It is also an alternative to traditional meat aging methods for improving the quality properties of meat. Moreover, the combination of ultrasonic energy with a sanitizing agent can improve the effect of microbial reduction in foods. This review describes recent potential applications of ultrasound in meat systems, as well as physical and chemical effects of ultrasound treatments on the conservation and modification of processed meat foods