51 research outputs found

    Intercalibration of Boreal and Tethyan timescales: the magneto-biostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic and the latest Early Triassic from Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway

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    An integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic study of the latest Early Triassic to the upper parts of the Middle Triassic, at Milne Edwardsfjellet in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard, allows a detailed correlation of Boreal and Tethyan biostratigraphies. The biostratigraphy consists of ammonoid and palynomorph zonations, supported by conodonts, through some 234 m of succession in two adjacent sections. The magnetostratigraphy consists of ten substantive normal–reverse polarity chrons defined by sampling at 150 stratigraphic levels. The magnetization is carried by magnetite and an unidentified magnetic sulphide, and is difficult to fully separate from a strong present-day like magnetization. The bio-magnetostratigraphy from the late Olenekian (Vendomdalen Member) is supplemented by data from nearby Vikinghøgda. The early and mid-Anisian has a high sedimentation rate, comprising over half the ca. 140-m thickness of the Botneheia Formation, whereas the late Anisian and lower Ladinian is condensed into about 20 m. The two latest Boreal Ladinian ammonoid zones are absent due to erosional truncation below the Tschermakfjellet Formation. Correlation to Tethyan bio-magnetostratigraphies shows the traditional base of the Boreal Anisian (base of G. taimyrensis Zone) precedes the base Anisian (using here definitions based on the Desli Caira section in Romania). The Boreal upper Anisian G. rotelliforme and F. nevadanus ammonoid zones correlate to most of the Tethyan Pelsonian and Illyrian substages. The base Ladinian defined in the Tethyan global boundary stratotype and point (GSSP) is closely equivalent to the traditional base of the Boreal Ladinian at the I. oleshkoi Zone. The latest Olenekian to early Anisian magnetic polarity timescale is refined using the Spitsbergen data

    A priori prediction of aggregation efficiency and rate constant for fluidized bed melt granulation

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    This paper presents a predictive aggregation rate model for spray fluidized bed melt granulation. The aggregation rate constant was derived from probability analysis of particle–droplet contact combined with time scale analysis of droplet solidification and granule–granule collision rates. The latter was obtained using the principles of kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). The predicted aggregation rate constants were validated by comparison with reported experimental data for a range of binder spray rate, binder droplet size and operating granulator temperature. The developed model is particularly useful for predicting particle size distributions and growth using population balance equations (PBEs)

    Time scale analysis for fluidized bed melt granulation I: granule-granule and granule-droplet collision rates

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    Fluidized bed spray granulators (FBMG) are widely used in the process industry for particle size growth; a desirable feature in many products, such as granulated food and medical tablets. In this paper, the first in a series of four discussing the rate of various microscopic events occurring in FBMG, theoretical analysis coupled with CFD simulations have been used to predict granule–granule and droplet–granule collision time scales. The granule–granule collision time scale was derived from principles of kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). For the droplet–granule collisions, two limiting models were derived; one is for the case of fast droplet velocity, where the granule velocity is considerable lower than that of the droplet (ballistic model) and another for the case where the droplet is traveling with a velocity similar to the velocity of the granules. The hydrodynamic parameters used in the solution of the above models were obtained from the CFD predictions for a typical spray fluidized bed system. The granule–granule collision rate within an identified spray zone was found to fall approximately within the range of 10-2–10-3 s, while the droplet–granule collision was found to be much faster, however, slowing rapidly (exponentially) when moving away from the spray nozzle tip. Such information, together with the time scale analysis of droplet solidification and spreading, discussed in part II and III of this study, are useful for probability analysis of the various event occurring during a granulation process, which then lead to be better qualitative and, in part IV, quantitative prediction of the aggregation rate

    Time scale analysis for fluidizedbedmeltgranulation III: binder solidification rate

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    In series I and II of this study ([Chua et al., 2010a] and [Chua et al., 2010b]), we discussed the time scale of granule–granule collision, droplet–granule collision and droplet spreading in Fluidized Bed Melt Granulation (FBMG). In this third one, we consider the rate at which binder solidifies. Simple analytical solution, based on classical formulation for conduction across a semi-infinite slab, was used to obtain a generalized equation for binder solidification time. A multi-physics simulation package (Comsol) was used to predict the binder solidification time for various operating conditions usually considered in FBMG. The simulation results were validated with experimental temperature data obtained with a high speed infrared camera during solidification of ‘macroscopic’ (mm scale) droplets. For the range of microscopic droplet size and operating conditions considered for a FBMG process, the binder solidification time was found to fall approximately between 10-3 and 10-1 s. This is the slowest compared to the other three major FBMG microscopic events discussed in this series (granule–granule collision, granule–droplet collision and droplet spreading)

    Representing spray zone with cross flow as a well-mixed compartment in a high shear granulator

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    The spray zone is an important region to control nucleation of granules in a high shear granulator. In this study, a spray zone with cross flow is quantified as a well-mixed compartment in a high shear granulator. Granulation kinetics is quantitatively derived at both particle-scale and spray zone-scale. Two spatial decay rates, DGSDR (droplet-granule spatial decay rate) ζDG and DPSDR (droplet-primary particle spatial decay rate) ζDP, which are functions of volume fraction and diameter of particulate species within the powder bed, are defined to simplify the deduction. It is concluded that in cross flow, explicit analytical results show that the droplet concentration is subject to exponential decay with depth which produces a numerically infinite depth of spray zone in a real penetration process. In a well-mixed spray zone, the depth of the spray zone is 4/(ζDG + ζDP) and π2/3(ζDG + ζDP) in cuboid and cylinder shape, respectively. The first-order droplet-based collision rates of, nucleation rate B0 and rewetting rate RW0 are uncorrelated with the flow pattern and shape of the spray zone. The second-order droplet-based collision rate, nucleated granule-granule collision rate RGG, is correlated with the mixing pattern. Finally, a real formulation case of a high shear granulation process is used to estimate the size of the spray zone. The results show that the spray zone is a thin layer at the powder bed surface. We present, for the first time, the spray zone as a well-mixed compartment. The granulation kinetics of a well-mixed spray zone could be integrated into a Population Balance Model (PBM), particularly to aid development of a distributed model for product quality prediction

    Movement of a secondary immiscible liquid in a suspension using a non-invasive technique

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    In this paper, the movement of a secondary immiscible liquid when added to a suspension of hydrophilic particles in a continuous hydrophobic phase is investigated. This was achieved through an approach using high speed camera and X-ray computer tomography. These non-invasive approaches allowed the secondary liquid displacement within the suspension to be monitored on the surface level and within the suspension through a time lapse of scans. The addition of a small amount of secondary liquid to suspensions, can lead to a transition from a fluid-like to paste-like structure. The kinetics taking place and responsible for this, during both short and long term storage were investigated to better understand the mechanisms taking place. Water was added as the secondary immiscible liquid to suspensions composed of sucrose (icing sugar) and sunflower oil. Different volumes of secondary liquid were added to the suspensions. The rate of movement as well as the spreading of the secondary liquid into the suspension was calculated from the scans taken. The surface area to volume ratio was proposed as a reason for the spreading of the liquid for the smaller volume droplet being greater in comparison to the larger volume droplet

    Time scale analysis for fluidizedbedmeltgranulation-II: binder spreading rate

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    The spreading time of liquid binder droplet on the surface a primary particle is analyzed for Fluidized Bed Melt Granulation (FBMG). As discussed in the first paper of this series (Chua et al., in press) the droplet spreading rate has been identified as one of the important parameters affecting the probability of particles aggregation in FBMG. In this paper, the binder droplet spreading time has been estimated using Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling (CFD) based on Volume of Fluid approach (VOF). A simplified analytical solution has been developed and tested to explore its validity for predicting the spreading time. For the purpose of models validation, the droplet spreading evolution was recorded using a high speed video camera. Based on the validated model, a generalized correlative equation for binder spreading time is proposed. For the operating conditions considered here, the spreading time for Polyethylene Glycol (PEG1500) binder was found to fall within the range of 10-2 to 10-5 s. The study also included a number of other common binders used in FBMG. The results obtained here will be further used in paper III, where the binder solidification rate is discussed

    Studying model suspensions using high resolution synchrotron X-ray microtomography

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    The addition of minor quantities of secondary liquids to suspensions may lead to a transition from a fluid-like structure to paste-like structure for the system. Previous studies have shown how rheological properties such as viscosity and yield stress are affected, however, qualitative visual observation on the micro-scale during both short and long term storage has yet to be achieved or reported. This research focuses on the movement of a secondary immiscible liquid (water or saturated sucrose solution) when added to a model food system. The model food system used in this study is a suspension of sucrose particles in a continuous oil phase to better understand the interactions between the particles and the liquid phases present. This was accomplished using dynamic X-ray computer tomography to study the behaviour of the sample. This non-destructive approach allowed the movement of the secondary liquid as well as the solid particles from the bulk suspension to be monitored through a time lapse of scans. This was achieved by observing the changes in the grey scale range of the droplet with time, which was then correlated to the uptake and movement of sucrose into the secondary liquid using an innovative method. This movement was due to the hydrophilicity and solubility of sucrose with gravity/sedimentation playing a minimal role

    Kinetics of immersion nucleation driven by surface tension

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    Immersion nucleation is the nuclei formation mechanism for wet granulation systems where the liquid drops are large relative to the primary particles. The process of immersion nucleation has been examined in many studies, however the kinetics of nuclei formation are not well understood, and there is a distinct lack of experimentally validated models for this process. A kinetic model has been proposed by Hounslow et al. (2009) which describes surface tension driven immersion nucleation. This paper presents the results from a series of experiments measuring the kinetics of immersion nucleation, and these results are compared with the model predictions. Drops of model liquids (aqueous HPMC solution and silicone oil) are placed on static powder beds of zeolite and lactose. Nuclei granules are carefully excavated at different times and the change in granule mass with time is measured. As predicted by Hounslow et al.'s model, the granule mass increases with the square root of time to a maximum granule size at a time tmax after an initial adjustment period. The critical packing factor is shown to be a function of powder properties, and not dependent on the liquid properties. The model captures well the measured effects of liquid and powder properties. However, the kinetics of the nucleation process are much slower than predicted by the model. It is believed this is due to continued percolation of the liquid within the powder bed, after the liquid drop is fully immersed. This secondary liquid movement may have an important effect on granule growth kinetics, and influence final granule product properties
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