158 research outputs found


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    The text analyzes the characteristics of colonial structures: race, ethnicity and loss of innocence, in the film by the Colombian director Ciro Guerra, Embrace of the Serpent (2015). For this, a dialogue is created with theoretical ideas from Fanon, Quijano, Shohat and Stam. This film is considered a critical postcolonial film.DOI: https://doi.org/10.33571//revistaluciernaga.v11n21a3O texto analisa as características das estruturas coloniais: raça e etnia, perda de inocência, no filme O Abraço da Cobra (2015) do diretor colombiano Ciro Guerra. Para isso, um diálogo será criado com idéias teóricas de Fanon, Quijano, Shohat e Stam e isso nos permitirá considerar este filme como um filme pós-colonial crítico

    Mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo no mercado de energia elétrica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Este trabalho baseia-se na realização de uma pesquisa documental dos aspectos relacionados com o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, com uma aplicação do caso particular para cálculo de emissões reduzidas e geração de energia elétrica a partir de biogás como fonte renovável. São particularmente analisadas as possibilidades de redução de gases de efeito estufa a partir da geração de energia de fontes alternativas limpas. Foi estudada a aplicabilidade e viabilidade da realização de um projeto de desenvolvimento limpo no Brasil, mediante uma proposta científica. Apresenta-se uma análise dos aspectos técnicos da produção de energia elétrica com biogás, e são considerados aspectos sócio-econômicos que podem viabilizar ou não o projeto de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo. This work is based on the development of a documental research on Clean Development Mechanism, supported by the application of a case study of the calculation of emission reductions and power generation considering biogas as an energy source. Possibilities of reduction of greenhouse gases are analyzed by generating power as an alternative clean source. The realization of a clean development project in Brazil is also studied through a scientific proposal with the calculation of emissions reductions coming from biogas. A technical analysis and socioeconomic aspects are presented that could support a Clean Development Mechanism project

    Clinical significance of donor-specific human leukocyte antigen antibodies in liver transplantation

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    Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) caused by donorspecific anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies (DSA) is widely accepted to be a risk factor for decreased graft survival after kidney transplantation. This entity also plays a pathogenic role in other solid organ transplants as it appears to be an increasingly common cause of heart graft dysfunction and an emerging issue in lung transplantation. In contrast, the liver appears relatively resistant to DSA-mediated injury. This “immune-tolerance” liver property has been sustained by a low rate of liver graft loss in patients with preformed DSA and by the intrinsic liver characteristics that favor the absorption and elimination of DSA; however, alloantibody-mediated adverse consequences are increasingly being recognized, and several cases of acute AMR after ABO-compatible liver transplant (LT) have been reported. Furthermore, the availability of new solid-phase assays, allowing the detection of low titers of DSA and the refinement of objective diagnostic criteria for AMR in solid organ transplants and particularly in LT, have improved the recognition and management of this entity. A cost-effective strategy of DSA monitoring, avoidance of class ? human leukocyte antigen mismatching, judicious immunosuppression attached to a higher level of clinical suspicion of AMR, particularly in cases unresponsive to conventional antirejection therapy, can allow a rational approach to this threat

    Especificaciones básicas de diseño e ingeniería (especialidad eléctrica), de una plataforma marítima de comercio de biocombustibles /

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    El presente trabajo fue realizado para el uso tanto de estudiantes de ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica como para profesionales de las mismas ramas. En este documento se desarrolla un conjunto de lineamientos básicos técnicos que le otorgará al lector las herramientas teórico-conceptuales necesarias para el diseño e implementación de instalaciones eléctricas en ambientes marítimos, y específicamente en plataformas marítimas del ámbito industrial. El lector podrá encontrar referencias bibliográficas de gran importancia, relacionadas con las reglas nacionales e internacionales dispuestas para el diseño e implementación de ingeniería para este tipo de instalaciones eléctricas, constantemente citadas y expuestas detalladamente si el entorno lo demanda, con el objetivo de generar una correcta perspectiva en cuanto a las carencias y avances de este tipo de regulación en Colombia. Por esta razón las bases normativas sobresalientes que podrá observar serán: RETIE, NTC 2050, NEC, API, NFPA e IEEE. A lo largo del documento se podrá encontrar dos ejes temáticos, el primero correspondiente a las especificaciones técnicas básicas a tener en cuenta para realizar el diseño e ingeniería de las instalaciones eléctricas de plataformas marítimas, y la segunda parte está relacionada con las especificaciones técnicas básicas constructivas de las instalaciones eléctricas de plataformas marítimas. Esta división permitirá al lector conocer las herramientas y conceptos necesarios tanto para el diseño como para la construcción de este tipo de instalaciones eléctricas. Específicamente los temas más sobresalientes que se desarrollarán en ambos ejes temáticos hacen referencia a las condiciones ambientales a las cuales se encuentran sometidos este tipo de instalaciones y así todos sus equipos eléctricos, datos de la red eléctrica y su correspondiente descripción, normatividad de los conductores puestos a tierra, clasificación de las áreas, características eléctricas y ambientales de los equipos principales y finalmente la estructura del cableado e iluminación de las plataformas marítimas.Incluye bibliografí

    Análisis y diseño prototipo de aplicativo de servicio para hogares comunitarios

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    algunas de las problemáticas principales que tienen los hogares comunitarios, tienen que ver con el control de la información de los niños y padres de familia, así como, la evolución psicológica y nutricional de los niños en esos hogares, también la generación de los diferentes informes que las madres comunitarias le tocan hacer cada mes. Para la solución de esta situación, utilizamos la ingeniería de software e implementaremos dos fases de la metodología cascada que son el análisis y diseño

    Sistema web para el proceso de administración y gestión de historias clínicas electrónicas gastroenterológicas en el Consultorio “Dr. Leoncio Barranzuela Sarango"

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    El presente documento va desde el análisis, diseño e implantación de un Sistema Web basado en la solución para el consultorio gastroenterológico Barranzuela para el proceso de Administración y Gestión de Historias Clínicas electrónicas gastroenterológicas, el tipo de la presente investigación es Aplicada y del mismo modo pre experimental, a raíz de que esta busca una solución determinada y establecida referente al problema presenta el consultorio mediante el sistema que se está mencionando. Para las etapas en la presente investigación y la implementación se basó en la metodología ICONIX, dicha metodología fue escogida debido a que es ordenada y los pasos a seguir agilizan el proceso, todo ello teniendo en cuenta la importancia de los requerimientos y necesidades de la empresa, en el caso del modelado de la base de dato se utilizó MySQL y PHPmyadmin ,PHP , se apoyó en el framework de programación Laravel, dichas herramientas fueron empleadas para todo el desarrollo del Sistema Web. Para la medición de los indicadores se utilizó una muestra de 182 historias clínicas que se vieron involucrados en dicho proceso en el consultorio gastroenterológico Dr. Leoncio Barranzuela para el muestreo del trabajo de investigación se utilizó la técnica de fichaje, se utilizó el test y el re test para evaluar la confiabilidad del instrumento. De este modo, se espera que un SistemaWebmejore la calidad de historias clínicas electrónicas gastroenterológicas y mejore la apertura de historias clínicas con número de documento de identidad

    Innate and Adaptive Immunity Alterations in Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease and Its Implication in COVID-19 Severity

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    The coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has hit the world, affecting health, medical care, economies and our society as a whole. Furthermore, COVID-19 pandemic joins the increasing prevalence of metabolic syndrome in western countries. Patients suffering from obesity, type II diabetes mellitus, cardiac involvement and metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) have enhanced risk of suffering severe COVID-19 and mortality. Importantly, up to 25% of the population in western countries is susceptible of suffering from both MAFLD and COVID-19, while none approved treatment is currently available for any of them. Moreover, it is well known that exacerbated innate immune responses are key in the development of the most severe stages of MAFLD and COVID-19. In this review, we focus on the role of the immune system in the establishment and progression of MAFLD and discuss its potential implication in the development of severe COVID-19 in MAFLD patients. As a result, we hope to clarify their common pathology, but also uncover new potential therapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers for further research.Funding: This research received funding by the ISCIII (COV20/0170 and PI19/01509) and Cantabria Goverment (2020 UIC22-PUB-0019) to ML-H

    Análisis de los índices de vegetación NDVI, GNDVI y NDRE para la caracterización del cultivo de café (Coffea arabica)

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    Recently, vegetation indices have been used in order to determine the type of cover, with the interest of its temporal variation evaluation, or with the aim of determining the crops health status from estimation of some characteristics such as plant vigor, chlorophyll content, nutritional status or water status. Several studies have put forward a range of vegetation indices that use different bands in the visible and near-infrared spectrum to obtain characteristics of interest. In this study, statistical differences between the NDVI, GNDVI and NDRE vegetation indices estimated from aerial images taken at 30 m above the canopy of an experimental Coffea arabica crop were evaluated. Spearman correlation coefficient showed a higher correlation between the NDVI and GNDVI indices compared to that found between either of them and NDRE. In addition to this, it was observed that, according to the values of the coefficient of variation, and the subsequent analysis of the histograms, the NDRE index presented a greater sensitivity to variation in plant vigor, which would suggest a greater potential to characterize the state of development of coffee cultivation, compared to other studied indices.Los índices de vegetación se han usado en los últimos años con el fin de determinar el tipo de cobertura, para evaluar su variación temporal, o para determinar el estado de salud de cultivos a partir de estimaciones de características como vigor vegetal, contenido de clorofila, estado nutricional o estado hídrico. En diversos estudios se han propuesto una variedad de índices de vegetación que usan diferentes bandas en el espectro visible e infrarrojo cercano con el fin de obtener características de interés. En este estudio se evaluaron las diferencias estadísticas entre los índices de vegetación NDVI, GNDVI y NDRE, estimados a partir de imágenes aéreas tomadas a 30 m del dosel de un cultivo experimental de la especie vegetal Coffea arabica. El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman mostró que la correlación es mayor entre los índices NDVI y GNDVI en comparación a la correlación presentada entre cualquiera de ellos y el índice NDRE. Además de ello, se observó que de acuerdo con los valores del coeficiente de variación, y el análisis posterior de los histogramas, el índice NDRE presentó una mayor sensibilidad ante la variación de vigor vegetal, lo que sugeriría un mayor potencial a la hora de caracterizar el estado de desarrollo del cultivo de café, frente a los otros índices estudiados

    Knowledge and Prior Use of HIV Self-Testing in Madrid and Barcelona among Men Who Have Sex with Men More than One Year after Its Legal Authorization in Spain

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    HIV self-testing (HIVST); Early diagnosis; Men who have sex with men (MSM)Autodiagnóstico del VIH (HIVST); Diagnóstico precoz; Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH)Autodiagnòstic del VIH (HIVST); Diagnòstic precoç; Homes que tenen sexe amb homes (HSH)This study assessed the knowledge and prior use of HIV self-testing in a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) recruited in a sexual health clinic and two community-based testing sites in Madrid and Barcelona, >12 months after its legal authorization. Between March 2019 and December 2020, we recruited 2044 MSM. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire while waiting to be tested for HIV and other STIs. We built two Poisson regression models to assess factors associated with prior knowledge and with use. Among those who had used self-testing in the past we assessed frequency of use and several aspects related to the last testing episode. The proportion of participants that knew about the existence of self-testing and had already used it was of 26.3% and 5.1% respectively. Both, knowledge and use were independently associated with being born in Spain or other western European countries, university education and more recent HIV testing. Additionally, knowledge was associated with older age, having a more favorable economic situation, and not living sexuality in total secrecy. Use was also associated with having received money in exchange for sex. Most (69.5%) reported having self-tested once, 64.8% had self-tested <12 months ago, 63.8% self-tested alone and 71.4% acquired the kit at a pharmacy over the counter. In spite of its authorization and becoming legally available, knowledge and use of HIV self-testing remain low among MSM attending sites specialized in the diagnosis of HIV and other STIs. When designing scale-up strategies, lower levels of knowledge and use in less favored subgroups of MSM need to be factored in.This study was supported by Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017) and Convocatoria del Plan de Consolidación de la Investigación del IMIENS (2021)

    Sexualized drug injection among men who have sex with men in Madrid and Barcelona as the first episode of drug injecting

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    Chemsex; Injecció de fàrmacsChemsex; Inyección de drogasChemsex; Drug injectionBackground We estimate the prevalence of drug injection, the variables associated with having ever injected and the proportion of ever injectors whose first drug injection was for having sex; we describe the first drug injection episode, analyze the drugs most frequently injected and estimate the prevalence of risky injecting behaviors. Methods The participants were 3387 MSM without a previous HIV diagnosis attending four HIV/STI diagnosis services in Madrid and Barcelona. Lifetime prevalence and prevalence ratios (PRs) by different factors were calculated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. We compared the characteristics of first drug injection episode, lifetime injection and risky injecting behaviors of those whose first injection was for sex (FIS) with those whose was not (non-FIS). Results Lifetime prevalence of injection was 2.1% (CI 1.7–2.7). In the multivariate analysis, it was strongly associated with having been penetrated by more than five men in the last 12 months (aPR = 10.4; CI 2.5–43.4) and having met most of their partners at private parties (aPR = 7.5; CI 4.5–12.3), and less strongly with other factors. Of those who had ever injected drugs, 81.9% injected for sex the first time they injected drugs (FIS). At first injection, FIS participants had a mean age of 31 years, 62.7% used mephedrone and 32.2% methamphetamine on that occasion. Of this FIS group 39.0% had ever shared drugs or equipment and 82.6% had always shared for sex. Some 30.8% of non-FIS reported having also injected drugs for sex later on. Conclusions Only two out of a hundred had ever injected, most to have sex and with frequent drug or injecting equipment sharing. Injecting for sex is the most common first episode of drug injection and is the most efficient risky behavior for the transmission of HIV, hepatitis B or C and other blood-borne infections. MSM participating in private parties should be considered a priority group for prevention policies.This study was supported by Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2019I017). Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas had no further role in study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the paper for publication