18,038 research outputs found

    Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data

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    Subsequence clustering of multivariate time series is a useful tool for discovering repeated patterns in temporal data. Once these patterns have been discovered, seemingly complicated datasets can be interpreted as a temporal sequence of only a small number of states, or clusters. For example, raw sensor data from a fitness-tracking application can be expressed as a timeline of a select few actions (i.e., walking, sitting, running). However, discovering these patterns is challenging because it requires simultaneous segmentation and clustering of the time series. Furthermore, interpreting the resulting clusters is difficult, especially when the data is high-dimensional. Here we propose a new method of model-based clustering, which we call Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-based Clustering (TICC). Each cluster in the TICC method is defined by a correlation network, or Markov random field (MRF), characterizing the interdependencies between different observations in a typical subsequence of that cluster. Based on this graphical representation, TICC simultaneously segments and clusters the time series data. We solve the TICC problem through alternating minimization, using a variation of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. We derive closed-form solutions to efficiently solve the two resulting subproblems in a scalable way, through dynamic programming and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), respectively. We validate our approach by comparing TICC to several state-of-the-art baselines in a series of synthetic experiments, and we then demonstrate on an automobile sensor dataset how TICC can be used to learn interpretable clusters in real-world scenarios.Comment: This revised version fixes two small typos in the published versio

    Correlation of the Hippocampal theta rhythm to changes in hypothalamic temperature

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    Warming and cooling the preoptic anterior hypothalamic area in awake, loosely restrained rabbits was found to evoke theta rhythm. This is consistent with previous studies indicating that theta rhythm is a nonspecific response evoked by stimulation of several sensory modalities. Several studies have correlated theta rhythm with alertness. A neural pathway involving the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the septal area, and the reticular formation is proposed. Thus, a role of this pathway may be to alert the animal to changes in its body temperature

    Analytical technique for simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit error correction

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    Simpler encoding and decoding networks are necessary for more reliable quantum error correcting codes (QECCs). The simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit QECC can be derived analytically if the QECC is converted from its equivalent one-way entanglement purification protocol (1-EPP). In this work, the analytical method to simplify the encoder-decoder circuit is introduced and a circuit that is as simple as the existent simplest circuits is presented as an example. The encoder-decoder circuit presented here involves nine single- and two-qubit unitary operations, only six of which are controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates

    Observations of breakup processes of liquid jets using real-time X-ray radiography

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    To unravel the liquid-jet breakup process in the nondilute region, a newly developed system of real-time X-ray radiography, an advanced digital image processor, and a high-speed video camera were used. Based upon recorded X-ray images, the inner structure of a liquid jet during breakup was observed. The jet divergence angle, jet breakup length, and fraction distributions along the axial and transverse directions of the liquid jets were determined in the near-injector region. Both wall- and free-jet tests were conducted to study the effect of wall friction on the jet breakup process

    Impact of Different Fecal Processing Methods on Assessments of Bacterial Diversity in the Human Intestine.

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    The intestinal microbiota are integral to understanding the relationships between nutrition and health. Therefore, fecal sampling and processing protocols for metagenomic surveys should be sufficiently robust, accurate, and reliable to identify the microorganisms present. We investigated the use of different fecal preparation methods on the bacterial community structures identified in human stools. Complete stools were collected from six healthy individuals and processed according to the following methods: (i) randomly sampled fresh stool, (ii) fresh stool homogenized in a blender for 2 min, (iii) randomly sampled frozen stool, and (iv) frozen stool homogenized in a blender for 2 min, or (v) homogenized in a pneumatic mixer for either 10, 20, or 30 min. High-throughput DNA sequencing of the 16S rRNA V4 regions of bacterial community DNA extracted from the stools showed that the fecal microbiota remained distinct between individuals, independent of processing method. Moreover, the different stool preparation approaches did not alter intra-individual bacterial diversity. Distinctions were found at the level of individual taxa, however. Stools that were frozen and then homogenized tended to have higher proportions of Faecalibacterium, Streptococcus, and Bifidobacterium and decreased quantities of Oscillospira, Bacteroides, and Parabacteroides compared to stools that were collected in small quantities and not mixed prior to DNA extraction. These findings indicate that certain taxa are at particular risk for under or over sampling due to protocol differences. Importantly, homogenization by any method significantly reduced the intra-individual variation in bacteria detected per stool. Our results confirm the robustness of fecal homogenization for microbial analyses and underscore the value of collecting and mixing large stool sample quantities in human nutrition intervention studies

    Space charge enhanced plasma gradient effects on satellite electric field measurements

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    It has been recognized that plasma gradients can cause error in magnetospheric electric field measurements made by double probes. Space charge enhanced Plasma Gradient Induced Error (PGIE) is discussed in general terms, presenting the results of a laboratory experiment designed to demonstrate this error, and deriving a simple expression that quantifies this error. Experimental conditions were not identical to magnetospheric conditions, although efforts were made to insure the relevant physics applied to both cases. The experimental data demonstrate some of the possible errors in electric field measurements made by strongly emitting probes due to space charge effects in the presence of plasma gradients. Probe errors in space and laboratory conditions are discussed, as well as experimental error. In the final section, theoretical aspects are examined and an expression is derived for the maximum steady state space charge enhanced PGIE taken by two identical current biased probes

    An upper limit for the water outgassing rate of the main-belt comet 176P/LINEAR observed with Herschel/HIFI

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    176P/LINEAR is a member of the new cometary class known as main-belt comets (MBCs). It displayed cometary activity shortly during its 2005 perihelion passage that may be driven by the sublimation of sub-surface ices. We have therefore searched for emission of the H2O 110-101 ground state rotational line at 557 GHz toward 176P/LINEAR with the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) on board the Herschel Space Observatory on UT 8.78 August 2011, about 40 days after its most recent perihelion passage, when the object was at a heliocentric distance of 2.58 AU. No H2O line emission was detected in our observations, from which we derive sensitive 3-sigma upper limits for the water production rate and column density of < 4e25 molec/s and of < 3e10 cm^{-2}, respectively. From the peak brightness measured during the object's active period in 2005, this upper limit is lower than predicted by the relation between production rates and visual magnitudes observed for a sample of comets by Jorda et al. (2008) at this heliocentric distance. Thus, 176P/LINEAR was likely less active at the time of our observation than during its previous perihelion passage. The retrieved upper limit is lower than most values derived for the H2O production rate from the spectroscopic search for CN emission in MBCs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes to match published versio

    Effects of Kinks on DNA Elasticity

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    We study the elastic response of a worm-like polymer chain with reversible kink-like structural defects. This is a generic model for (a) the double-stranded DNA with sharp bends induced by binding of certain proteins, and (b) effects of trans-gauche rotations in the backbone of the single-stranded DNA. The problem is solved both analytically and numerically by generalizing the well-known analogy to the Quantum Rotator. In the small stretching force regime, we find that the persistence length is renormalized due to the presence of the kinks. In the opposite regime, the response to the strong stretching is determined solely by the bare persistence length with exponential corrections due to the ``ideal gas of kinks''. This high-force behavior changes significantly in the limit of high bending rigidity of the chain. In that case, the leading corrections to the mechanical response are likely to be due to the formation of multi-kink structures, such as kink pairs.Comment: v1: 16 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX; submitted to Physical Review E; v2: a new subsection on soft kinks added to section Theory, sections Introduction and Conclusions expanded, references added, other minor changes; v3: a reference adde

    The double life of electrons in magnetic iron pnictides, as revealed by NMR

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    We present a phenomenological, two-fluid approach to understanding the magnetic excitations in Fe pnictides, in which a paramagnetic fluid with gapless, incoherent particle-hole excitations coexists with an antiferromagnetic fluid with gapped, coherent spin wave excitations. We show that this two-fluid phenomenology provides an excellent quantitative description of NMR data for magnetic "122" pnictides, and argue that it finds a natural justification in LSDA and spin density wave calculations. We further use this phenomenology to estimate the maximum renormalisation of the ordered moment that can follow from low-energy spin fluctuations in Fe pnictides. We find that this is too small to account for the discrepancy between ab intio calculations and neutron scattering measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Observational and Dynamical Characterization of Main-Belt Comet P/2010 R2 (La Sagra)

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    We present observations of comet-like main-belt object P/2010 R2 (La Sagra) obtained by Pan-STARRS 1 and the Faulkes Telescope-North on Haleakala in Hawaii, the University of Hawaii 2.2 m, Gemini-North, and Keck I telescopes on Mauna Kea, the Danish 1.54 m telescope at La Silla, and the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma. An antisolar dust tail is observed from August 2010 through February 2011, while a dust trail aligned with the object's orbit plane is also observed from December 2010 through August 2011. Assuming typical phase darkening behavior, P/La Sagra is seen to increase in brightness by >1 mag between August 2010 and December 2010, suggesting that dust production is ongoing over this period. These results strongly suggest that the observed activity is cometary in nature (i.e., driven by the sublimation of volatile material), and that P/La Sagra is therefore the most recent main-belt comet to be discovered. We find an approximate absolute magnitude for the nucleus of H_R=17.9+/-0.2 mag, corresponding to a nucleus radius of ~0.7 km, assuming an albedo of p=0.05. Using optical spectroscopy, we find no evidence of sublimation products (i.e., gas emission), finding an upper limit CN production rate of Q_CN<6x10^23 mol/s, from which we infer an H2O production rate of Q_H2O<10^26 mol/s. Numerical simulations indicate that P/La Sagra is dynamically stable for >100 Myr, suggesting that it is likely native to its current location and that its composition is likely representative of other objects in the same region of the main belt, though the relatively close proximity of the 13:6 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and the (3,-2,-1) three-body mean-motion resonance with Jupiter and Saturn mean that dynamical instability on larger timescales cannot be ruled out.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A