504 research outputs found

    Structural adjustments and international trade: theory and evidence from China

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    This paper studies how changes in factor endowment, technology, and trade costs jointly determine the structural adjustments, which are defined as changes in distributions of production and exports. We document the structural adjustments in Chinese manufacturing firms from 1999 to 2007 and find that production became more capital-intensive while exports did not. We structurally estimate a Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin model with heterogeneous firms to explain this seemingly puzzling pattern. Counterfactual simulations show that capital deepening made Chinese production more capital-intensive, but technology changes that biased toward the labor-intensive sectors and trade liberalizations provided a counterbalancing forc

    Separating sexual dimorphism from other morphological variation in a specimen complex of fossil marine reptiles (Reptilia, Ichthyosauriformes, Chaohusaurus).

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    The Early Triassic Chaohu Fauna from Anhui Province, China, contains the oldest record of Mesozoic marine reptiles, such as Cartorhynchus and Sclerocormus. Most specimens from the fauna belong to the ichthyosauriform Chaohusaurus, more specifically resembling C. chaoxianensis. However, a wide range of morphological variation exists within about 40 skeletons that have been prepared, likely reflecting mixed signals from both sexual and taxonomic differences. We test whether the sexual and taxonomic signals are separable based on quantification, aided by the knowledge of sexual dimorphism in extant marine tetrapods. There are two different suites of dimorphism that divide the specimens differently from each other yet consistently within each suite, resulting in four morphotypes in combination, likely representing two sexes of two taxa. Presumed males have larger organ of prehension sensu Darwin, specifically limbs in the present case, for a given body length. This sexing criterion is supported by the only specimen of a gravid female, which belongs to the morphotype with short limbs. Males also have larger skulls for the trunk length compared to females. This study demonstrates that sexual and taxonomic signals are separable in fossil reptiles, with a sufficient sample size and careful analyses

    Devices for surface working by plane means of vibration rolling

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    The analysis of manufacturing and technology accessories for regular micro-relief forming at flat surfaces by vibration rolling is given. The new design of apparatus providing an equal vibration roling forces at all vibration rolling devices is proposed

    Impact of vaccination on the COVID-19 pandemic in U.S. states

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    Governments worldwide are implementing mass vaccination programs in an effort to end the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Here, we evaluated the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination program in its early stage and predicted the path to herd immunity in the U.S. By early March 2021, we estimated that vaccination reduced the total number of new cases by 4.4 million (from 33.0 to 28.6 million), prevented approximately 0.12 million hospitalizations (from 0.89 to 0.78 million), and decreased the population infection rate by 1.34 percentage points (from 10.10 to 8.76%). We built a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model with vaccination to predict herd immunity, following the trends from the early-stage vaccination program. Herd immunity could be achieved earlier with a faster vaccination pace, lower vaccine hesitancy, and higher vaccine effectiveness. The Delta variant has substantially postponed the predicted herd immunity date, through a combination of reduced vaccine effectiveness, lowered recovery rate, and increased infection and death rates. These findings improve our understanding of the COVID-19 vaccination and can inform future public health policies

    Endogenous cross-region human mobility and pandemics

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    We study infectious diseases using a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Deceased model with endogenous cross-region human mobility. Individuals weigh the risk of infection against economic opportunities when moving across regions. The model predicts that the mobility rate of susceptible individuals declines with a higher infection rate at the destination. With cross-region mobility, a decrease in the transmission rate or an increase in the removal rate of the virus in any region reduces the global basic reproduction number (R0). Global R0 falls between the minimum and maximum of local R0s. A new method of Normalized Hat Algebra is developed to solve the model dynamics. Simulations indicate that a decrease in global R0 does not always imply a lower cumulative infection rate. Local and central governments may prefer different mobility control policies

    Accurate determination of microparticle size using Fourier transform of light scattering spectrum over wavenumber

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    © 2007 Optical Society of AmericaThe definitive version of this paper is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.32.001171DOI: 10.1364/OL.32.001171We discovered that the far-field light scattering spectra of microparticles over wavenumber at a certain angle could be decomposed into periodic components, with an oscillation frequency linearly dependent on the particle size at each angle. Based on this observation, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a new Fourier transform technique for microparticle size determination. This technique is simple, fast, robust in its data processing algorithm, and flexible in its detection system

    Continual Graph Convolutional Network for Text Classification

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    Graph convolutional network (GCN) has been successfully applied to capture global non-consecutive and long-distance semantic information for text classification. However, while GCN-based methods have shown promising results in offline evaluations, they commonly follow a seen-token-seen-document paradigm by constructing a fixed document-token graph and cannot make inferences on new documents. It is a challenge to deploy them in online systems to infer steaming text data. In this work, we present a continual GCN model (ContGCN) to generalize inferences from observed documents to unobserved documents. Concretely, we propose a new all-token-any-document paradigm to dynamically update the document-token graph in every batch during both the training and testing phases of an online system. Moreover, we design an occurrence memory module and a self-supervised contrastive learning objective to update ContGCN in a label-free manner. A 3-month A/B test on Huawei public opinion analysis system shows ContGCN achieves 8.86% performance gain compared with state-of-the-art methods. Offline experiments on five public datasets also show ContGCN can improve inference quality. The source code will be released at https://github.com/Jyonn/ContGCN.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, AAAI 2023 accepted pape