325 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of the Mentalising Profile Q-Sort (MQS)

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    The last couple of decades have seen a significant increase in the fields of research and clinical practice inspired by the theory of mentalising. Mentalisation, the capacity to understand one’s own and others’ behaviour in terms of mental states, is considered to be a “defining human social and psychological achievement” (Fonagy & Allison, 2014). The dialogue between mentalising theory and other fields such as developmental psychopathology or the neurosciences has added complexity and nuance to the understanding of this mental capacity. However, there is a gap in the research literature concerning the assessment of mentalising during therapeutic sessions. This assessment has often been done at the beginning and end of the treatment, missing session-to-session variations and the possibility to inquire about a mentalising style and its outcome in psychotherapy. This thesis describes the development and preliminary validation of the Mentalising Profile Q-set (MQS), an observer-rated measure that aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and clinical observations by describing the mentalising process of patients undergoing psychotherapy in a jargon-free language. The MQS focuses on the patient and provides a picture of the mentalising process in relation to its four polarities and pre-mentalising modes of experience. The data used in this research was derived from the Randomised Evaluation Study of Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (REDIT) and the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS), two trials that worked with depressed patients, although with differences in clinical characteristics. The preliminary results suggest that the MQS is an instrument that can differentiate groups of individual mentalising profiles and their likely effect on therapeutic outcomes, as assessed by the HRSD-17, at the beginning of treatment. The MQS contributes to the extant literature on assessment instruments and, at the same time, expands on the role of the capacity to mentalise in the therapeutic outcome

    Precision Agriculture and Sensor Systems Applications in Colombia through 5G Networks

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    The growing global demand for food and the environmental impact caused by agriculture have made this activity increasingly dependent on electronics, information technology, and telecommunications technologies. In Colombia, agriculture is of great importance not only as a commercial activity, but also as a source of food and employment. However, the concept of smart agriculture has not been widely applied in this country, resulting in the high production of various types of crops due to the planting of large areas of land, rather than optimization of the processes involved in the activity. Due to its technical characteristics and the radio spectrum considered in its deployment, 5G can be seen as one of the technologies that could generate the greatest benefits for the Colombian agricultural sector, especially in the most remote rural areas, which currently lack mobile network coverage. This article provides an overview of the current 5G technology landscape in Colombia and presents examples of possible 5G/IoT applications that could be developed in Colombian fields. The results show that 5G could facilitate the implementation of the smart farm in Colombia, improving current production and efficiency. It is useful when designing 5G implementation plans and strategies, since it categorizes crops by regions and products. This is based on budget availability, population density, and regional development plans, among others.AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies)Spanish Government PGC2018-098813-B-C33UAL-FEDER 2020 UAL2020-TIC-A208

    Concordancia entre dos pruebas diagnósticas de mastitis subclínica en la hacienda Londoburgo - Pereira Risaralda Colombia

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    Esta investigación se realizó en la Hacienda Londoburgo ubicada en la ciudad de Pereira, y buscó comparar la interpretación de los resultados de dos pruebas diagnósticas de mastitis sub clínica en ganado bovino lechero evaluando la prueba de California Mastitis Test (CMT) y la conductividad eléctrica (CE). Se trabajó con 142 vacas de cruce de las razas Holstein por Gyr en ordeño mecánico, donde se evaluaron 568 cuartos mamarios funcionales, identificado como anterior derecho (AD), anterior izquierdo (AI), posterior derecho (PD) y posterior izquierdo (PI) realizándose la prueba de California Mastitis Test (CMT) y de conductividad eléctrica (CE) a todas las vacas en el ordeño de las 11 de la mañana. Se obtuvo como resultado que la prueba CMT, dio positivo para 277 cuartos de las vacas lo que equivale a un 48.7% del total y que la prueba CE, dio positivo para 56 cuartos que corresponde al 10.8%, y la prueba chi cuadrado permitió concluir que no hay un nivel de concordancia entre las dos mediciones

    Conceptualización del diagnóstico del Dengue desde una perspectiva de la ingeniería y las nuevas tecnologías

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    Introduction: Dengue is a mosquito-borne tropical disease that according to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) leaves about 390 million people infected each year, it is one of the diseases that most affects the health of the population and the economy worldwide. Consequently, many efforts have been made from different areas of knowledge to deal with this disease. Objective: The objective of this article is to present a conceptualization of the dengue disease from an engineering perspective, characterizing its behavior in people and how the main technologies are conducting research for early prediction. Method: Specialized databases such as SCOPUS, WOS, IEEE, PUBMED were consulted for its development. Likewise, a review was made of how information and communication technologies (ICT) and computational sciences are advancing research for the early prediction of dengue. Result: As a result, it was obtained that the main technologies are Machine Learning, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence with the development of models capable of predicting the disease early. There are many specific techniques used, however, they are not addressed in this article, only the conceptualization of the main technologies is presented.Introducción: El dengue es una enfermedad tropical transmitida por mosquito que según reportes de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) deja unos 390 millones de personas infectadas cada año, es una de las enfermedades que más afecta la salud de la población y la economía a nivel mundial. En consecuencia, Se ha realizado muchos esfuerzos desde diferentes áreas del saber por hacer frente a esta enfermedad. Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una conceptualización de la enfermedad del dengue desde una perspectiva de la ingeniería, caracterizando su comportamiento en las personas y como las principales tecnologías están realizando investigaciones para la predicción temprana. Método: Para su desarrollo se consultaron bases de datos especializadas como SCOPUS, WOS, IEEE, PUBMED. De igual forma, se hizo una revisión  de como las  tecnologías de la información y comunicación TIC y de las ciencias computacionales están adelantando investigaciones para la predicción temprana del dengue. Resultado: Como resultado se obtuvo que las principales tecnologías son el Machine Learning, el Big Data y la Inteligencia artificial con el desarrollo de modelos capaces de predecir la enfermedad de manera temprana. Existen muchas técnicas específicas que se utilizan, sin embargo, no se abordan en este artículo, solo se presenta la conceptualización de las tecnologías principales. Conclusiones: Se logra concluir que existen esfuerzos desde el área de la ingeniería en realizar investigaciones asociadas a la predicción del dengue para hacer frente al impacto que está generando la enfermedad. &nbsp

    Wilson loops in warped resolved deformed conifolds

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    We calculate quark-antiquark potentials using the relationship between the expectation value of the Wilson loop and the action of a probe string in the string dual. We review and categorize the possible forms of the dependence of the energy on the separation between the quarks. In particular, we examine the possibility of there being a minimum separation for probe strings which do not penetrate close to the origin of the bulk space, and derive a condition which determines whether this is the case. We then apply these considerations to the flavoured resolved deformed conifold background of Gaillard et al. We suggest that the unusual behaviour we observe in this solution is likely to be related to the IR singularity which is not present in the unflavoured case

    Intención De Abandono Estudiantil En El Programa De Zootecnia De La Universidad De Antioquia, Sede Medellín.

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    El programa de Zootecnia en Colombia y de manera particular el de la Universidad de Antioquia, ha presentado situaciones especiales sobre el ingreso y la permanencia de los estudiantes, esto en relación con el interés de cursar este programa por parte de los bachilleres y con el abandono del mismo; determinar los factores asociados, bien sean de tipo académico o no, se constituye en la principal herramienta para definir las estrategias más adecuadas para intervenir la problemática de abandono estudiantil. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar los momentos y causas relacionadas con la intención de abandono estudiantil en el programa de Zootecnia de la Universidad de Antioquia, sede Medellín. Se aplicó una encuesta a 130 estudiantes activos en el programa, estratificados por semestre académico, se ordenaron y tabularon las respuestas obtenidas y se utilizó el programa SPSS Satatistics 22 para analizar los datos. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron caracterizar a los estudiantes por género y edad, nivel educativo de sus padres, el lugar de origen y el de residencia al momento de aplicar la encuesta, la situación económica y la realización de distintas actividades de tipo laboral, deportiva, cultural o religiosa; se indagó sobre las condiciones asociadas al ingreso al programa de Zootecnia en la Universidad de Antioquia. Asimismo, se preguntó sobre la intención de abandono y sobre cuáles fueron los factores que indujeron a los estudiantes en pensar en abandonar el programa de Zootecnia. Esta información será de gran utilidad para que se puedan proponer estrategias e iniciar un programa de acompañamiento, que se acerque de manera puntual a la problemática presentada y que se enfoquen de mejor manera a los estudiantes de Zootecnia de la Universidad de Antioquia, en la sede Medellín

    Andaimagem e o ciclo de aprendizagem de Jorba e Sanmartí: convergência e aplicação na Educação Matemática

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    Although Jorba and Sanmartí's scaffolding and learning cycle have accumulated several decades of research, no study has performed a conjoint analysis of both methods. Based on theirtheoretical approaches, this paper presents a conceptual model for their convergence. This linkmade it possible to design and implement a didactic sequence contextualized for the teachingof rational numbers in rural schools. A novel metacognitive evaluation card was constructed inorder to integrate convergence, the teacher’s role, and the expected student performances. Theworksheet facilitated the results and revealed, from an empirical and descriptive perspective,that the proposed convergence is effective because it favored the understanding of the content,promoted student’s; autonomy, and significantly impacted their affectivity. However, the gradualwithdrawal of the teacher’s support and the increasing complexity of the activities caused aprogressive decrease in the student’s; performances. The proposed conjunction adapts well tothe rural school learning context and is expected to be attractive for combining both cognitiveand socio-affective interests.Aunque el andamiaje y el ciclo de aprendizaje de Jorba y Sanmartí acumulan varias décadas de investigación, no existe hasta ahora un estudio que analice su aplicación de manera conjunta. A partir de sus planteamientos teóricos, este trabajo presenta un modelo conceptual para su convergencia. Este vínculo permitió diseñar e implementar una secuencia didáctica contextualizada en la ruralidad para la enseñanza de los números racionales. Una novedosa ficha metacognitiva de evaluación fue construida con el fin de integrar la convergencia, el papel del docente y los desempeños esperados en los estudiantes. La ficha facilitó llegar a los resultados y develó desde una perspectiva empírica y descriptiva que la convergencia propuesta es efectiva porque favoreció la comprensión del contenido, promovió la autonomía de los estudiantes e impactó significativamente su afectividad, sin embargo, el retiro paulatino del apoyo docente y la creciente complejidad de las actividades ocasionó una disminución progresiva de los desempeños. La conjunción propuesta se adapta bien a la escuela rural y prevé ser atractiva para combinar intereses cognitivos y socioafectivos.Apesar da andaimagem e o ciclo de aprendizagem de Jorba e Sanmartí acumularem váriasdécadas de pesquisa, até o presente momento não há um estudo que analise as suas aplicaçõesde maneira conjunta. A partir de suas abordagens teóricas, este trabalho apresenta um modeloconceitual para sua convergência. Esta vinculação permitiu encontrar e implementar umasequência didática contextualizada na ruralidade para o ensino dos números racional. Umanova ficha de avaliação metacognitiva foi construída com o intuito de integrar a convergência,o papel do docente e os desempenhos esperados dos estudantes. A ficha facilitou obter osresultados e revelou, em uma perspectiva empírica e descritiva, que a convergência proposta éeficiente porque favoreceu a compreensão do conteúdo, promoveu a autonomia dos estudantese impactou significativamente sua afetividade. Contudo, a paulatina retirada do suportedocente e a crescente complexidade das atividades levou a uma diminuição progressiva dosdesempenhos. A conjunção proposta se adapta bem a escola rural e prever ser atrativa paracombinar interesses cognitivos e socioafetivos

    Insights of asphaltene aggregation mechanism from molecular dynamics simulation

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    Asphaltene aggregation process was studied using molecular dynamics techniques. Four different structures were used. The first three molecules have a continental structure, with condensed aromatic cores, while the forth has an archipelago structure, with small groups of aromatic rings connected with saturated chains. The molecules were constructed in an atomistic framework, in which atoms are described individually. Interaction forces were calculated at 300 K and 200 atm; Van der Waals and electrostatic interactions were evaluated separately. For all four molecules the solubility parameter was calculated. It was found that Van der Waals interactions due to the presence of aromatic rings and electrostatic forces caused by the presence of heteroatoms such as oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, are equally relevant in the aggregation of asphaltene molecules. For all molecules it was found asphaltene systems are more stable in aggregation state than in monomeric state. For continental structures, the presence of long ramifications obstructs the formation of asphaltene aggregates. For archipelago structures, the flexibility of the molecules enables the aggregation with other structures. The presence of heteroatoms creates a repulsive force that hinders the aggregation process. The molecular volume and the cohesive energy are also sensitive to the geometric configuration and the composition of the species, which affects the solubility parameter

    Ectoparasites of Coragyps atratus (Bechstein, 1793) (Accipitriformes: Cathartidae) on Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

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    Identificar y conformar una lista de especies de ectoparásitos en el gallinazo negro en dos localidades de la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Alcance. Realizar un aporte al conocimiento sobre las especies de ectoparásitos encontrados en piel y plumaje del gallinazo negro en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, en el nororiente de los Andes. Metodología. Las aves fueron capturadas en la Plaza de Mercado Guarín y en el Centro de Disposición de Residuos Sólidos “El Carrasco”, ambos en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Para obtener los ectoparásitos, los gallinazos se introdujeron uno por uno, en una cámara de fumigación previamente modificada para preservar la vida del ave durante el procedimiento. Adicionalmente, se tomaron algunas plumas y se preservaron en etanol 70%. Principales resultados. Se colectaron 1.696 ectoparásitos sobre 18 gallinazos negros (Coragyps atratus) en dos sitios de Bucaramanga (Colombia). Los parásitos fueron identificados como Cathartacarus coragyps (Gabuciniidae), Dermanysus gallinae (Dermanyssidae), Cuculiphilus alternatus (Menoponidae), Falcolipeurus marginalis (Philopteridae), Laemobothrion glutinans (Laemobothriidae) y Olfesia bisulcata (Hippoboscidae). Las especies más abundantes fueron Cuculiphilus alternatus con 1.217 individuos y Cathartacarus coragyps con 295. Conclusiones. La mayor parte de estos registros son nuevos para la región y amplían el conocimiento con respecto a la distribución de estos ectoparásitos. Tanto las pruebas de Mann-Whitney como los índices parasitológicos calculados permiten observar diferencias entre los dos sitios de muestreo.To identify and to list ectoparasite species of black vulture in two locations in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Scope. To contribute to the knowledge of ectoparasites species found in black vultures in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, at the northeastern Andes. Methodology. The birds were captured in Guarin Marketplace and "El Carrasco" Solid Waste Disposal Center, both in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia. To obtain the ectoparasites, each black vulture were introduced into a fumigation chamber previously modified to preserve the life of the bird during the procedure. Moreover, some feathers were taken and preserved in ethanol 70%. Main results. In total, 1,696 ectoparasites were collected from 18 black vultures (Coragyps atratus) in two localities of Bucaramanga (Colombia). The parasites were identified as Cathartacarus coragyps (Gabuciniidae), Dermanysus gallinae (Dermanyssidae), Cuculiphilus alternatus (Menoponidae), Falcolipeurus marginalis (Philopteridae), Laemobothrion glutinans (Laemobothriidae) and Olfesia bisulcata (Hippoboscidae). The most abundant species were Cuculiphilus alternatus with 1,217 specimens and Cathartacarus coragyps with 295. Conclusions. Most of these records are new to the region and contribute to improving the knowledge concerning the ectoparasites distribution in the study area. Mann-Whitney tests and the calculated parasitological indexes show differences between the two sampling places