85 research outputs found

    Measuring financial protection against catastrophic health expenditures: methodological challenges for global monitoring.

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    BACKGROUND: Monitoring financial protection against catastrophic health expenditures is important to understand how health financing arrangements in a country protect its population against high costs associated with accessing health services. While catastrophic health expenditures are generally defined to be when household expenditures for health exceed a given threshold of household resources, there is no gold standard with several methods applied to define the threshold and household resources. These different approaches to constructing the indicator might give different pictures of a country's progress towards financial protection. In order for monitoring to effectively provide policy insight, it is critical to understand the sensitivity of measurement to these choices. METHODS: This paper examines the impact of varying two methodological choices by analysing household expenditure data from a sample of 47 countries. We assess sensitivity of cross-country comparisons to a range of thresholds by testing for restricted dominance. We further assess sensitivity of comparisons to different methods for defining household resources (i.e. total expenditure, non-food expenditure and non-subsistence expenditure) by conducting correlation tests of country rankings. RESULTS: We found country rankings are robust to the choice of threshold in a tenth to a quarter of comparisons within the 5-85% threshold range and this increases to half of comparisons if the threshold is restricted to 5-40%, following those commonly used in the literature. Furthermore, correlations of country rankings using different methods to define household resources were moderate to high; thus, this choice makes less difference from a measurement perspective than from an ethical perspective as different definitions of available household resources reflect varying concerns for equity. CONCLUSIONS: Interpreting comparisons from global monitoring based on a single threshold should be done with caution as these may not provide reliable insight into relative country progress. We therefore recommend financial protection against catastrophic health expenditures be measured across a range of thresholds using a catastrophic incidence curve as shown in this paper. We further recommend evaluating financial protection in relation to a country's health financing system arrangements in order to better understand the extent of protection and better inform future policy changes

    Countdown to 2015: changes in official development assistance to maternal, newborn, and child health in 2009-10, and assessment of progress since 2003.

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    BACKGROUND: Tracking of financial resources to maternal, newborn, and child health provides crucial information to assess accountability of donors. We analysed official development assistance (ODA) flows to maternal, newborn, and child health for 2009 and 2010, and assessed progress since our monitoring began in 2003. METHODS: We coded and analysed all 2009 and 2010 aid activities from the database of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, according to a functional classification of activities and whether all or a proportion of the value of the disbursement contributed towards maternal, newborn, and child health. We analysed trends since 2003, and reported two indicators for monitoring donor disbursements: ODA to child health per child and ODA to maternal and newborn health per livebirth. We analysed the degree to which donors allocated ODA to 74 countries with the highest maternal and child mortality rates (Countdown priority countries) with time and by type of donor. FINDINGS: Donor disbursements to maternal, newborn, and child health activities in all countries continued to increase, to 6511millionin2009,butslightlydecreasedforthefirsttimesinceourmonitoringstarted,to6511 million in 2009, but slightly decreased for the first time since our monitoring started, to 6480 million in 2010. ODA for such activities to the 74 Countdown priority countries continued to increase in real terms, but its rate of increase has been slowing since 2008. We identified strong evidence that targeting of ODA to countries with high rates of maternal mortality improved from 2005 to 2010. Targeting of ODA to child health also improved but to a lesser degree. The share of multilateral funding continued to decrease but, relative to bilaterals and global health initiatives, was better targeted. INTERPRETATION: The recent slowdown in the rate of funding increases is worrying and likely to partly result from the present financial crisis. Tracking of donor aid should continue, to encourage donor accountability and to monitor performance in targeting aid flows to those in most need. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; World Bank; Governments of Australia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, and the UK

    Evaluating health systems strengthening interventions in low-income and middle-income countries: are we asking the right questions?

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    In recent years, there have been several calls for rigorous health policy and systems research to inform efforts to strengthen health systems (HS) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), including the use of systems thinking concepts in designing and evaluating HS strengthening interventions. The objectives of this paper are to assess recent evaluations of HS strengthening interventions to examine the extent to which they ask a broader set of questions, and provide an appropriately comprehensive assessment of the effects of these interventions across the health system. A review of evaluations conducted in 2009-10 was performed to answer these questions. Out of 106 evaluations, less than half (43%) asked broad research questions to allow for a comprehensive assessment of the intervention's effects across multiple HS building blocks. Only half of the evaluations referred to a conceptual framework to guide their impact assessment. Overall, 24% and 9% conducted process and context evaluations, respectively, to answer the question of whether the intervention worked as intended, and if so, for whom, and under what circumstances. Almost half of the evaluations considered HS impact on one building block, while most interventions were complex targeting two or more building blocks. None incorporated evaluation designs that took into account the characteristics of complex adaptive systems such as non-linearity of effects or interactions between the HS building blocks. While we do not argue that all evaluations should be comprehensive, there is a need for more comprehensive evaluations of the wider range of the intervention's effects, when appropriate. Our findings suggest that the full range of barriers to more comprehensive evaluations need to be examined and, where appropriate, addressed. Possible barriers may include limited capacity, lack of funding, inadequate time frames, lack of demand from both researchers and research funders, or difficulties in undertaking this type of evaluatio

    A dominance approach to analyze the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures in Iran.

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    Financial protection is a health system goal for all countries. Assessing progress on this relies on measuring the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures (proportion of the population whose out-of-pocket (OOP) payments for health surpass a certain threshold of household resources). Standard approaches rely on selective thresholds, however this masks varying intensities of financial hardship and poses a measurement challenge as incidence is sensitive to the choice of the threshold. We address this problem by applying the dominance approach, which tests differences in catastrophic incidence curves over a continuous range of thresholds. Iran is an interesting country for empirical application of the dominance approach given its historically high reliance on OOP payments to finance its health system and its commitment to improving financial protection through several national health policies over the last two decades. Using data from annual Household Income and Expenditure Surveys from 2005 to 2017 (sample size: 26,851-39,088 households), incidence was analyzed following this novel approach. Distribution of incidence across socio-economic status was also analyzed by estimating concentration indices and across health services or products by estimating average shares of each item. Results showed that over time catastrophic health expenditures increased for thresholds lower than 25% and decreased for thresholds higher than 35%. Catastrophic health expenditures were more equally distributed across income levels at lower thresholds, becoming concentrated amongst the rich as the threshold rose. Medicines represented the largest share of catastrophic spending for the poorest; medicines, dentistry, inpatient and ancillary services for the richest. This is the first study to apply dominance methods to analyze catastrophic health expenditures in a country over time. The analysis provides a nuanced picture of who incurs catastrophic health expenditures, to what extent hardship is experienced and what were the drivers of these expenditures - thus providing a better basis for policy responses

    Developing a dataset to track aid for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, 2003-2013.

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    We created a dataset to generate estimates of donor-reported 'official development assistance' and private grants (ODA+) to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) by donor, recipient country and activity type over the period 2003-2013. We collected disbursement information from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Creditor Reporting System (CRS) in January 2015. All 2.1 million records across all sectors were coded based on donor name, project title, short and long descriptions, and CRS code describing the purpose of the disbursement. We classified records according to the degree to which they would promote attainment of Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 (reproductive and sexual health, maternal and newborn health, and child health). We also classified records according to whether they supported prenatal and neonatal health (PNH). The dataset includes project funding as well as allocating shares of general budget support, health sector support and basket funding. The data can be used to analyse resource flows to RMNCH or to other purposes or beneficiaries of ODA+

    Countdown ODA+ Dataset

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    Dataset containing 2.1 million records used to generate estimates of official development assistance (ODA) to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) based upon donor, recipient country and activity type between 2003–2013. Disbursement information on donor-reported ODA and private grants were obtained from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Creditor Reporting System in January 2015 and coded based on donor name, project title, short and long descriptions, and CRS code describing the disbursement purpose. The coding scheme classifies records according to the degree to which they would promote attainment of Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 (reproductive and sexual health, maternal and newborn health, and child health, RMNCH). We also classified records according to whether they supported prenatal and newborn health (PNH). The dataset includes project funding as well as allocating shares of general budget support, health sector support and basket funding based on recipient country characteristics. The data can be used for analysis of resource flows to RMNCH or to other purposes or beneficiaries. This dataset uses OECD CRS data: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=CRS1 (accessed 7th January 2015). CRS data are copyright OECD and free to use for any purpose with acknowledgement of their source

    Countdown to 2015: changes in offi cial development assistance to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health, and assessment of progress between 2003 and 2012

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    Background Tracking of aid resources to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) provides timely and crucial information to hold donors accountable. For the fi rst time, we examine fl ows in offi cial development assistance (ODA) and grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (collectively termed ODA+) in relation to the continuum of care for RMNCH and assess progress since 2003. Methods We coded and analysed fi nancial disbursements for maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and for reproductive health (R*) to all recipient countries worldwide from all donors reporting to the creditor reporting system database for the years 2011–12. We also included grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We analysed trends for MNCH for the period 2003–12 and for R* for the period 2009–12. Findings ODA+ to RMNCH from all donors to all countries worldwide amounted to US122billionin2011(an11812·2 billion in 2011 (an 11·8% increase relative to 2010) and 12·8 billion in 2012 (a 5·0% increase relative to 2011). ODA+ to MNCH represents more than 60% of all aid to RMNCH. ODA+ to projects that have newborns as part of the target population has increased 34-fold since 2003. ODA to RMNCH from the 31 donors, which have reported consistently since 2003, to the 75 Countdown priority countries, saw a 3·2% increase in 2011 relative to 2010 (83billionin2011),andan1188·3 billion in 2011), and an 11·8% increase in 2012 relative to 2011 (9·3 billion in 2012). ODA to RMNCH projects has increased with time, whereas general budget support has continuously declined. Bilateral agencies are still the predominant source of ODA to RMNCH. Increased funding to family planning, nutrition, and immunisation projects were noted in 2011 and 2012. ODA+ has been targeted to RMNCH during the period 2005–12, although there is no evidence of improvements in targeting over time. Interpretation Despite a reduction in ODA+ in 2011, ODA+ to RMNCH increased in both 2011 and 2012. The increase in funding is encouraging, but continued increases are needed to accelerate progress towards achieving MDGs 4 and 5 and beyond

    Care Staff and the Creative Arts: Exploring the Context of Involving Care Personnel in Arts Interventions

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    Background: Arts-based interventions play an important role in the care of people with dementia. Yet, creative arts are seldom implemented as a tool to enhance the care and wellbeing of people with dementia. Methods: We examined the involvement of care staff in creative arts activities in residential care. Aspects of involvement that appear to influence outcomes in people with dementia were identified and analyzed. A broad systematic literature search of MedLine, EMBASE, PsychInfo, CINAHL, ASSIA, SCOPUS, and Web of Science led to the identification of 14 papers. The studies identified through the search process were examined in terms of intervention, context, mechanism and outcome, and the relationships between these aspects. Results: Training sessions were identified as an opportunity to educate care personnel on useful techniques that are relevant to daily care practice. Evidence from the literature suggests that creative arts programs play a significant role in the way staff and residents interact and as a result influence the care practice of staff. Under certain conditions creative arts programs, that involve and engage staff, facilitate enhanced interactions and improve care strategies, which leads to the recognition and validation of personhood in residents with dementia. Conclusions: These findings provide a basis for illustrating which elements of care staff involvement in creative arts programs could be implemented in residential care contexts in order to have the upmost benefit. Copyright © International Psychogeriatric Association 2017

    Countdown to 2015: changes in official development assistance to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health, and assessment of progress between 2003 and 2012.

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    BACKGROUND: Tracking of aid resources to reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health (RMNCH) provides timely and crucial information to hold donors accountable. For the first time, we examine flows in official development assistance (ODA) and grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (collectively termed ODA+) in relation to the continuum of care for RMNCH and assess progress since 2003. METHODS: We coded and analysed financial disbursements for maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and for reproductive health (R*) to all recipient countries worldwide from all donors reporting to the creditor reporting system database for the years 2011-12. We also included grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We analysed trends for MNCH for the period 2003-12 and for R* for the period 2009-12. FINDINGS: ODA+ to RMNCH from all donors to all countries worldwide amounted to US122billionin2011(an11812·2 billion in 2011 (an 11·8% increase relative to 2010) and 12·8 billion in 2012 (a 5·0% increase relative to 2011). ODA+ to MNCH represents more than 60% of all aid to RMNCH. ODA+ to projects that have newborns as part of the target population has increased 34-fold since 2003. ODA to RMNCH from the 31 donors, which have reported consistently since 2003, to the 75 Countdown priority countries, saw a 3·2% increase in 2011 relative to 2010 (83billionin2011),andan1188·3 billion in 2011), and an 11·8% increase in 2012 relative to 2011 (9·3 billion in 2012). ODA to RMNCH projects has increased with time, whereas general budget support has continuously declined. Bilateral agencies are still the predominant source of ODA to RMNCH. Increased funding to family planning, nutrition, and immunisation projects were noted in 2011 and 2012. ODA+ has been targeted to RMNCH during the period 2005-12, although there is no evidence of improvements in targeting over time. INTERPRETATION: Despite a reduction in ODA+ in 2011, ODA+ to RMNCH increased in both 2011 and 2012. The increase in funding is encouraging, but continued increases are needed to accelerate progress towards achieving MDGs 4 and 5 and beyond. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    EZH2 modifies sunitinib resistance in renal cell carcinoma by kinome reprogramming

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    Acquired and intrinsic resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (RTKi) represent a major hurdle in improving the management of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Recent reports suggest that drug resistance is driven by tumor adaptation via epigenetic mechanisms that activate alternative survival pathways. The histone methyl transferase EZH2 is frequently altered in many cancers including ccRCC. To evaluate its role in ccRCC resistance to RTKi, we established and characterized a spontaneously metastatic, patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model that is intrinsically resistant to the RTKI sunitinib but not to the VEGF therapeutic antibody bevacizumab. Sunitinib maintained its anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic activity but lost its direct anti-tumor effects due to kinome reprogramming, which resulted in suppression of pro- apoptotic and cell cycle regulatory target genes. Modulating EZH2 expression or activity suppressed phosphorylation of certain RTK, restoring the anti-tumor effects of sunitnib in models of acquired or intrinsically resistant ccRCC. Overall, our results highlight EZH2 as a rational target for therapeutic intervention in sunitinib-resistant ccRCC as well as a predictive marker for RTKi response in this disease.This research was funded by Roswell Park Cancer Institute’s Cancer Center Support Grant from National Cancer Institute, NIH P30CA016056 (RP) and a generous donation by Richard and Deidre Turner (RP). This investigation was conducted in-part in a facility constructed with support from Research Facilities Improvement Program Grant Number C06 RR020128-01 from the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health