10 research outputs found

    Algoritma Differential Evolution untuk Estimasi Parameter Sumber Anomali Self-Potential

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    Self-Potential (SP) anomaly is naturally occurring potential differences due to electrochemical, electro-kinetic, and thermoelectric sources in the subsurface. The Source of SP anomaly can be modeled as a simple-geometry body, e.g: spheres, cylinders, and inclined sheets. The model parameter of SP anomaly is generally estimated using local optimization such as gradient-search-based methods. However, these methods have some drawbacks. Therefore, this problem needs to address using global optimization, namely Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm. DE is one of the metaheuristic algorithms adopting biological evolution in the optimization process. In this work, the DE algorithm is implemented to estimate the parameters of SP anomaly sources.  There are two stages in this work, e.g: synthetic test and field data inversion. In the synthetic test, DE is built and implemented in synthetic data generated from a cylinder body contaminated by noise. This test shows that DE can estimate the parameters of the cylinder body (SP anomaly source) well. In the field data inversion, DE is implemented to estimate the SP Surda anomaly which has been studied by other methods. The results of DE estimation are comparable to the previous studies, and able to provide uncertainty information. DE algorithm can be implemented to characterize the source of SP anomaly for futher study


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    Potentials of solar power plant in Waru Tua

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    Penajam Paser Utara Regency is located on the coast of East Kalimantan Province. This regency has a huge solar resource potential, but the agreement in this regency still lacks electricity networks and can be resolved by the people in this regency still in dire need of electricity for street lighting, and daily electricity needs. One of them is in the village of Waru Tua, where this area is in great need of lighting in the dock area because it requires residents to make Aliving as a fisherman. Waru Tua really needs electricity for lighting at night Waru Tua Pier because it has to be a gathering place for residents before going to sea to prepare everything that must be prepared before going to sea. Discussing the research carried out examining the potential of solar power in Waru Tua. Based on existing considerations, and the potential proposed by the area, the method used is to measure the sunlight at Waru Tua Pier using Luxmeter, then the data is processed using the Simulink applicationin MATLAB to obtain the value of the amount of sunlight in the area, which is 16 KW with a total solar cell of 250 Wp

    Analisa Pola Sesar Di Daratan Selatan Sumatera Berdasarkan Event Gempa Tahun 1960-2000

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    Analisa pola sesar telah dilakukan untuk wilayah sumatera bagian selatan melalui analisis data kegempaan. Data kegempaan yang digunakan adalah data ISC dan dikombinasikan dengan data fokal dari Global CMT dari tahun 1960-2000. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap, yaitu penentuan persebaran kegempaan, penentuan moment tensor melalui data fokal, dan korelasi data dengan data geologi. Pada posisi geografis 1040-1060 BT terdapat 7 gempa signifikan sepanjang tahun 1960 sampai tahun 2000, diantaranya 3 sesar mendatar (strike slip fault), 1 sesar naik (reverse fault), 1 sesar turun (normal fault) dan 2 sesar oblique. Anomali data terjadi pada seismisitas kegempaan tahun 1960-2000, yaitu teramatinya sesar oblique. Aktifitas kegempaan dipengaruhi oleh aktifitas sesar Sumatera dari Andaman sampai Semangko. Kata kunci: pola sesar, gempa tektonik, fokal, obliqu

    Evaluasi Kebutuhan Energi pada Sistem Pengkondisian Udara dan Sistem Penerangan untuk Ruang Laboratorium Jurusan Teknik Mesin ITS Surabaya

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    Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi mengakibatkan kebutuhan energi semakin tinggi. Kebutuhan energi yang semakin tinggi tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan persediaan energi yang besar, namun persediaan energi dari tahun ketahun semakin menipis. Penggunaan energi harus seefisien mungkin salah satunya dengan menggunakan energi sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa kebutuhan energi untuk sistem pengkondisian udara dan sistem penerangan pada ruang laboratorium. Sistem pengkondisian udara mengacu pada ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) dengan metode CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference). Sedangkan pada sistem penerangan mengacu pada Standar Nasional Indonesia untuk menentukan besarnya intensitas penerangan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil Kapasitas AC terpasang yang masih kurang dari beban pendinginan adalah ruang lab. pendingin, lab. metalurgi, lab. CAE, lab. komputer 1 dan 2, lab. Teknik pembakaran dan bahan bakar dan lab. Motor bakar. Pengurangan beban pendinginan dilakukan dengan penambahan tirai dan penggantian lampu dengan tipe LED. Penghematan pada sistem pengkondisian udara adalah dengan mengganti refrigerant R22 dengan musicool MC22 dimana mampu menghemat pemakaian daya listrik sebesar 10%. Sedangkan pada sistem penerangan diperoleh hasil perhitungan intensitas penerangan yang sudah sesuai dengan standar adalah lab. perencanaan dan pengembangan produk, lab. desain, dan lab. otomasi. Untuk mencapai kondisi standar maka rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah dengan penambahan jumlah lampu. Penghematan pada sistem penerangan dilakukan dengan penggantian lampu dengan tipe LED dan mampu menghemat daya listrik 30.11%

    Analisis Rock Mass Rating Di Tepi Pantai Samabe, Pulau Bali

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    Stabilitas batuan dibutuhkan untuk segala infrastruktur yang dibangun di area yang memiliki kemiringan tertentu terutama di daerah lereng terjal. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lereng bukit di tepi Pantai Samabe yang di atasnya terdapat hotel dengan kemiringan 60˚ – 80˚ dan ketinggian lereng 70 – 80 m dari permukaan laut. Analisa Rock Mass Rating dilakukan untuk memberikan nilai pada lereng batuan tersebut supaya dapat diketahui penanganan yang tepat untuk menjaga kestabilan lerengnya. Ditemukan 4 lokasi pengamatan yang ditandai dengan longsoran minor di beberapa bagiannya, berdasarkan nilai rock mass rating maka ditemukan 3 lokasi pengamatan dengan nilai fair rock dan 1 lokasi pengamatan dengan nilai good rock. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan secara umum kondisi lereng batuan pada lokasi penelitian cukup baik dalam hal kestabilan lereng. Namun demi menjaga kesinambungan kestabilan lereng dimasa mendatang perlu dilakukan penangan lereng yang tepat

    Analisis Potensi Simpanan Karbon Agroforestri Perkebunan Kopi Robusta (Coffea Canephora) di Pegunungan Argopuro, Kabupaten Bondowoso

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    Coffee plantation areas have the potential to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Especially if coffee plantations are developed with forest plants in agroforestry area within  forest management patterns. On the other hand, some coffee agroforestry now, are planted with horticultural crops that can reduce carbon sequestration ability to reduce climate change impact. The objectives of the study are to identify the parameters of the abiotic environment and the potential for carbon storage in robusta coffee agroforestry at Argopuro mountains, Bondowoso Regency. Through the calculation of plant biomass and carbon stock, it is potential to approach the amount of carbon uptake in plants to reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Coffee plantation is one area that can increase carbon sequestration in the atmosphere. The results showed that microclimate parameters at robusta coffeeagroforestry at Argopuro mountains in Bondowoso regency i.e. temperature, air humidity, light intensity has average values of 29.2 oC; 54%; and 2166 lux respectively, then an average of soil pH is 6.00. There were some commonly plants founds in robusta coffee plantation i.e mango trees, avocado trees, dadap trees, pine trees, and more banana plants. Total biomass estimation in robusta coffee plantation area is 144,834 tonnes/ha. The identification of carbon stock show that the robusta coffee agroforestry area with ??2000 m2 can contribute to reduce atmospheric carbon emissions by 72.417 tonnes/ha in Argopuro mountains, Maesan District, Bondowoso Regency. Keywords: Argopuro Mountains; Bondowoso; Carbon stock; Coffee agroforestry; Climate Change

    Islamic Boarding School at University: A Strong Pathway for Integrating Religion and Science

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    This paper aims to explain the implementation of the establishment of ma'had al-jami'ah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang as a form of implementing the integration of higher education and Islamic boarding schools. This paper uses a descriptive-analytical approach. The technique used by researchers in collecting data is through library data and field observations. This paper complements the shortcomings of previous studies, the previous studies examine the integration of pesantren (boarding school) and university in 3 models; first, a study on the trend of pesantren establishing a university to increase religious knowledge called ma'had 'aly. Second, the Islamic boarding school, an attempt by pesantren to establish a university in the pesantren environment. The third, the efforts of university (PTKIN) are philosophically and conceptually concerned in the integration of science and religion which are implemented in the integration between university and pesantren. This study explains practically the development of the integration of Islamic higher education and pesantren/ma'had as a model of formal institutions capable of realizing the needs of newer system education. Development of the integration between Islamic Universities and Islamic boarding schools which produces superior scholars, mastering science, and technology (IPTEK) but it should not ignore the aspects of faith and piety (IMTAQ)