34 research outputs found

    Restauration hydraulique d'un marais et conséquences pour les oiseaux : contraintes d'échelles d'espace et de temps dans les processus écologiques

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    Over the last thirty years the intensification of agricultural practices by drainage and conversion of grass lands to arable has led to the loss of hydrological and ecological functions of wetlands in the western marshes of France, in particular the conservation of animais characteristic of these wetlands. The goal of this study was to res tore at !east sorne of the ecological functions of wet grasslands by experimentally manipulating the water regime and grazing; the consequences for the plant and bird communities were measured. This was done in an experimental set-up of 63 fields covering 170 ha in the Marais de Brouage (Charente-Maritime). The water regime is driven by natural processes (rainfall and evaporation) and artificially, through the manipulation of the leve! of the main canal. By modifying the subsidiary canals and building sluice gates it was possible to isolate experimental fields from the influence of the main canal. The experimental fields were subjected to two treatments, dry (minimal flooding), intermediate (six months flooding) and wet (10 months). We worked at three hierarchical spatial levels, a field, a single catchment area and a set of catchment areas. For the restoration of biodiversity in this case particular bird species, we underline the importance of choosing the appropriate spatial level, which will depend on the objectives. In this welland system, which reacts fast, the time scale is not a major constraint. Particular attention was paid to birds because these are known to be good indicators of other animal groups, and because the changes in agricultural practices have led to declines in most of the species of farmland in Europe. Between 1997-2001 we counted breeding birds (principally the Skylark A lauda arvensis and the Yellow wagtail Motacilla jlava ). The former species declined and the latter increased in the set of catchment areas (170 ha). We tested the hypothesis that this was due to an increase in the duration of flooding : at the field level, the Skylark declined and Wagtails increased when the duration of flooding increased. It is therefore possible to experimentally induce rapid changes in the populations of the se birds at small spatial scales. In contrast for other species such as the breeding waders, and in particular the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, no response was obtained at the se spatial and temporal scales. However, at the scale of the whole marsh (12000 ha) and 12 years major changes occurred in the ahundance and distribution of Lapwings, many of the birds moving from wet grasslands to arable for nesting. We propose hypotheses to explain this which require testing in the future. These results show the importance of choosing clear objectives in ecological restoration projects, and appropriate indicator species. Since the ecological processes involved occur at different spatial and temporal scales, the level of biological organisation selected and the species will modulate the expression of the processesDepuis une trentaine d'annĂ©es, l'intensification de l'agriculture par le drainage et la mise en culture a entraĂźnĂ© la perte des fonctions hydrauliques et Ă©cologiques des marais de la façade atlantique. Conservation et rĂ©habilitation de la biodiversitĂ© de ces milieux sont Ă  l'origine de notre Ă©tude. GrĂące Ă  un dispositif expĂ©rimental de terrain (63 parcelles, 170 ha) situĂ© dans le marais de Brouage (Charente-Maritime), nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  restaurer le caractĂšre humide des prairies naturelles en manipulant la gestion hydraulique et pastorale, et en mesurant les consĂ©quences sur les oiseaux. Les parcelles en prairie ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  trois « scĂ©narios » de gestion hydraulique : le scĂ©nario « sec » (durĂ©e d'inondation minimale), le scĂ©nario « intermĂ©diaire » (inondation d'environ 6 mois) et le scĂ©nario « humide » (inondation d'environ 10 mois). Entre 1997 et 2001, des dĂ©nombrements exhaustifs des passereaux nicheurs (Alouette des champs Alauda arvensis et Bergeronnette printaniĂšre Motacilla flava), ont montrĂ© qu'Ă  une Ă©chelle temporelle de cinq ans, il est possible d'enregistrer des Ă©volutions d'abondance des populations (baisse de la densitĂ© des alouettes et augmentation de celle des bergeronnettes) en fonction du degrĂ© d'humiditĂ© dans la parcelle. Par ailleurs, le suivi de la dynamique des populations du Vanneau huppĂ© (Vanellus vanellus) a montrĂ© que l'Ă©chelle spatiale choisie (170 ha) n'Ă©tait pas adaptĂ©e et qu'il fallait prendre en compte l'ensemble du marais, soit 12000 hectares. Sur le plan temporel, des changements trĂšs significatifs dans 1'utilisation de 1'espace sont intervenus chez cette espĂšce, mais ces changements n'auraient pu ĂȘtre dĂ©tectĂ©s en 3 annĂ©es seulemen

    Activities and food resources of wintering Teal (Anas crecca) in a diurnal feeding site : a case study in western France

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    In winter, dabbling ducks generally use a set of two distinct habitats over the 24-hour cycle, resting in large groups on a few large waterbodies during daylight hours, and dispersing at night into many smaller feeding habitats. In sorne circumstances, birds use the same site during both daylight hours and during the night. This study was conducted on a small (< 1 ha) pond used by Teal (Anas crecca) by day and by night in the early part of the winter. Duck numbers were not related either to the abundance of food resources, water levels or pond area. Teal had the same pattern of behaviour during daylight and at night, foraging being the main activity through the whole period of their presence on the site. Comfort activities decreased with increasing water levels and pond area, perhaps because the predation risk is greater in these conditions. This study contributes to understanding the factors affecting the use of diurnal feeding sites by TealEn hiver, les canards de surface utilisent en gĂ©nĂ©ral deux types d'habitats distincts au cours des 24 heures, les oiseaux se reposant en grand nombre la journĂ©e sur quelques plans d'eau de grande taille, et se dispersant la nuit pour s'alimenter sur de nombreuses zones plus petites. Dans certains cas, les canards peuvent toutefois utiliser le mĂȘme plan d'eau le jour et la nuit. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur un plan d'eau de moins d'un hectare, utilisĂ© par des Sarcelles d'hiver (Anas crecca) Ă  la fois le jour et la nuit au dĂ©but de l'hiver. Le nombre de canards n'Ă©tait pas liĂ© Ă  l'abondance des ressources alimentaires, aux niveaux d'eau ou Ă  la surface du bassin. Leur budget-temps n'Ă©tait pas diffĂ©rent entre le jour et la nuit, l'alimentation Ă©tant toujours l'activitĂ© principale. L'importance des activitĂ©s de confort a dĂ©clinĂ© avec l'augmentation des niveaux d'eau et de la surface du bassin, qui a pu augmenter le risque de prĂ©dation potentielle. Cette Ă©tude permet de mieux comprendre les facteurs rĂ©gissant l'utilisation de zones d'alimentation diurnes par les sarcelles d'hive

    Hygroregulation, a key ability for eusocial insects: Native Western European honeybees as a case study

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    Sociality has brought many advantages to various hymenoptera species, including their ability of regulating physical factors in their nest (e.g., temperature). Although less studied, humidity is known to be important for egg, larval and pupal development, and also for nectar concentration. Two subspecies of Apis mellifera of the M evolutionary lineage were used as models to test the ability of a superorganism (i.e. honeybee colony) to regulate the humidity in its nest (i.e. “hygroregulation hypothesis”) in four conservation centers: two in France (A. m. mellifera) and two in Portugal (A. m. iberiensis). We investigated the ability of both subspecies to regulate the humidity in hives daily, but also during the seasons for one complete year. Our data and statistical analysis demonstrated the capacity of the bees to regulate humidity in their hive, regardless of the day, season or subspecies. Furthermore, the study showed that humidity in beehives is stable even during winter, when brood is absent, and when temperature is known to be less stable in the beehives. These results suggest that humidity is important for honeybees at every life stage, maybe because of the ‘imprint’ of the evolutionary history of this hymenopteran lineage.This work was supported in part by the research project BEEHOPE funded by the European call for projects 2013-2014 BiodivERsA / FACCEJPI from research agencies of France (ANR-14- EBID-0001), Spain (PCIN-2014-090) and Portugal (BiodivERsA /0002/2014). I. Eouzan is financed by a doctoral grant from the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (France).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    BEEHOPE: um projeto de conservação das subespécies nativas de abelha da Europa Ocidental (linhagem M) à escala Europeia

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    O projeto BEEHOPE, com o tĂ­tulo original “Honeybee conservation centres in western Europe - an innovative strategy using sustainable beekeeping to reduce honeybee decline”, foi um dos 10 aprovados na ĂĄrea da biodiversidade do 5Âș concurso transnacional (2013-2014) BiodivErsA/FACCE-JPI (http://www.biodiversa.org/766), subordinado ao tema “Promover sinergias e reduzir o compromisso entre o abastecimento de alimentos, biodiversidade e serviços dos ecossistemas”. A diversidade nativa das populaçÔes de abelha melĂ­fera (Apis mellifera) da linhagem da Europa ocidental (M) tem vindo a ser crescentemente ameaçada pela introdução massiva de colĂłnias da linhagem da Europa oriental (C, onde se incluem as subespĂ©cies A. m. ligustica, A. m. carnica, A. m. macedĂłnica etc.), e tambĂ©m por outros fatores biĂłticos (Varroa e vĂ­rus associados, Nosema etc.) e abiĂłticos (pesticidas, perda e fragmentação de habitat, alteraçÔes climĂĄticas etc.). É neste contexto que surge o projeto BEEHOPE, o qual tem por objetivo Ășltimo contribuir para a conservação da diversidade genĂ©tica das populaçÔes de abelha melĂ­fera da linhagem M.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Activities and food resources of wintering Teal (Anas crecca) in a diurnal feeding site : a case study in western France

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    In winter, dabbling ducks generally use a set of two distinct habitats over the 24-hour cycle, resting in large groups on a few large waterbodies during daylight hours, and dispersing at night into many smaller feeding habitats. In some circumstances, birds use the same site during both daylight hours and during the night. This study was conducted on a small (< 1 ha) pond used by Teal (Anas crecca) by day and by night in the early part of the winter. Duck numbers were not related either to the abundance of food resources, water levels or pond area Teal had the same pattern of behaviour during daylight and at night, foraging being the main activity through the whole period of their presence on the site. Comfort activities decreased with increasing water levels and pond area, perhaps because the predation risk is greater in these conditions. This study contributes to understanding the factors affecting the use of diurnal feeding sites by Teal.En hiver, les canards de surface utilisent en gĂ©nĂ©ral deux types d’habitats distincts au cours des 24 heures, les oiseaux se reposant en grand nombre la journĂ©e sur quelques plans d’eau de grande taille, et se dispersant la nuit pour s’alimenter sur de nombreuses zones plus petites. Dans certains cas, les canards peuvent toutefois utiliser le mĂȘme plan d’eau le jour et la nuit. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur un plan d’eau de moins d’un hectare, utilisĂ© par des Sarcelles d’hiver (Anas crecca) Ă  la fois le jour et la nuit au dĂ©but de l’hiver. Le nombre de canards n’était pas liĂ© Ă  l’abondance des ressources alimentaires, aux niveaux d’eau ou Ă  la surface du bassin. Leur budget-temps n’était pas diffĂ©rent entre le jour et la nuit, l’alimentation Ă©tant toujours l’activitĂ© principale. L’importance des activitĂ©s de confort a dĂ©clinĂ© avec l’augmentation des niveaux d’eau et de la surface du bassin, qui a pu augmenter le risque de prĂ©dation potentielle. Cette Ă©tude permet de mieux comprendre les facteurs rĂ©gissant l’utilisation de zones d’alimentation diurnes par les sarcelles d’hiver.Guillemain Matthieu, Houte Sylvie, Fritz HervĂ©. Activities and food resources of wintering Teal (Anas crecca) in a diurnal feeding site : a case study in western France. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 55, n°2, 2000. pp. 171-181

    Restauration hydraulique d’un marais et consĂ©quences pour les oiseaux : contraintes d’échelles d’espace et de temps dans les processus Ă©cologiques

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    Over the last thirty years the intensification of agricultural practices by drainage and conversion of grasslands to arable has led to the loss of hydrological and ecological functions of wetlands in the western marshes of France, in particular the conservation of animals characteristic of these wetlands. The goal of this study was to restore at least some of the ecological functions of wet grasslands by experimentally manipulating the water regime and grazing ; the consequences for the plant and bird communities were measured. This was done in an experimental set-up of 63 fields covering 170 ha in the Marais de Brouage (Charente-Maritime). The water regime is driven by natural processes (rainfall and evaporation) and artificially, through the manipulation of the level of the main canal. By modifying the subsidiary canals and building sluice gates it was possible to isolate experimental fields from the influence of the main canal. The experimental fields were subjected to two treatments, dry (minimal flooding), intermediate (six months flooding) and wet (10 months). We worked at three hierarchical spatial levels, a field, a single catchment area and a set of catchment areas. For the restoration of biodiversity in this case particular bird species, we underline the importance of choosing the appropriate spatial level, which will depend on the objectives. In this wetland system, which reacts fast, the time scale is not a major constraint. Particular attention was paid to birds because these are known to be good indicators of other animal groups, and because the changes in agricultural practices have led to declines in most of the species of farmland in Europe. Between 1997-2001 we counted breeding birds (principally the Skylark Alauda arvensis and the Yellow wagtail Motacilla flava). The former species declined and the latter increased in the set of catchment areas (170 ha). We tested the hypothesis that this was due to an increase in the duration of flooding : at the field level, the Skylark declined and Wagtails increased when the duration of flooding increased. It is therefore possible to experimentally induce rapid changes in the populations of these birds at small spatial scales. In contrast for other species such as the breeding waders, and in particular the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, no response was obtained at these spatial and temporal scales. However, at the scale of the whole marsh (12 000 ha) and 12 years major changes occurred in the abundance and distribution of Lapwings, many of the birds moving from wet grasslands to arable for nesting. We propose hypotheses to explain this which require testing in the future. These results show the importance of choosing clear objectives in ecological restoration projects, and appropriate indicator species. Since the ecological processes involved occur at different spatial and temporal scales, the level of biological organisation selected and the species will modulate the expression of the processes.Depuis une trentaine d’annĂ©es, l’intensification de l’agriculture par le drainage et la mise en culture a entraĂźnĂ© la perte des fonctions hydrauliques et Ă©cologiques des marais de la façade atlantique. Conservation et rĂ©habilitation de la biodiversitĂ© de ces milieux sont Ă  l’origine de notre Ă©tude. GrĂące Ă  un dispositif expĂ©rimental de terrain (63 parcelles, 170 ha) situĂ© dans le marais de Brouage (Charente-Maritime), nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  restaurer le caractĂšre humide des prairies naturelles en manipulant la gestion hydraulique et pastorale, et en mesurant les consĂ©quences sur les oiseaux. Les parcelles en prairie ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  trois «scĂ©narios » de gestion hydraulique : le scĂ©nario «sec» (durĂ©e d’inondation minimale), le scĂ©nario «intermĂ©diaire» (inondation d’environ 6 mois) et le scĂ©nario «humide» (inondation d’environ 10 mois). Entre 1997 et 2001, des dĂ©nombrements exhaustifs des passereaux nicheurs (Alouette des champs Alauda arvensis et Bergeronnette printaniĂšre Motacilla flava), ont montrĂ© qu’à une Ă©chelle temporelle de cinq ans, il est possible d’enregistrer des Ă©volutions d’abondance des populations (baisse de la densitĂ© des alouettes et augmentation de celle des bergeronnettes) en fonction du degrĂ© d’humiditĂ© dans la parcelle. Par ailleurs, le suivi de la dynamique des populations du Vanneau huppĂ© (Vanellus vanellus) a montrĂ© que l’échelle spatiale choisie (170 ha) n’était pas adaptĂ©e et qu’il fallait prendre en compte l’ensemble du marais, soit 12 000 hectares. Sur le plan temporel, des changements trĂšs significatifs dans l’utilisation de l’espace sont intervenus chez cette espĂšce, mais ces changements n’auraient pu ĂȘtre dĂ©tectĂ©s en 3 annĂ©es seulement.Bretagnolle Vincent, Houte Sylvie, Boileau Nicolas. Restauration hydraulique d’un marais et consĂ©quences pour les oiseaux : contraintes d’échelles d’espace et de temps dans les processus Ă©cologiques . In: Revue d'Écologie. SupplĂ©ment n°9, 2002. pp. 175-187

    Distribution maps and minimum abundance estimates for wintering auks in the Bay of Biscay, based on aerial surveys

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    The “Erika” oil spill has killed more seabirds than any before in Europe: nearly 70 000 guillemots (Uria aalge) were found dead or alive on beaches, and many more are thought to have been killed. This unexpectedly high number highlighted how poor our knowledge was on spatial and temporal patterns in seabird distribution in the Bay of Biscay. The purpose of our research project, “ERIKA-Avion”, was to fill this gap, providing the first distribution maps and abundance estimates of seabirds wintering in the entire shelf of the Bay of Biscay. In particular, we analysed fine-grained distribution maps for the wintering auks, comparing their areas of highest density with the oil drift area, and proposing for the first time (although preliminarily) minimal abundance estimates for these birds in this area

    L’éducation relative Ă  l’environnement pour stimuler diffĂ©rents niveaux d’engagement environnemental : le cas du dispositif Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ©

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    La place accordĂ©e Ă  l’action citoyenne dans l’espace public n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre depuis le XXe siĂšcle, sans que les consĂ©quences de telles initiatives ne soient toujours analysĂ©es. Cet article explore comment un dispositif encourageant des initiatives citoyennes pour la biodiversitĂ©, qui s’appuie sur une dĂ©marche scientifique, peut favoriser l’implication d’adultes. Il repose sur l’exemple du dispositif d’éducation Ă  l’environnement Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ© (France). ProposĂ© aux habitants de la Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de SĂšvre, ce dispositif offre une grande diversitĂ© d’entrĂ©es possibles dans l’action environnementale et Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles : accueillir et observer un abri Ă  insectes dans son jardin (Ă©chelle individuelle) ; participer Ă  la gestion d’un rucher public (Ă©chelle communale) ; rejoindre un groupe de citoyens porteurs de projets de conservation de la biodiversitĂ© (Ă©chelle du territoire). Des enquĂȘtes qualitatives et quantitatives et un atelier d’évaluation menĂ©s en 2016 montrent que ces opportunitĂ©s de contact avec la nature peuvent favoriser les actions pro-environnementales dans la sphĂšre privĂ©e ; accroĂźtre la connaissance et l’affinitĂ© pour la nature des participants ; dĂ©velopper le lien social dans les communes ; promouvoir l’empowerment des volontaires et la crĂ©ation de collectifs.The 20th century has been marked by a larger space left for citizen participation in the public arena. However, the impact of these initiatives remains to be investigated. This article explores the way a science-based program promoting citizen initiatives for biodiversity can encourage adults’ involvement. It is based on the example of an environmental education program launched in the Long Term Ecological Research platform (LTSER) Plaine et Val de SĂšvre area (France) : Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ©. Various levels of environmental action are proposed to inhabitants through this program. The installation and the observation of a wooden insect shelter in private gardens (individual level) ; the participation to the management of a public apiary (communal level) ; the involvement in a group of citizens leading projects for biodiversity protection (territory level). In 2016, we explored the consequences of such participations though qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as through an evaluation workshop. Our results showed that these initiatives provide opportunities to be in contact with nature, which can promote pro-environmental initiatives in the private sphere ; increase citizen knowledge and affinity for nature ; encourage the social cohesion within a village ; and promote volunteers’ empowerment and the formation of citizens communities

    L’éducation relative Ă  l’environnement pour stimuler diffĂ©rents niveaux d’engagement environnemental : le cas du dispositif Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ©

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    La place accordĂ©e Ă  l’action citoyenne dans l’espace public n’a cessĂ© de croĂźtre depuis le XXe siĂšcle, sans que les consĂ©quences de telles initiatives ne soient toujours analysĂ©es. Cet article explore comment un dispositif encourageant des initiatives citoyennes pour la biodiversitĂ©, qui s’appuie sur une dĂ©marche scientifique, peut favoriser l’implication d’adultes. Il repose sur l’exemple du dispositif d’éducation Ă  l’environnement Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ© (France). ProposĂ© aux habitants de la Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de SĂšvre, ce dispositif offre une grande diversitĂ© d’entrĂ©es possibles dans l’action environnementale et Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles : accueillir et observer un abri Ă  insectes dans son jardin (Ă©chelle individuelle) ; participer Ă  la gestion d’un rucher public (Ă©chelle communale) ; rejoindre un groupe de citoyens porteurs de projets de conservation de la biodiversitĂ© (Ă©chelle du territoire). Des enquĂȘtes qualitatives et quantitatives et un atelier d’évaluation menĂ©s en 2016 montrent que ces opportunitĂ©s de contact avec la nature peuvent favoriser les actions pro-environnementales dans la sphĂšre privĂ©e ; accroĂźtre la connaissance et l’affinitĂ© pour la nature des participants ; dĂ©velopper le lien social dans les communes ; promouvoir l’empowerment des volontaires et la crĂ©ation de collectifs.The 20th century has been marked by a larger space left for citizen participation in the public arena. However, the impact of these initiatives remains to be investigated. This article explores the way a science-based program promoting citizen initiatives for biodiversity can encourage adults’ involvement. It is based on the example of an environmental education program launched in the Long Term Ecological Research platform (LTSER) Plaine et Val de SĂšvre area (France): Mon Village Espace de BiodiversitĂ©. Various levels of environmental action are proposed to inhabitants through this program. The installation and the observation of a wooden insect shelter in private gardens (individual level); the participation to the management of a public apiary (communal level); the involvement in a group of citizens leading projects for biodiversity protection (territory level). In 2016, we explored the consequences of such participations though qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as through an evaluation workshop. Our results showed that these initiatives provide opportunities to be in contact with nature, which can promote pro-environmental initiatives in the private sphere; increase citizen knowledge and affinity for nature; encourage the social cohesion within a village; and promote volunteers’ empowerment and the formation of citizens communities