74 research outputs found

    Generator for simulation of SCADA attacks

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je realizace generátoru útoků na protokol IEC 61850 s využitím knihovny libpcap. Součástí řešení je také simulace zařízení vyskytujících se ve SCADA systémech. Teoretická část přibližuje strukturu protokolů DNP3, IEC 60870 a IEC 61850 a dále popisuje vybrané útoky. V praktické části dochází k realizaci útoků zaměřených na komunikaci mezi uzly SCADA systému, konkrétně na GOOSE a Sampled Values. Simulovaná zařízení generují komunikaci s využitím knihovny libiec61850, na kterou jsou pak útoky cíleny.Output of this bachelor’s thesis is an attack generator aimed on IEC 61850 protocol using the libpcap library. Part of the output is also a simulation of devices which are normally present in SCADA systems. Theoretic part aims to explain protocols DNP3, IEC 60870 and IEC 61850 more in-depth and further focus is on the attacks. Practical part contains attack implementation that aim on communication between SCADA units, more precisely on GOOSE and Sampled Values frames. Simulated devices generate this communication using the libiec61850 library. Attacks are aimed on that communication.

    Utjecaj stroncijeva ferita na umreživanje i svojstva kompozita butadienskoga kaučuka

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    The focus of the work was to prepare elastomeric magnetic composites based on a highly elastic polymer matrix (1,4-cis butadiene rubber). Three modifications of the same type of strontium ferrite SrFe12O19, type FD8/24 were applied as magnetic fillers. The applied ferrites differed in particle size distribution and other structural and magnetic characteristics. The work is focused on the preparation of rubber compounds for making elastomeric magnetic composites and evaluation of magnetic fillers influence on curing characteristics, physical-mechanical and magnetic properties of prepared composites. The study is also dedicated to the cross-link density of vulcanizates.Cilj rada je pripremiti elastomerne magnetne kompozite na temelju visokoelastične polimerne matrice (1,4-cis butadienski kaučuk). Tri su modifikacije istog tipa stroncijeva ferita SrFe12O19, tip FD8/24, primijenjene kao magnetna punila. Primijenjeni feriti razlikovali su se po raspodjeli veličine čestica te drugim strukturnim i magnetnim svojstvima. Rad obrađuje pripremu spojeva kaučuka za izradu elastomernih magnetnih kompozita i daje ocjenu utjecaja magnetnih punila na svojstva umreživanja, fizičko-mehanička i magnetna svojstva pripremljenih kompozita. Ispitivanje također obrađuje gustoću umreživanja vulkanizata

    Paleoenvironment during the Lower Badenian along the northern margin of Brno city (the Diviš district)

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    Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area. Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area

    A decade of GRB follow-up by BOOTES in Spain (2003-2013)

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    This article covers ten years of GRB follow-ups by the Spanish BOOTES stations: 71 follow-ups providing 23 detections. Follow-ups by BOOTES-1B from 2005 to 2008 were given in the previous article, and are here reviewed, updated, and include additional detection data points as the former article merely stated their existence. The all-sky cameras CASSANDRA have not yet detected any GRB optical afterglows, but limits are reported where available

    Contrast-induced acute kidney injury and its contemporary prevention

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    The complexity and application range of interventional and diagnostic procedures using contrast media (CM) have recently increased. This allows more patients to undergo procedures that involve CM administration. However, the intrinsic CM toxicity leads to the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI). At present, effective therapy of CI-AKI is rather limited. Effective prevention of CI-AKI therefore becomes crucially important. This review presents an in-depth discussion of CI-AKI incidence, pathogenesis, risk prediction, current preventive strategies, and novel treatment possibilities. The review also discusses the difference between CI-AKI incidence following intraarterial and intravenous CM administration. Factors contributing to the development of CI-AKI are considered in conjunction with the mechanism of acute kidney damage. The need for ultimate risk estimation and the prediction of CI-AKI is stressed. Possibilities of CI-AKI prevention is evaluated within the spectrum of existing preventive measures aimed at reducing kidney injury. In particular, the review discusses intravenous hydration regimes and pre-treatment with statins and N-acetylcysteine. The review further focuses on emerging alternative imaging technologies, alternative intravascular diagnostic and interventional procedures, and new methods for intravenous hydration guidance; it discusses the applicability of those techniques in complex procedures and their feasibility in current practise. We put emphasis on contemporary interventional cardiology imaging methods, with a brief discussion of CI-AKI in non-vascular and non-cardiologic imaging and interventional studies