211 research outputs found

    The Role of the Spiritist Community Brotherhood in Radvanice, Silesia in the Organization of the Czechoslovak Spiritist Movement

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    Members of the Czechoslovak spiritist movement were trying to form a unified national organization continuously from the beginning of the 20th century, however, they only managed to found several regional centres. In Silesia it was the Spiritist Community Brotherhood which coordinated the process of unification of spiritists in Silesia, Moravia and Slovakia. Spiritist movement in the area was also influenced by Life, another community in Moravská Ostrava

    National Artist and Music Composer Milan Novák and Folklore Motifs in His Compositions (Selected Works)

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    This paper aims to give an insight into the life of Milan Novák, the last living composer to have received the title of National Artist. A representative of Slovak Musical Modernism, Novák has received numerous awards, too. His compositional works are both copious and inventive, covering a whole range of genres from minor instructive compositions and folk song covers, through scenic and choral songs, music and dance scenes, to major scenic and dramatic forms. This paper focuses on Novák’s works inspired by folklore in particular

    Az altatódal, mint a kultúra megismerésének forrása

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    A tanulmány rámutat az altatódal zenei nevelésbe való beemelésének aktualitására és küldetésére. Részletezi e műfaj jelentőségét a saját kultúra megismerésének és multikulturális megközelítésének szempontjából. Az altatódal több szempontból is segíti az egyén harmonikus fejlődését: terápia, zenei és emocionális érzékenység (megismerés), esztétikai érzékelés, kommunikáció stb. This article refers to the timeliness of the lullabies in music education and highlights of its mission. Lullaby has a significance in terms of the knowledge o f their own culture and multicultural understanding. Lullaby for the harmonious development of the individual, has an impact on therapy, musical and emotional knowledge, aesthetic perception, communication, etc

    Lean Six Sigma Project Approach in Finance Department of Multinational Company

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou využití projektové metodologie Lean Six Sigma na finančním oddělení ve vybrané mezinárodní společnosti a návrhem postupu na jeho zlepšení. Jsou zde obsaženy teoretické poznatky týkající se metody Lean Six Sigma jako i praktická ukázka použití dané metody v praxi. Na základě údajů a zkoumání použití metody je provedená analýza efektivního využití. Následně je popsané zhodnocení dané analýzy a navržen postup pro zlepšení situace do budoucna.The master’s thesis deals with an analysis of Lean Six Sigma Project approach used by financial department in chosen multinational company. A proposal for improvement of using LSS in the future is placed in the thesis as well. The thesis contains theoretical knowledge about LSS as well as sample of using this method in real. An analysis of its effective usage is provided based on data and investigation right from the company using LSS. In the end there is evaluation of the analysis as well as proposal of future process for improvement in using LSS.

    Software support for cost calculation - application to the agricultural sector

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    Calculation of product costs is the source of information on the costs of selected produced products with great explanatory power. In current practice, the overhead costs on farms are monitored and calculated by species. They are allocated using an allocation base (average state of the animals, harvested area in hectares) or are converted using direct costs of the activity as an allocation base. With the current high level of overheads, this method cannot be considered effective. Only type classifications are monitored and are therefore anonymous in relation to activities. We consider high overhead costs as a good reason for implementing and using the methods of Activity Based Costing. In this paper we present a proposed model of Activity Based Costing for its use in agriculture, created in MS Excel. We create the model as a basic version, which can be more closely defined depending on the particular conditions of the business implementing the model. We complete the general model for better illustration with figures on costs. We present a comparison of model results with the traditional approach of calculating costs in agriculture. One of the biggest benefits of the ABC system is the binding of costs from accounts, activities performed and the cost of products in one system. We present a statistical comparison of model results with the traditional approach of calculating costs in agriculture

    Assessing the risks and their sources in dependence on the rate of implementing the risk management process in the SMEs

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    Research background: The managers have a key position in process of management risk. The managers are able to implement the risk management process in the companies with an emphasis on preventing the company crises using the appropriate methods and tools for the early identification of the changes if the entrepreneurial environment develops negatively. Does a manager have enough knowledge and awareness about the potential risk sources in company? Purpose of the article: The essence of this article is to assess the sources of the market, economic, financial, operational, HR, security and legal risk depending on the rate of implementing the risk management process in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Methods: We realized the risk assessment process on the basis of evaluations by 487 managers who gave their opinions to selected risks and their sources in the SMEs in Slovakia. Subsequently, we utilized the methods and tools of the mathematical statistics (descriptive statistics, comparison, Z-score for 2 population proportions, Chi-squared test for 5 x 2 contingency table). Findings & Value added: The strongest dependence perceived by the SME-entrepreneurs lies between the development of the tax and insurance burdens as the source of the economic risk and the criterion of the "level of the risk management in the company". The overall results of the empirical research underline the significance and importance of dealing with the assessment of the key risks and their sources in the Slovak SMEs. The results having been processed are the basic material for the professional public and other organizations whose effort is to help the companies in an effective implementation of the risk management process in the Slovak enterprises.Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic - VEGA [1/0560/16]; KEGA [030ZU-4/2018, 1/2018]Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV, VEGA: 1/0560/1

    Analysis of the market risk sources in the small and medium-sized enterprises of transport

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    The aim of this paper was to define the important market risk sources in the transport small and medium-sized enterprises segment. A part of this aim is to find out how entrepreneurs evaluate these sources, and quantify the differences in their evaluation based on the entrepreneur's characteristics, such as nationality, age, gender and others. The questionnaire was completed by 122 enterprises from Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Serbia. Statistical tools such as pivot tables, percentages and goodness-of-fit tests were applied to verify the formulated hypotheses. The most important source of market risk is a strong competition in the line of business. The obtained education of entrepreneurs is statistically significant characteristics for the evaluation of the market risk sources in selected transport enterprises. The findings are important for state institutions and their support systems in the transport SMEs segment. © 2019 University of Zilina. All rights reserved

    Costs of growing wheat and oilseed rape in slovakia and other V4 countries

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    This paper deals with the issue of cost in primary agricultural production. In this paper, we assess the trends in the costs of agricultural products in the V4 countries and compare them with each other. The subject of the analysis is the evaluation of the structure and development of costs and benefits for agricultural production as a whole, partially for crop and for livestock production and also for two specifically selected products. The purpose is to find out whether the costs incurred for the cultivation of wheat and oilseed rape in Slovakia are adequate as they are compared with the surrounding countries. Following the evaluation of the development of total costs, we define the substantive issues in overhead costs and evaluate their development. Based on the results of the analyses we have defined the proportion of overhead costs in agriculture as an important component of total production costs. The paper points to the need to innovate and modernise the way we think about overheads and the method of their calculation. We also look for the answer to how modern cost management methods could influence their height and development. We propose to improve the calculation system of agricultural enterprises in the analysed countries by introducing of non-traditional calculation method which removes the inaccuracy of the traditional methods and the non-targeted allocation of high overheads to the products

    Historie, stesk po domově a uzdravování. Irský sen o novém životě v Americe s odkazem na knihu Brooklyn Colma Tóibína

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    Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Leczenie kinezyterapeutyczne w przypadku stwardnienia rozsianego — opis przypadku

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    Introduction. Multiple sclerosis is understood to be an autoimmune disorder causing progressive inflammatory damage to myelin and finally destruction of axons. It is characterized by diffused deposits of demyelination which cause trespassing of the nervous impulses transfer. These deposits can trigger numerous symptoms including paresis, nystagmus or dysarthria, whereby their character depends on the place of the lesion in the central nervous system (CNS). As a demyelinational disease, multiple sclerosis is incurable and we still do not know the exact reason for its rise. The non-pharmacological treatment of multiple sclerosis includes also rehabilitation as well as appropriate lifestyle which are really very important in case of these patients.Case Report. The paper describes the case of a 68-year-old woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in whom weekly therapy and rehabilitation programme have been proposed. Also, recommendations for long-term rehabilitation have been submitted.Discussion. The plan of rehabilitation always corresponds to the degree of classification of the patient’s handicap assessed by rating scales.Conclusions. Patients’ impressions after the training in case of the multiple sclerosis vary, but long-term exercising positively influences their overall health condition. We recommend to the patients doing exercise which ought to be done as long as their health condition allows to do it. The patients can obtain here a lot of relevant information which is connected with their lives. (JNNN 2015;4(2):69–75)Wstęp. Stwardnienie rozsiane jest chorobą autoimmunologiczną powodującą postępujące uszkodzenie zapalne mieliny i ostatecznie zniszczenie aksonów. Charakteryzuje ją rozproszenie obszarów demielinizacji inge­rujących w przekaz impulsów nerwowych. Obszary te powodują wiele objawów, takich jak niedowłady, oczopląs lub dyzartria, przy czym ich postać zależy od miejsca uszkodzenia w obrębie ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN). Jako choroba demielinizacyjna, stwardnienie rozsiane jest nieuleczalne i wciąż nie jest nam znana prawdziwa przyczyna jej występowania. Częścią nie farmakologicznego leczenia stwardnienia rozsianego są rehabilitacja oraz prawidłowy tryb życia, tak ważne w przypadku pacjentów cierpiących na tę chorobę.Opis przypadku. W niniejszym opracowaniu opisany został przypadek 68-letniej pacjentki, ze zdiagnozowanym stwardnieniem rozsianym, dla której zaproponowana została terapia tygodniowa oraz program rehabilitacji. Przedstawiono również zalecenia dotyczące długoterminowej rehabilitacji.Dyskusja. Plan rehabilitacji powinien zawsze uwzględniać stopień kalectwa pacjenta, określony według skali ocen.Wnioski. Odczucia pacjentów po wykonanych ćwiczeniach, w przypadku stwardnienia rozsianego, nie są takie same, jednak ćwiczenie przez dłuższy okres pozytywnie wpływa na ich ogólny stan zdrowia. Pacjentom zaleca się wykonywa­nie ćwiczeń, które mogą być wykonywane tak długo, jak pozwala na to stan ich zdrowia. Pacjenci mogą uzyskać tu wiele potrzebnych oraz interesujących ich informacji związanych z ich funkcjonowaniem. (PNN 2015;4(2):69–75