275 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemahaman Struktur Dan Ciri Kebahasaan Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Teks Prosedur Komplekssiswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Kabanjahetahun Pembelajaran 2015/2016

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pemahaman struktur dan ciri kebahasaan terhadap kemampuan menulis teks prosedur kompleks siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Kabanjahe sebanyak 192 orang dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling, sehingga diperoleh sampel penelitian sebanyak 32 orang.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi koresional. Data kebiasaan membaca dijaring dengan menggunakan angket sebanyak 38 soal. Data kemampuan menulis teks prosedur kompleks dijaring dengan menggunakan tes perbuatan.Sebelum pengujian hipotesis terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji persyaratan yaitu uji normalitas, uji linearitas, dan uji keberartian.Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa data berdistribusi normal, linier, dan berarti.Hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan anlisis korelasi Product Moment pada taraf signifikan α 0.05 menujukkan nilai rhitung > rtabel yakni 0.857 > 0.349, hal ini berarti bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan membaca dengan kemampuan menulis teks prosedur kompleks oleh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Kabanjahe tahun pembelajaran 2015/2016.Adanya hubungan yang signifikan pemahaman steruktur dan ciri kebahasaan dengan kemampuan menulis teks prosedur kompleks maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho (hipotesis nihil) diterima

    Non-intrusive, in situ detection of ammonia in hot gas flows with mid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing at 2.3μm

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    We demonstrate non-intrusive, in situ detection of ammonia (NH3) in reactive hot gas flows at atmospheric pressure using mid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing (IR-DFWM). IR-DFWM excitation scans were performed in the v2+v3 and v1+v2 vibrational bands of NH3 around 2.3μm for gas flow temperatures of 296, 550 and 820K. Simulations based on spectroscopic parameters from the HITRAN database have been compared with the measurements in order to identify the spectral lines, and an absorption spectrum at 296K has also been measured to compare with the IR-DFWM spectra. The signal-to-noise ratio of the IR-DFWM measurement was found to be higher than that of the absorption measurement. Some spectral lines in the measured IR-DFWM and absorption spectra had no matching lines in the HITRAN simulation. The detection limit of NH3 diluted in N2 with IR-DFWM in this spectral range was estimated at 296, 550 and 820K to be 1.36, 4.87 and 7.06×1016molecules/cm3. The dependence of the NH3 IR-DFWM signal on the quenching properties of the buffer gas flow was investigated by comparing the signals for gas flows of N2, Ar and CO2 with small admixtures of NH3. It was found that the signal dependence on buffer gas was large at room temperature but decreased at elevated temperatures. These results show the potential of IR-DFWM for detection of NH3 in combustion environments

    Identifikasi Karakter Morfologis Pisang (Musa Spp.) Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    MONICA DAME YANTI AMBARITA. Identification of morphological characteristic of banana (Musa spp.) in Deli Serdang district. Supervised by Eva Sartini Bayu and Hot Setiado. This research aimed to identify the morphological characteristic of banana in Deli Serdang district. The research was done at Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hulu and Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hilir in July to October 2015 with survey method using banana descriptor of IPGRI. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with location judgement . Parameters observed were pseudostem height, pseudostem colour, pseudostem aspect, leaf habit, appearance of leaf upper surface, shape of leaf blade base,colour of bone leaves, penducle length, bunch position, bunch shape, bunch appearance, male bud shape, bract base shape, bract apex shape, color of the bract external face, fruit position, number of bunch, number of fruit, fruit length, fruit shape, fruit apex,surface of the fruit stalk, immature fruit peel colour, mature fruit peel colour, pulp colour of maturity. Bananas were found and identified in Deli Serdang that Banten, Uli, Tembaga, Barangan, Kepok, Ambon, Lilin, and Tembaga Putih

    Identification of novel TMPRSS2:ERG mechanisms in prostate cancer metastasis: involvement of MMP9 and PLXNA2

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    International audienceProstate cancer (PCa) is one of the major public health problems in Western countries. Recently, the TMPRSS2:ERG gene fusion, which results in the aberrant expression of the transcription factor ERG, has been shown to be the most common gene rearrangement in PCa. Previous studies have determined the contributions of this fusion in PCa disease initiation and/or progression in vitro and in vivo. In this study on TMPRSS2:ERG regulation in PCa, we used an androgen receptor and TMPRSS2:ERG fusion double-negative PCa cell model: PC3c. In three cell clones with different TMPRSS2:ERG expression levels, ectopic expression of the fusion resulted in significant induction of cell migration and invasion in a dose-dependent manner. In agreement with this phenotype, high-throughput microarray analysis revealed that a set of genes, functionally associated with cell motility and invasiveness, were deregulated in a dose-dependent manner in TMPRSS2:ERG-expressing cells. Importantly, we identified increased MMP9 (Metalloproteinase 9) and PLXNA2 (Plexin A2) expression in TMPRSS2:ERG-positive PCa samples, and their expression levels were significantly correlated with ERG expression in a PCa cohort. In line with these findings, there was evidence that TMPRSS2:ERG directly and positively regulates MMP9 and PLXNA2 expression in PC3c cells. Moreover, PLXNA2 upregulation contributed to TMPRSS2:ERG-mediated enhancements of PC3c cell migration and invasion. Furthermore, and importantly, PLXNA2 expression was upregulated in metastatic PCa tumors compared with localized primary PCa tumors. This study provides novel insights into the role of the TMPRSS2:ERG fusion in PCa metastasis

    Airway structural cells regulate TLR5-mediated mucosal adjuvant activity

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    Antigen-presenting cell (APC) activation is enhanced by vaccine adjuvants. Most vaccines are based on the assumption that adjuvant activity of Toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists depends on direct, functional activation of APCs. Here, we sought to establish whether TLR stimulation in non-hematopoietic cells contributes to flagellin’s mucosal adjuvant activity. Nasal administration of flagellin enhanced T-cell-mediated immunity, and systemic and secretory antibody responses to coadministered antigens in a TLR5-dependent manner. Mucosal adjuvant activity was not affected by either abrogation of TLR5 signaling in hematopoietic cells or the presence of flagellin-specific, circulating neutralizing antibodies. We found that flagellin is rapidly degraded in conducting airways, does not translocate into lung parenchyma and stimulates an early immune response, suggesting that TLR5 signaling is regionalized. The flagellin-specific early response of lung was regulated by radioresistant cells expressing TLR5 (particularly the airway epithelial cells). Flagellin stimulated the epithelial production of a small set of mediators that included the chemokine CCL20, which is known to promote APC recruitment in mucosal tissues. Our data suggest that (i) the adjuvant activity of TLR agonists in mucosal vaccination may require TLR stimulation of structural cells and (ii) harnessing the effect of adjuvants on epithelial cells can improve mucosal vaccines.Fil: Van Maele, Laurye. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; FranciaFil: Fougeron, Delphine. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; FranciaFil: Janot, Laurent. University of Orléans. Orléans; Francia. Institut de Transgenose. Orleans; FranciaFil: Didierlaurent, A.. Imperial College of London. Londres; Reino UnidoFil: Cayet, D.. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; FranciaFil: Tabareau, J.. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; FranciaFil: Rumbo, Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos; ArgentinaFil: Corvo Chamaillard, S.. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; FranciaFil: Boulenoir, S.. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; FranciaFil: Jeffs, S. Imperial College of London. Londres; Reino UnidoFil: Vande Walle, L. Department of Medical Protein Research. Ghent; Bélgica. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Lamkanfi, M.. Department of Medical Protein Research. Ghent; Bélgica. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Lemoine, Y.. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; FranciaFil: Erard, F.. Institut de Transgenose. Orleans; Francia. University of Orléans. Orléans; FranciaFil: Hot, D.. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; FranciaFil: Hussell, Tracy. Imperial College of London. Londres; Reino Unido. University of Manchester; Reino UnidoFil: Ryffel, B.. Institut de Transgenose. Orleans; Francia. University of Orléans. Orléans; FranciaFil: Benecke, Arndt G.. Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Sirard, J.C.. Univ Lille Nord de France. Lille; Francia. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale; Francia. Institut Pasteur de Lille. Lille; Franci

    Nutritional Asymmetries Are Related to Division of Labor in a Queenless Ant

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    Eusocial species exhibit pronounced division of labor, most notably between reproductive and non-reproductive castes, but also within non-reproductive castes via morphological specialization and temporal polyethism. For species with distinct worker and queen castes, age-related differences in behavior among workers (e.g. within-nest tasks versus foraging) appear to result from physiological changes such as decreased lipid content. However, we know little about how labor is divided among individuals in species that lack a distinct queen caste. In this study, we investigated how fat storage varied among individuals in a species of ant (Dinoponera australis) that lacks a distinct queen caste and in which all individuals are morphologically similar and capable of reproduction (totipotent at birth). We distinguish between two hypotheses, 1) all individuals are physiologically similar, consistent with the possibility that any non-reproductive may eventually become reproductive, and 2) non-reproductive individuals vary in stored fat, similar to highly eusocial species, where depletion is associated with foraging and non-reproductives have lower lipid stores than reproducing individuals. Our data support the latter hypothesis. Location in the nest, the probability of foraging, and foraging effort, were all associated with decreased fat storage

    Distinct virulence ranges for infection of mice by Bordetella pertussis revealed by engineering of the sensor-kinase BvgS

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    The whooping cough agent Bordetella pertussis coordinately regulates the expression of its virulence factors with the two-component system BvgAS. In laboratory conditions, specific chemical modulators are used to trigger phenotypic modulation of B. pertussis from its default virulent Bvg+ phase to avirulent Bvg- or intermediate Bvgi phases, in which no virulence factors or only a subset of them are produced, respectively. Whether phenotypic modulation occurs in the host remains unknown. In this work, recombinant B. pertussis strains harboring BvgS variants were tested in a mouse model of infection and analyzed using transcriptomic approaches. Recombinant BP-BvgΔ65, which is in the Bvgi phase by default and can be up-modulated to the Bvg+ phase in vitro, could colonize the mouse nose but was rapidly cleared from the lungs, while Bvg+-phase strains colonized both organs for up to four weeks. These results indicated that phenotypic modulation, which might have restored the full virulence capability of BP-BvgΔ65, does not occur in mice or is temporally or spatially restricted and has no effect in those conditions. Transcriptomic analyses of this and other recombinant Bvgi and Bvg+-phase strains revealed that two distinct ranges of virulence gene expression allow colonization of the mouse nose and lungs, respectively. We also showed that a recombinant strain expressing moderately lower levels of the virulence genes than its wild type parent was as efficient at colonizing both organs. Altogether, genetic modifications of BvgS generate a range of phenotypic phases, which are useful tools to decipher host-pathogen interactions

    Detection of small RNAs in Bordetella pertussis and identification of a novel repeated genetic element

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    Background: Small bacterial RNAs (sRNAs) have been shown to participate in the regulation of gene expression and have been identified in numerous prokaryotic species. Some of them are involved in the regulation of virulence in pathogenic bacteria. So far, little is known about sRNAs in Bordetella, and only very few sRNAs have been identified in the genome of Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. Results: An in silico approach was used to predict sRNAs genes in intergenic regions of the B. pertussis genome. The genome sequences of B. pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Bordetella avium were compared using a Blast, and significant hits were analyzed using RNAz. Twenty-three candidate regions were obtained, including regions encoding the already documented 6S RNA, and the GCVT and FMN riboswitches. The existence of sRNAs was verified by Northern blot analyses, and transcripts were detected for 13 out of the 20 additional candidates. These new sRNAs were named Bordetella pertussis RNAs, bpr. The expression of 4 of them differed between the early, exponential and late growth phases, and one of them, bprJ2, was found to be under the control of BvgA/BvgS two-component regulatory system of Bordetella virulence. A phylogenetic study of the bprJ sequence revealed a novel, so far undocumented repeat of ~90 bp, found in numerous copies in the Bordetella genomes and in that of other Betaproteobacteria. This repeat exhibits certain features of mobil

    Effect of Body Mass Index on work related musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational stress of computer workers in a developed ergonomic setup

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Work urgency, accuracy and demands compel the computer professionals to spend longer hours before computers without giving importance to their health, especially body weight. Increase of body weight leads to improper Body Mass Index (BMI) may aggravate work related musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational-psychosocial stress. The objective of the study was to find out the effect of BMI on work related musculoskeletal discomforts and occupational stress of computer workers in a developed ergonomic setup.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A descriptive inferential study has been taken to analyze the effect of BMI on work related musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational-psychosocial stress. A total of 100 computer workers, aged 25-35 years randomly selected on convenience from software and BPO companies in Bangalore city, India for the participation in this study. BMI was calculated by taking the ratio of the subject's height (in meter) and weight (in kilogram). Work related musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational stress of the subjects was assessed by Cornell University's musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire (CMDQ) and occupational stress index (OSI) respectively as well as a relationship was checked with their BMI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A significant association (p < 0.001) was seen among high BMI subjects with their increase scores of musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational stress.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From this study, it has been concluded that, there is a significant effect of BMI in increasing of work related musculoskeletal discomfort and occupational-psychosocial stress among computer workers in a developed ergonomic setup.</p
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