12,480 research outputs found

    3-Point Functions in N=4 Yang-Mills

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    Three-point functions of analytic (chiral primary) operators in N=4 Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions are calculated using the harmonic superspace formulation of this theory. In the case of the energy-momentum tensor multiplet anomaly considerations determine the coefficient. Analyticity in N=2 harmonic superspace is explicitly checked in a two-loop calculation.Comment: This file requires the feynman.tex macro Some references are adde

    The Six Dimensional Self-Dual Tensor

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    The equations of motion for a self-interacting self-dual tensor in six dimensions are extracted from the equations describing the M-theory five-brane. These equations are presented in a self-contained, six-dimensional Lorentz-covariant form. In particular, it is shown that the field-strength tensor satisfies a non-linear generalised self-duality constraint. The self-duality equation is rewritten in five-dimensional notation and shown to be identical to the corresponding equation in the non-covariant formalism.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Strings and D-Branes with Boundaries

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    The covariant field equations of ten-dimensional super D-branes are obtained by considering fundamental strings whose ends lie in the superworldsurface of the D-brane. By considering in a similar fashion Dp-branes ending on D(p+2)-branes we derive equations describing D-branes with dual potentials, as well as the vector potentials.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Aeroplane design study STOL airliner (A71). Part 1- configuration description and data

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    The interest in STOL airliners was reflected in the choice of a 100-118 passenger short range aircraft of this type as the 1971 design project. In addition to the use of the study for detailed investigation by the students of Aircraft Design it also served as the basis for an investigation of the low speed lift and control problems of STOL aircraft. This report is concerned with a description of the configuration adopted and specification of geometric and aerodynamic data. As such it is the first part of the complete reporting of the investigation, subsequent parts being concerned with the more detailed work. The aircraft was designed to operate from 2000 ft long single runways and have a cruising speed of up to 11 - 0.83 at 30,000 ft altitude. The estimated gross weight is 115,000 lb and when landing at 100,000 lb weight the approach speed is 79 knots. The high lift coefficients necessitated by this are obtained either by externally blown jet flaps or an augmenter wing arrangement

    The supermembrane revisited

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    The M2-brane is studied from the perspective of superembeddings. We review the derivation of the M2-brane dynamics and the supergravity constraints from the standard superembedding constraint and we discuss explicitly the induced d=3, N=8 superconformal geometry on the worldvolume. We show that the gauged supermembrane, for a target space with a U(1) isometry, is the standard D2-brane in a type IIA supergravity background. In particular, the D2-brane action, complete with the Dirac-Born-Infeld term, arises from the gauged Wess-Zumino worldvolume 4-form via the brane action principle. The discussion is extended to the massive D2-brane considered as a gauged supermembrane in a massive D=11 superspace background. Type IIA supergeometry is derived using Kaluza-Klein techniques in superspace.Comment: Latex, 46 pages, clarifying remarks and references adde

    Explicit construction of nilpotent covariants in N=4 SYM

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    Some aspects of correlation functions in N=4 SYM are discussed. Using N=4 harmonic superspace we study two and three-point correlation functions which are of contact type and argue that these contact terms will not affect the non-renormalisation theorem for such correlators at non-coincident points. We then present a perturbative calculation of a five-point function at two loops in N=2 harmonic superspace and verify that it reproduces the derivative of the previously found four-point function with respect to the coupling. The calculation of this four-point function via the five-point function turns out to be significantly simpler than the original direct calculation. This calculation also provides an explicit construction of an N=2 component of an N=4 five-point nilpotent covariant that violates U(1)_Y symmetry.Comment: 20 pages, standard late

    Open Superbranes

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    Open branes ending on other branes, which may be referred to as the host branes, are studied in the superembedding formalism. The open brane, host brane and the target space in which they are both embedded are all taken to be supermanifolds. It is shown that the superspace constraints satisfied by the open brane are sufficient to determine the corresponding superspace constraints for the host branes, whose dynamics are determined by these constraints. As a byproduct, one also obtains information about the boundary of the open brane propagating in the host brane.Comment: 12 pages, late

    On Brane Actions and Superembeddings

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    Actions for branes, with or without worldsurface gauge fields, are discussed in a unified framework. A simple algorithm is given for constructing the component Green-Schwarz actions. Superspace actions are also discussed. Three examples are given to illustrate the general procedure: the membrane in D=11 and the D2-brane, which both have on-shell worldsurface supermultiplets, and the membrane in D=4, which has an off-shell multiplet.Comment: 19 pages, late
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